Alex Shelley Returns; MCMG v. Mexican America?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
If you didn't see it, Alex Shelley—sporting a fantastic new beard and mo-hawk combination—returned to iMPACT! tonight to help out his long-time partner and fellow Motor City Machinegun, Chris Sabin, who was being attacked by the members of Mexican America after Sabin's match with Anarquia.

Shelly chased them back up the ramp, but far from the immediate of plans of the Motor City Machineguns as far as I'm concerned.

Sure would add some much needed depth to the tag-team division, no?

Thoughts on Shelley's return? Thoughts on the idea of them feuding with Mexican America?
I was so happy to see Alex Shelley return with him helping Chris Sabin and that they are keeping MCMG a tag team. I think that a feud with Mexican America could be pretty good Hernandez is solid in the ring and both of the MCMG are really good so I think they could have some pretty good matches. The return of Shelley is also good because it adds a team back to the Tag team division which is needed.
I read spoilers and knew it would happen, but it was still great to see. I think they will have a good feud, in which Mexican America goes over.

I think this will be the end of the guns. I think Shelly will turn on Sabin after this feud ends and will lead to them rebuilding the X-Division.

I love the guns as a team, but their feud, if booked right, will be amazing.
Great to see Shelley back. Not sure if it's been mentioned anywhere but does anyone know if Sabin was actually injured? It seemed like he might have been? Didn't see the point of making a new thread for it.

But yea I like the look of this feud and I agree with Legend Killer that eventually this may be the last MCMG feud. They were hinting at the break up before Shelley was injured as well so I wouldn't be surprised if they were split after this. I love MCMG and they are one of the best teams in the world but I think they need a shot at going single. They can always reform if it doesn't work out a few years or whatever down the line.
It seems like Sabin may be legit hurt which is terrible luck on TNAs part. On the TNA website they have a reaction style video of Sabin getting checked out by doctors. They do not show conclusive answers on a diagnoses but at one point when a guy is talking about the type of injury Sabin would be lucky to have he says something about being out 6 weeks. I guess it could easily be a semi-work to set up a match at the next PPV but with the instant replay on impact, immediate quick finish and this video now it seems like there is a real injury of some sort here. How bad it is since it appears to be a knee injury is the real question.

This feud would have been a good way to get mexican america from somewhat over to way over.
It was obvious he was legit injured to anyone with a brain as they ended the match

as for his knee it looked very similar to when i did in my medial collateral from a fall, if it is something like that he will be out for about the same time as shelly was out. which sucks because i was looking forward to seeing them team again. to be honest looking at the replay hes lucky he didnt break his leg
It was obvious he was legit injured to anyone with a brain as they ended the match

as for his knee it looked very similar to when i did in my medial collateral from a fall, if it is something like that he will be out for about the same time as shelly was out. which sucks because i was looking forward to seeing them team again. to be honest looking at the replay hes lucky he didnt break his leg

The replay and the way his leg was when he landed tells me it's not a work, as much as I would want it to be. I might be wrong, the angle was screwy, but it looked like his leg bent sideways. It didn't look bad, but Orton punching the mat didn't as well and he dislocated his freaking shoulder.

I hope it's nothing serious and he's back in no time. HAIL SABIN!
the real issue i see with this is even if its just a bad strain or pull he could be out for ages, these guys cant really work a match without the high risk element to it and your knees is whats taking most of the brunt

i guess if it is just a minor thing they could still work tag matches with him not doing much

his leg bending sideways is bad though
Until we see something reported on wrestlezone concerning Chris Sabin's injury, we have to wait and see. Anyways, with the guns back and the addition of Mexican America it seems that TNA is getting its tag-team division back into shape (unlike some other company ;)). Anyways it could be a good feud.
While i was stoked to see Shelly return in was kinda disapionted because i REALLY! wanted to see Homicide come back and fued with mexican america but ill take the Guns for now its still early in mexican americas run and i hope to see homicide down the road. Its good to see the guns together again and the tag division is legit again.
It was a really bittersweet return - Shelley returns! - but oh, wait, they had to do a quick finish because now Sabin's hurt instead.

That's really rotten luck. Hopefully it's nothing too serious and Sabin can be back quickly enough to get this rivalry going.

I like the idea of the Mexican America stable, this Anarquia seems cool. And the Guns are consistently brilliant. Good clash of styles to be had in this match; I'm looking forward to see how the power of Hernandez would work into this match and see if Hernandez/Anarquia can match the excellent tag team chemistry between the Guns.
When you look at the replay of Sabin landing and the angle of his knee, it definitely looks like he could be legitimately injured. However, I haven't really read all that much stuff about it. If he did injure himself, it might not be anything serious because it'd probably be buzzed about all over the net.

As far as The Guns against Mexican America, I'm not really sure. Mexican America seems like a second rate version of LAX with a key ingredient missing by the name of Homicide. I haven't seen enough out of Anarquia to be impressed at all thus far so I'll just have to wait and see how this pans out over the coming weeks.

First general impressions of this potential feud? It puts me in mind of the brief feuds Beer Money had with Ink Inc. and Gunner & Murphy. You've got one great team, The Guns in this case, against a team that doesn't seem to be remotely on their level. But, to be fair, my stance could always change as we get to see more of Mexican America as things move along. Generally speaking as of right now, I'm not too excited because it seems like an uninteresting mismatch.
I don't know if Shelley is hurt, and until it's confirmed, I'm going to act as though he's fine.

Great idea for a feud. Mexican-America works. Not a great group, but decent, especially if the two men are going into the tag division, the best place for them. Neither guy is a strong talker, and neither of them are heading into the main event scene.

The Guns need a fresh feud, and I think this is a great "comeback" feud. I am hoping Beer Money feuds with Magnus/Williams, then we would have two great tag feuds going on. Too bad they only have two hours per week to feature this kind of thing.

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