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Alex Riley Arrested This Morning


Fuck Rep
WWE performer Kevin Kiley (a/k/a Alex Riley) was arrested this morning in Tampa, Florida for Driving under the Influence.

The apprentice of The Miz was stopped at 1:14 a.m. at Kennedy BL W/MACDILL AV N in Tampa, Florida and booked into the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office at 2:56 a.m.

He was released at 9:33 a.m. on $500 bond

Source: Wrestling-Edge

What will this do to the young career of Riley? Will the WWE turn the cheek on such a green talent? Superstars like Flair, Jericho, Helms, they can get away with stuff like this because of tenure, but what will happen to A-RI?

Mug Shot!

I doubt anything will really happen. I mean it's a minor thing that didn't cause any pain other than on the wallet of Alex, or whomever paid the 500 dollars. Other than that, it's really nothing.

I'm sure just like the Helms / Jericho incident, it will eventually end up just being ignored, and the programming will continue like usual. Alex has a decent amount of things going for him, so it would be such a shame for WWE to give it up on him for driving drunk.
I hope you're right, cause I really see Riley going places but not it'll start when he turns on The Miz which I'm sure will happen.
What will this do to the young career of Riley? Will the WWE turn the cheek on such a green talent? Superstars like Flair, Jericho, Helms, they can get away with stuff like this because of tenure, but what will happen to A-RI?

Mug Shot!


Umm, Helms was released when something like this happened to him not too long ago, and he's not on the same level as Flair or Jericho in ANY way.

Anyway, I don't think that this will be that big of a deal. Sure, Riley might be suspended for a while, but I don't think WWE will release him. Now as far as his status in WWE goes, that's a whole different story. He could come back and continue to play the lackey role for The Miz or he could be sent too Smackdown. I think he will continue to do Miz's dirty work. Riley might have to endure a short suspension, but after it's over, I'm sure he'll return to The Miz's side. Riley will probably get a slap on the wrist. I don't think he will face any serious consequences because of this.
Yeah it's already been said. When Jericho and Helms were arrested, it wasn't made that much of a big deal on tv (although granted, it was brought up on an episode of ECW by Paul Burchill, I believe). It shouldn't be much of a big deal and I don't see this derailing a potential push for Riley. At least, I hope not.
They released that bald chick for partying 'cause it wasn't fitting her gimmick and they won't do anything to Riley for driving drunk? Doubt it.
I'm sure there will probably be some type of internal punishment for it, because it does bring negative light on the WWE. But as far as firing him goes, I doubt it. He a great young talent and has good stuff going right now, I doubt the WWE would just drop him. Someone brought Helms, but I would argue that Riley is a better talent and has a better future than Helms. While it was a stupid idea to dive while drunk, I don't think this will be career changing.
It shouldn't really affect anything, The WWE Universe (well at least the VAST majority of it) do not know anything about what goes on backstage or in the lives of the superstars other then if they meet them in person for an autograph or something like that. I highly doubt anything will happen and hope it wont for Alex Riley could have a good career in the Mid card, he is doing well as Miz's "apprentice", and like everyone has stated already, various superstars have gotten away with actions like this, and especially as Ferbian stated, no one was harmed (at least that we know of). Just a minor thing and nothing to get too worked up about in my opinion.
I doubt anything comes out if it really. Most I can see is maybe a slight fine/suspension from the WWE and maybe have Riley job to someone, though that isn't really that big of a deal. While I don't think Riley's future is as bright as others believe it to be, I still think he has a promising career ahead of him and a release for this would just seem silly. A slap on the wrist and nothing more will come of it.
I don't know if he will be released, but it should be a fine and suspension...a month would be my guess, if this is his first offense. Since it is public, they have to do something, or the general press will level them for doing nothing. This alone won't kill his career, but it is a terrible time for him to do something stupid like this...it will likely delay any further push.
I'm sure there will probably be some type of internal punishment for it, because it does bring negative light on the WWE.

