Alicia Fox Getting The Push

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
On the most recent episode of RAW, Alicia Fox defeated Gail Kim in what I would say as a good solid diva's match that we haven't seen in a while with even the crowd cheering the match on at times to become the number one contender for the WWE Diva's Championship at Mickie James.

I have seen a lot of potential coming from Alicia Fox's way for a girl whom is only a model & is coming a long way fast. Her character as the foxy female is getting some attention, she knows how to pull off the heel psych well enough that she doesn't pose for the crowd or acknowledge they exist like Jillian & Rosa Mendes & has some skills in the ring. Her finisher may not be picture perfect, but the delivery can make you think... damn, she knocked that biatch out cold. I think she needs a little more time to refine her skills in the ring before she is even considered for the push. There are other girls whom can perform the opponent role for Mickie like Beth, Kim, Maryse when she gets back from injury & quite possibly Kelly Kelly.

Is she ready to receive the push alongside Mickie James for the title & gain valuable experience in line with the current plan for the E to push new superstars to higher levels or should the E build the division up first by having two more high-profile diva's make a great feud that will be able to draw the crowd in? Any thoughts?

And please, for the love of God, no posting about how crap the diva's division is... it is not apart of the question.
I love her finisher, it looks simple but effective. I had not watched RAW for awhile and she preformed a lot better than I thought she would. I dunno if she is ready to be pushed, but she is well on her way!
The girl has really come a long way and a program with Mickie would be great. I agree with her finisher. Nothing flashy, but damn it got the job done.
She didn't look too bad. I'm glad to see her step up her game and get a little push. Only thing that annoys me really about her is her walk to the ring.
I like Alicia but giving her a push right now is a total slap in the face to girls like Gail & Beth... Alicia should've stayed put on the SD! brand to gain experience before coming over to RAW and challenging Mickie..

Also I wanna know what Gail did to piss off WWE that they made her loose to Alicia in her hometown of Toronto!
I personally think she would work best with a young heel and make a power couple for the midcard/women's division. Two very good options is the Miz and Swagger. Miz is involved with Kofi now so why not give Alicia some more face time to build her character. As for Swagger you could have her be impressed by his background and hes not getting any tv time or character building so it would help him also. I think she is talented and will do well with the push I just wish for her she got to stay around with Edge for a bit cause it could have brought her along quicker and never had the program with garbriel that simply set her back
Should be pretty decent. She come a long way since being DJ Gabriels back up dancer or Michelle McCool's bodyguard. She certainly has a different look from most Diva's, and I think that is a positive thing.

Given that her first "big" feud is going to be against Mickie, that will only help her. Mickie is the best women's worker in the WWE, so she should be able to pull a good match or two out of Fox. Hopefully Fox will eventually win the title as well, it'll give us some new blood in the Diva's division.
I think its a good idea to give her a push. Its time to put some different divas to use and see what they can do. She's getting a push and looked liked she took advantage of it with a good match. I don't know whas going on with Beth but I myself like the freshness of this. Hopefully we can see more good matches. But in the end this will only better her.
Thank You WWE! While Alicia is still green at times, the girl has shown great improvment since her days in development. Yes she is a model/turned Diva but that shouldn't take away from the skills she does have.

I loved her with DJ(damn I miss him), she really was beyond fierce in ECW, I liked her as Michelle's lackey, now here's hoping she get's a chance to shine. She's better in the ring than alot of the other model type girls, and like Maryse she get's the concept of heel ring pyschology.

Now hopefully over the next few weeks they really begin to build her up as a huge bitch and give her some promo time and/or some character development. But there are rumors that she's just being fed to Mickie until Maryse comes back, and I hope it's not true.
The Divas championship match will probably end up being a blow off, with Alicia being beaten by the dominant Mickie James, I doubt we will see the foxy one becoming anything more then talent to help elevate the Divas champion and enhance the prestige of the belt in question.

I would love to see if this ends up in a huge feud between the two but i highly doubt it, I believe the WWE will eventually look Beth Phoenix's way in regards to getting a good challenger for the Divas title at some point, but not before she destroys a few divas in the process.

As for Alicia i doubt we will see her anywhere near the title after this, she's just not good enough to hold a championship yet, but if she keeps improving someday she will be.
I'm sorry but I am not a big fan of Alicia Fox. Now it's great that she's improving as far as in ring talent goes, but what the hell did WWE even sign Gail Kim for if they aren't going to push her at all? WWE stole Kim from TNA basically, and what are they doing with her....having her lose to Alicia Fox?!?!
I'm sorry but I am not a big fan of Alicia Fox. Now it's great that she's improving as far as in ring talent goes, but what the hell did WWE even sign Gail Kim for if they aren't going to push her at all? WWE stole Kim from TNA basically, and what are they doing with her....having her lose to Alicia Fox?!?!

