Alex Riley - Finally Legit?


Occasional Pre-Show
*Spoiler alert*

So tonight on RAW I just witnessed Alex Riley get the win by delivering his old finisher from NXT "You're Dismissed" to Jack Swagger. The fireman's cutter was such a better finisher for him, in my opinion, than the implant DDT, because he has the build and the strength for a somewhat more athletic finisher. Now NoC will feature a 4way brawl for the US title, and I hope this sets him up to deliver that move to all three of the other guys.

New finisher...well old finisher, your thoughts? If this permanently becomes Alex Riley's finisher, will it help to legitimize him to you as it did to me?
Riley was always legit to me, a finisher had nothing to do with that. He can capture a crowd and he proved that. But the finisher does help his appeal just like it could help any other superstars appeal.
I missed it channel surfing im anxious to see it now, i like riley too, i just hope they handle him right, i know this is random but i think his entrance music is too corny, i like the idea but make it a little more edgey
I like the finisher. It's much better than the old one, but maybe he can still keep the old one as a signature move. Just not a finishing move of course.

That being said, I think he's winning the US title at NoC. It just seems like the right call. He is good on the mic, he can capture the audience, and his wrestling skill is at least as good as Cena's. He's ready for some title gold!
It's gonna take more then a returning finisher for him to get over as a major player. He doesn't even need to win the title this week, as long as he starts making more appearences on RAW, often as the winner, he'll get over.

Also, as RAW already happened, this isn't a spoiler at all.
*Spoiler alert*

So tonight on RAW I just witnessed Alex Riley get the win by delivering his old finisher from NXT "You're Dismissed" to Jack Swagger. The fireman's cutter was such a better finisher for him, in my opinion, than the implant DDT, because he has the build and the strength for a somewhat more athletic finisher. Now NoC will feature a 4way brawl for the US title, and I hope this sets him up to deliver that move to all three of the other guys.

New finisher...well old finisher, your thoughts? If this permanently becomes Alex Riley's finisher, will it help to legitimize him to you as it did to me?
His finisher his used on nxt is way better and a ry is legit I hope he wins with that move at night of champions and become the new u.s. champ
wait wait wait did i really just read this right? you now think alex reily is legit just because it looks like hes back to using his NXT/FCW finishing move? really? really? REALLY? :lmao: wow come on a finishing move should have NOTHING to do with is someone is taken seriously in their postition in the company (theres 1 exemption to this in my mind and that would be The Cobra that santino uses) im sorry to be shitting all over this thread but its really a stupid topic and i just wanted to voice my thoughts on it but anyway i do like the finisher change as the other one didnt look like something that would keep a opponet down automatically...then again whats so special about any finishing move thats gonna keep a opponet down for the count of 3? :shrug:
So they gave A-Ry the F-5 huh? I just glad that the finisher came back in the WWE. And Alex Riley uses it well. Not as good as when Brock Lesner used it. But a little better then when Mark Mero use it during the attitude era. But I don't think that's it's too early or to late for Alex Riley to win the U.S. title. I guess we'll see.
i had raw on dvr like most everyone else in the country who watches i was to busy watching my favorite team the raiders beat the broncos this is the wwe problem sometimes they give us crap and we like meh w.e. and dvr it and skip through stuff i bet everyone was like oh just great when we found out it was kelly kelly vs vicky g unless we dont have dvr and had to go to bathroom really bad then were like hooray i can go take a dump but as for the thread i saw someone say they gave alex riley the f-5 no its not the f-5 its him holding him up like cena does for a attitude adjustment and then turning it into a rko and he was needing a real finisher opposed to using the spinebuster and rollup victories now all we need is to see david otunga and joe hennig gets finishers i think david o should get the sleeper as his finisher since he bores me to sleep or makes me change the channel/fast forward through his matches
A wrestler's finisher should not make him more legit to you. His charisma, the way he sells and the way he tells a story when wrestling a match should make him more legit to you. Finishers are pretty much meaningless when determining how legit a wrestler is. I think the TKO is cool and all, but Alex Riley did it so fucking sloppy tonight. I don't know why everyone has their balls in a bunch because he dusted off an old finisher. If Alex Riley is going to keep his TKO, he needs to start delivering it better. True, it's only been one week, but people are already drawing conclusions - why can't I?
Wait. Didnt Kaval win NXT not Alex Riley:shrug:
I think he is great.... still getting a push a bit early by the looks of it, I think he should wait a little longer before getting a title shot but oh well its good for him!

I do prefer this finishing move but I think he was legit anyway.
So they gave A-Ry the F-5 huh? I just glad that the finisher came back in the WWE. And Alex Riley uses it well. Not as good as when Brock Lesner used it. But a little better then when Mark Mero use it during the attitude era. But I don't think that's it's too early or to late for Alex Riley to win the U.S. title. I guess we'll see.

That was NOT the F5. Go and watch another video of the F5. They're different.