I dunno...does it really bring negative light on the WWE? It's not exactly mainstream news. If I hadn't read it here I'd have never known about it. I don't think the general population would care and I doubt they even know who Alex Riley is. If it was somebody truly mainstream and a crossover star like say John Cena, people may sit up and take notice because at least he is recognisable and would sell newspapers. Nobody out there cares about Alex Riley, hell half the fans dont care about him and they at least know who he is.
I dont see anything coming of this. Maybe something internally for sure but nothing to make a big deal out of.
He'll likely be fined and suspended for this, but I don't see more than that, unless there's more to this story than we're getting. Riley's got a lot of upside, and I'd hate to see something derail him before he really gets going. He made a dumb mistake, and hopefully realizes that.
I asked some local Tampa talent who did not know he had been arrested; and they said Serena Deeb got fired for following Mickey James' lead....they said they would not be surprised if he gets fired based on the latest Stand Up Campaign.
I doubt that Riley will be released by the WWE over this, but I'll be surprised if there's not some internal reprimands handed down. It's true that Alex Riley isn't exactly a household name yet among wrestling fans, but Vince McMahon is someone that simply does not like any negative press. Sometimes there's no way around it as that's life, but he could very much look at Alex Riley's actions as showing a severe lapse in judgement. You're a fucking idiot if you get behind the wheel of a car while intoxicated at any rate, no matter who you are. Let's face it, Vince McMahon is a control freak that would love to be able to navigate the entire lives of his wrestlers if he could.

Alex Riley has appeared on every episode of Raw for quite a while now as The Miz' protoge. He's gotten a lot of exposure on live television on one of the most watched programs on cable. It's quite possible for any sort of potential push the WWE may have had in mind will be put on the back burner for a while.
Riley will most likely be supsended for this for a couple of weeks. I can't see this leading to a firing nor will it affect his status in the WWE when he returns from the suspension. He was the Miz's lackey before this and he'll be the Miz's lackey after this. This should be a lesson for him however b/c anything else like this happen again and he'll end up like Serena and the Hurricane.
Im pretty sure he'll get suspended, or taken out of tv, drunk driving is a serious matter guys, good thing he didn't hurt anybody, because thats the end of his wwe career, Just like zion said serena was released just because breaking kayfabe outside the ring, i really hope the wwe doest get to extreme dealing with Riley.
I disagree with a lot of you guys about what will happen to Alex Riley because of this DUI allegation. A lot of you seem to think that WWE will gloss over it and do nothing with regards to discipline. I think quite the opposite. As a new guy (relatively speaking) on the roster, I think WWE are going to make an example of him. Will he be released? It's possible but I really don't think so. But I do think he will be fined, I do think he will receive a suspension without pay. And I think he will be de-pushed, something which will hurt him more than any fine or suspension will.

The Miz, whether you like him or not (I do), is in the midst of a push toward the main event, which I believe will culminate in him becoming the WWE champion in the forseeable future. And Alex Riley has been right by his side, receiving attention, in-ring activity, mic time, etc., all of the things that all of the new guys crave and require to develop, but often don't get. Riley has been benefitting from all of the Miz's momentum, but I expect this benefit is about to disappear.

I see Riley costing the Miz a match, or doing something like this to piss off the Miz, who gets pissed off and takes him out. Riley disappears for weeks or longer. And when he returns, he's back to the bottom of the pack, trying to make a name for himself on his own merits, rather than riding the coattails of the Miz to fast track himself to a greater degree of prominence.

Will he make it back? If he's really any good, maybe he will and maybe he'll be just fine. But maybe he won't and he could potentially disappear into a nameless, faceless sea of Tyler Reks, Evan Bourne, and Chris Masters scenarios. Which could spell the beginning of the end for him in terms of his eventual WWE future.
He SHOULD be suspended. He committed what should be a felony in every state. He did what causes the most accidental deaths in the country each year. He is shown on television every week by a company who wants to be recognized as legitimate and family oriented. If he isnt suspended for 30 days then WWE doesnt deserve respect as an properly ran company. And Im sure he will be.

The kid is a rookie. There is a big difference between him and the main eventers. They shouldnt have gotten off either, but they are years or decades into the business, hes brand new. If he is going to screw up so early he should be punished, he hasnt earned the right to keep his spot. He should be walking a perfectly straight line right now, not getting a DUI less than a year into his WWE career.

Have I drank and drove? Yep. Have we all? Im sure. But we also arent televised professionals who stand as role models for kids, and who stand to make a couple million dollars over the next few years if we move up the ladder by performing well and not pulling crap like this. If I were, you can bet your house I would be keeping my nose clean, doing what Im supposed to be doing, and calling cabs home or paying a friend to be a DD. The law is the same for all of us. A DUI, even a first, ruins a lot of peoples lives. The fines, restrictions, records, it digs a hole that a lot of people cant get out of. He likely wont get anything other than a fine he can easily pay because of WWEs highly paid in house lawyers for things like this. Why so easy? Because of how special his job is and the countless perks you get from it. And because of that, and because he took advantage of it, I better not see his ass on my tv for the next month.

