Aftershock 6

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

The pyro goes off in the arena for under 10 seconds flat as the crowd cheers for the proceedings that are about to kick off, hot from Ascension. The camera shows multiple signs around the arena as well as some of the crazy fans in attendance tonight. Finally, the camera switches over to the commentating crew for Aftershock.

Serra: Good evening ladies and gentlemen to the sixth installment of Aftershock and we've got a big line-up here tonight!

Klamor: We've got a Mayhem title Triple Threat match, which should be fun, as well as a few new tag teams testing the waters here before they get decimated in the big leagues.

Serra: Don't be so harsh on them yet, Klamor! We even have a couple of single exhibition matches to feature as well so let's hurry up and get star...


The crowd cheers as Chuck Myles comes out on stage with a microphone in hand, a smile on his face being the most unusual thing to most fans.

Klamor: What a pleasant surprise! And the boss seems quite happy too.

The music dies down as he puts the microphone near his mouth.

Myles: How many shows have we had of Aftershock so far? If I'm not mistaken, this is the sixth show right?

A small cheer from the crowd.

Myles: And for some reason, this show has been running without an official General Manager as of yet. Considering that I am no longer the GM of Meltdown and I'm not on Ty's payroll anymore, it looks like I'm the only man left who has the credentials to fill the spot: so until this whole issue is resolve, I am the Interim General Manager of Aftershock!

A bigger cheer for Myles this time.

Myles: As my first act of General Manager, I'm making a few changes to the show tonight. I recently received an anonymous call inquiring about a certain superstars' working VISA... and how it has been expired for a while.

The crowd listens with intrigue.

Myles: I addressed this superstar when it came close to renewing their VISA and for some reason, that star was unable to do so: therefore, WZCW was left with no choice but to send this certain star back to their country of origin. This leaves us with a bit of a problem though as this man was scheduled to face Jack Skinner in singles contest tonight.

Most of the crowd realise who it was from that clue.

Myles: This leaves Jack Skinner without an opponent... until recently when I heard that a certain debuting superstar wouldn't be making it to the building because of a "flight troubles." Apparently it had something to do with a discoloured lightning storm... anyway, Jack Skinner will be taking that person's place in a tag team contest with another debuting individual.

The crowd begins chatting amongst themselves as to what could be happening.

Myles: Apart from that, Aftershock will be running as scheduled. Enjoy the show everyone.

The Aftershock theme song plays as Chuck Myles heads to the back.

Klamor: Interesting turn of events here thus far: I wonder if we can get any information on what has happened?

Serra: I'm sure that we can access this information on after the show. But for now, let's start the show!
Anderson: Ladies & Gentleman, the following match is set for One-Fall and is a Tag-Team Match! Out first, with a combined weight of 550lbs, from the local area... the team of The Local Talent & The Beard!


The Beard & The Local Talent come out onto the stage with very little reaction from the crowd. TLT gives out some high fives to the fans as they slowly warm to him, but Beard just looks at the ring, focused on the upcoming match. Both men enter the ring simultaneously as they await their opponents.

Anderson: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 538lbs... the team of James Howard & Mikey Stormrage, STRRRRIKEFOOORCE!


Out come Strikeforce down the ramp, high-fiving the fans whilst Stormrage shadowboxes his way down. Sliding into the ring, Howard climbs the top rope as Stormrage looks at TLT & signals "Game Over".

Serra: Wow, Strikeforce look on top of their game already!

Klamor: And who are these two guys they're against?! The "Local Talent" and a man who calls himself "The Beard"? Stupid if you ask me.

All four men are in the ring discussing who might start off this match. A few seconds later, Stormrage and The Beard are making their way to the apron so James Howard & Local Talent are starting this one off.

TLT & Howard both lock up and begin a test of strength right in the centre of the ring. TLT though gets smart & kicks Howard in the knee, dropping him down in the mat as TLT comes off the rope behind Howard and plants him into the mat with a one-handed Bulldog! Howard's head bounces off of the mat as TLT goes in for a pin early on after one move;1...KICKOUT!

