Aftershock 25

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the Frog
Tonight, the road to greatness continues. Warriors will rise and continue on the path to immortality. Wars will be waged. And their battles will shake the foundations of this company.


Comedy versus tragedy. Tradition versus the new age. The classic tale of heroes versus villains.


Misunderstandings. Desperation. Vengeance. When two warriors claim the same prize, they will fight to their last breath to lay hold to it.


The beauty and the beast. One fights for love. And the other..... Simply fights. One seeks to protect her loved one. The other..... simply destroys.


The legend and the knight. A test that will push two men's bodies to the absolute brink. For in this world, pride is very dear. And those that lose it, lose everything.


3 men. 1 throne. A Three Way war that shall test the wills of the finest warriors. Who will survive end? Kingdom Come.


Tonight, the road continues. Join us as we celebrate 25 episodes of Aftershock. Who will reach out for that brass ring tonight?



Pyrotechnics blast their way around the entrance, ramp and ring in an extravagant display. A number 25 sparkles above the ring and the crowd sounds rampant as the show comes to an opening.....

Klamor: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado. I'm Johnny Klamor alongside the beautiful Becky Serra welcoming you to the 25th episode of Aftershock.

Becky: Tonight we find out more about Kingdom Come, The Wrestlezone Weekend and the Supershow. And who the first inductee into the WZCW Hall Of Fame will be!


Alex emerges and heads to the ring mic at hand. He has a familiar object with him in his other hand. The Scepter Of Mayhem he won some time ago. Quick to get to the point, he speaks.

Alex: I'm considered to be a very violent man. I've done some very harsh things. And this scepter is the proof of how deadly I can be. I'm the longest reigning Mayhem Champion and I'm considered an innovator for ultraviolent wrestling. I've wanted to put all of that aside, but it seems I keep getting pulled back into it time and time again. Just what else do I need to prove? What els---


Tastic emerges and also makes his way to the ring quickly. He does slap a hand or two with some fans on the way down, but he seems focused on Bowen.

Tastic: I find it hypocritical that a guy wants to walk away from something but can't seem to stop bragging about it. Though I think wasn't listening very well. Innovator? Deadliest? What else to prove? You make it sound as is there was no question that you're the best. But you're not. You wanna brag? Let me brag a bit then. Shortest reigning Mayhem Champion. Once the longest reigning. The only 3 time, hell 4 time Mayhem Champion. A record with any belt. Did you compete during the 24/7 days? Oh, dear Arceus those were dark days. You're great. But in my eyes, not the greatest. What do you say we turn things up a notch by--


Klamor: More people? Is there a party we weren't told about in the ring?

The entire Altar emerges together. D.C., Westhoff, Mystique and the new member, David Whitman all head to the ring as Mystique holds a mic. He confronts Bowen with the rest of the Altar surrounding them. Bowen and Mystique exchange serious stares before Matt intervenes and pulls Bowen out. Trying to keep him from getting into a massive brawl before their match. They both leave as Mystique hands his mic to Westhoff.

My brothers and sister, I realize you have to be tired of seeing us destroy Strikeforce over and over. But fear not, their day of Reckoning is coming. At the Supershow, we'll purge them once and for all. Our leader here will destroy that fool Runn, the traitor Jacobs and James Howard while we bring an end to that stubborn thorn, Stormrage. When it's all said and done, all that will be left will be headstones to honor their foolish memories.

Westhoff hands the mic over to Mystique who nods approvingly at his words. He is about to speak but gets cut off.


Stormrage, Jacobs, Runn and Howard all emerge at the top of the ramp looking on to the ring. Howard holds a mic in hand and speaks.

Howard: You really think that at 1 against 3, you're going to win Mystique? All that enlightenment must be going to your head. If anyone is coming out on top at the Supershow, it's us reasonable, normal folk. Not the cosplay convention going on in that ring. Lets just see how good you guys are when the odds are even.

The entire group marches down the ring with the Altar getting ready for the seeming war that's about to happen. The crowd seems to go mad from the frenzy about to occur but it's cut short by a familiar voice.

Myles: Gentlemen! GENTLEMEN! Please, just put on the breaks. We've seen this time and time again. The Altar attacks, Strikeforce wants revenge. It's been an endless cycle. Well, I've decided to put the final stop in all of this. It's not going to be at the Supershow. That would be too simple. It's going to be at Kingdom Come. As James Howard, Derek Jacobs and Mikey Stormrage go head to head with D.C., Mason Westhoff and The Grand Mystique in a 3 on 3 Elimination Chamber match!


That's insane!


The crowd pops for the revelation as the graphic comes on screen. But Runn doesn't seem pleased. Screaming "What about me?" at Myles. Myles chuckles a bit at the sight of the angry Runn and speaks up again.

Myles: I haven't forgotten about you, Runn. That would leave Whitman over there unattended. See, we need to determine who gains the man-advantage in that match. And that's where you two come in. We're gonna determine that. At The Wrestlezone Weekend!


Myles: What do you think, gentlemen?

Howard: I think it'll be a cracker of a match.

Howard drops the mic and the two factions come to blows as pandemonium breaks loose.

Serra: Oh wow! Looks like these two teams want to go at it now instead of waiting for the Chamber! I hope we can get them under control. Our first match of the night when we return!


We cut backstage and see The Beard walking in the hallway. The crowd lights up in the arena upon seeing him on the titantron. Suddenly, The Beard stops as he spots someone off-camera. It is none other than the WZCW Announcer, Jack Cohen! Cohen is at a snack table that is set up in the hallway. Right before he eats a triscuit, he spots The Beard staring at him.

Beard: Well, I'll be a spotless monkey in July. I never thought I would see the high and mighty Jack Cohen here on Aftershock.

Cohen snorts.

Cohen: Don't flatter yourself kid by thinking I have finally lowered myself to the "talent" that graces this show. Twenty-five episodes or not, this is still the "C" show and there is nothing that Myles, Bowen, Tastic, or you for any matter can do anything about it.

Cohen proceeds to eat his triscuit, but gets cut off.

Beard: I started out here on Aftershock and I consider it my home show. There has been a lot of great moments over the last 25 episodes. Who could forget Tastic vs. Bowen on Aftershock 1? Or the rise and fall of Jack O' Lantern.

Cohen: You mean just the fall right?

Beard: Perhaps you are forgetting that he beat Triple X on Aftershock 2! Fine, how about every Roulette Round since Aftershock's inception it has played host to two WZCW World Heavyweight Title Matches? Or how about the fact that our first glimpse of Strikeforce was James Howard beating Mikey Stormrage on Aftershock 5 in singles competition? The Mentor Program, Donny J's Exit Party, and etc. I mean the list goes on and on buddy.

Cohen: First off, I'm not your buddy. Second, that list of "great" events is chump change when compared to the elite brand of television that Meltdown and Ascension have brought us over the years. Third, the only reason I am here tonight is because they are keeping the Hall of Fame reveal close to their chest. So, I wanted to ready just in case I am revealed as the first ever WZCW Hall of Fame inductee.

