Alex Bowen

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Dufflebag Mod!!
Real Name: Alex Bowen
Wrestlers Name: Alex Bowen
Wrestlers Nickname: the hardcore juggalo
Height: 6’4
Weight: 239
Hometown: Montpelier, Ohio
Billed From: The Dark Carnival

Hair color: black and brown
Eye color: brown
Facial Hair: A small soul patch
Ring Attire: Facepaint/corpsepaint. A black stinglike long singlet with orange and black nee pads. Juggalo runs down the back of his singlet and hatchet men are on both sides of his stomach .
-----------Backstage Attire: A black trenchcoat with a hatchet man imprinted on the back. A black Metal band or psycophatic records shirts and long bondage pants
-----------Physical Features: scars from barbed wire baseball bats and different scars
-----------Tattoos: a hatchet man blue orange and yellow on right shoulder a bracelet that says juggalo on the top and bottom of his wrists with a small hatchet man on the sides barbed wire wrapping around his right leg and a tattoo on the left shoulder blade of a eagle with a beating heart in its mouth with mom and dad in it and his 2 daughters names below the heart Jamie and Annie

Gimmick: A Much darker side of Alex bowen the hardcore juggalo. Think of him as the dark knight of wzcw. Mixed with a bit of the joker.

Strength: 1 hardcore matches are his specialty 2 good with both Arial and ground attacks. The ability to wrestle in a hardcore match, but still step it up for regular matches.

Weakness: if you want a injury go for his shoulder he has a metal plate in it and he’s had 3 surgeries in the last 4 years on it 2 get impatient if the ref’s don’t count fast enough and sometimes snaps and get’s dq’ed

Alignment: Tweener

Trained By: shaggy 2 dope violent j and sabu

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History: been in the business for almost 10 years now a numerous time winner of different titles in jcw was recently fired due to the 3rd shoulder surgery in 4 years

Title History:
Jcw hardcore champ 4 times, Jcw heavyweight champ 1 time, Aew havoc champ 2 times, Apwc tag team champ 1 time with The maxx and David Bowen

Entrance Music: End of the line- Devildriver

Hardcore match: Alex bowen walks out with a shoping cart filled with wepons. He steps up to the ring with his cart in toe and starts to thow the wepons into the ring. He saved the barbed wire bat forhimself then kicks th shoping cart away.

Regular match: End of the line hits and it slowely gets louder. A plume of smoke *fog from a fog machine* Starts to come out of the entrance hole. Suddenly as the singing starts Alex runs out of to the beginning of the rap. Streaks of sparks shoot upwards as he holds his hands out and looks at the crowd. Then a large pop goes off and he makes his decent back down to the ring. As he gets to the ring he hops up and whipes his boots off on the side of the ring and then steps in and waits for his opponet.

The juggalo drop- Double Underhook Piledriver.
The weight of your sins- Shooting star press

Hardcore match: eat my ass!- leg drop Off the top rope into a table or just the mat

15 Most used moves:
1 taste my paint (head but)
2 bionic elbow
3 chops
4 double jump moonsault
5 dropkick
6 snap ddt
7 the hatchet chop ( barbed wire baseball bat shot in a hardcore match or a double axe handle in a regular )
8 One hand bulldog
9 atomic drops
10 Belly to back suplex
11 abdominal stretch
12 splash
13 mounted punches
14 punches
15 short arm close line

Sample RP:

*The Camera's fade into A well lit wrestiling ring. Its in a weight room on the south side of detroit. We can here cars go by and beeping of horns. Suddenly Alex bowen walks through the doors with a duffle bag in hand. He sets the dufflebag down on the ground and unzips it and takes out a cd case and a dvd player and hooks it up to the tv on the other side of the room and pops in a dvd.*

Alex- Hi kid. Maybe you don't under stand the lengths I will go to win this match. I saw your little pissant promo you god damn peace of shit. And If you ever. And I'm going to make it as clear as I can to your brain dead self. And I mean ever. Insult my mother. I will end you. I'm a very lighthearted man. But one person did that to my mother. And that was my father, well lets just say he did'nt like what I did to him one night I found him beating her.

*alex stops and walks back over to the dufflebag on the floor and picks it up and walks it back over to the tv ware he was standing before and reaches back inside it and gets a dvd case and a remote.*

Alex- Now I've been a champion in three different orginazations high kid. Yes I do like to boast about it. But who fucking wouldn't? I'm not one to go around and yank my own damn chain twenty-four seven like you seem to want to do. But damn when your as good at what I am with the hardcore devision. Why not boast a little about yourself?

*alex holds up the dvd case. It says jcw blodymania 2002. On the cover are various superstars from jcw past. And In the corner in bloody paint alex bowen stands tall with the jcw hardcore title. Alex hits his picture on the box and starts to talk*

Alex- That right there my boy was my first title win. August 24, 2002. I beat one of the most ruthless men on the face of the damn planet. Mad man pondo, That dude has really ended the carriers of to many men. He should be put in a asylem. And high kid you should learn about my title history, The past and times of the hardcore juggalo. Because I've never quit and never will. You will have to kill me to get me to quit. Because Thoes two words I will never mutter in a ring. But I will make you say them over and over AND OVER AGAIN THIS COMMING MATCH.