Serra: TLT might have got ahead there, but he should have known he wouldn't win from one more!

Klamor: Maybe his old age is getting to him alread Becky, who knows?

Howards gets up and tags in Stormrage as TLT stands waiting for him. Stormrage runs straight towards him and hits him down with a clothesline and as he comes off of the ropes, TLT is back up, but Mikey knocks him right back down with another clothesline. He goes for a cover; 1...KICKOUT! Stormrage gets right up and grabs TLT by the head, lifting him off of the floor. TLT kicks Stormrage in the gut and runs towards the ropes. He comes back towards Mikey looking to shoulder barge him to the mat, but Stormrage stays standing, so TLT tries again, but still to no avail! Stormrage simply grabs TLT and throws him behind him with a Belly to Belly suplex! Stormrage however has thrown Talent into his own corner, so Beard manages to lean over and tag himself into the match!

Klamor: The man with the fuzz is entering the ring Becky.

Serra: He looks scary & he definitely means business Johnny!

The Beard walks towards Stormrage and lands a fist into his face, as Stormrage returns the favour and both men begin to trade punches in the middle of the ring. Both men continue to trade these blows until Beard hits Mikey with a back kick right into the gut. The Beard irish whips his opponent over into the corner and runs towards him, spearing him into the turnbuckles. Stormrage bends down in pain but gets up again as Beard turns around and starts to deliver elbows to the head of Mikey, one after the other, getting faster and faster. As The Beard moves away, Stormrage falls to the centre of the ring. The Beard climbs to the top rope and could possibly be looking for his finisher as Stormrage gets to his feet. The Beard jumps, but no! Stormrage jumps out of the way and manages to tag in his partner as The Beard hits the canvas and hard!

Klamor: That was a HARD landing there!

Howard has The Beard where he wants him and as he gets up gets hit with a huge dropkick, landing him down once more. Howards runs at the ropes and jumps, landing on Beard with a HUGE Springboard Moonsault! He tries for a pin;1...2..KICKOUT! No avail here as Howard is straight up and lifting The Beard up with it. Howard tags in Stormrage as he takes a groggy Beard and.... TKO! Howard runs towards TLT and knocks him off of the apron as the legal Stormrage jumps and... STORMRAGE SPLASH! The double team "Rage Quit" has been hit and Mikey Stormrage covers; 1...2...3!!

Serra: Stormrage must have broken TLT in two!

Klamor: WHAT AN ENDING! Strikeforce are succesful in their first match!

Anderson: Your winners... the team of James Howard & Mikey Stormrage... STRRRRRIKEFOOOORCE!!

Howard & Stormrage high-five each other in the centre of the ring as the fans cheer them on.


We transition backstage to see Alexander Stark walking through the hallways wearing formal attire without the blazer and tie, scratching his head with his head bowed down. He is moving at a very slow rate as some people backstage who he passes see him and begin to gossip.

Klamor: What's he doing here?

Serra: I think we're about to find out...

The crowd reacts in a mainly negative way to Alexander Stark's arrival in the arena but some detect something else may be the reason he is out here and either don't say anything or cheer for him instead. Stark ignores most of the crowd as he goes straight for the ring.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Alexander Stark!

A mixed reaction, more boo's than cheers, are heard from the announcement. Stark takes the microphone off Anderson as she exits the ring and he stands in the middle. The music dies down and he is very hesitant in speaking. Finally, he lifts the mic.

Stark: There is a lot of things that you people don't know about me and quite frankly, most of these things I'd like to keep that way. However, there is one thing that I need to get off my chest and I will be doing so in a language that all of you will understand.

The crowd boo's at this statement.

Stark: I didn't need to become a professional wrestler for money as I comfortably retired at the age of 29 and I certainly didn't do it for any of the fans.