Beard starts to chuckle.

Cohen: You laugh, but what have you ever done in your career? Floated around and produced a paper-tiger tag team championship reign? Now, you are fighting a guy tonight, but where is the fire? That is why your match is on Aftershock, because no one wants to see it!

Beard steps up into Cohen's face.

Beard: First, don't ever talk about The Gent in front of me ever again. Second, Grizzly Bob is a fine fellow. In fact, I am about to go meet up with him right now. That doesn't deny the fact that we won't put on the burliest show out there tonight. Third, despite how much of a stickler he is, I would rather have Johnny Klamor call my matches any day over you.

Cohen bares the deepest scowl. Beard just smiles and pats him on his shoulder.

Beard: Good luck on the Hall of Fame induction Cohen.

With that, Beard walks off as Cohen stares him down off-screen. He then shoves the triscuit in his mouth and chews furiously.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

The music hits and he slowly goes out to the stage. The Angel kneels down on both knees and looks up and throws his arms out, accepting god in his life. He looks at the ring and begins to walk over there, high-fiving all the fans in the front row telling them to embrace god.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Heaven, weighing 180 pounds, The Angel!

Serra: Here we go with the opening contest for Aftershock 25! In recent weeks we’ve seen The Angel and Dustin Hunter clash in tag team action but tonight we’ll finally see what happens when these two men go one on one.

Klamor: If you can’t make it by yourself than this isn’t the sport for you. One of these guys is going to prove tonight that they can win without a partner. Maybe Dustin Hunter will be able to prove that he can actually win?

Serra: No mention of Paradyse tonight?

Klamor: Who?


Anderson: Making his way to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 230 pounds, "The Nightmare" Dustin Hunter!

Dustin walks out onto the stage with his hoodie covering his face. He makes a bee line to the ring, Walking up the steps and stepping through the ropes as a single spotlight being the only light in the arena following him the whole way to the ring and now it follows him in the ring as he backs into the corner after tossing his hoodie out of the ring.

Klamor: This kid turned on his partner last week after a poor performance during the tag team match. You can’t just blame your partner and if he loses tonight this kid could be out of a job.

Serra: You could be right, Dustin Hunter is yet to win a match here in WZCW and his spot in the company could be on the line tonight.

Klamor: I’d have more chance in the ring than this kid.

The bell sounds in the background and the 25th Anniversary of Aftershock is underway. Both men look to take the centre of the ring and grab the early advantage in the contest. Hunter is clearly moving forward more than Angel, he throws a roundhouse kick as a warning shot for what he is capable. In response Angel rushes forward and grabs onto Hunter’s right arm, slings him into the ropes and drops down to execute a monkey flip! The crowd pops for the flashy piece of wrestling as Angel quickly gets to a vertical base before waving to the crowd. While this may have impressed the crowd, it did not impress Dustin Hunter who holds his lower back after smacking the canvas hard. With his hands out stretch Hunter charges at Angel, looking for a clothesline, but the man from God is able to duck underneath! Angel grabs the head of Hunter and attempts his version of the cutter known as Angel Fire! Suddenly Hunter wraps his arms around Angel and throws the masked man over his shoulder with a German suplex. A second suplex from Hunter now as he rolls over, setting up a third… it connects! Hunter slams Angel head first into the mat three times and now goes for a cover, one… two… kickout.

Angel pushes his shoulders off the mat to avoid losing this contest. Following up from his quick burst of suplex madness, Hunter grabs Angel by the mask and pulls him over to the ropes. With any hesitation Dustin Hunter holds the top rope with his hands and drives his knee into the right leg of Angel. Repeatedly dropping all of his body weight onto the leg of Angel who struggles, yet can’t break free. Like an animal on the hunt for his first kill, Hunter jumps onto Angel and begins to pound away at his face with vicious rights and left hands. He screams at Angel while doing so.

“Is this impressive?”

Serra: I think this contest may have just gotten very serious.

Klamor: Someone call this kid’s dad because he’s gone crazy.

Almost stalking his opponent at this point is Hunter, who walks slowly around the ring and watches as Angel pulls himself back to a vertical base. From behind, without notice, Hunter runs at full pace and strikes Angel in the back of the head with a forearm smash. Down he goes, almost crumbling inside the ring. Quickly Hunter hooks the leg for a cover, one… two… kickout! What? Hunter can’t believe it. Angel just kicked out of his strongest forearm ever. With a look of shock on his face Hunter backs up into the corner. He screams at the official that it was a three count and that he should have his first win in WZCW. It’s not the case though Angel clearly got his shoulder off the mat. Of course Hunter is not having any of that as he pleads with the official. All of this time wasting allows Angel to climb back to his feet and ascend the turnbuckle. He was just rocked moments ago and nearly falls off the top! The moment of trouble catches the attention of Hunter who attempts to cut Angel off before he can attack. This time it’s no use as Angel manages to compose himself, leap off the top rope and connect with a crossbody! Both men go down but this time Angel hooks the leg for a potential pin attempt, one… two… kickout!

Klamor: I thought that was it. I’ve got my jokes ready when Hunter loses yet again.

Serra: This is turning into a real back and forth contest today to open up Aftershock.

Klamor: Come on you masked freak, I got my jokes to tell!

Angel is slow to get back to his feet, looking a little fatigued after the hot start to the contest. As Hunter pushes off the mat with his hands this leaves him open to Angel who delivers two sharp kicks to the side and then strong spinning kick to the head! Dustin drops faster than the ball on New Year’s Eve and once again Angel hooks the leg for a cover, one… two… kickout! Both of these men are showing some great heart in this contest, neither can end it early. Angel seems a little more focused though as he pulls Hunter up off the canvas and rams him into the corner. In quick succession Angel fires off several chops across the chest of Hunter, who struggles after each one only to get pushed right back into position for another. Another six straight chops in the corner Angel whips Hunter across the ring and into the opposite corner. Angel looks at him almost collapsing as Dustin slings his arm over the top rope. Here comes Angel charging at Dustin, he leaps into the arm for a leaping corner clothesline, but Dustin moves out of the way at the last second! Angel is caught up in the corner and Hunter takes full advantage, grabbing the head and cracking it down onto the canvas with a neckbreaker.

Serra: I thought that Hunter was out on his feet in that situation. What a move to gain the upper hand in this contest.

Klamor: I may never get to use my jokes on Hunter but luckily for you and the entire WZCW universe I do have an entire joke book on that masked freak.

Serra: Freak?

Klamor: Of course, he wears a mask and all masked people are freaks. Simple facts my dear woman.