Thats my rant. It pisses me off when people who have such a good thing in life are too high up their own ass to realize it comes with responsibilities, even when those responsibilities are just upholding the ones that we all have as humans. That said he made a mistake and I forgive the guy..if he doesnt keep effing up.
Realistically, I see him getting a fine and/or suspension, nothing more. If it is anything more than that, like him getting fired, I would be shocked. I am not a big fan of Alex Riley's character right now, but enjoy watching him inside the ring. If the WWE does fire him, it would be a shame, and could see them do to him what they did to Bryan Danielson and bring him back after the 90 days.
nothing major should happen. this is nothing new. the same thing happened to santino and ted dibiase earlier in their WWE/Raw careers. ALSO both of their arrests were in Tampa, FL. probably less than a mile from where Riley was pulled over. all thise guys go drinking after FCW events/tapings held in tampa. if wwe cares, they might look into THAT instead of just focusing on riley (which i doubt they will)
I can't see anything too major happening. Same thing happened to Santino during his first year on tv, and all they really did was have Roddy Piper bring it up on Raw and use it to make some jokes. In A-Ri's case, i'd expect to see him take a few more beatings, made to look a little weaker, but being the Miz's apprentice that can be looked past in the long run.
Drunk driving is something that most people do, but no one should. It's not just a matter of making a simple mistake; you're taking people's lives into your hands, as well as your own. It's something that has potentially fatal consequences, even if it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Yeah, we've probably all had a few, gotten in the car and made it home safely, but not everyone does. Hell, plenty of drunk drivers kill other, sober drivers. It's a pretty serious thing, guys and that's why the law doesn't take it lightly.

Penalties are pretty severe, and while the suspended license, fines and legal fees aren't something he'd probably worry too much about, there are other consequences he will have to worry about. Depending on the state, he might be obligated to enter driver safety and substance education classes and/or do community service that occurs specifically in that state, which won't really work out with the WWE touring schedule. If it's not his first offense, he could have a mandatory stay in a rehab clinic. There is a lot more to this sort of thing than people think, and most people find out the hard way.

How WWE handles it is a different story. I am a fan of Riley and hope that it doesn't diminish his chances of having the type of career that he's capable of, and I certainly hope he doesn't get fired and left without a chance to prove himself. He had a lapse in judgment and should certainly be forgiven, but I don't see WWE just pretending it didn't happen, nor should they, really. I'm a huge mark for The Miz and don't think that this would affect him much, if at all, but hopefully they don't have to overhaul or delay any storylines because of this. I'm guessing Riley is out for 30 days, maybe 60 or 90, will probably have to pay a fine and when eligible to come back, probably spend some time jobbing or taking a few extra beatdowns for Miz, and do a few extra autograph signings for the kiddies. He's got a bright future, and I hope he hasn't cost himself the opportunity to capitalize on it.

Hopefully the above doesn't sound too much like a CM Punk promo.
They released that bald chick for partying 'cause it wasn't fitting her gimmick and they won't do anything to Riley for driving drunk? Doubt it.

You clearly don't read up on anything WWE. Sarena was released because she was getting embarrasingly drunk all the time and after being told several times to stop, she didn't, idiot.

I don't like this one bit. I feel like Riley was on the fast track being on the Miz's coattails. He gets so much face time with all the main eventers just being beside Miz. Will he be released? Probably not, but I think this may be the end of his push. Usually when this happens Vince will humiliate the guy on TV than suspend him. I don't know what will happen but don't be surprised if we don't see Alex Riley for a while.
I don't think anything will happen, at least nothing onscreen. I think they might give him a short suspension then he will return as if nothing ever happened. He's in an important role as Miz's underling and he wouldn't be there if they didn't have big plans for him. I bet he will get yelled at for it and given some type of warning but if something like this ever happens again then he will definitely be gone because the wrestlers shouldn't be doing dumb like things like that at the first place.
Nothing major is going to happen because most people get pulled over by drunk driving.Alex Riley would probably get suspended for one week that is all the major things Wwe would do. Most of the wrestlers in the past that got fired ex Helms was because he had a higher amount of alcohol on his body,but he also was a veteran maybe wwe would say "Don't do this again or you will be fired".

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