Again, they boo.

Stark: I didn't do it because I wanted to compete as a tag team wrestler along with Hiraku nor did I do it make sure all of you gained a bit more intellect due to my presence.

Once more.

Stark: I did it because for my entire life, I wanted to become a professional wrestler. I can't exactly pinpoint why I wanted to do so nor at this point in time remember why I still come out here every week and wrestle. After I lost my championship, I didn't know what direction I was going as the start of my career here went all too fast for me to keep up with... so in saying this, I am afraid that I will be announcing my retirement from professional wrestling.

The crowd is split in reaction.

Stark: I didn't expect to have a huge party or anything like that: I just wanted the opportunity to get this off my chest so I can leave in peace and mind, trying to find why I loved this business in the first place and whether or not I will be able to come back someday. I know I wasn't here long but the time I've spent was enough to satisfy my childhood dreams...

Thank you.

Alexander drops the microphone and exits the ring, leaving up the ramp without looking to the fans who don't know how to react to Stark retiring. Some cheer, some boo and others encourage or stay silent in shock.

Klamor: Another great competitor lost in the shuffle. I hope he comes back soon, I liked the kid.

Serra: Any loss to the industry is a lot to take in: loved or hated.

Stark looks back at the arena at the top of the entrance way before heading out back.


We transition to see Hiro Kota Koji walking through the back area with a coffee in hand and a bagel in the other, enjoying the festivities in the catering room. Suddenly out of nowhere, Justin Cooper comes from behind and blindsides Hiro with a steel chair. Staff and personnel in the catering room scatter and look for help as Cooper is relentlessly attacking Hiro on the ground with a steel chair. He does not stop until security and referee's disarm him and push him away from Hiro. He doesn't appear to be moving as Cooper looks like he is completely livid. Cooper leaves the scene as medical staff attend to Hiro.

Serra: What was the point of that attack?

Klamor: I don't think Cooper appreciates the idea of facing him tonight.
Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall.


The crowd starts to boo as Joe West emerges from backstage, water bottle in hand. He glares at some of the audience while sipping his water.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 245 pounds, Joe West!

West takes a final sip of water then spits in the referees direction, before climbing the ropes to taunt the crowd

Serra: Joe West, disrespectful as always. I wonder how we will react to the last minute match up change.

Klamor: I think West has a bright future Becky and he can handle anything thrown his way.


Anderson: And his partner for the evening, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 186 pounds, Darren Bull!

Dull makes his way to the ring, stopping to proposition a few of the women in the front row. He climbs the turnbuckle and slowly unzips his jacket, much to the dismay of the fans. He jumps down and he and West discuss strategy

Klamor: Bull and West have a bit of history in the ring, but these guys look good together.

Serra: The tag team division does seem to have received a shot in the arm recently. It remains to be seen how these two will coexist however.


The lights go down and a mixed reaction comes from the crowd. A spotlight hits the stage and out pops Jack Skinner, the crowd now mostly cheers. Skinner makes his way to ring as the strobe lights pulse through the arena

Anderson: Their opponents, introducing first from New York City, weighing in at 150 pounds, Jack Skinner!

Serra: Skinner looking to make a statement here tonight after his quick exit in the Lottery. He can't be happy with the way he was treated by Ty and his crew.

Klamor: In a match like that you take whatever advantages you can get and thats why Ty is going to challenge for the title.


The crowd waits in silent at the sound of the unfamiliar theme song. Suddenly a figure starts to rise from beneath the stage. When the lift reaches the top of the stage Hunter Jackson slowly and calmly walks to the ring

Anderson: And his partner, from Zhengzhou City, Henan Province in Dengfeng, China, weighing in at 185 pounds, Hunter Jackson.

Serra: Jackson making his WZCW debut tonight. I eagerly await the extensive martial arts skills he can bring to the ring.