As the announcers continue to talk back and forth, Hunter turns Angel over and goes for a cover, one… two… foot on the bottom rope! Surely this can’t be happening to Dustin Hunter? He thought he had the match won with the neckbreaker but Angel gets his foot onto the bottom rope at the last moment to keep the match alive. It’s frustrating for Hunter who punches the mat and screams out at the top of his lungs. “Stay down,” says Hunter as he walks over to the walks, dragging Angel as he does so. Slowly Hunter pulls Angel up and leans him against the ropes. A few strikes to the body are landed by Hunter before he pulls back his knee and then drives it into the stomach of Angel. It’s rather strong, almost sending Angel down to the floor through the ropes. However Hunter keeps his arms on Angel and lifts him up onto his shoulders. The crowd watches on as the man from God hangs from the shoulders in position for the Samoan drop. Things look bad for Angel, and then suddenly he shifts his body weight and escapes out the back door. He drops down behind Dustin, pushes him into the corner and runs right after him. Without thinking Hunter dodges an incoming Angel who steps up the turnbuckle and flips backwards with GOD SEND! It connects right on the button and Hunter is out cold in the middle of the ring. It’s totally finished right now. Angel crawls into the cover, one… two… thr… kickout!

Klamor: He kicked out? Did he really just do that?

Serra: Seeing is believing tonight partner as Dustin Hunter and The Angel go back and forth in this very entertaining contest. Such drama is building as both men are looking fantastic tonight.

Klamor: I seriously do not know who has the advantage right now. Both men are down and it looks like Angel back his injured that right leg during that sequence.

Both men are down just as Klamor said and neither looks like they’re in a clear position of power right now. The first bit of movement we see is from Angel who begins to crawl toward the bottom rope. He gets a hand on it but Hunter grabs Angel’s right leg and begins to crank it! The masked man screams out in pain as Hunter slides into position, wrapping his legs around Angel’s injured leg before driving elbows into it with as much force as he has left in the tank. Angel tries to break free but his leg is almost useless and Hunter’s grip is so strong that escape is not an option. The only saving grace for Angel is that Hunter stands up on his feet, breaking his own hold. This of course isn’t to let Angel off the hook; rather it’s to transition into an even more deadly move. With his full focus on winning this match Hunter grabs Angel by the head and pulls him up. He looks at the luchador and strikes him across the face before lifting him up onto the turnbuckle. Hunter quickly follows Angel onto the high risk zone and grabs on his opponents shoulders/head area.

Serra: We’re in the high risk zone right now guys. One of these men could be seriously hurt up there.

Klamor: Angel is a little closer to God right now then he was before, this could give him superpowers or something.

Serra: I don’t think it works like that.

Just as Serra finishes talking Angel is able to block the superplex attempt of Dustin Hunter. He does it once and then another time before finding the strength to shove him off the turnbuckle and down to the canvas. It’s a hard fall for Hunter and he could be out right now. Still on the top turnbuckle is Angel and he is in his element right now. The man of God looks to the heavens for guidance before doing anything. A few moments pass and it seems like Angel has his answer. He stretches out his arms and closes his eyes… ANGEL JUMPS OFF THE TOP ROPE – GIFT FROM GOD – but Hunter gets his knees up! Angel comes down right onto the knees of Dustin Hunter.

Klamor: I thought Angel had it!

Serra: And so did I but---

Klamor: Kimura! Hunter has got the Kimura locked in on Angel!

It’s true! Dustin Hunter has his legs wrapped around Angel and has the arm isolated. Surely this is the end of the match. Hunter is nearly tearing the arm from the body, this match has got to be over. It looks like the Angel is trying to fight but it’s not enough as he is forced to tap out!

Anderson: The winner of the match by submission… DUSTIN HUNTER!

The bell sounds in the background but Hunter doesn’t break the hold straight away. He holds on for a couple of seconds before shoving Angel to the side like a piece of rubbish. With his victory win in WZCW achieved Hunter heads directly for the official, yelling at him to raise his hand. The official does so without question. Hunter stands in the ring soaking up the relief that he has his first victory with the company.

Serra: What a sickening display by Dustin Hunter following an incredible match to open the show. I can’t believe he would disrespect his opponent like that after such a hard fought effort.

Klamor: What are you talking about? He won the match so let the kid soak it up. He’s finally won a match here and I think it’ll be the first of many to come.

Hunter exits the ring and begins to make his way up the ramp as doctors check on Angel at ringside.


We cut backstage and hear a lot of commotion. Several people are chanting "GO GO!" The camera reveals the activity and we see a string of backstage hands with money clinched in their fists. Among them is a handful of superstars. Grizzly Bob and The Beard are leaning up against a wall in the background as they talk about what is going on. Ricky Runn is there waving money around and shouting "Come on come on!" Stacey Madison is also there as she shouts "50 more for 50 bones for me! Come on you little idiot!" The camera finally reveals what they are watching. It is WZCW Superstar, Krypto! He has Missy on his back as he performs push-ups. It seems that the group has taken wagers on how many he can do.

Krypto does a push-up.

Krypto: Isabel-

Krypto does another push-up.

Krypto: Stone-

Krypto does another push-up.

Krypto: Is gonna-

Krypto does another push-up.

Krypto: Get got!

The camera fades out with the group of people shouting and cheering as the pumped-up Krypto continues his push-ups.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 130 pounds, Amber Warren!

As soon as her theme is heard, she wastes no time in making her way down the ramp to slap hands with the fans. When she gets in the ring, she blows kisses as she rises on the turnbuckle. Even shaking the referee’s hand before the match.

Serra: Amber is all smiles tonight after winning her first match against the now defunct Carnival of Carnage with her tag team partner the Angel.

Klamor: That’s all well in good but I doubt the result will be the same tonight as she doesn’t have anyone backing her up, and unlike last week she’s facing a step up in competition named Jimmy Flynn.


Anderson: Making his way to the ring, from Eastport, Maine, weighing 200 pounds, the "Devil's Dancer," Jimmy Flynn!

The lights go down before the music starts. Different color lights go in the beat of the bass as the song starts. When the first rift starts, Flynn walks out from the back, a small smile on his face. He kneels on the ramp and points up to the sky. He rises after a few seconds, slapping hands with some fans and climbing the steps to get into the ring. When in the ring, he spins in a circle with his arms out, and points up again as he stares at his opponent.

Serra: Contrary to what you said Johnny Jimmy Flynn hasn’t exactly been making waves since he entered the company, a few wins here and there but nothing concrete enough to get any momentum going.

Klamor: If he can’t beat this rookie he might as well go back to that high school gym of his.

Serra: I don’t think that would be necessary but both competitors will be looking to get the win tonight and impress management; this is Kingdome Come season after all.

The bell rings and the two competitors begin the feeling out process before they lock up. After enough time has passed Flynn goes for the take of the legs but Warren is too quick and she rolls out of the way in spectacular fashion. Flynn applauds the maneuver but warns her he was this close. Flynn now looks to close in the hi-flying superstar by cutting off half the ring and forcing her into a corner. With nowhere to go Amber decides the only thing left his lock up with the technical wrestler unfortunately playing right into Flynn’s hand. During the lock up however she’s able to slip out of the hold, lock her arms around one of Flynn’s and push herself off the turnbuckle sending Flynn straight into an arm trap swinging neck breaker!

Serra: What a move, the young Amber showing she’s not as naïve as some may think she is.

Klamor: Smart maneuver there but can it put Jimmy away?