I like Alex Riley and I enjoyed seeing his new finisher but that doesn't mean he's legit to me. He still needs a character, and serious work in the ring. I hold my breath during his matches because I'm just waiting for him to make a mistake.
I don't know about legit, but Alex Riley is definitely on the rise. It seems he's getting the push towards the U.S. title now and even if he doesn't win it at NoC(which I think he won't) he needs to put on a good show. His in ring work is the only thing that is keeping him back because he's got everything else. As far as his finisher is concerned. I like his Fireman cutter finisher and I also liked the DDT that he did before. Either one is fine and believable so I'm good either way. OH and the F5 was Lesnar starting his opponent out in a fireman's carry and twist his opponent around (hence the F5) and ending in a DDT. Not the same as what A Ry is doing.
I marked out when I saw ARy was on my TV, but even more when he used the TKO. Sadly, he botched it pretty badly last night. I hope he uses it as a finisher and executes it better going forward.
i had raw on dvr like most everyone else in the country who watches i was to busy watching my favorite team the raiders beat the broncos this is the wwe problem sometimes they give us crap and we like meh w.e. and dvr it and skip through stuff i bet everyone was like oh just great when we found out it was kelly kelly vs vicky g unless we dont have dvr and had to go to bathroom really bad then were like hooray i can go take a dump but as for the thread i saw someone say they gave alex riley the f-5 no its not the f-5 its him holding him up like cena does for a attitude adjustment and then turning it into a rko and he was needing a real finisher opposed to using the spinebuster and rollup victories now all we need is to see david otunga and joe hennig gets finishers i think david o should get the sleeper as his finisher since he bores me to sleep or makes me change the channel/fast forward through his matches

Can we get some grammar and punctuation marks please. Bet you didn't even last high school.

That being said, I do like TKO. Its a nice move, and Alex being a tall guy with a nice built is expected to have a powerful finisher. I guess even he was apprehensive of the DDTs and roll ups. They were accepted in the 1990s but not anymore. So way to go A Ry. He's a nice talent and I hope that progresses real quick.
So they gave A-Ry the F-5 huh? I just glad that the finisher came back in the WWE. And Alex Riley uses it well. Not as good as when Brock Lesner used it. But a little better then when Mark Mero use it during the attitude era. But I don't think that's it's too early or to late for Alex Riley to win the U.S. title. I guess we'll see.

Ok, but you're just flat out wrong. The F-5 and the TKO/You're Dismissed are not at all the same move. In the F-5, you have your opponent in a fireman's carry and throw him forward, catching him into a DDT. With the TKO, you have your opponent in a fireman's carry, throw him backwards into a cutter. Totally different move.

That said, it's definitely a better finisher for A Ry. As to whether this makes him somehow more "legit," I don't buy that, but it will make the finishes of his matches better, which will be helpful in the long run.
Wow. haha i like how this is getting me heat. Look, I'm a fan of Riley, but at the end of the day his movepool has been rather small since the split from the Miz. Double chop, spinebuster, occasional spear, implant DDT. The TKO wasn't performed perfectly, but I don't analyze superstars as much as a lot of people here. I think he's good, but I think every guy needs a finisher that just screams "it's over" when it connects. The ddt wasn't doing it for me, and I am more entertained by A-Ry when he finishes with his You're Dismissed.

So...he's more entertaining to me when that's the finisher, ergo he is better in my eyes. That's all I look for in the wwe: does this guy entertain me?
I think you guys need to realise that it may have actually been down to the guy taking the TKO as to why it may have looked botchy.

I've taken the move a few times, and it's really up to you as to how you land. You either flat front bump it (correct way), or you can bottle it a little and land on your side (what happened).

Now that's not even really meant to be a dig, because if I were taking moves day in, day out, i'd probably 'bottle' a few, too.

Wow. haha i like how this is getting me heat. Look, I'm a fan of Riley, but at the end of the day his movepool has been rather small since the split from the Miz. Double chop, spinebuster, occasional spear, implant DDT. The TKO wasn't performed perfectly, but I don't analyze superstars as much as a lot of people here. I think he's good, but I think every guy needs a finisher that just screams "it's over" when it connects. The ddt wasn't doing it for me, and I am more entertained by A-Ry when he finishes with his You're Dismissed.

So...he's more entertaining to me when that's the finisher, ergo he is better in my eyes. That's all I look for in the wwe: does this guy entertain me?

So, you're only entertained by the end of the match? I get that the DDT was a lackluster move and had very little hype to it, but why does it make Riley more entertaining or more legit just because he changed his finisher? I mentioned this above; selling moves, in ring storytelling and charisma should make someone more entertaining and legit to you. The three to four seconds that someone is hitting their finisher are pretty much meaningless in terms of making someone more legit.
Alex Riley is one of them bland bodybuilder types that go over more deserving people that Punk was talking about. He has like 3 moves, tries to act like a Hulk Hogan/Batista mashup with his hulking up crap in the ring and is terrible on the mic. They almost buried The Miz because of him, good thing Miz is way more talented and bouncing back.
It takes more than a cool finisher for someone to become a star. Riley was on a roll when he kept beating up Miz each week. Then? He does nothing for a bit and suddenly is in a Fatal Fourway for the US Championship. Riley needs to get some big wins to his name at this point to become a legit star. There is only so much that the finisher can do when he is not booked into interesting angles in ways that develop his character into something the fans care about because without their support he will get nowhere. Winning the title will help, but I'm not sure if he will win that match.
Just because a wrestler has a finishing move, different or the same. Shouldn't make him any more legit, it's a bloody finishing move! Sure it could make it look like his attributes have improved. But not "legitimize" or anything like that.

To "legitimize" someone, basically have them capture the crowd have an attitude and a look that people will remember.

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