Klamor: Isn't he some sort of Buddhist? I bet he doesn't even fight. Just hand this match to his opponents

West and Bull have a quick discussion before they decide West will start out the match. Jackson looks to Skinner who motions for him to start as he takes his place on the apron. The bell sounds.

Quickly Joe West steps in, looking very determined. Jackson on the other hand looks calm and collected and simply steps away from West's advances. West throws out a few wild punches, easily avoided by Jackson. West, looking angry, steps in for a tie up which is again easily avoided by Jackson. West looks flustered and steps away, imploring Jackson to attack him.

Klamor: I told you. Look at the coward, he refuses to fight.

Trying to coax Jackson into fighting, West spits at his feet. Jackson simply looks down and shows no sign of it bothering him. Angered, West simply walks forward and slaps Jackson across the face. West is met with a chorus of boos as he steps in to slap Jackson again. Before he can connect though Jackson snatches his arm and twists it around. He then whips West into the ropes and takes him down with a leg lariat on the rebound.

Serra: Looks like you spoke too soon as usual Johnny. Beautiful move there by Jackson.

Instead of following up the attack Jackson allows West to return to his feet.

Klamor: Once a coward, always a coward Becky, I told you so.

West gets to his feet and goes back on the attack hitting a few punches before tying up Jackson. A quick Irish whip and dropkick off the rebound puts West in control. He picks Jackson up and whips him into the corner with Bull. West again slaps Jackson before tagging in his partner. The two get in a few quick shots before the ref is able to get West out of the ring.

Klamor: Great example of teamwork there.

Serra: Or a great example of blatant cheating depending on how you look at it.

On offense Bull hits a quick elbow to the face. Jackson doubles over in pain and Bull follows it up with a quick knee to the same region. Bull hooks the leg looking for the pin 1......2......Jackson gets the shoulder up. Bull picks up Jackson, who starts to fight back. Just as it appears he will get the upper hand Bull rakes the eyes. The referee warns Bull that was illegal. Not happy with the ref Bull turns to argue with him. This gives Jackson time to crawl over to make the tag.

Serra: Bad move by Bull, he has a history with arguing with the officials and it allowed Jackson to get the tag.

Bull finally gives up his argument but as he turns back to the match he is hit with a dropkick from the fresh Skinner. Bull bounces back up but goes right back down from another dropkick. Skinner is on a roll as he hits a clothesline putting Bull down a third time. He hits a standing knee drop and goes for the cover, 1......2......and West jumps in the break up the pin. The referee and Skinner implore West to get out of the ring. Bull recovers and staggers to the ropes. Skinner runs at him going for a spinning heel kick but West pushs Bull out of the way and pulls down the top rope, sending Skinner crashing to the floor. Jackson jumps into the ring but is stopped by the referee. West and Bull take the opportunity to double team Skinner with stomps on the outside.

Serra: Blatant cheating by Bull and West here, to no ones surprise.

Klamor: You call it cheating, I call it excellent strategy.

Bull and West roll Skinner back into the ring. Bull goes for the cover, 1......2......and someone how manages to kick out. Bull, frustrated, whips Skinner into the corner. He tags in West and again the two get in some quick shots before the ref restores order. West hits a DDT and goes for the cover, 1......2......and Skinner gets his foot on the ropes. West is furious. He jumps around in a fit, verbally abusing the official. Skinner slowly crawls to his corner, Jackson imploring the crowd to rally behind himas he awaits the tag. Bull tries desperately to get West to pay attention but its too late. West turns around just as Skinner makes the tag. Jackson comes in rested as West charges him. West goes for a clothesline but Jackson ducks, causing West to crash into the corner. Jackson rushes in and hits a beautiful corner backflip kick. West is still slumped in the corner as Jackson jumps and and hits a picture perfect hurricanrana. West staggers to his feet, he looks out of it. Jackson looks ready to finish when Darren Bull rushes in. Before he can do anything though Jack Skinner launches off the top rope with a jumping punch to take them both out of the picture. As they roll out of the ring West turns and faces Jackson who leaps up and hits The Way! Straight into the pin, 1......2......3!