Warren quickly goes for the cover but only gets a two. Flynn quickly rolls out of the ring to recover surprised that he was tricked into the reversal. While on the outside he’s met with a flying cross body from Warren! Flynn looks to crawl away but Amber doesn’t let up as she gets on the apron hits a springboard elbow drop straight to Flynn’s back on the outside! The fans love her style while Flynn is aching in pain. Flynn is soon able to get to his feet and throws some wild jabs in an attempt to keep Warren at bay but they all miss. This allows Warren to throw a jab of her own and hit Flynn square in the nose with a palm thrust! Flynn goes moving backwards a bit but this has made him angrier and irritated rather than hurt. Amber gets back on the apron and begins running at Flynn looking to hit another cross body but Flynn catches her in midair! He transitions her vertically in front of him and sends her crashing back and arm first into the steel steps with a belly to belly suplex.

Klamor: Good, this is the intensity Flynn needs if he wants to win.

Serra: My god that was brutal did you see the way her arm bent around the steps?

Klamor: She knew what she was getting into.

Flynn rolls back into the ring and back out to break the ref’s count and picks up Warren by the arm and rams it straight into the steel pole in the corner of the ring. Amber collapses in pain clutching her arm but Flynn doesn’t let up as he yanks the arm repeatedly tossing her back into the ring. Warren then gets to her feet but Flynn quickly hits an arm wrench takedown and begins hammering shots left and right on the injured arm of Warren. Flynn then brings her back and takes her back down with arm trap neck breaker of his own and goes for the cover….1….2…..Warren valiantly kicks out but is still unable to escape the onslaught. Flynn drops repeated knees onto the injured arm and with each shot a loud cry can be heard from Warren. The referee backs Flynn off to check if Warren can continue and she refuses to give up, Flynn then brushes past the ref and smashes Amber straight into the corner and continues stomping the arm. The ref counts to five for Flynn to let up and he just stops on the count of four while telling the ref to back off a bit.

Serra: Flynn is letting out a certain aggression here tonight; he’s never acted this way towards a ref before.

Klamor: I’m telling you Becky he realizes he hasn’t done anything impressive in quite a bit, he knows he needs this win which is why he’s changing up his style for the better.

Warren uses the time to recover and bursts out of the corner hitting a spinning heel kick into the face of Flynn. Jimmy gets right back and goes for a clothesline but Warren ducks under it, rolls under the bottom rope and hits a springboard flying forearm smash into Flynn. Jimmy is down but unfortunately for her she hit him with her injured arm and can’t capitalize due to the pain. They both begin to stir with an irritated Flynn making it to his feet first he charges at Amber but runs into a snapmare and then a low drop kick to head sending the “Devil’s Dancer” into the bottom turnbuckle. Warren goes to the opposite corner and charges at Flynn looking for the Pendulum kick, she gets up in the air but has trouble connecting because of the limp arm. This allows Flynn to pop up and catch her mid-move and put her in the fireman’s carry. He moves to the center of the ring and takes her down with a Samoan drop! Flynn then transitions this into the Omoplata! Warren is squealing and frantic looking for anyway out!

Klamor: Well this looks to be over, there’s no way Amber is getting out of this.

Serra: I wouldn’t count her yet but I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t look like Flynn could put her away at any second.

Flynn is cranking the submission hold as every second passes by, Amber is yelling in excruciating fashion. In one last ditch attempt to escape she begins using her flexibility to maneuver her legs at angle where she begins delivering devastating kicks straight to the face of Flynn. One after another, second after second, strike after strike the kicks are flying fast and furious and eventually Flynn’s knows is busted open and is forced to let go.

Serra: The repeated blows to Flynn’s face definitely factored into the escape there.

Amber is able to get up still nursing her wounds but Flynn’s not far behind as he goes for another amateur takedown but is met with kick to the gut. Warren tries to go for another but Flynn catches the foot, he then mouths “it’s over for you” and spins her around looking for another grapple. Warren is too quick however before Flynn can capitalize she spins all the around and delivers a dragon whip kick straight to Flynn’s face knocking him out cold! The struggles to get to the turnbuckle and is somehow able to balance herself and hits a Double Jump Moonsault basically flattening Flynn! She goes for the cover!




Anderson: Here is your winner, by pinfall, Amber Warren!

Amber is using the ropes to get to her feet as the ref raises her good arm while the other is still in pain. She soon takes in the victory and begins celebrating as the fans will on the inspiring victory.

Serra: What a win for Amber, she never gave up and gave Flynn all he could handle.

Klamor: Yeah I guess she put up a good fight, I really thought Flynn had that though, just goes to show he couldn’t get the job done against a rookie.

Serra: One does have to wonder where Flynn goes from here, but after a win like this Amber Warren can only be going up.

Amber begins leaving the ring raising her good arm high still hi-fiving fans while Flynn begins stirring in the ring.


The Beard is backstage doing pushups when a pair of feet come into frame directly in front of his face.

Beard: Ninety-nine… one hundred!

Beard gets to his feet and smiles at his visitor.

Beard: Grizzly Bob! You come to congratulate me ahead of time for beating you?

Grizzly Bob smiles back at The Beard.

Grizzly Bob: No, actually I came to ask you if you’re sure you want to go through with this? You gotta have some big balls to climb into the ring with a Grizzly.

Beard: Bob, my balls are so big that I have to check them at baggage whenever I go to an airport.

Grizzly Bob: Oh yeah? Well my balls are so big that NASA scientists are debating whether they’re planets or just another Pluto situation.

The two men chuckle at their jokes before they realize they’re not alone. They look over to the unexpected company and see Stacy Madison looking on.

Stacy: I think you two need to see a doctor.

Stacy walks off, slightly disgusted, as Beard and Bob watch her walk away.

Grizzly Bob: I think she likes me.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Titus!


The crowd erupts as Titus makes his way to the ring in his finest suit. He slaps hands with as many fans as possible on the way down.

Titus: Hello everyone. Thank you for the very warm welcome. It means a lot, but I'm not out here to talk about myself. I'm here to talk about a man some have called the greatest of all time. Some have called him a legend, others the pinnacle of perfection. One particular dirt sheet writer once referred to him as the Moriarty to my Sherlock. I'm talking about WZCW's first Hall of Famer, Everest!

As the crowd again erupts a video begins to play on the tron.


Every legend has a beginning

Everest then rushes over to the limp form of Titus he locks in the Mountain Climber to an already out Titus. The ref checks Titus raises his hand it drops once, raises his hand, it drops twice, raise Titus’s hand for a third time, but it drops again and the ref calls for the bell.

Harrys: Here is your winner, by knockout… Everest!!

Every legend has a struggle

Various shots of Joseph Rios cheating Everest out of the World Title are shown.

Every legend has redemption

Meanwhile, Manzo is back on his feet, Manzo misses a clothesline, Everest catches him for the Rock Slide and goes for the pin!! 1....2..........3!!!!

Harrys: Herer is your winner and NEWWWWWWWWWWW WZCW World Heavyweight Champion.....EVEREST!!!!

