Aftershock 14

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

A small amount of pyrotechnics shoot off around the stage area before the camera pans around the arena to show the cheering crowd ready for tonight. We don't view the audience for that long however as the camera changes to the ring as we see Chuck Myles standing in the ring with a microphone in hand.

Anderson: Ladies and gentleman, please welcome the General Manager of Aftershock; Chuck Myles!

The crowd gives off a mixed reaction, usual for Myles who gives off a chuckle. He looks around before raising the microphone.

Myles: May I first start off by welcoming everyone here tonight to the 14th edition of Aftershock and I hope you all enjoy the show we've got planned for you tonight.

A small pop from the crowd.

Myles: However, my purpose out here right now is strictly business and unlike my cohort over on Ascension, not for personal gain.

The crowd boos in reference to Vance Bateman.

Myles: Let's get started: firstly, following the events that took place on Meltdown, Big Dave has informed me to tell all of you that he has booked two matches for Apocalypse. Alex Bowen will have a chance at revenge against the Grand Mystique in singles competition whilst Sam Smith will be facing the Masked Gentleman as well.

Cheers are heard as the Apocalypse card begins to stack up.

Myles: I hope that clarifies a couple of things. Now, our main event tonight features two competitors who will be competing in two separate matches come time for Apocalypse. With Connor Reese picking up a singles victory over the current Mayhem champion Ace Stevens, it is only fair to reward Connor with a chance at the title at the PPV and will be conducted under Mayhem rules.

A cheer for the announcement of the final title match for Apocalypse.

Myles: As for SHIT, he has been getting into some trouble lately alongside Barbosa and Mister Alhazred, causing havoc overall for WZCW. The three of them will be competing in a Triple Threat match at Apocalypse so they can resolve whatever issues they have with each other and blow-off some steam... as for tonight however, I'm anticipating some sort of interference so to those who do wish to get involved in our main event this evening: you will be suspended indefinitely should the referee catch you laying a finger on either SHIT or Connor Reese during the match.

The crowd cheers for the stipulation of that match, considering all the possible people to interfere are all generally disliked by the people.

Myles: I also have one final match to add to the card and it has to do with the Mentorship Program. There have been a lot of rumours going around backstage about possible eliminations coming up and to those I say you are correct, with these eliminations starting... right now!

The crowd is getting a little anxious at this annoucnement.

Myles: Joe Mason and Logan Burnside have been on the worse end of assaults recently, rendering them unable to compete for quite a while and will miss out the rest of the time we are spending on the Program. The only logical choice is to eliminate them effective immediately.

Cheers are heard throughout the arena as the two rookies are now gone.

Myles: As to whether they come back and compete is a different story that I for one, don't care about. What I do care about is how we are going to construct the rest of the eliminations from here on out. This is where the final match I'm adding to the card comes into play: a few weeks ago, we tested a match known as the "Relay" match and at the PPV, we are implementing it once more where the remaining six rookies will be competing against each other. The last person to be beaten via pinfall or submission before the time runs out will be eliminated from the contest. So rookies, I suggest you train hard for Apocalypse because the end is near for one of you.

In terms of the post-Apocalypse cycle, there will be one elimination per round. In essence, after this PPV we will have 5 rookies. Following Aftershock 15, we will have 4 rookies and so on until we reach Unscripted where the final two rookies will be competing against each other in singles competition. How we determine who gets eliminated every week will be explained as we go along. However, as an incentive for the Relay Match at Apocalypse, the winner of the match will receive a one-time only offer: Immunity for Aftershock 15, meaning they will have a free pass to the final 4.

Everyone in the arena is excited to final hear the news of the Program being released. Many people are on their phones texting or tweeting about this.

Myles: I believe that covers everything... oh, before I forget: Apocalypse will also be featuring an exhibition match between six superstars who have yet to be placed into a match: Celeste Crimson, Steamboat Ricky and the returning Ricky Runn will be teaming together to take on Steven Kurtesy, Triple X and Titus in a special 6 man tag team attraction. Enjoy your evening.

For one final time, the crowd cheers as Myles exits the ring and up the ramp. A lot of buzz is filled in the arena as a huge plethora of announcements was made by Chuck.

Klamor: Wow! I think my mind just blew from all that information being crammed into my head.

Serra: What a way to kick off Aftershock by showcasing the other half of the Apocalypse card and by eliminating two rookies from the competition... and we haven't even had our first match yet. This is going to be a good night.

Klamor: I'm ready, Becky. Let's bring it on! What's the delay?

Just as Myles goes to go through the curtain, he turns around.

Myles: By the way... here is the official theme song for Apocalypse. I believe there is a tagline of the song that will seem quite fitting to a lot of the matches for the card, especially the World title match.

Myles walks into the back as the song starts.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Krypto explodes from out of the curtains, excited to be here as the audience cheers for him, especially so when the Tag Team champions walk out behind him, following their rookie to the ring and interacting with the fans more than usual.

Anderson: Introducing first, being accompanied by Action Saxton and Saboteur, from Out of this World, weighing in at 200 pounds; Krypto!

Serra: Krypto needs to pick up a win here tonight should he want to gain some momentum heading into the Relay match at Apocalypse.

Klamor: As crazy as Krypto is, he is in a good position to remain in this contest after the PPV considering he's got the tag champions by his side.

He slides into the ring and waves to the people as he waits for his opponent. Saxton and Saboteur are at ringside and continue to interact with the fans.


