Alex Shelley Breaks Collarbone


King Of The Ring
From High Crusade's(MCMG's rock band) official Facebook page:

hey friends, please keep alex in your thoughts - our main man suffered a broken collarbone yesterday. here's to hoping he has a quick and safe recovery. we love you man!

Why does it always happen to the good wrestlers?

Anyway, TNA has been hinting of a possible break up of The Motor City Machine guns, and it seems like God is dictating where TNA Storylines should go by injuring people (Anderson, AJ, Shelley). Could Chris Sabin turn heel on Alex Shelley, injuring him (kayfabe) thus giving him a reason go be out for at least a month (if not more), allowing him to come back after he's all healed as the babyface savior and starting a big feud between the former tag-champs?

I'm just glad this happened after they dropped the belts. I'm not glad he Randy Orton'd himself, but you get my point.
Man. I guess this helps out the cause of breaking them up. They're a great tag team, one of the greatest today. Hope he gets better soon!!
Yeah, it would be nice to see MCMG break up now. They've been together for so long, and they've made great matches. They one the Tag Titles only once, and by my standards, it's good enough for me. And as for your question on why this happens to good wrestlers, (Such as AJ Styles, and Kurt Angle A While Back), is because they're not afraid of taking awesome risks and bumps. Thats why everybody should respect wrestlers like that.
Ok if tna decide to break up MCMG I will stop watching tna all together, I'm a huge wwe mark and I love tna but cmon you are gonna break up the greatest tag team today for what I little feud with 5 min air time? If they do break up the guns it will affect th division in the long run who's left ink inc, beer money and young bucks cmon tna
Breaking them up is not what they should do. Thats the only thing they can do better than WWE and that is put on great tag matches.
It seriousness, what would either of them do as singles competitors long term? Float around the X-Division? Especially as a heel.

Huge blow for the TNA tag division, who is going to feud with Beer Money now?
Two words. Bad News.

What I can imagine, is that Shelley is gonna be out for a while. Split the Team up but ONLY while Shelley is recovering. Do this through Sabin turning on Shelley, supposedly "Injuring" him. Have Sabin as a singles wrestler for a while, but not a very good one. Have him unable to cope, losing matches to people he wouldn't necessarily go up against, due to his Tag Team nature. Then, when Shelley has recovered, put Sabin in a match against one of the big guys. Have him fight Morgan, Abyss, hell, even Beer Money in a handicap match, then Sabin just gets beat on continuously, until BANG, Shelley comes out of nowhere. We believe that he's come back for revenge on Sabin, but he helps him out, attacking the opponent, finally putting one of TNAs top Tag Teams back together.
I eagerly anticipate the people who will fawn over how great TNA's tag division is in a couple months, when Ink Inc. goes up against a reunited Team 3D on PPV.

Seriously, this one smarts. As down as I am on TNA in its current state, their tag team division was one of their bright spots. (Not quite the shining beacon of The Best Thing Ever that some people here espouse, but good nonetheless.) What's always been its weak spot is its incredible lack of depth; get rid of MCMG and Beer Money, and you're putting together ad-hoc teams so that we don't see Ink Inc. fight the Dudleys on PPV.

Considering the main event scene is unwatchable, unless you like listening to Eric Bischoff talk; with the X-Division in disarray, the Knockouts trying to be Divas, and no one able to find the Legends, er, Global, er, Television, er (whatever its name is in July) championship, the last thing they need are their tag stars out.
This really sucks for Shelley but, on a selfish note, maybe that means we might get to see sabin involved in some proper X matches. Having someone the crowd are into can only help towards the rebuilding of the division and Sabin can be that least it'd save us just seeing Kaz vs Lethal/Robbie E/Red all the time
Damm, another TNA star out of the UK tour in a couple of weeks. I was really looking forward to the MCMG vs Hardy Boyz match in Manchester!

Maybe they will add GenMe to the tour instead, and let Sabin fight for the X Division title on the night instead?

This sucks for TNA, their premier team is temporarily out of action, so unless Sabin gets another partner I dont know who will feud with Beer Money. What I would like to see is Sabin pick a new partner to fill in for Shelley, and everything is fine, but when Alex returns, the new guy refuses to give up his spot in the team, and then turns on both original MCMGs, forming his own tag team with another partner and then feuding with the Guns.
Damn, could TNA have worse luck if they tried? First AJ not Shelley, this sucks.

I really hope this doesn't lead to the break up of the Guns, that would be a terrible move. TNA's tag division is already highly lacking in terms of depth, the last thing they need is to break up the best team in the division, not smart business but it is looking likely.

Besides if they break up what would they do? Sure they would probably have a series of great matches with each other but then what? They float around in the X division, well we all know Hogan/Bischoffs stance on small guys ("we wont push them cause they can't draw and they can't draw cause we won't push them") so it is not like they will go anywhere else now is it. What a waste of talent that would be.

All I can hope is TNA comes to their senses and doesn't break the Guns up and Shelley gets better soon.
I really hope this doesn't lead to the break up of the Guns, that would be a terrible move. TNA's tag division is already highly lacking in terms of depth, the last thing they need is to break up the best team in the division, not smart business but it is looking likely.