The bell rings and Jackson raises his hands. Skinner rolls back in and gives Jackson a pat on the back and raises him arm. The two play to the crowd a bit as West and Bull angrily head backstage.

Anderson: Here are your winners, Hunter Jackson and Jack Skinner!

Serra: An impressive showing in his debut match to pick up the win. Whether he decides to stick in a team with Skinner or go it solo, Jackson is definitely one to look out for.

Klamor: I still think Jackson is a coward and Skinner carried him in the match but a win is a win.


We see Chuck Myles in the back, walking down the corridor about to enter into his office until an angry Justin Cooper grabs Myles from behind, turns him around and slams him against the wall. Myles is not impressed at Cooper's actions.

Myles: What the hell do you want?

Cooper gets in the face of Myles.

Cooper: I can make your life a living hell if you don't do as I say, Chuck.

Myles: It's Mr. Myles to you and I already have enough on my plate, what are you going to do to me that's going to make me think you're a priority?

Cooper doesn't take lightly to that comment.

Cooper: I'm put in a match against a nobody who stuffs his face in the cafeteria yet some new guys get a shot at my title? I didn't think that was a very good idea so I took care of my opponent prior to the match and I've taken care of that new guy who was supposed to wrestle tonight, Blue Lightning I think his name was...

Myles: What's your point?

Cooper: If you don't put me in that Mayhem title match tonight I will eliminate all the competitors before they even get to the gorilla position and I will make your life as the Interim General Manager very hard.

Myles rolls his eyes at Cooper.

Myles: Fine, you can have your rematch on one condition. Tonight is Johnny Scumm's last chance at gaining the Mayhem title... well apparently I've had a change of heart. This isn't his last chance at the Mayhem title ever... it's yours.

Cooper has a mixed reaction but lets go of Myles as he heads to the ring. Chuck shakes his head as he enters his office.
Anderson: The following is a three way contest under Mayhem Rules for the WZCW Mayhem Championship!


Anderson: Introducing first, from Manchester, England, weighing in at 223 pounds, Johnny Scumm!

The loud and brutal sounds of “God Save The Queen” hit and the crowd has mixed feelings, not sure how to take Scumm’s recent attitude adjustment. Scumm spits as he makes his way down to the ring, but gives a wave to the crowd and smiles a little as he makes his way down.

Serra: With his latest address to the WZCW Universe, Johnny Scumm seems to have turned over a new leaf.

Klamor: And I hate it! He’s lost his edge, if you ask me!


Anderson: Next, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 282 pounds, Stevenson Marquel!

The crowd cheers as Marquel makes his way to the ring with a slight limp as he busts out a freestyle that he has apparently thought up on his way to the ring.

Serra: And this man picked up the victory when last we came to you live on Aftershock, pinning Hiro Kota Koji and also defeating the new Mayhem Champion as a result!

Klamor: Stevens did all the work in that match! Marquel lucked into that victory.


Anderson: And finally, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 228 pounds, he is the new WZCW Mayhem Champion…Ace Stevens!

The crowd boos as Ace makes his way out onto the stage with his back to the ring, pumping his fist in the air in time to the drum beat. When the vocal comes in, he turns around and struts down to the ring. As he walks toward the ring, Ace adjusts his hair, jacket and shows off his new belt in the most obnoxious fashion possible as he enters the ring.

Klamor: You know, I loved Justin Cooper as a Mayhem Champion, but I gotta say, Stevens isn’t a bad replacement. He’s got the attitude you need to succeed in WZCW!

Serra: Stevens had an amazing victory over Justin Cooper at the Lethal Lottery, winning the Mayhem Championship in his first WZCW victory, but there’s no rest for the wicked as he must immediately defend in this three way contest.