The crowd boos as Scott Williams makes his entrance, looking disapprovingly at the fans that give him a negative reaction. It turns into death glares as Matt Tastic comes out, changing the crowd's tone to a more positive one.

Anderson: And his opponent, being accompanied by Matt Tastic, from Atlanta, GA, weighing in at 218 pounds; Scott Williams!

Klamor: Williams is someone who also needs to get into gear as well. Like Krypto, he lost last week and this match is going to be crucial.

Serra: Hopefully the mentors of the match won't get distracted by each other considering Tastic is one of the opponents for the Tag Team Champions at Apocalypse.

Williams enters the ring and does his signature pose on the turnbuckle before hopping down and facing his opponent. Tastic is at ringside and looks are exchanged between him and the champs but nothing to worry about. The referee asks if both men are ready before ringing the bell to start this match.

The two men stare at each other as they begin to circle the ring. They lock up and the much larger Scott Williams takes the control of the match pushing him to a turnbuckle. The ref begins to count and Williams lets go before DQ. Williams smiles an evil smile at Kryto as the two men begin to circle eachother again. They lock up again and just as before Scott gets the upperhand. He pushes Krypto back towards another turnbuckle but Krypto delivers a fast dropkick to Wiliams knee sending him face first down into the mat. Krypto goes for the cover but a kickout at one. Krypto picks up Williams, irish whiping him into a turnbuckle. He claps his hands a few times trying to get the fans to cheer him on. He runs and misses a monkey flip and gets hungup on the ropes as Williams knew what was coming. Williams sees that Krypto is still on the ropes and grabs him and throws him, head first into the mat. Williams takes a few seconds to recover before climbing to the second rope and comes flying off, delivering a knee drop the the face of Krypto.

Klamor: This one is almost over. Scott Williams has this in the bag.

Serra: Don't count Krypto out.

Back in the ring, Willaims still has control of the match, delivering a few kicks and punches to an almost knocked out Krypto. Saxton and Sabetuer are having a hard time watch their mentee getting beatin up. Williams locks Krypto's head in his harms, picks him up, and hits a nothern lights suplex and goes for the win.


And a kickout at 2 by Krypto.

Serra: Krypto has to do something. He needs to try and get back in this.

Klamor: He's done. Feed him to the pigs.

Williams has Krytpo up again and motions for a signature. He gets in position for a Fisherman Suplex but Krypto knocks his hands away and hits a hurricarana sending Williams down to the ground for a mere second. As soon as Williams gets up, He gets hit with Krypto spring boarding off the ropes and hiting a massive kick. Krypto, who can bearly stand, motions for his finisher. He heads to the top rope but Williams is there to meet him. Williams runs up and hits him in the jaw with his knee. Williams hooks Krypto's arm over his head, grabs a leg, and both him and Krypto come crashing down as Williams his a super fisherman suplex. Williams in pain rushes to Krypto and hooks the leg.

th.... NO! Kickout again by Krypto

Serra: I thought it was over forsure right there.

Klamor: It was over. I could have swore it was 3!

Williams gets fustrated and picks up Krypto and puts him in postion for the faithbreaker but Krypto manages to escape the hold and knock him in the face a few times. Williams rushes at Krypto but Krypto moves again and rolls Williams up.....1.....2......3!!!!!

Anderson: Here is your winner; Krypto!

Krypto rolls out of the ring to join his mentors who are impressed by the sneak victory as Williams just realises what has happened.

Klamor: Williams pulls out his entire arsenal yet Krypto performs one pinfall manoeuvre and he wins the match? Wow...

Serra: It only takes 3 seconds to win and Krypto took his window of opportunity to take the victory.

Saboteur & Saxton are with Krypto, somewhat helping him get up the ramp as they celebrate the victory. Williams is fuming at the loss as Tastic on the outside just gives off a chuckle and shakes his head at how the match was won. Williams stares at his mentor in anger but Tastic shrugs.


Steven Kurtesy is at the water cooler backstage, pouring two drinks presumably for himself and his rookie, Isabel. At that moment, Celeste approaches him.

I just wanted to wish Isabel Stone the best of luck for her match upcoming against my rookie. Figured she might need it considering she hasn't gotten a win.

Kurtesy straightens up at that comment. Celeste is unsure of whether that offended him or not.

And likewise to your rookie. Now, if you'll excuse me and I don't mean to be rude about this but I've got a pre-match ritual I'm teaching Isabel that just might do the trick tonight. See you out there.

Kurtesy smiles and walks off as does Celeste who goes to fetch her rookie.

Anderson: And the following match is scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the ring, accompanied by Steven Kurtesy, from Pittsburg PA, weighing in at 152 pound Isabel Stone!

Isabel walks onto the ramp, scowling at the audience before she skips down the ramp ignoring the chorus of boos that follow her. As she gets halfway down the ramp the jeers turn to cheers as her mentor Steven Kurtesy appears and follows her to ringside.

Serra: Isabel looks pretty confident tonight even though she has yet to get a win and eliminations will start soon, I hope she takes this seriously.

Klamour: I doubt it, like I said before Kurtesy’s washed up, Stone has no talent and there’s no way she’ll beat the undefeated rookie Arashi. Speaking of….

Anderson: And her opponent, being accompanied by Celeste Crimson, from Yokohoma, Japan, weighing in at 225lbs, Arashi!

The arena goes dark as the stage emits a blue glow Arashi walks onto the stage followed by Celeste Crimson, Arashi walks towards the ring at a steady pace, stopping just short of the apron before leaping up and bouncing over the top rope. He makes his way to a rear turnbuckle and sits at the top, glaring at Isabel as he does. Their mentors are friendlier towards each other with Kurtesy shaking Celeste's hand as she gets near ringside.