All I can hope is TNA comes to their senses and doesn't break the Guns up and Shelley gets better soon.

Agreed, what benefit would either of the Guns, or TNA, get from breaking up the best tag team in the business. Unless either Sabin or Shelley is in line for a MAJOR push, which with Hogan and Bisch running the show, I severely doubt, then they have nothing to gain from a break-up. Plus, ending a team just because one guy is injured is ridiculous anyway. Just let Sabin wrestle singles until Shelley is back, or give CS an interim tag-team partner?!

The MCMG are over as hell, wrestle all over the world as a team and look happy working together. So if that is the case, then TNA just need to to hold off, wait until Shelley is healed, and then let the Guns continue what they do better than any other team in the world.

If any TNA tag team was to break up, it should be Beer Money, as both Storm, and especially Roode, have far more potential as singles stars than either Sabin or Shelley, due to their size and power. If The Guns broke up,then Sabin and Shelley would just ben dumped in the X-Division, which is going nowhere right now. The best thing for both the Guns and TNA is to keep the duo together, and just let Shelley heal.
In the short term, this obviously hurts a little. Any time you lose a top young talent to a significant injury, it is painful for the organization as well as for the athlete himself.

However, when you stop to think about it, it's probably a blessing in disguise, and I say this as a big fan of MCMG. It seemed to me that a schism between the Guns was imminent, resulting in the dissolution of the top tag team in professional wrestling today. This would have resulted in the inevitable Sabin/Shelley feud and the end of the MCMG.

Splitting them up in this fashion would be a terrible idea in my opinion. It's bad enough that we are being subjected to Bully Ray versus Brother Devon. Why duplicate the error, but this time with an actual good team. TNA's only saving grace whereby the exceed WWE is in their tag team division. The only exception to the rule whereby TNA trumps WWE. Unlike WWE, who clearly do not care about tag teams at all, TNA has featured their tag team division better. Why screw this up by disbanding their top team?

Now the group is forced apart for a little while due to circumstances beyond their control. This leaves Sabin out in the cold in the short term, but I'm sure Velvet can keep him entertained for a little while, while he bides his time in singles action. Then when Shelley is ready to come back, MCMG will be back on top again, complete with the pop always associated with returning superstars. A fresh tag team with skills to oppose some heel tag team, possibly BMI and their Immortal affiliation.

Short term pain but likely long term gain.
I hope this means they're going to split up because what are they going to do as a team that they haven't done already? They fought Gen Me and Beer Money about 100 times this year. This will be a great test for Sabin to see how he can do in singles competition against the current roster again. I've been advocating for a breakup for a while and I hate that Shelley is injured and I have hope that TNA can come up with something fresh in the time being.
They have no choice but to split them now, and to use an injury angle to write Shelley off television a while.

Not only is a broken collarbone serious (and painful), but it's going to keep Shelley out for weeks, if not months, just like it did Orton a year ago (or so).

String of bad luck with injuries of late — Anderson, Styles and now Shelley.
Whats the point of breaking them up? Its not like there is a Real X division anymore for them to compete in. all this would do is weakien the Tna Tag Division I mean who is left then? Beer money, Ink Inc, London Brawling(who havent been on TV much) and Gen Me.
Okay, hold the phone. What's the point of breaking them up? Let me ask you this - what is the point of keeping them together? You do realize that there are only two heel tag-teams on the roster - Beer Money and Generation Me.

The Guns can have 50 matches with Beer Money and they'll all be great. They can have 100 matches with Generation Me, and they'll all be great. But where do their careers go from here? They wrestle BMI, they beat them, they lost to them, they beat them for the belts, they lost the belts to them. What more can you do with these four?

They beat Generation Me so many times it's even laughable to think that Gen-Me is any sort of competition for them. GenMe beat them twice, The Guns beat them like 10 times, they had a short storyline which was not really a storyline together. What more can you do?

Seriously, people need to loosen the death-grip on The Guns and face the facts that sooner or later they'll break the fuck up, and it BETTER be now, when they're relevant, if not their split will mean nothing and will actually be expected if it happens later on in the year.

I know that The Guns are the best team in TNA, if not everywhere, but these guys have noone to wrestle. That means that they'll be kept off TV so we don't get sick of them, and they'll have the occasional Beer Money - Guns match which we've seen 100 times before. Same goes for Generation Me.

Face it, The Guns need to break up for the sake of their careers if not anything else. You love to watch 'em, I do too, but honestly, I'm sick of watching The Guns against the same oponents week in and week out. They had great matches with BMI - fine, but it's not the same when I've seen it a million times already.

They can't turn them heel either. It won't work, especially after the huge babyface title reign they had. The Guns are not a marvel behind the mic, their thing is their pace and excitement in the ring. Take that away and you've got two guys in colorful gear who get a half-assed heel reaction. There's not a major babyface tag-team to opose either and make the fans boo you. They were that tag-team.