*Alex bowen turns on the dvd player and goes to the greatist hits section. And picks the match that he was just talking about. It show mad man pondo getting in shots but alex bowen Finally over comming pondo with a monsterous barbed wire baseball shot to the skull. You can literly see the spit and blood fly from his mouth as he takes the shot. Alex stops the dvd footage as the screan turns black.*

Alex- Theres a few things you should know about alex bowen if you allredy don't Jeff jordan. If that really is your name. I've been put through hell in back in my carrier. I'm not bitching because It was a hell of alot of fun. I do see alot of you that was like me at that point of my carrier. Cocky, Charisma, Wants it all. But you need to get your priortys strait before you try to take on a master of the hardcore element in wrestiling today. You need to see the havoc and destruction I can reak on you man. Your fucking 17 so do you really want to fuck your carrier up with a man whos been known to take pleasure in other peoples pain? STOP KNOW, while your still ahead man. I'm not going to be responsible in the match and what I do. When you sign the contract. Your life is in your hands. Not mine. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to fucking win.

*Two small children walk in to the ring section of the weight room. They are waring there favorite wrestlers garb and walk up to alex and one reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a pen and turns around to alex and starts to talk.*

Kid #1- Hey Dude I know you!

Alex- Oh yeah how so?

Kid #2- We watch you every week on aew!

Alex- Thanks man. Do you two want an autograph?

Kid 1 and 2- Sure!

*Alex turns around one of the boys and starts to write his name on his back*

Alex- Hey kid who's this to?

James- James alex make it out to james!

*Alex continues to write his name and then writes below it. With happyness comes all your dreams.*

Alex- Allright kid! Whats your name?

Jordan- Alex its Jordan! Make out some cool saying for my shirt to!

*Alex turns around the kid and writes out to jordan, Stay hardcore and allways stay true to what you want in life.*

- Allright boys you have my autograph and now your going to be on tv to!

*The boys turn around and give the camera a cheesy smile then run out of the Door next to the front of the ring.*

Alex- With happyness comes all your dreams. Great saying, By probily a great man. And your standing in the way of my next dream jeff. To win the King of the death match. And cash that bitch on on a world title shot. Who ever wins it at star struck. Whatch out because IF And IF I Win I'm comming for your ass next. But dude I won't be pissed if I lose. Becuase even If I do lose aganst you. You wont get the satisfaction of making me say I quit. Because I'll never. A mans will can be tested and put through hell and back. Mine has but I will pass out before I say I quit.

*Alex stands up and walks over to two large doors in the side of the room and pushes them open. A group of about 15 male female wrestlers are being taught in a pratcie ring. Alex walks up two a few and gives them high fives.*

Alex- High kid, You've said that you are the future of this buisness. You're not, BUT THESE WRESTLERS ARE THOUGH.

*the guys standing behind him give out a bit of a pop*

Alex- These are the people I love to see. The fans trying and most of the time being succsful at doing somthing they've loved since they were little. Some maybe might make it big. And some might think of this as more of a partime job. But What I see in these people. In all of them is the heart of a fighter. Just like me, I've made a carrier off of shocking people with violence. Made a carrier off of putting my life in risk everytime I get in the ring. Its for my personal enjoyment. And for the fans. You don't think of that factor. I have the heart to beat you in this next match . And By god I will use ever fiber of my being to make you say I QUIT.

*alex starts to walk back around the ring. Giving out a few highfives and walks over to a chair rack and takes out a black steel chair and takes a seat.*

Alex- I see a very sadend small kid in you jeff, Allmost like me. Your dad left you. Well in between the whife beatings and the drinking binges he beat me. I wanted to rip his fucking throat out and whatch him gasp for air. I wanted to do all the things he did To my mother and more. Part of my anger in the ring comes from that. And you have the gull to say shit like you do. Let alone be in the ring with. OR should be in the ring with. That the other promotions I've been in would be better with T.H.k.? Let me tell you something son. You would get your ass handed to you on a plater over and over. Because your to fucking big for your britches. You needed your father as a kid. And damn him for not being there. Because if you would of got half the ass whoopins I got as a kid you would of been a changed little man. Thats what sets us apart. And as for me winning apwc gold? Do you not read the tabloids? Read some papers? Apwc and ew merged a while ago. And are you calling D.c, page and all the others who won Mwe titles in ew little bitches to? I think you are. Because They might of been in the promotion, but Ew and Mwe are two different things.. Both kick ass and You don't diserve to be in the company of any of the wrestlers from either untill you learn some damn respect.

*Alex gets up and folds up the chair and puts it back on the rack and points his finger at the camera.*

Alex- So high kid, When the time comes don't go running to your fat ass maniger pauly because he can't save your ass from the unholy ass beating I'm going to hand to you. Don't go crying home to momma. Don't try to blame it on someone else. Because I'm doing this for myself and the good of Aew as a whole. I'm going to make you BLEED. I'm going to make you wish you would of stayed at home. Going to make all of your worst nightmares come true. Because I wont let you quit untill i'm done with your ass. A hour or two I don't give a fuck I'll run it untill I feel fit to lock in a submission or crack your skull open and make you say I quit.

*the camera fades out with alex bowen walking away from the cameras and the wrestlers surrounding them.*
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