Klamour: The only rookie never to be pinned, the only one I have some shred of faith in, Arashi.

Serra: Yes, the masked rookie has been impressive since his debut in which he actually pinned Stone.

Klamour: I wouldn’t be surprised if the same thing happened here tonight, it’s a shame Arashi has another washed up mentor in Celeste Crimson.

The bell rings as Isabel and Arashi lock up. Arashi powers her Stone into the corner and begins delivering multiple vicious back chops. Eventually Isabel begins to curl up in the corner to protect her chest but leaves her face wide open. Arashi then begins give her a face wash by repeatedly raking his boot across her face. Kurtesy tries to will Isabel on as Celeste nods her head in approval of Arashi’s work.

Klamour: See I told you, there is no way that school girl is going to beat a man like Arashi. Kurtesy should just give up on helping her out altogether.

Serra: You have to wonder exactly how this match is going to affect the friendship of Kurtesy and Celeste seeing as they’re good and friends and their respective rookies are in a heated contest.

Arashi drags Isabel to the middle of the ring by her hair and begins delivering vicious elbow shots to her head. He then hits an elbow drop and goes for the cover 1…2…Stone kicks out at the last second and rolls out of the ring. Kurtesy walks from the other side to see if Stone is okay but Arashi cuts him off before he’s able to and sends Isabel crashing into the steel steps. He picks her up then tosses her back into the ring, he then looks to Kurtsey as he’s signaling the match is about to be over. He gets back in the ring as positions Isabel as if he’s going for the Burning Hammer but Stone slips out and begins hammering the back of Arashi’s head. She bounces off the ropes and hits a cross body on him and continues delivering wild uncontrollable shots to Arashi. Stone gets up on the second rope and hits a elbow drop and goes for the pin 1…2….Arashi kicks out looking very angry at the sudden comeback of his opponent.

Serra: Looks like Arashi almost got caught there Johnny.

Klamour: So he lost his focus a bit, the same thing would happen to me If I was in the ring with a Barbie doll and not a wrestler. This is why distracting women shouldn’t be allowed in wrestling.

Kurtesy and Celeste each begin cheering on their respective rookies as Stone charges at Arashi who pulls down the top rope sending Isabel to the outside and crashing down onto Kurtesy. Arashi rolls out, and yanks Stone back in the ring as he laughs at the fallen Kurtesy. As Arashi gets back in the ring Kurtesy jumps back up onto the apron infuriated by the rookie’s disrespect. While Arashi and the ref are distracted by Kurtesy Stone delivers a low blow to Arashi. She then rolls out of the ring and picks up a steel chair but is stopped by Celeste. The two females begin a tug of war of the chair, Steven stops arguing with the ref and runs over to the other side of the ring to stop the argument but just as he gets around Celeste finally yanks the chair out of Stone’s hand and it goes straight into Kurtesy’s gut.

Serra: Did you see that Johnny, Stone caused Kurtsey to accidentally send the chair right into Kurtsey’s gut.

Klamour: That was no accident, just goes to show women should know their place, this is what Arashi was talking about.

Kurtesy’s clutches his midsection and falls to one knee as Celeste drops the chair and apologizes to him. Meanwhile Arashi has recovered and delivers a baseball slide to head of Stone who’s on the outside and sends her into the barricade head first. He throws her under the bottom rope and then proceeds to pick up the steel chair and enter the ring. Just as it looks Arashi is about to swing at Isabel Celeste jumps on apron and yanks the chair out of Arashi’s hands. The two argue for a bit but then Isabel smashes Arashi in the back knocking him into Celeste who goes flying off the apron onto Kurtsey. She then rolls Arashi up into a school boy pin 1….2….3!

Anderson: And here is your winner, Isabel Stone!

Serra: What an upset, Stone gets her first win!

Klamour: That was ridiculous, Arashi lost thanks to Celeste and Kurtsey’s distractions!

Stone runs around the ring excited about her win and then quickly exits as Arashi makes it to his feet. Isabel celebrates as Steven and Celeste are down on the outside and Arashi yells at the ref. Arashi then signals for a microphone and begins to make a statement to Isabel who’s on the outside.

Arashi: You’re garbage Isabel! You’re nothing but a worthless piece of tail that got lucky because another worthless woman got in my way. Your father should be ashamed that his daughter didn’t know her place was in the kitchen!

Celeste makes her way up and rolls into the ring to try to get Arashi to stop. Stone stops celebrating after the remarks and then charges her way into the ring and tackles a distracted Arashi and viciously begins pummeling him in the corner. Celeste then pulls Stone off Arashi, Isabel takes a swing at Celeste who blocks it and if conflicted whether or not she should deliver one of her own. Before she decides, Kurtesy pushes Celeste away and holds his rookie back. An awkward standoff begins Steven and Celeste before Kurtesy yells at Isabel to walk up the ramp, he soon follows but no before giving Celeste a glare. Celeste looks confused for a second before checking on Arashi who is still down in the corner, very dazed from the attacks.


Chuck Myles is discussing strategy with a few security members in relation to the upcoming main event. He is interrupted however by the subculture saviour known as Jacoby Capone. Myles waves off the security and they exit, leaving the two to talk.

Yes Jacoby, what can I do you for?

Capone does not look impressed.

It's pronounced Juh-Coh-Bee, Chuck.

