AJ Styles Interview


Dark Match Winner
IMPACT WRESTLING superstar AJ Styles has hailed the rebirth of the X Division — after one of the company's most successful PPV events.

Styles wrestled best friend Christopher Daniels in the main event of the Destination X show, broadcast in the UK on Challenge TV, which also featured exciting performances from Rob Van Dam, Jerry Lynn, Samoa Joe and new signing Austin Aries.

Looking to the past glories of the X Division, the show featured none of the things you would associate with Impact today. There was no regular ring, no Hulk Hogan, no Ric Flair, no Sting, no Kurt Angle and very little Eric Bischoff.

Speaking to SunSport after the show, AJ raved: "Destination X was probably one of best events of the year so far and one I particularly enjoyed being a part of.

"There's no doubt about it. Daniels and I had a great match — it was also one of our longest as well.

"The only bad thing was I think he got knocked out during it. But maybe that's what friends are for, eh? They knock each other out!"

AJ added: "I hated to see the six-sided ring leave and I was excited to see it return.

"I have, I guess, got kind of used to the four-sided ring and had forgotten how hard it was to perform in the six-sided one.

"The top rope stuff was harder, the ropes are thicker and to be honest it threw me off a bit.

"But the six-sided ring is what made TNA. It may have only been back for one event but we showed how special it is!"

The six-sided ring was replaced by the more traditional four-sided one during the formative months of the Hogan and Bischoff regime.

With fewer wrestlers on the current roster with that ring these days, was the choice of Daniels as his opponent a welcome one?

Styles said: "Of course, it was the perfect scenario really. Daniels and I have had some great matches in the past and having a good friend like him to work with helped me greatly.

"We've both had plenty of experience in the old-style ring. This match came together wonderfully because of our history and knowledge."

The X Division was once one of TNA's biggest draws and one that Styles himself was a major part of.

Recently the emphasis on TNA programming has been less on the exciting high flyers and more on the established big men, or in some cases old pals of company big names.

Styles added: "The X Division is one of the best things we do. They do deserve TV time and unfortunately they don't always get it.

"It's been a case of guys like Hogan and Sting needing TV airtime and the X guys getting lost in the shuffle.

"My hope is that Destination X is the wake-up call they need to give them the shot they deserve.

"I'd like to see those matches return to form and being the reason that people tune in to see us doing this stuff once again."

With his headline match at Destination X going down extremely well with fans and management alike, what does a guy like AJ look forward to now in TNA?

He said: "Well my sights are on the Bound For Glory series of matches on Impact Wrestling.

"I have no issues in saying that I want that world title shot and I'm gonna work my hardest in these matches to get there."

With the company adopting a new logo and new motto we just had to discuss why 'Wrestling Matters' to a guy like AJ Styles.

He replied: "it's simple really. It's what I know and what I do, it should matter to me because that's exactly who AJ Styles is.

"I am a wrestler and wrestling matters to a wrestler."

Styles, who missed out on this year's TNA shows in the UK due to injury, will be back over here in January, along with Sting, Angle, Samoa Joe, Mr Anderson and many more top stars for the Maximum Impact IV Tour.

And the Phenomenal One cannot wait to wrestle on British soil. He said: "I heard the last tour was awesome, so it was gutting to miss it. I am geared up for this one though.

"It was the right decision to not go last time, health-wise I just had to take a break to heal up. But I do still feel bad that I missed out on it all.

"Maximum Impact IV will see AJ Styles at full power and you can all expect me wrestling at 100 per cent. Fans will get everything you expect form me for your hard-earned money."

A question we always have to ask a wrestler is are there any grapplers they think would benefit their company and perhaps even be a dream feud for them?

Styles told us: "Well I'd love to see Rey Mysterio end his career here. I'd love that opportunity, he is such a superstar and I'd hope it could happen, you just never know.

"Maybe some of our UK fans will give me a few other ideas in response to this one. Rey's the only guy I can think of right now."

You can catch up with AJ Styles on Impact Wrestling in the UK and Ireland on Challenge TV every Tuesday at 10pm.


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