I'm banking that Kim had to job to Fox due to that horribly botched ending with Mickie a few months ago. I can't say much about Kim, since i did't watch her much in TNA, but that finish was extremely wierd, and this is probably a punishment of sorts. Fox probably will end up losing the match, but hopefully it isn't just a squash.
To start, I think everyone needs to stop jumping to crazy conclusions. There is no punishment involved, no conspiracy at all. Gail had her shot, not putting Beth in set up the Trish thing (plus we know Beth is a credible contender and will get shots in the future), and no one else is healthy or ready, so they needed to give Alicia the shot.

She's very improved and seemingly vicious in the ring, workiing her heel character well. I do have questions as to what her character is outside the ring (she looks like Foxy Cleopatra from Austin Powers 3 but someone stole her man from her) but hopefully that will come. Let's be honest though, there hasn't been a strong Diva's feud in a long time, and it's overdue, but I doubt this is it. This is being done to show that any diva is capable of competing for the title. This takes away our arguments on here that "only Beth and Mickie are viable contenders.....o and Gail but since she once was in TNA, the conspiracy theory holds up and she won't win a title. The hope is Alicia is violent and tough, has a good showing, but Mickie comes out on top.

PS: I'm with the poster who said earlier they hate Alicia's walk...ME TOO!! Nice hips but something about it just annoys me.
Alicia Fox isn't that bad, and she's certainly in the top 5 of performers on Raw. Female performers, obviously. She has managed to solicit boos, without really doing anything on screen except be the bitch of the heel champions. Perhaps that is why she has got over, I don't know. I don't expect her to beat Mickie, but until Maryse gets back, there is nobody more over that could challenge Mickie, except for Beth, a match which I estimate to have seen somewhere in the vicinity of 8 billion times.
While Alicia Fox is improving and I like her, I believe she is just fodder until Maryse comes back. It was really going to be either her, Jillian, or Beth Phoenix and we've seen Phoenix/James a million times. I would like to see Jillian get the spot but I know that will probably never happen. Fox should put on a good showing against Mickie but I don't see her pinning James.
I was a fan of Kim's almost to prior her first run in WWE. She's an extremely talented wrestler. If she's given the chance to show her abilities, she could really run the Women's Division I believe. Alicia Fox is improving, that's true. Not that she's any comparison but Trish wasn't exactly the greatest wrestler when she first started, and she went on to become one of the greatest of all time. I don't really see that happening with Fox though.
It was kinda interesting to see Alicia win over Gail Kim this past week, but it is a refreshing change actually. I think Alicia, Eve, and Kelly have all REALLY improved in the ring. I think Alicia deserves this nice push they are going to give her, but I dont think she will end up with the title around her waist. I have to agree with who ever said Jillian Hall should get the push too. Jillian Hall can really really wrestle and i love her "character" they just dont utilize her in that way at all, which sux. Too bad she wont be in the new Smackdown game either :(
Nah I haven't really seen anything from her that deserves a title shot over girls like Gail Kim and Kelly Kelly. Gail Kim should have gotten the push but oh well. I just haven't seen anything from Fox that warrents this push over Kim, Beth, Kelly Kelly etc. These other girls have proved themselves more than Fox.

I don't think she'll win the title though so it's not too big a deal. There's no harm in WWE testing the waters with her so I'm interested to see what happens.
Although I thought there were a few people perhapse more deserving of the title opportunity at this point in time, Alicia Fox is improving rapidly and I feel that if she trains hard and puts that time and effort into her craft, she could be a wonderful addition to the womens division.
Alicia has some talent and it was nice to see some other divas win for a change and this needs to happen a lot more. The diva rosters are very small sadly and if anything is going to work, the title scene there needs to stay fresh, so yes this a good thing to see and I'm looking forward to her match against the Diva's Champion, Mickie James.
I know that there won't be a draft probably until WM again next year but I gotta say that I think there she be a trade. I would have Natalya and Katie Lea come to RAW. I'd have Kelly Kelly, Maryse and Alicia Fox go to SD.
I'm not to happy about this. Alicia's beautiful and I'd marry her in a heartbeat, but she shouldn't be anywhere near the diva's title right now. Her ring work is pretty bad, and her ax kick is the worst I've ever seen. Some people say she's been improving but I honestly don't see much difference between her first match and now except that she now has a finisher.

Beth, Gail, and hell, even Kelly Kelly are better choices to face Mickie right now. Alicia needs to work on her ring work more before even considering putting her up against the diva's champ right now.
This will probably just be a mini push for Mickie while Beth and Gial fight eachother or something. They will get their shot after this. Alicia's walk to the ring is very annoying and could use some work. Her ring work is coming and although I'm not 100% behind her getting the shot over Beth and Gail, but this could be the youth movement we've heard so much about. We'll see how it goes.

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