Myles looks at Capone with a smug look.

And it's pronounced Mr. Myles to you. What can I do you for?

Jacoby is really irritated, moreso at the fact that Myles doesn't know what Capone is there to talk about.

You seemed to have forgotten that your best up-and-coming superstar has yet to be booked for a match at Apocalypse. What I find really insulting is that when you mentioned that "special attraction" match featuring everyone not on the card, you blatantly left me out.

Myles smiles.

I didn't want to announce you with the rest of the group because I thought that would be too mainstream for someone such as yourself.

Capone is quite annoyed at the hipster reference

But yes, I did intentionally not mention your name for good reason. You see, you will be competing at Apocalypse... just not on the official card.

Capone looks confused.

Every PPV has to have its dark match to warm up the crowd prior to the event and I'm looking at you as one of the four competitors who are going to do so. You will be competing in a Fatal Four Way match against Josh Young, your opponent tonight The Beard and your tag team partner Vega.

Capone is displeased with this.

And what if I don't want to compete because of this poor booking decision?

You don't have to compete. That is completely up to you if you don't want to wrestle a match where the winner will receive the number one contendership to the Mayhem title post-Apocalypse.

Capone is a little conflicted at this as Myles nods his head and smiles.

Good luck in your match tonight.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Josh comes out right when his music starts to play. He stares at the fans while standing on the ramp. A spotlight shines on him. He slowly looks down, then, after a few seconds, he sprints to the ring, and slides inside. He gets up onto the second ropes, and raises one arm above his head. He goes to the other turnbuckles and does the same thing.

Anderson: Making his way to the ring at this time, from Detroit, Michigan weighing 201 pounds, Josh Young!

Klamor: OH MY GOODNESS! It’s Triple X, the former Elite X Champion!

Serra: You’re mistaken partner, that’s not Triple X, it’s the young high flying kid Josh Young. He’s pretty similar to Triple X in the fact that they both want to excite the crowd though.

Klamor: So that’s not Triple X?

Serra: No it’s not but Josh Young is just as exciting with his high flying moves. He’s sure to provide some crazy action for us tonight.

Klamor: Well colour me disappointed and give me a nudge when this thing is over.


The lights go out and Darren starts coming out from underneath the entrance ramp. He comes out to some heavy boos while having his back to the fans with his arms stretched out long as possible. Bull then starts to walk down the ramp very slowly and has disgusted look in his face. As Bull’s arrogance overflows, his mentor Constantine begins to make his way down to the ring with the King for a Day briefcase. Once Bull gets in the ring he shows-off his looks to the people in attendance. He then waits for his opponent while relaxing in the top turnbuckle and flicking a smirk across to Constantine on the outside of the ring.

Anderson: And now making his way to the ring, accompanied by his Mentor, Constantine, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 186 pounds, Darren Bull!

Klamor: It’s… it’s… oh it’s Darren Bull.

Serra: At least you know who Darren Bull is right?

Klamor: I just couldn’t get him confused with anybody else. However I will say that he should have the advantage going into this match because he has an extra man on the outside of the ring. If he were smart he’d have spoken to Constantine about pulling a fast one on Josh Young tonight.

Serra: I’d rather see these two battle it out and give us a true winner instead of seeing someone cheat to win.

Klamor: It’s so much more fun when they cheat though.

Before the bell sounds the official steps into the middle of the ring and points to both men. He asks if either have any question and both reply with no. After a quick signal to the time keeper the official flicks his hands in the air and the bell sounds to kick off the match up here on Aftershock 14. It’s a strong start to the match right away as Bull and Young meet in the centre of the ring for the first time. At first it looks like we’re going to get a common lock up but Bull strikes with a cheap slap across the face of Young which echoes around the arena. It’s a strong sign of disrespect shown by Bull who now saunters forward and wraps his arm around the head of Young in a version of a side headlock. Bull pulls tightly around the head of Young before throwing him to the ground with a hip toss and connecting with a strong elbow drop to the face. Immediately after the elbow drop Bull goes for the cover but does not hook the legs. 1… kick out by Young!

Serra: Rookie mistake by Darren Bull by not hooking the legs when going for the cover. You can’t let your opponent have any added advantage in this business.

Klamor: I’m still trying to figure out how Darren Bull classifies as a rookie when he’s been here for months.

After the failed pinfall attempt Bull is the first man to his feet. He’s still showing that arrogance but is now a little more vicious in the way he is moving around the ring. Just like a predator stalks its prey Bull waits for Young to get up and take some more punishment. Bull positions himself behind Young and then rushes forward looking for a flying elbow! Young is able to duck out of the way by rolling to the left of the attack. The fast moving Josh Young stumbles back to his feet, turns back around and strikes Darren Bull with a spinning back kick to the face. Surprisingly it doesn’t put Bull down on the ground but he soon finds himself there as Young runs toward the ropes, bounces back, grabs onto the head of Bull in mid-air before finally connecting with a DDT! The incredible springboard DDT might have knocked Bull out as Young goes for the cover and a possible win. 1… 2… NO, Bull gets his shoulder off the mat before the three count. The official nearly had his hand on the mat but Bull shows why he’s a threat when people underestimate him.

Serra: So close to finishing this match right there was Josh Young. Such a young talent with great potential and he looks like a future star in this company.

Klamor: He must be good because he does the flips!