Every legend has an untold story

Clips of Everest battling Titus and Steamboat Ricky are shown.

Some legends have a second coming

I still owe him for a couple of those shots.

The crowd laughs as Titus smiles and begins to leave. He walks back up the ramp, but stops just before exiting behind the curtain.

Oh, one more thing before I go. Everest will be here next week.

As Titus exits backstage, the crowd goes wild, drowning out the announcers.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The Beard runs out from the backstage and pumps his fist in the air. He spins around with his arms to the side before stopping to slap his chest and point to the audience. The audience responds with a ruckus cheer for the man with the legendary facial hair, and Beard rewards their appreciation by stroking his beard.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Beard City, USA, weighing 285 pounds, The Beard!

The Beard runs down the ramp before hopping onto the apron, and then jumping over the top rope. He continues to work the crowd from inside the ring by pumping his arms and stroking his beard.

Klamor: You know, I bet you that underneath all that facial hair there’s an okay looking guy in there. The Beard just looks so goofy with that thing dangling from his chin!

Serra: If The Beard were to shave his beard, it would be like he was shaving off his identity! Besides, I think he’s kind of cute.


Grizzly Bob barrels out onto the stage before stumbling and somersaulting forward… but it was planned! He pops right back up and winks at the camera before he starts down the ramp, hi-fiving his supporters as he makes his way to the ring.

Anderson: And the challenger, from Somewhere Up a Hill, weighing 350 pounds, The Big Bad Bear, Grizzly Bob!

Klamor: As bad as Beard’s beard is, what’s up with this guy’s face? It’s like he can’t decide between having a beard and being clean shaven, so he tries a little of both and looks ridiculous!

Serra: Will you cut the beard talk, Johnny? Let’s talk about how goofy and lovable Grizzly Bob is, or how this match has been in the making since the Lethal Lottery when Grizzly Bob dumped Beard from the match, and now we’re getting to see it live, right here on Aftershock!

Klamor: Hey, I do my best to look clean and presentable every time I’m on camera. It’s only fair that these fellas in the ring do the same.

The Beard and The Bob are both in the ring, so the ref calls for the bell. Both men are perfect gentlemen, so they approach each other in the middle of the ring and have themselves a very firm handshake before they back off and begin to circle each other. They meet in the middle in a collar and elbow tie-up, and Grizzly Bob is able to translate his height advantage into some extra leverage, locking Beard into a side headlock. Bob drops to a knee and uses the momentum to flip Beard over his back hip, tossing him to the ground. Bob holds onto the headlock, but Beard quickly regains an upright position. Again Bob drops to a knee, but is unable to toss Beard again. Instead, Beard uses his power to pull Grizzly Bob up to his feet and shoves an elbow in the Bear Man’s gut, causing him to release the hold.

The Beard rolls his neck before he again approaches Bob. The two re-enter the collar and elbow tieup, and again Bob takes the advantage, this time with a straight headlock. Grizzly again uses his weight, this time to wrestle Beard to the ground, dropping him to one knee. Beard fights back up to a vertical position, but Bob, sensing Beard’s upward momentum, releases his opponent and plants an elbow into the side of Beard’s face. Beard takes a few steps back and rubs his jaw. Grizzly Bob crow hops forward winding up to throw a big right hook, but Beard ducks the punch as it comes and thrusts his knee into the gut of Bob, throws an elbow into his spine, and tosses him head first into a nearby corner, causing Bob’s head to bounce off of a turnbuckle. Bob grabs his forehead as he turns around to face his opponent, but instead of Beard he only sees a big boot planted right between his eyes. Bob drops to the mat, and Beard makes the cover.



Beard scrambles to his feet quickly and drops an elbow on a still prone Grizzly Bob. He makes another cover.



Beard gets to his feet again and looks down at Bob who is slowly getting to all fours like a bear that just woke from hibernation. Beard takes advantage of Bob’s grogginess, bouncing off the far rope and hitting Bob with a high speed leg drop across the back! Beard rolls Bob over and makes another cover.




The ref gets up but instead of calling for the bell, he points to the bottom rope with a Grizzly Bob sized leg draped over it. The Beard gets back to his feet and takes a few steps away from Bob. The Beard wipes his hair back from his head and leans down on his knees, sizing up Bob as the Grizzly Man uses the ring ropes to help him back to his feet. The Beard charges Grizzly Bob, extending his arm for a lariat… but Bob pulls the rope down and Beard goes tumbling down to the outside!

Serra: This match is only a few minutes in but both men have managed to do some serious damage here!

Klamor: You know what I think it is that I don’t like about Beard’s beard? It’s so lengthy but it lacks volume.

Serra: We have the best seats in the house for this highly demanded contest, and all you can do is look at the beards! What’s wrong with you tonight?

Speaking of beards, the man with the biggest one in WZCW history is being dragged to his feet by Grizzly Bob, who proceeds to knock Beard back down with a big club to the back. Beard drops to a knee, and Grizzly Bob takes this opportunity to lock in the Bear Claw submission!

Serra: Grizzly Bob’s claws are sunk into The Beard’s shoulder, and that has to hurt. How is Beard going to get out of… what the...?

A fan is seen jumping the barricade near the announce table and she runs over to the action. A security guard attempts to stop her, but she barrels right through him and charges at Grizzly Bob, whom she starts punching in the back. The ref calls for the bell.

Anderson: The winner of this match as the result of a disqualification… Grizzly Bob!

Klamor: Okay, I don’t know who that young lady is… but THAT is a beard!

Grizzly Bob tries to walk away from the crazed bearded woman attacking him, but she keeps at it. Beard climbs to his feet and grabs the attacker.

Beard: Claudia! What are you doing?!

Claudia doesn’t have time to answer as half a dozen security guards swarm her and pull her away from Beard. She struggles to free herself and run back to her brother, but the security guards drag her off.

Claudia: Hezelp me!

Beard: Stop! That’s my sister! Let her go!

The Beard pleads to the security officers, but they refuse to let her go. They drag her to an area to the side of the stage and disappear behind a curtain. Grizzly Bob gets up and puts his hand on Beard’s shoulder as an offer of comfort.


The crowd doesn’t have much of a reaction for Myles as they are still perplexed with what just happened.

Myles: Beard, Bob, it’s no secret that the fans have been demanding this match ever since Lethal Lottery, and quite frankly, I don’t think this is the type of ending that the fans had in mind. What do you folks think?

The fans answer with a resounding, “NO!”

Myles: And that’s why the two of you will have another match at the Kingdom Come WrestleZone Weekend!

The crowd cheers for this announcement, and both Bob seems satisfied with this decision, but Beard still looks nervous about his sister.

Serra: Wow, a big week of Kingdom Come related announcements continues with The Beard vs. Grizzly Bob being announced for the Kingdom Come WrestleZone Weekend! Johnny, what do you think of this announcement?

Klamor: I think we should bring that bearded lady back, she was real nice to look at!

Serra: You baffle me.