The ref takes the belt and begins the usual preparations for a title match. Just before he is ready to signal for the match to begin, Anderson is handed a note.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, I have just been informed of a change to this contest. It will now be a four way match!

Serra: An unexpected development! Who will be joining these three?


Anderson: Introducing their opponent, from the Suburbs, he weighs in at 240 pounds…Justin Cooper!

Klamor: Oh ho! The former champion is wasting no time in getting his rematch!

Cooper looks furious and wastes no time in getting to the ring. He gets on the ring apron and Stevens immediately gets in his face. Cooper wastes no time and knees Stevens in the gut, then flips over him with an acrobatic move to enter the ring! The bell rings and the match is underway. Stevens rolls into the corner as Scumm goes for a clothesline on Cooper, but Cooper dodges and rapidly counters with a backbreaker. Scumm rolls out of the ring, but out of nowhere, Marquel nails Cooper with a kick to the back of the head! Marquel picks Cooper up by the back of the head just as Stevens, recovering, looks to hit a dropkick right to Cooper’s face. But Cooper wrests himself out of Marquel’s grip just in time and the dropkick hits Marquel right in the face, sending him out of the ring and leaving the champion and Cooper alone.

Serra: Fast and furious action to kick this one off!

Stevens wastes no time in going after Cooper, laying into him with stomps and kicks. He goes for an Irish whip, but Cooper reverses it, sending Stevens into the ropes and taking him down with a flying shoulder block. Stevens rolls to the side as Marquel reenters the ring, going after Cooper. He puts on a waistlock, but before he can do anything with it Cooper counters it into a jawbreaker! Stevens and Scumm meanwhile are brawling outside and Marquel has staggered into their general direction. Cooper, a mad gleam in his eyes, measures the situation for a moment before hitting the ropes, charging, and going over the top with a plancha on all three men!

Klamor: Cooper is pissed about losing the title and he is willing to lay it all on the line here! When’s the last time you saw Cooper go for anything high risk like that? He’s going all out!

Cooper takes a moment to recover from the move and tosses Scumm into the ring, following him in. Scumm rolls into the corner and stands up while Cooper takes another moment to collect himself. He closes to the corner to do more damage to Scumm, but Scumm kicks him square in the nether regions before he can do anything! The crowd cheers, happy to see as underhanded a competitor as Justin Cooper get a taste of his own medicine. Cooper staggers back, spinning wildly and clutching his manhood. Scumm rapidly closes, knees him in the gut and hits his own stunner jawbreaker! Cooper pops up and keeps staggering about, but Scumm plants him squarely on the mat with a running bulldog! He goes for the cover but the pin is broken at two by Stevens, reentering the ring. Stevens goes for a cover of his own after tossing Scumm off, but Cooper is able to kick out at two this time. Marquel has reentered the ring and measures Cooper for a spinning back kick, nailing it as soon as Cooper sits up. Cooper rolls out of the ring after all the punishment.

Serra: After a hot start, the former champ has taken a lot of punishment, and it’ll take a lot of effort to get back into this one.

Marquel locks up quickly with Scumm and drops him with a belly-to-back suplex, and Scumm rolls out of the ring. Stevens, quickly from behind, takes out Marquel at his bad leg. Marquel rolls into a corner and stands himself up in very visible pain. Stevens closes and lays into Marquel with knife edge chops. Stevens tries to whip the bigger man into the far corner but Marquel puts the brakes on, reverses the whip, and sends Stevens into the turnbuckle. Marquel, however, collapses on his bad leg and rubs it, trying to work some feeling back in, leaving him unable to capitalize. On the outside, Cooper is stirring but Scumm has already been rooting around under the ring, coming up with something that he keeps stashed out of sight until he gets a good chance to make use of it. When both men are down in the ring, Scumm leaps into action, coming up with a steel chair and going to town on Stevens in the corner. He smashes a hard blow across Stevens head and then another across the back, sending Stevens out of the ring. Marquel, meanwhile, is recovering from his leg and has his back to Scumm. Scumm measures him for a shot, waiting for Marquel to get up. Marquel gets to his feet and turns around, seeing Scumm charging at him with the chair. He gets out of the way and Scumm pulls up in the corner. He rounds on Marquel again and takes a big swing, but Marquel dodges and takes him down with a clothesline. Scumm gets into the corner and tries to bring himself up, but Marquel meets him there and lays into him with hard right hands. After abusing Scumm for with fists in the corner, Marquel sets up Scumm on the top rope, gets him into muscle buster position…he takes a look around the ring and positions himself just right…and drops Scumm with a Street Cred to the steel chair!