The match continues with Young grabbing Bull by the head and pulling him into the middle of the ring. Young strikes with a few forearms to the face and then a stiff kick to the stomach. It’s the perfect position for Young to attack as he takes a few steps back and then comes forward with the scissors kick! However Bull pulls out of the danger zone and counters with a knife edge chop to the chest. It’s a hard shot which is followed up with another by Bull who has begun to gain some more confidence after a brief period of dominance by Young. Bull grabs onto the arm of Young and slings him into ropes. On the rebound Bull ducks down for a back body drop but Young puts on the breaks and instead delivers a strong kick to the face of Bull which causes him to flip onto his back. With Bull once again on his back Young looks around the arena and he can hear the roar of the crowd. He slowly turns around and points to the turnbuckle. As expected the crowd go nuts and Josh Young does what the people want as he climbs onto the top of the turnbuckle. It’s high risk for Young now as he stands up on the turnbuckle with his back toward Bull. It could be moonsault time but all hopes of seeing that are cut short when Bull gives the official a little nudge which sends him into the ropes and Josh Young loses his balance because of it. The ropes begin to move and Young ends up having his legs split as he falls down onto the steel corner.

Klamor: Brilliant! That’s the greatest thing I have ever seen. What a remarkable move by Darren Bull. I bet Constantine taught him that sly trick.

Serra: A very underhanded tactic by Bull but it’s not enough to call for a disqualification so this match will continue.

Klamor: I told you it was more fun when they cheated.

After being given a little nudge the official turns to Bull and warns him never to put his hands on any official ever again. The warning doesn’t seem to bother Darren Bull in the slightest as he pushes past the official and goes right after Josh Young who is still sitting on the turnbuckle. With a sense of urgency it would seem Bull begins to hammer away with punches to the back while he climbs onto the second rope of the corner. From there Bull twists his body around so that he has one arm around the head and neck of Young and the other on the top rope. Bull takes a few moments to ready himself before jumping off the second rope with Young’s head in his grasp to connect with a modified super neckbreaker!

Serra: Oh my god! I can’t what I’ve just seen!

Klamor: He may have just broken that kid’s neck right there.

Serra: That could be one of the sickest moves I’ve seen on Aftershock ladies and gentleman.

The sickening thud of Young’s head and neck hitting the canvas echoes around the arena. This could be a game changer but the match is not over just yet. Even though he executed the move Bull is also hurting as his head smacked the canvas. Using everything he has Bull begins to crawl toward Young’s body. Inch by inch Bull moves toward victory here tonight but it must seem like it’s an age away at this point. He’s almost there now, Bull reaches out, he places an arm over Young’s body! 1… 2… kick out!

Klamor: What!

Serra: Josh Young kicked out ladies and gentleman. This kid will not give up. This kid has the spirit of a warrior. He will not surrender.

Klamor: I don’t believe it. Someone pinch me.

The crowd is in disbelief after seeing Josh Young nailed with a super neckbreaker from the second rope. Nobody thought that this match would continue, the entire audience thought that Darren Bull had secured a victory but it was not the case! The first man back to his feet is Darren Bull but he is on hurt legs at the moment. He’s struggling to keep his balance after his head bounced off the mat when he delivered the neckbreaker. As Bull leans back on the ropes for support he watches Josh Young try and reach a vertical base. The impatience of Bull gets the better of him in this situation as he grabs Young by the head… only to be rolled up out of nowhere! 1… 2… shoulder off the mat by Bull!

Klamor: That fool stopped paying attention! You’ve got a pro at ringside Darren so use him to your advantage!

Serra: You can’t even blink when inside a WrestleZone Championship Wrestling ring. It’s that important to stay focused on your opponent.

Klamor: Apparently Darren Bull didn’t know that.

Both men reach their feet relatively quickly considering the punishment they have suffered. They stand directly in the middle of the ring and begin to trade punches back and forth. Shot after shot but nobody is going down. It’s a fierce battle with each punch from Bull and Young having substantial less damage than the last. They punch to a point where they both drop down to one knee out of exhaustion. Even on one knee Bull goes to fire off a shot but is countered by Josh Young who digs deep and jumps to his feet before striking Bull square in the head with a sharp spinning back kick. The crowd cheers as Young connects with a second, third, fourth, fifth and a sixth kick to the head before running off the ropes and rebounding with a dropkick. Finally Bull is down and out in the middle of the ring. The time has come as Josh Young once again points toward the turnbuckle. Young makes his way over to the corner and climbs onto the top. Down on the mat Bull still hasn’t moved. Everyone watches as Young gathers his thoughts before leaping high in the air with Young Flight!

Klamor: Young Flight! I wonder if Darren Bull got a window seat.

Serra: This crowd is going crazy!

It’s a beautiful scene while Josh Young is in the air as thousands of fans take pictures of this incredible athlete. When Young begins to descend from his leap all eyes turn to Bull to see if he can roll out of the way. For a moment it looks as if Bull will escape but his attempt fails because Young comes crashing down across his back! Young then turns Bull over and hooks both legs. 1… 2… …3!

Anderson: Here is your winner; Josh Young!

Once the three count is made Josh Young immediately rolls off Darren Bull and goes to the outside of the ring. The rookie holds his hands up high in celebration and he even goes and high fives a couple of the fans at ringside.

Serra: What a great match we just saw ladies and gentleman. That was what this show is all about. We got to see two young talents battle it out for a chance to become something big in this company. Tonight Josh Young took a few steps in becoming someone to watch out for. He took down a strong competitor in Darren Bull and now has a momentum as we move toward the end of the year.