We return from commercial, the camera feed show Matt Tastic in his locker room. He is in his ring tights, but still has a Kickassery t-shirt on. Just as he finishes lacing up his boots, there is a knock at the door.

Tastic: Just a second!

Tastic turns to grab a towel and wipe his hands. When he turns back around Alex Bowen is standing just inches from him. Tastic instantly puts his hands up to defend himself but Bowen motions with his hands that he isn't interested in a fight.

Bowen: Whoa, whoa, easy there. I just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing.

Tastic lowers his hands, but he keeps his fists clenched.

You and me man, we are history makers and ass kickers. Back in the day you and I capped off the first Aftershock with a bang. Now here we are on number twenty five about to do it all again. We have both been through some wars, but lets go out there tonight and give the fans one hell of a show.

Tastic unclenches his fists.

Uhhh...yeah lets do it man.

Good luck out there tonight brother. too.

Tastic offers his hand, but Bowen grabs it and pulls Tastic in for a hug. He pats him on the back before nodding and walking out, leaving Tastic confused.

Serra: It looks like Alex Bowen has turned over a new leaf.

Klamor: Makes me absolutely sick.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen the following match is scheduled for one fall!


Isabel walks out to her music with her hands on her hips. The audience immediately lets her know their distaste for her. She just scowls in response.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing 152 pounds, Isabel Stone!

Klamor: Well Becky, the Vega streak ended, but now I think we are witnessing the birth of a new one in Isabel Stone. She has been on fire since the Lethal Lottery.

Serra: There is no doubt about that, and tonight would add more fuel to the fire by beating her first rival in this company, Krypto. For all of you at home who don’t know, Krypto and Stone both competed in Aftershock’s Mentor Program that paired several WZCW veterans with rookies. Krypto was with Saboteur and Saxton while Stone was with Steven Kurtesy.

Klamor: And despite all of Kurtesy’s diagnoses, Krypto was still able to pull out the win and cashed-in his shot for the Mayhem Title where he almost won it at All or Nothing.

Serra: But Stone and Krypto have been isolated from each other for over two cycles now. This is a reunion match for the Mentor Program here on Aftershock 25.

We see that Stone is now in the ring as she stretches for her upcoming bout.


The crowd goes into a roar as they quickly look around the arena for Krypto to make his way through the crowd. Suddenly, the camera spots Krypto walking down a set of steps with Missy by his side! Krypto looks pretty tense tonight.

Anderson: And the challenger, accompanied by Missy, from Out of this World, the Sexual Savior of the Solar System.....Krrrypto!

Klamor: No crowd surfing, flaring nostrils, and accompanied by a manager? Who does Krypto think he is, Bill Lesnar?

Serra: One has to wonder if that pickle had anything to do with it.

Krypto and Missy finally reach the bottom of the steps and Krypto helps Missy over the barricade. Then, he himself hops over the barricade. He enters the ring and then stares at Stone as he backs into his corner. Both Stone and Krypto are now in position as the referee checks on them. He gets a couple nods and signals for the bell.

Krypto rushes out of his corner, but Stone does something different. She flips into a cartwheel and Krypto is mesmerized by the move. However, she cartwheels herself into a lunging position and sends a fist into the alien’s face. Krypto grabs his nose as he staggers back into the turnbuckle. Stone is charging in for a spear, but Krypto uses the top ropes to pull himself up to avoid the spear. Stone’s shoulder eats the post as Krypto sits on top of her back. He dives down and pulls Stone with him for a quick roll-up,








Stone rolls backwards and lands on her feet, surprisingly faster than Krypto. However, Krypto runs after her with fists flailing. Stone lunges in and grabs the waist of Krypto for a back-bend drop on the alien’s cranium! The crowd gasps as Krypto grabs his head in pain. Stone quickly gets back up to her feat and positions herself on the side of Krypto, with her back turned. She looks back at the downed superstar and executes a backflip! BUT NO! Krypto get’s up his legs and Stone eats the pair in her chest. She grabs her torso as she rolls away in pain. Krypto quickly gets to his feet, while still holding his forehead in pain. He walks over to Stone and drops a knee into her chest!

Serra: That’s not right.

Klamor: Equal work environment Becky.

Krypto then drops another, and another. After the third drop he picks Stone up by her hair into a bent over position. He grabs and tucks her head underneath one arm and grabs her tights with another.

Klamor: What is this?

Krypto roars as he lifts Stone up with all his might. He drops her with an impacting suplex! Stone grabs her back in pain as the crowd roars.

Serra: I didn’t know Krypto knew how to do power moves like that.

Klamor: He doesn’t, but he just did!

Krypto crawls on Stone for the cover. The referee slides in for the count,










Stone kicks and rolls out of the pin. Krypto is quick to get to his feet and returns to his opponent. He picks Stone up by the hair, but Stone is ready with a palm into the nose of Krypto. Krypto grabs it in a fury as she shouts out alien profanity. The temporary pain causes him to turn away from Stone for a moment, but as he turns back around to face her he is met by a boot targeting his gut. Krypto catches in on the fly and the crowd pops. However, their mood quickly turns sour as Stone spins out of hit and kicks Krypto in the gut with a swinging kick! Krypto crumbles to the floor as Stone jumps up to confront him. She pulls him up in a daze and whips him into some ropes. She sends and elbow into his face upon return, but Krypto ducks and runs into another set of ropes! He jumps on the second rope and returns to an approaching Stone with a springboard crossbody, but he gets caught! Stone now has Krypto in her arms as he panics to get out of the hold. Stone improvises and drops Krypto down on his back while sending her head directly into his gut. Krypto gasps for air upon impact, but Stone makes the cover,









Stone waste little time after the failed pin attempt. She crawls on Krypto in a mounting position and begins wailing on his right ear with a barrage of punches. He tries to block him with his hands, but Stone keeps shoving them out of the way. Meanwhile, we see Missy on the outside slamming the apron as she tries to encourage Krypto to get up. Krypto finally abandons trying to protect his ear as he spots some nearby ropes. He reaches out for him and much to his luck he is able to grab them. Stone doesn’t let up though, which prompts the referee to make a count. She finally stops and backs away for a moment. This allows Krypto to pull himself up wearily with the ropes while grabbing his head in pain. Stone licks her lips as she comes back to her prey, but Krypto is ready as he cocks and elbow and then sends a stifling blow into the stomach of Stone. The blow causes her to lean up against the ropes near Krypto. He reaches down and grabs her ankle as he tosses her out of the ring.

Despite crashing hard, Stone reaches up for the apron and begins to pull herself up on the outside almost immediately. Krypto sees this and sprints towards the other side of the ring. He bounces off the ropes and returns with a baseball slide! BUT STONE MOVES JUST IN TIME. Now, both Krypto and Stone are standing on the outside. The charge each other and Stone goes another elbow smash, but Krypto ducks once again! He finds himself behind her this time and grips her waist as he pulls back for a German suplex on the outside mat! The move takes a lot out of Stone, but also some out of Krypto! The crowd is buzzing quite a bit now.

Klamor: Another power move!

