Alex Bowen

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Real Name: Alex Bowen

Gimmick Name: Alex Bowen

Nickname: The King of Mayhem

Height: 6'3

Weight: 247

Hometown: Montpelier, Ohio

Billed From: Toledo, Ohio

Harrys: Introducing first, from Toledo, Ohio, weighing 247 pounds, Alex Bowen!

Harrys: And the challenger, from Toledo, Ohio, weighing 247 pounds, Alex Bowen!

Harrys: Making his way to the ring, from Toledo, Ohio, weighing 247 pounds, Alex Bowen!


----------------Hair Colour/Length. Black crue cut.

----------------Eye Colour: Brown

----------------Facial Hair: Full beard

----------------Ring attire: Black lines going down from his forehead to his cheeks through his eyes. He wears a band t-shirt and ripped up jean shorts to wrestle in. All black knee pads.

----------------Backstage Attire: Same as in ring.

----------------Physical Features: Scars from barbed wire baseball bats and different scars from his childhood. His left ear is cauliflower

----------------Tattoos: A blue and orange hatchet man on his sholder. Barbed wire wrapping around his right leg . On hisleft shoulder blade he has a tatoo of a eagle with a beating heart in its mouth with mom and dad in it and his 2 daughters names below the heart Jamie and Annie. A large skull and crossbone on his chest.

Alignment (Heel or Face, not Tweener): Heel

Main Gimmick: A hardcore legend

2 Characteristics of Gimmick: 1. Willing to put on a great show like oldschool wrestlers. 2. All hardcore matches are his type

Strengths/Weaknesses (3 of each):
Strength: 1. Hardcore matches are his specialty 2. good with both Arial and ground attacks. 3.The ability to wrestle in a hardcore match, but still step it up for regular matches
Weakness: 1. If you want a injury go for his shoulder he has a metal plate in it and he’s had 3 surgeries in the last 4 years on it 2. He gets impatient if the ref’s don’t count fast enough and sometimes snaps and get’s dq’ed 3. Not so quick to bounce back after power moves

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History: A former hardcore wrestler for allmost fifteen years Alex Bowen got his major break in Wzcw but left soon after for greener places. Alex is now back

Entrance Music: [YOUTUBE]6YyDkZwHxk8[/YOUTUBE]

Entrance Description: Alex walks down to the ring staring at the fans and slides under the bottom rope. He walks over to the corner and falls down, setting in the corner he waits.

Fighting Style: Ground based wrestler/ brawler

Previous Injuries: Plates in his shoulder

Character Psyche: Bowen is a Juggernaut; he just keeps coming and always works past the pain even if it means being wreckless and putting his own personal safety and well-being on the line.

Finishing Moves (2 max):
The weight of your sin- rings of saturn
The end of days - Vertical suplex piledriver

Signature Moves (3 max):
The derby shot (double axe handle from the top rope)
Curb stomp
The Stretch (Chickenwing over the shoulder crossface)

12 Most Used Moves:
1 Bell clap
2 bionic elbow
3 Hip toss
4 High knee strike
5 One hand bulldog
6 Sto
7 Arm wringer (with heel tatics, Ie: Slaps to the head, pressure point manipulation, Or punches)
8 Jabs into a Discus clothesline
9 short arm chop
10 Neck breaker
11 Sleeper hold
12 Top rope leg drop

Sample RP.

The scene is set, Alex Bowen is setting in a small room, a small padded room. A small lightbulb is lit above his head. The dim light above him shows his dirty atire a tightfitting straight jacket and dirty ring shorts. It seems that ever since losing his last match he has been comatose. In a catatonic state. He is unshaved and unkempt the light above him shines on his scarred over forehead and it looks like about a year of dirt. He has blead and died for the thing he really loved, Wrestling. I really looks like he has lost it. An older lady is standing outside the room and is putting in a pass for the door.

* Beep beep beep Click*

The door opens and we can feel the wind filling in the room, a small voosh sounds through the room as the vacuum is opened. An older looking nurse comes into the room with a cart we can hear the click of her heels on the floor then they are stopped by the padds in the room. Her nurses outfit is just as dirty as the hardcore juggalos clothing. It seems as cleanliness is not next to godliness in this facility. She turns and reaches on the cart for a small pill bottle and a cup of watter. She hears heavy breathing as she turns back around but thinks nothing of it. She looks up at a monster of a man Alex Bowen looking down on her. She goes to scream but all we hear is the clap of his hand around her mouth. He slowly reaches down and grabs his former straight jacket and put it around her making sure that its tight. He takes off his wrestling boot and sock and shoves it in her mouth. He turns around and looks on the cart. He is tapping his foot looking for what he wants. He can't find it. Finally a large roll of duct tape is in his hands and he turns and kneels down and starts to wrap it around the nurses head. She lets out a muffled scream

Nurse- (Scream)

Alex continues to put the tape around her head and stands up when he is finished. He looks down and smiles. Then kicks the nurse in the side and she goes limp.

Alex- Old bitch...

Alex sets down indian style and puts on his boot slowly re lacing it and then knotting it with a bunny loop. He stands back up with his knees cracking and back aching and looks around and smiles. He opens the door to his room and it closes with a loud thud. The Hallway is grimey and the lighing is very dim. We can hear his shallow breating as he walks down the hallway looking for somthing. He stops about halfway and looks at a door and opens it. Its a storage room with a few bins in it he goes through a few and finally finds one that says patient A. Bowen He grabs the bin and a file falls out of it and a picture falls out of a rather large man. Alex stops and puts the bin down and picks the picture up, and looks at the picture with a small smile on his face.

Alex- David... i'm comming home brother.

He puts the file back in the bin and walks back out to the hallway with bin in hand. He walks down the hall and past a security guard post. He creeps by as not to wake the sleeping guard. Still walking he walks to a large goup of doors and opens them slowly. He squints at the morning light and continues to walk outside....
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