Klamor: It’s an impressive job by Josh Young but it’s sickening that Darren Bull couldn’t get a victory against this kid. When you’ve got a mentor, not just any mentor but the King for a Day, in your corner you should be winning. I don’t know what is going on in the mind of Darren Bull but if he wants to stay in this competition he needs to win these types of matches. Josh Young isn’t even in the competition but he seems to be trying harder than Darren Bull. Come on kid, step up and fight. Cheat if you have to but do something more than this.

Serra: Well as my partner has said it’s been a tough road for Darren Bull as of late even with his mentor teaching him a few tricks of the trade. You’ve got to think that Darren would be one of the names floating around for a possible elimination match in the coming weeks.

Klamor: Absolutely. Bull has got to step up and do it quickly. It’s time for him to make a move in this competition and losing tight matches like this isn’t going to do him any favours in proceeding to the next stage.

Serra: We could talk about this all day but we don’t have time tonight so once again congratulations to Josh Young for his impressive victory tonight. I’ve got high hopes for him.

Still inside the ring Darren Bull is seen talking to Constantine who has knelt down to comfort his mentee.


We are in the parking lot where a car has pulled up that is being checked by a single security member. As the engine turns off, the security member knocks on the window to ask the person a question. Instead, the door swings wildly open and sandwiches the security man between two cars and knocks him out. The person exits from the vehicle, revealing to be Mister Alhazred. He locks his car and looks around for any more security. He is taken aback by someone but it isn't security, it is Barbosa staring at him from a distance. He doesn't seem to be hostile and Alhazred slowly backs off, smirking at him as he goes to enter the arena.

Klamor: Uh-oh, they're here.

Serra: Security!

Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Paris, France and weighing in at 175 pounds: The Masked Gentelman!

The Masked Gentleman walks down the ramp twirling his cane. He walks up the steps and carefully goes through the ropes, holding his hat in place. He hands the ref his hat, cane, cape, and mask and awaits his partner in the corner.

Serra: The Masked Gentleman coming off a big win over Sam Smith last week, it was by DQ but a win over Sam Smith means something no matter how you come about it.

Klamor: A win is a win is a win but I don't think he's getting one tonight. Especially with this big goof as a partner.


Anderson: And his partner, hailing from Beardtown, USA and weighing in at 285 pounds, The Beard!

The music hits and The Beard storms out and spins around with his arms out to both sides. The big man slaps at his hairy chest and cracks his neck as he looks to bring the pain. He rotates his shoulders as he gets to the stairs and pauses. The Beard slams on the stairs as they echo throughout the arena as he charges up. The Beard stops on the apron and smiles to the crowd as he leaps over the top rope. The Beard heads right to the ropes as he strokes his beard to the crowd’s liking before jumping down and pulling down on the ropes and heading into the corner with his partner.

Serra: The Beard returned last week to a disappointing lost in handicapped match against Vega and Grimm as his partner. I'm sure he hopes to regain his steam tonight and maybe some revenge.

Klamor: He needs to regain a razor, does that Beard look substantially larger than it did last week or is my mind playing tricks on me.


Anderson: And their opponent, from Las Vegas, Nevada and weighing in at 175 pounds, Vega!

A reddish yellow light, the color of the sun, slowly illuminates the stage showing Vega standing there with his long and swaying trench coat. His head is slightly tilted and he's donning a sly grin on his face, soaking in the moment before walking down the ramp. He stops at the steps to wait for his partner.

Klamor: Now this is my kind of guy right here. He's got style, elegance, speed, skill and he's not afraid to do what he has to do to get the job done

Serra: Vega has been very impressive, picking up a big victory over the Beard and Grimm last week.


Anderson: and his partner, from Portland, Oregon, weighing in at 242 pounds, Jacoby Capone!

Capone raises his fist to the crowd and slowly removes his white framed shades and vest. The crowd boos him a little to which he shows no reaction to.

Serra: He only entered the WZCW ring a few weeks ago but already he's making his mark. Last week he knocked off the emerging Isabel Stone in impressive fashion.

Klamor: Yeah, he's got it. He's the real deal and I can't wait to see what he and Vega do to these two clowns.

The Beard and Jacoby Capone decide to start the match off and the bell rings. They circle each other for a moment, trying to feel each other out. Beard stops and lifts his hand high in the air, daring Capone to attempt a test of strength. Jacoby stops for a moment to think about it and reluctantly raises his hand into Beard's. As soon as he does Beard grabs him, lifts him onto his head with a Gorilla Press and slams him to the mat. Jacob gets right back up and Beard charges at him with a clothesline, Capone ducks under, bounces off the ropes and hits a dropkick to the Beard. Beard stumbles backwards to the ropes but manages to stay on his feet, Capone attempts a clothesline on Beard but gets tossed over the top rope. Capone lands on his feet on the outside apron and punches Beard in the back of the head sending him forward. He grabs the ropes, jumps and goes for a springboard but is pushed off my The Masked Gentleman as soon as his feet touch the top rope. Capone rolls forward and onto his back inside of the ring and Beard capitalizes with a jumping elbow to his chest. Beard brings Capone to his feet and Irish Whips him into the corner. Beard pumps his fist to get the crowd going and runs full speed at Capone, jumps and connects body to body on Capone with a corner splash. Beard tags in The Masked Gentleman and lifts Capone to his feet and onto his shoulders into an electric chair position. The Gent climbs to the top rope, leaps off, wraps his legs around the head of Capone and brings him to the mat with a Dragonranna off the shoulders of Beard. Mask goes for the pin 1...2.....Kick out by Capone at the last moment!