Serra: Oh my! That did some serious damage!

Scumm is dead in the ring as Marquel goes for the cover, but Cooper breaks it up with a last second break up. He rapidly picks up Marquel and starts to beat on him. Stevens, on the outside, shakes off the last of the cobwebs and grabs a kendo stick from underneath the ring, also enters the ring. He cracks Cooper across the head with the stick, allowing Marquel to escape momentarily and let his leg recover from the strain of the Street Cred as he crawls into a corner. Stevens breaks the stick with a few more shots on Cooper, who collapses in a heap after the attacks. Stevens signals for the Y.A.P. and gets Cooper into the hold. Cooper, however, after a few moments of struggling, is somehow able to roll and launch Stevens off of him. He scrambles and grabs a shard of the kendo stick. As Stevens stumbles back into the fray, Cooper goes after Stevens eye with the shard, getting him a little high and cutting open a wide gash in his forehead. Blood immediately starts to pour out and a blinded Stevens is powerless to resist Cooper setting him up for a Your Final Verse. Cooper is about to hit it, but Marquel breaks it up before Cooper can execute. Stevens rolls away and wipes the blood out of his eyes. Marquel and Cooper struggle for a moment, trading blows. Stevens quickly repays the favor with another brutal shot to Marquel’s and, after he rolls back into his corner, a low blow to Cooper. Seemingly enraged by his own blood, Stevens quickly executes a facebreaker knee smash on Cooper. Stevens finds another shard of the stick and viciously rips open Cooper’s forehead, tossing it aside and then finally locking in the Y.A.P. once more. This time it looks like Cooper might tap… but Marquel is up and hits Stevens in the head with the Brooklyn Big Boot out of nowhere... he goes for the cover just as Johnny Scumm begins to recover... 1... 2... 3...!

Stevenson Marquel gets the victory as Johnny Scumm goes to break up the pin. He is still very exhausted from the match to do anything about it.

Anderson: Here is your winner and NEW WZCW Mayhem Champion; Stevenson Marquel!

Serra: Amazing! Marquel was able to recover and hit his finisher from nowhere. I thought Cooper was going to tap.

Klamor: One split second away and Stevens would have retained during his first defense.

Marquel gets the Mayhem championship and holds it high in the air with the crowd chanting his name. He exits the ring and celebrates with the fans as Cooper and Stevens are just coming too, becoming aware of the situation. Cooper shakes his head but Stevens has a look in his eye that could kill and it's staring right at Marquel. Stevenson sees this and raises his belt, showing him who the new champion is as Aftershock goes off the air.
Who Wrote What:

CP Munk - Strikeforce vs. Local Talent/Beard
FalKon - Opening, Segments & Mayhem title match ending
Harthan - Mayhem title match
Yazloz - Jackson/Skinner vs. West/Bull

Thanks to everyone who volunteered on this edition of AF: you did great guys. Numbers and I will try and keep on top of the guest writers list (as the two of us are co-working Aftershock now) as well as get the results out to the writers quicker. Sorry Harthan: we had a bit of a snag there and I skipped a post that decided the winner.

Rep these gentlemen as well!
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