Serra: Krypto is upping his game and we are watching it all unfold her tonight in his match with Stone. She is going to have to get a lot tougher if she want’s to overcome her former rival.

The referee is now counting on the inside as both Stone and Krypto stir on the outside. The referee gets up to 4 before Krypto finally begins to get to his feet. At about 6 ½ he slides under the ropes and rolls into the center of the ring. The referee gets to 8 and Stone finally shows some life on the outside. 9! Stone pops up and dives under the ropes. Yes! She gets in just in time. The crowd is left buzzing over the close call.

Stone slowly climbs to her feet, but Krypto is ready to go! He jumps up and latches his legs around the head of Stone. He twists and turn as he throws Stone around with a scissor-head takedown! The crowd pops as Stone lands close to a turnbuckle. Krypto is feeling pumped up now as he proceeds to grab the arm of Stone and drag her into the turnbuckle nearby. He props her up in a sitting position. He then makes his way over to the opposite turnbuckle. He flexes as the crowd pops. He points at Missy on the outside and winks at her. Then, with the crowd cheering he runs full sprint at Stone in the corner and jumps on her for a bronco buster! The crowd on that side of the turnbuckle gasp as everyone begins to get confused. Krypto is screaming in pain as he sits slumped in the turnbuckle that Stone is in. It appears that Stone had used Krypto’s space marbles as a punching bag upon his arrival to the turnbuckle. Stone slides underneath Krypto and stands up behind him. She grabs the head of Krypto and yanks it back, sending the alien crashing onto the mat. He doesn’t know what to grab in pain, his head or his balls. The crowd doesn’t know how to react as Stone pulls Krypto out of the corner and out in front of the turnbuckle. She then proceeds to climb the same turnbuckle they both were just in. She gets to the top and looks down at the alien that beat her in the mentor program. The camera shows Missy shaking her head no on the outside. Stone leaps off the turnbuckle and connects with a Crash Course to the head of Krypto! The crowd gasps. and the referee slides in for the count,


















Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner by pinfall, Isabel Stone!

The crowd begins booing as Stone stands up in victory. Missy comes in to check on Krypto, but Stone just gives her a cold stare and exits the ring.

Klamor: Man, she is impressive.

Serra: Yeah, but I think if the referee would have saw that low-blow she administered, Krypto would have won this match by DQ. Tough loss for him, but a great win for Stone.

We see Stone exiting up the ramp as her music plays in the background, Suddenly Facecrush charges out of the gorilla position. Alhazred is right behind him. Stone stares them down as they run past her. Both men charge the ring and climb up into it!

Serra: What the hell?

Krypto is now standing, but he quickly finds himself being backed into a corner by Facecrush and Alhazred. The crowd is buzzing over the exciting event.

Missy: Please no! Please!

Alhazred and Facecrush turn around to see Missy on her knees, begging them both to stop whatever they are about to do. Facecrush looks down at Alhazred, but Alhazred hesitates to make a decision. Facecrush acts on his own and steps towards Missy, but she delivers a devastating low-blow to Facecrush! The strike stuns him as the falls face-first onto the mat and grips his groin in pain. Alhazred is stunned, but he finds himself being turned around by Krypto! The crowd pops as the two enemies begin exchanging punches! Krypto finally lunges on Alhazred and they continue brawling as they roll under the ropes and out of the ring. Missy gets out of the ring and yells at them both to stop, but they don’t. They continue trading punches up the ramp! Missy screams, and they finally stop! But wait, it wasn’t her scream that stopped them. It was a loud thud right after the scream. The sound of Facecrush jumping out of the ring and landing on the outside! Alhazred, Krypto, and Missy all look down the entrance ramp and see Facecrush slowly walking up it with an angry look upon his face. Suddenly, Facecrush breaks into a sprint and grabs Missy by the waist! He pushes Krypto and Alhazred down as he makes his way to the side of the stage.

Krypto and Alhazred quickly get up to their feet and run up the stage, but they are shocked by what is happening. Facecrush is ascending the side of the titantron, with a screaming Missy over his shoulder. Krypto yells at Facecrush to let her go, but it is to no avail!


Just after Alhazred yells, Facecrush makes it to the top and jumps up and into the rafters, disappearing into the dark! The final shot we get is of both Alhazred and Krypto looking horrified as they scan the top of the arena, trying to find some ounce of hope. The camera fades to black as we cut to commercial.


Serra: Ladies and gentlemen, we have Leon Kensworth standing by backstage. We understand he is with Aftershock GM Chuck Myles who has a special announcement about Kingdom Come V.

Kensworth: Thanks Becky. I'm here with Chuck Myles, general manager of Aftershock. Mr. Myles I understand you have an announcement you would like to make, is that correct?

Myles takes the microphone from Leon.

Myles: Thanks Leon, and yes that is correct. As part of our ongoing effort here at WZCW to bring you, the fans, the best entertainment experience possible, we have added a new event to WrestleZone Week. With the recent release of WZCW 2013, we think there is no better way to showcase the game than to hold an open invitational tournament among our superstars. I could tell you more, but I think I should turn it over to the man who originally came to us with the idea. I can think of no one better for the job of MC for the event, so I'll turn it over to him.

The camera pans to the right, revealing a smiling Mikey Stormrage. He is wearing an ill fitting WRESTLEZONE '13 t-shirt.

Stormrage: Thanks Chuck. When I started in this company a little over a year ago, I would organize gaming tournaments backstage to kill time. As my star grew, I found I had less and less time to set them up. When I heard that we were turning Kingdom Come into a week long festival, I knew I had to bring them back. Now I know the guys who sign up will have fun, and I know I'm going to have a blast hosting the event, but I wanted to give something to the fans as well. Last year at Kingdom Come I made my dream of being a champion come true, and this year I want to make the dream of one lucky fan come true. So we are going to give one fan the VIP treatment. I'm talking airfare, accommodation, and two front row seats to Kingdom Come Five. Each superstar who competes will have a fan drawn at random to accompany him throughout the day. The winning fan will be the one whose superstar wins the whole thing. In the act of fairness, I won't be competing, but the other thirty eight men on the roster will be eligible. So head on over to at the end of the show tonight, sign up, and good luck to all of you.
We return from commercial break to a line of WZCW superstars coming down the ramp. Some, including Sabotuer(clad in red plaid spandex lumberjack outfit) and Triple X, play to the crowd. Others, such as Sam Smith and Constantine, are all business and take their place around the ring.

Klamor: Bah, most of the guys out there don't even look manly enough to be lumberjacks, Ricky Runn wearing a bedazzled plaid shirt?

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following is a lumberjack match and is your main event of the evening!


Making his way to the ring, from Orange County California, weighing 238 pounds, "The Killjoy," Matt Tastic!

Tastic comes out and and hypes himself at the top of the ramp. The mass of superstars part as he makes his way to the ring. He slaps hands with a few of his fellow compatriots before he climbs in and takes a seat in the corner.

Serra: History in the making tonight folks, as Matt Tastic and Alex Bowen square off in a rematch from the very first Aftershock. Tastic took home the victory in that contest and surely he will be looking for a repeat performance.