Serra: I have no idea how Jacoby Capone kicked out after a move like that. That was incredible!

Klamor: I told you this kid's got something, a lesser man wouldn't have kicked out.

Mask gets to his feet and quickly stomps on Capone before bringing him to his feet. He stings Jacoby's chest with a chop, then drops his head to the mat quickly with a Snap DDT. Gent goes for the cover 1...2.. Kickout! Gent lifts Capone to his knees, builds steam from the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Capone ducks under and rolls forward. Gent's momentum continues him against the ropes and towards Capone, Capone turns around just in time and arm drags Mask. Both men get up quickly and run towards each other again, Capone goes low and throws Gent with a Fireman's Carry. Again both men get to their feet quickly, this time Capone is just a step ahead. He uses the advantage to slam down Gent with a Russian Legsweep. He goes for the cover 1..2... Kickout by the Masked Gentleman!

Klamor: Capone survived the brief barrage of attacks by both men and has turned this match around in his team's favor.

Capone drops a knee onto the head of Gent and hops onto the second rope; he comes down with a leg drop across the throat of the Gentleman. He drops another knee to the head before going for the cover 1..Kickout by the Masked Gentleman. Capone drags Gent to his corner and tags in Vega. Capone lifts up Mask over his shoulders; Vega runs off the ropes and connects with a hard flying knee to the head of Gent. As the knee connects Capone slams Gent's back against the mat with a Samoan Drop. Vega goes for the cover 1...2...Kickout by the Gent!

Serra: Both teams showing good teamwork and combinations despite never working together.

Vega hits a few elbow strikes to the head of Mask and brings him to his feet but Gent throws a quick throat thrust when he gets there. With Vega stunned, Gent runs at the ropes and springboards into the air. He turns for a roundhouse kick but Vega kicks him in the gut as he comes down. Vega covers him 1…2… Kickout by the Gent!

Klamor: Vega and Capone have this match completely under control at the moment. Not letting The Masked Gentleman get any momentum. That’s how you win, isolate and attack relentlessly.

Vent lifts Gent to his feet but keeps him in a clinch. He unloads on Mask with a knee to the right side of his stomach, a knee to the left side, a knee to the gut and finishing with a knee to the face. He throws Gent over his head with an exploder suplex. Mask tries to get up but can only manage to get to a crawl and slowly tries to make it to his partner. Beard is extending his arm out as far as he can, Vega points and laughs at Gent’s attempt before dragging him to the center of the ring by his legs. Vega grabs Gent’s arm and locks in an armbar. Beard immediately hits the ring and breaks up the hold. The ref forces Beard to his corner and warns him in the corner. With the ref’s back turned Vega kicks the downed Gent in the groin and drags him to his corner. The ref turns around and Vega tags in Capone who grabs Gent’s legs and drops a leg drop to the groin. Capone drops a knee to Gent’s chest and heads to the top of the turnbuckle. He jumps, twists and turns into the Vinyl Splash but Mask barely moves out of the way at the last moment. Both men begin to crawl to their respective corners looking for the tag. Beard pumps up the crowd and holds his hand out as far as he can. Both men crawl closer to their corners as the crowd is growing loud in anticipation. Both men dive and tag in their partners at the same time. Vega jumps over the top rope and Beard does as well, they charge at each other and both attempt a clothesline on one another, they both hit but Beards massive size keeps him on his feet and Vega falls to the mat. Beard runs off the ropes as he does Vega starts to get up, as soon he does his thread gets thrashed by Beard’s Big Boot! Beard goes for the pin 1…2…Capone breaks up the pin!

Serra: Beard is all fired up here tonight. He’s got the crowd on his side and is on a roll!

Beard goes after Capone and steps over Vega but Vega grabs him and rolls him up for the pin 1…2… Kickout by Beard. Beard gets up and both Vega and Capone bombard him with strikes. He withstands the onslaught but is brought to his knees. Beard shouts at the top of his lungs and shoves both men off of him. He rushes at Vega and takes him down hard with a running cross body. Beard gets up and runs at Capone, Capone drops down and lowers the top rope sending Beard flying to the outside. Capone goes to the floor and hits the half-down Beard with punches and kicks. Gent out of nowhere flies over the top rope and comes down on both men. All three men begin to stir as Vega is getting to his feet in the ring. He climbs the farside turnbuckle, runs the tight rope across the ring and dives off the top turnbuckle onto all three men!

Serra: An amazing dive by Vega running from one side of the ring to the other! I’ve never seen anything like it!

Klamor: It was amazing but he hurt himself in the process. I’m not sure if the risk was worth the reward.

Beard starts to get up first and he rolls into the ring. Vega gets up next and rolls in the ring as well. Beard and Vega meet in the center of the ring and begin exchanging blows. Beard throws a punch and Vega throws a kick to the leg, Beard throws another punch and Vega rakes him in the eyes. Beard turns around and stumbles, holding his eyes. Vega runs at him but Beard hits him with a back kick, causing him to bend over. The Gent rolls into the ring, charges at Vega and hits a Running Curb Stomp, smashing his face against the mat. Gent keeps running, bounces off the ropes and leaps over once again, coming down on Capone who just got to his feet. Beard ascends the top turnbuckle slowly. He spreads his arms, leaps and bounces his skull off of Vega’s with the Flying Beard! Beard goes for the pin 1…2…….3!

Anderson: Here are you winners by way of pinfall: The Beard and The Masked Gentleman!