Say bye bye to The Guns, I can't wait to see what these boys will do in their singles careers. They're both talented and can go a long way. Hopefully Dixie will indeed "beef the X-Division up", and we'll see Shelley being the AJ and Sabin being the Daniels. Bring in TJ Perkins, El Generico, then you have Amazing Red, Kazarian, Shelley, Sabin, Doug Williams, Generation Me. Seems like a solid X-Division to me.

P.S: To the people who say they'll stop watching TNA if The Guns split - go check yourself.
Ok, I'm hoping that MCMG go their separate ways now, but I'm hoping that they do it on good terms, that way they can bring back the team later if say, Robert Roode were to get injured. Almost every single team nowadays just break apart, get into a short fued, then someone falls from grace. I want to see something different with the MCMG, because they aren't your average tag team.
Whats the point of breaking them up? Its not like there is a Real X division anymore for them to compete in. all this would do is weakien the Tna Tag Division I mean who is left then? Beer money, Ink Inc, London Brawling(who havent been on TV much) and Gen Me.

London Brawling are supposed to be returning soon, with Wolfe on the mend.

You could probably add the Hardy Boyz and Amazing Red & Crimson to that list. While both havent tagged together much yet, I think that in a shortage of tag-teams they could both help out the division. Also, isnt Eric Young part of a team with Orlando Jordan?

You are right though, the tag team division, while boasting great teams, IS pretty thin right now, and with the lack of interest in the X-Division (although this may change with Kazarian holding the belt for Immortal), I dont see any reason to break up the MCMG
Whats the point of breaking them up? Its not like there is a Real X division anymore for them to compete in. all this would do is weakien the Tna Tag Division I mean who is left then? Beer money, Ink Inc, London Brawling(who havent been on TV much) and Gen Me.

To get Sabin on television so he's not sitting on the sidelines rotting while Shelley recuperates.

They don't absolutely have to split them, but it'll be more difficult writing Shelley out and Sabin in as a singles competitor in the tag-team division. It worked with Morgan (when he injured Hernandez), but that's because Morgan was also dominant/huge, and a heel. Sabin, unforunatley for him, doesn't own either of those attributes.
To get Sabin on television so he's not sitting on the sidelines rotting while Shelley recuperates.

They don't absolutely have to split them, but it'll be more difficult writing Shelley out and Sabin in as a singles competitor in the tag-team division. It worked with Morgan (when he injured Hernandez), but that's because Morgan was also dominant/huge, and a heel. Sabin, unforunatley for him, doesn't own either of those attributes.
You bring up the Morgan/Hernandez deal, that reminds me of the Hernandez/Homicide deal. When Hernandez and Homicide won their respective Feast Or Fired cases, they split up very, very quietly. While Hernandez was out with his neck surgery, Homicide had the chance to have a go in the X Division, even winning the X Division title for a brief period. The way I see it, Chris Sabin can be pretty good TV filler to face off with some mid-card guys like Doug Williams, Kaz and even Abyss for his TV title. Not that long ago Sabin was in a tournament to be added to the title match where AJ Styles won his World title. AJ happened to be Sabin's opponent and the two delivered one hell of a 5 minute match.

Here's a highlight package:


If TNA remembers this match, they can see that at the least, Sabin can deliver by himself on TV while Shelley recovers. As for Shelley, it's very unfortunate what happened. A lot of people say a collarbone injury can be a sign of carelessness, but you really can't help it. If the shoulder tendons are weak, your in danger no matter how careful you are.
Well this sucks a bit because the MCMG are the best tag team in wrestling today. A lot of people want to see them break up but I think that it would be beneficial for them to stay as a tag team for the moment. The problem is that if they break up, one of them will have to turn heel and they will have to feud with each other. The presence of a heel stable, whose goal is to hold every title in the company, will prevent the developement of any other heel character as he might be given a lot less TV time. That is what is happening with Pope.

Also if MCMG break up, it means that they would feud with each other for the moment. How much attention TNA will give to the storyline is the question that I want to ask. The Immortal angle takes up so much TV time that it does not allow other stories to develop. Also which team will compete with Beer Money if the Guns break up? I would hate to see either Ink Inc or the comedic duo of Eric and Jordan in that position though I guess I will have to tolerate them because of Shelley's injury.

Overall I do think that this injury is a setback of sorts. It would be best if TNA push Sabin as a singles competitor in the meanwhile without actually breaking the team up. There is no need to show friction between Shelley and Sabin. The break up could be something that could be handled after Shelley returns.
Why break these guys up????? :confused:
Makes no sense, they are the best tag team in wrestling, BY FAR and imho one of the best of all time (ok i'm pushing it) but you get my point. Yes he's injured, and yes it's serious but let him recoup, and then bring him and Sabin back going Balls To The Wall!!!!!
With Shelly out for a while this give Sabin an opportunity to show what he can do as a singles wrestler again. Everyone is jumping to the conclusion that TNA will break up the team, but I doubt it. For one thing, their merchandise sales are strong. As someone mentioned before, no matter how many times MCM's wrestle GenMe or Beer Money it's always a good match. They get one of the biggest pops in the Impact Zone. By the time Shelly gets back London Brawling, the Hardys, and Crimson and Red should be in the tag division to provide a better variety of matches. The strangest thing about this situation is there is no explanation of how the injury occurred


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