Klamor: Both men have vastly changed since then. As much as it pains me I have to pick Tastic in this one, the new anti-hardcore Bowen just doesn't instill confidence in me.


And his opponent, from Toledo, Ohio, weighing 247 pounds, Alex Bowen!

Bowen walks from behind the curtain and pauses at the top of the ramp, surveying the crowd. They give him a mixed reaction, not knowing how to take his earlier actions. He waits for the way to the ring to clear before he rolls under the bottom rope.

Serra: I think it needs to be asked, but Bowen may not be one hundred percent coming in. There are unconfirmed reports he was involved in a physical altercation at a local gym a few days ago.

Klamor: I heard he was on the losing end of said altercation. The Bowen I remember from Aftershock One would have beat not only the man who fought him, but the mans brother and uncle and dog as well. I think he is a shell of his former self.

Referee James Aubrey informs the lumberjacks at ring side their instructions and calls for the bell. Tastic begins to rush in but Bowen extends his hand for a pre match handshake. Tastic slowly extends his hands, the crowd urging him to avoid the trap, but the two shake hands without incident. The two then square off in a tie up. Bowen uses his strength advantage to push Tastic back. Tastic gets to his feet and Bowen rushes in, but Tastic takes him down with a shoulder block. Bowen gets to his feet and ducks a clothesline, slamming an axe handle smash into the middle of Tastic's back. He follows it up with a series of clubbing blows to the back, dropping Tastic to a knee. He follows it up with a vicious elbow to the top of the head and rolls his opponent over for a pin...

And Tastic easily kicks out. Bowen lifts Tastic to his feet and begins to unleash a series of short, quick jabs to the midsection. Tastic clutches his stomach and as he bends over Bowen grabs the back of his head and drives it into his knee. Again he attempts a pin...

And again Tastic is able to kick out.

Serra: Bowen in control early, using a combination of fists and elbows to wear Tastic down.

Klamor: He is still showing a bit of his mean side, maybe all hope isn't lost.

Bowen allows Tastic to stand, but quickly goes on the offensive. A swift kick to the midsection again doubles Tastic over. Bowen decides to hit the ropes and rebounds off, driving Tastic down with a one handed bulldog. Bowen hops to the second turnbuckle in the nearest corner and jumps off with a legdrop. Tastic however is able to roll out of the way, leaving Bowen to crash hard. He lets out a loud yell and immediately grabs at his tailbone. Tastic gets to a knee and shakes the cobwebs outs before going on the offensive. He puts Bowen down with a dropkick to the side of the head. He forgoes a pin attempt, allowing Bowen to stand. Bowen runs at Tastic, but he is able to hit a reverse atomic drop. James Aubrey warns Tastic about groin shots as Bowen clutches his plumbs on the ground. Tastic rolls his eyes and plays to the crowd, mocking Bowen. This gives Alex time to recover. He sneaks up and rolls Tastic up with a schoolboy pin...

And Tastic is able to kick out. Angered, Tastic takes a running leap at Bowen, who ducks and pulls the top rope down. Tastic is saved however, landing safely in the hairy arms of The Beard. He parades around, taunting Grizzly Bob, before Tastic pats him on the back and points to the ring. He places Tastic on the apron, who catches a charging Bowen with a shoulder ram through the ropes. He then vaults over, hitting a sunset flip, he stays on for the pin...

And Bowen brings his knees together to break up the pin.

Serra: Tastic nearly let his absent mindedness get the better of him, but he is back in control.

Klamor: He doesn't deserve to win after that one Becky. He is lucky Beard was able to catch him and save him a nasty spill.

Tastic stays in control, hitting a spinning wheel kick. He stomps away at his downed opponent before bringing him back to his feet. He grabs an arm and Irish whips him across the ring. Off the rebound he connects with a quick powerslam. He uses his momentum to carry him over into a headlock. He uses it to raise Bowen to his feet, before planting him back down with a reverse DDT. He hooks the leg...

And Bowen just gets a shoulder up! Tastic slaps the mat in frustration, before he signals for the end. He lifts Bowen and hoists him over his shoulder. Before he can hit the Headache Driver, Bowen slips out the back. He kicks Tastic hard in the back of the leg before transitioning into a front headlock. He makes a throat slash gesture before lifting Tastic, positioning him for The End of Days. Tastic begins to flail his legs, causing Bowen to fall backward. Tastic isn't completely safe as he lands across the top rope. He is able to fall to the apron, grabbing the top rope as Bowen makes yet another charge. He tumbles over the rope, landing on top of Dr. Zeus. This elicits a laugh from Sandy Deserts as the two men struggle to stand. Before Bowen is able to stand, a group of superstars grab him and roll him back in the ring. Small shouting matches begin to break out among the lumberjacks.

Klamor: The men on the outside are a tinderbox, and I think Bowen being tossed was the spark. I love it.

Serra: I worry all hell may break loose soon.

Tastic, holding his midsection, meets Bowen, who is now holding his head, in the middle of the ring. The two begin to trade blows back and forth. Haymakers are being thrown at wild, neither man willing to back down. Bowen gets the upper hand, and again goes back to the midsection. Tastic goes to block the blows, but Bowen counters with a shot to the jaw. He follows it with a series of quick jabs and readies for a discuss clothesline, but Tastic ducks and shoves Bowen into the ropes. He follows it up with a clothesline that sends both men crashing into the sea of men outside the ring. Chaos ensues as an all out brawl breaks out among the lumberjacks. the referee begins to shout at the men, trying to restore order. During the ruckus, Bowen crawls under the ring. As Tastic walks over and grabs his leg to pull him out, Bowen swings at Tastic. Tastic's body goes limp, and he instantly falls to the ground.

Serra: I don't think the referee noticed because of the chaos, but Alex Bowen just used something to knock Matt Tastic out cold.

Bowen lifts Tastic and pushes him into the ring. He covers Tastic, slapping his hand on the mat to attract the attention of the ref. James Aubrey turns and slides into position and begins to count...


Anderson: Here is your winner, Alex Bowen!

Bowen flashes a sinister smile before sliding out of the ring.

Serra: No! Bowen used the scepter to cheat his way to victory.

Klamor: Yes! He fooled us all! Alex Bowen is back and as bad as ever!

Bowen reaches back under the ring and pulls out his Mayhem Scepter. He slides back into the ring. He taps the motionless Tastic in the side of the head with the scepter before he spits on his foe. He walks up the ramp as the camera cuts back to a heavily breathing Tastic as the credits flash on screen.

DYNAMITE - Warren vs. Flynn
JGLASS - Bob vs. Beard
JJJ - Hunter vs. Angel
KERMIT - Krypto vs. Stone, Segments
KILLJOY - Opening
YAZLOV - Tastic vs. Bowen, Segments, HoF Segment

Rep this fine gentlemen. We look forward to producing the SuperShow and then onward to Kingdom Come V! Happy 4th of July everyone, and we hope you enjoyed the show! Cheers
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