AJ's Decision

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Hardcore Revolutionist
Okies many of us have been watching iMPACT and are fully aware of the AJ decision which we all know is getting beyond a joke now! Im glad to see Tomko going of on his own, was a great iMPACT moment when he told Kurt he would kick his ass! But back to AJ this thread is bascially to discuss his decision what you think it will be and how it will unfold at Final Resolution!

What i want TNA to do is to get AJ to come in and screw both men of the match and say a big F you to them both and claim he is the phenomonal one and doesn't work for anyone.

What TNA will probs do....drag his decision on even longer than Final Resolution!

What do you guys think?
I think AJ should just go Tomko's rout on this one. I mean seriously if it was me I would been left both Cage's and Angle's sides a long time ago.

Besides with Tomko and AJ having a tag title match tonight, they need to be on the same page if they want to retain those titles.
Yeah I agree he should go the Tomko route, but I dont wanna see AJ carry on teaming with Tomko, though. I think it would be a waste for AJ not to get a singles fued out of this, after all this time being a lackey, its time for AJ to be the old AJ again, Simply Phenomenal!
I don't know which way it's going to go, but you just know it's going to culminate with AJ squaring up against one man, then hitting the Pele Kick on the other. It's the kind of spot I don't think TNA will be able to pass up, which is unfortunate becasue it's likly to look stupid.
I'm really hoping this whole AJ's decision is to have the audience feel for him which would bring him as a face. I think he can be the face for TNA. He was there in the beginning. He was the first X Division Champion. Now that they have widened their audience, it would be a perfect time for people to find out why AJ is Phenomenal.
I hope Angle doesnt retain. Cage is the lesser of two evils here. Which ever way it goes hopefully AJ gets a shot at the Championship soon that would be great. Hes the best in Tna IMO.
well now we know................i reckon he'll feud with christian for a while, though i'd really love him to screw kurt too and then the 3 of em fight for the title, like aj did with daniels and joe for the x division copla years back
Yeah now we know that apprantly AJ has sided with Angle i dont think this will last though i think TNA is just playing this one and i would expect AJ to make a turn on Angle soon or at next PPV because having AJ and Angle together without Tomko is pointless!
personally i think tna should build it up with angle abusing aj and beating up inncoent people until aj turns on him for a big money feud over the title (which aj would win of course) giving tna another big time main eventer and using angles star power properly for the first time since his feud with joe.
Personally the way i want this to go is that at against all odds we have AJ and Tomko lose the titles because of interference by Christian. Then at Against All Odds they face off in a number one contenders match for the world title while Angle is in a three way with Joe and either Petey Williams or Scott Steiner depending on how that story goes. then either one of 2 things could happen...

1. During the number one contenders match Kurt comes out and betrays AJ by costing him the match leading to a feud between them.
2. or this, Aj comes out during the World title match and costs Angle the title, preferably to Joe and not Petey/Steiner.
Im looking forward to this story alot actually and especially leading up to Against All Odds which is held outside the iMPACT zone because TNA always like to go big when outside Florida so im hoping the AJ Angle story will take big turn then. I do think though they are going to have to split Tomko and AJ as its clear that they aren't going to be a tag team i dont think because Tomko is his own man and AJ is with Angle so i think the possibilty of Christian costing them the titles is very likely!
After this week Impact does anyone else see the beginning of AJ and Kurt Angle feud for the future? I sure did as the way that AJ is obsessed with Karen I can see AJ "falling" for her and you know that will get to Kurt. I think this works out great as we will finally get to see AJ vs Kurt.
After this week Impact does anyone else see the beginning of AJ and Kurt Angle feud for the future? I sure did as the way that AJ is obsessed with Karen I can see AJ "falling" for her and you know that will get to Kurt. I think this works out great as we will finally get to see AJ vs Kurt.

Well technically, we've already seen AJ Styles and Kurt Angle in the ring... But as a PPV, that'd be amazing....

"Prince" AJ Styles is stupid, though. Are they trying to brand a new gimmick on him, even though the one he's got works perfectly well?
well now with tna putting a title to every episode they called this prince for a night so i doubt it. But aj is still a lacky and now a scared lacky, i want the aj vince russo sent out to take jarretts belt in 6 sides of steel. His 'gimmick' was best when he just went out and shower why he is the best wrestler in the business. I still think he will be a lacky till the next king of the mountain match where he turns on angle and wins the belt
You have to admit, though, AJ is funny as hell in this role...I was laughing my ass off during his segments. I think if they build it up right, they will probably have AJ turn face on Angle and challenge for the title, or a 3-way dance with Christian at a big PPV (Lockdown?) would be awesome too. The pop would be tremendous....plus, AJ is good at being a heel, but you wanna cheer for him because of his ability. Let's see how this plays out....
I hope they can first do a little feud between AJ and Christian first. Both these guys are so good in the ring. Then have AJ turn against Kurt and have them face of at a PPV. They should have AJ more involved in the main event role. He is just so talented, it shocks me on why they dont considering it seems like there only pushing possibly 3 people that could challenge Angle(Booker T, Christian, and Samoa Joe) its time to get some new people in there. And with AJ's speed and Kurt's pure wrestling ability it would be great probally a 5 star match. And i wish they would break up Tyson and AJ these guys would both be better off in the singles and give the belts to a real tag team.
I would have loved to have seen AJ stay with Christian....because they both had awesome promos together....but of course it isnt happening. Ultimately though, I wish his decision to go with Angle was all a ploy...and that he will turn on him and go back to Christian. Wishful thinking....
Yeah I think this is obviously the long road and build up to the match alot of people want to see AJ v Angle. This has to happen and I think the hole AJ loving Karen now will take a turn for this feud, Karen will probs cheat on Angle with him or something but its more than likely end at the next big PPV perhaps Lockdown. AJ against Angle would be awesome but I think they have to build AJ back to face for that to happen then it can be like old school TNA AJ with all die hard TNA fans backing him versus Angle. Thats where this is going I think!
yeah this should be an interesting couple of months with this storyline. Hopefully we get to see Aj win the tna title but thats probably not going to happen. i believe that angle will turn heel and possible catch AJ n karen getting a bit to close and have a massive fued to say lockdown or something then have him reuniting with christian.
i say aj is gonna take karen leaving kurt well pissed off he will want to get aj no matter what aj will leave tomko afta cristen screws them joe attacs them all saying he should be top they booker beats roode and then all 6 go to kofm and aj wins saying he is now king aj and not prince aj
Well technically, we've already seen AJ Styles and Kurt Angle in the ring... But as a PPV, that'd be amazing....

"Prince" AJ Styles is stupid, though. Are they trying to brand a new gimmick on him, even though the one he's got works perfectly well?


A.J. vs. Angle for a PPV would be absolutely mind-blowing. It would be the ultimate clash of diverse fighting tactics. However, we'll just have to see how A.J. vs. Joe vs. Christian turns out first.

And yes, the "Prince" A.J. Styles thing is unnecessary, but the crowd's chants of "PRINCESS A.J.!!" was funny as hell. I cracked up just upon hearing that.
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