Serra: Great back and forth action from both teams. Beard and The Masked Gentleman were able to stay a step ahead at the end and pull out the big win.

Klamor: I told you that dive would come back to haunt Vega. Now look at him, he got pinned by that big grizzly goof.

Beard and The Gent celebrate up the ramp as Capone stands over the just recovering Vega.


Kurtesy and Isabel are walking through the backstage area, looking to head off from the arena. However, they pass by the First Aid room where Celeste has exited the room. She sees Isabel and goes to confront her.

Hey! I need to have a word with you.

Once more, Kurtesy pulls Stone behind him to protect her. Celeste looks at Stone a little angrily before addressing Kurtesy.

What the hell was that out there? I thought you would have calmed her down by now, Steve.

Stone pipes up from the back.

Maybe if Arashi kept his mouth shut I wouldn't have shut it for him.

Before anything happens, Kurtesy stops it all.

Look, calm down everyone. It was all a big mishap that happened out there. Arashi said something that he shouldn't of and Stone's decision to react was the wrong choice. It happens... how is Arashi doing?

He's okay. The medics said he'll be right to compete at Apocalypse.

Kurtesy smiles.

That's good to hear. Now, let's forget this whole situation happened and we'll see you at the PPV, okay?

Celeste sighs.

... Okay.

Kurtesy extends a hand to Celeste who shakes it back and the two give a quick hug. Kurtesy and Isabel leave the area, leaving Celeste at the infirmary. As they are about to walk out of the building, Stone mutters something to Kurtesy.

I don't think Arashi will be forgetting what I done.

Kurtesy turns to Stone.

And that's the consequence of your actions. He will be your problem to deal with at Apocalypse, not mine.

Stone smirks as they exit the building.
Anderson: The following match is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 240lbs, he is “The Future of Professional Wrestling“, Connor Reese!

In sync with the music, Connor Reese emerges from the backstage area with his middle fingers bumping to the beats. He exhales a big "woo!" in unison with the song in his entrance video. The crowd joins Reese in his rather peppy attitude as he works the crowd.

Serra: My oh my, Connor Reese does not appear to be skipping on energy tonight! And why should he? It was only a couple days ago that Connor made a surprise appearance on Meltdown and lifted Ace Steven’s Mayhem Championship Belt high above as a symbol of what is to come at Apocalypse.

Klamor: Now, let me stop you right there Becky. Listen to what you just said. “Ace Steven’s Mayhem Championship Belt“. Meaning that it does not belong to Connor Reese. What he did at Meltdown was childish and in bad taste. I for one hope that Ace Stevens makes Connor Reese look like a joke at Apocalypse.

Reese is now in the ring and seems to be continuing to feed off the crowd’s energy as he mentally prepares for his opponent.


Suddenly, the lights go dim and produce a dark-blue hue.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Mechanical Mecca, weighing 230lbs, he is “The Mechanical Man Machine of Mechanics“, S.H.I.T.!

S.H.I.T. coldly emerges from the back as he receives a rather large amount of heat. He looks very stiff as he walks down the entrance ramp.

Serra: This is a bit of a homecoming for S.H.I.T. He has not been featured in a match on Aftershock since Aftershock 4.

Klamor: Do you just fill your head with useless information?

S.H.I.T. and Reese are in their respective corners as the referee gestures to both of them and then signals for the bell. Reese quickly steps his way into the center, where he catches S.H.I.T. off guard and is able to grapple his waist. He quickly maneuvers himself to be behind S.H.I.T.. S.H.I.T. chops at Reese’s arms as Reese squeezes him from behind. S.H.I.T. is finally able to create some space between his body and Reese’s arm hold by inserting his cardboard claws in-between the two. This allows S.H.I.T. the ability to turn around, but Reese won’t break the hold. Reese proceeds to knee S.H.I.T. in spot where his kidney should be, but this doesn’t affect S.H.I.T. at all. Again, another knee to the kidney of S.H.I.T., but nothing. This time S.H.I.T. responds by sending his big box of a head into the forehead of Reese. Reese finally breaks the hold with the impact, and the blow sends him staggering back-first into a nearby turnbuckle. S.H.I.T. follows up by dipping his shoulder and charging into Reese, but Reese acts on a whim and is able to escape from the turnbuckle. S.H.I.T. goes shoulder first into the turnbuckle!

S.H.I.T. pulls away from the turnbuckle relatively unaffected, but he is met by the sight of a returning Reese, who just propelled himself off of the ropes on the other side. Reese leaps from his feet and connects with a flying shoulder block to his mechanical foe. S.H.I.T. hit’s the mat hard, but quickly rolls over and begins to get up. Reese notices this and repeats the same rope bounce and then the same flying shoulder block! S.H.I.T. is down again, and this time he is a little slower to get up. He struggles to stand erect with his bulky body, and Reese aims to capitalize on this. S.H.I.T. finally makes it to his feet, but he finds himself stumbling into a front-grapple by Reese. S.H.I.T. is airborne as Reese executes an exploder suplex! Reese quickly rises to his feet and lets out a roar of energy, which the crowd eats up.

Serra: Talk about an explosive move set! Connor Reese is on fire early on in this match. Klamor, how does S.H.I.T. fire back from this?

Klamor: Look, I have never been the biggest promoter of S.H.I.T. Hell, the guy, I mean robot, stole my chair one of the last times he was here. However, you cannot count him out, especially not this early on.

Reese quickly follows up the suplex with a cover, 1.…2..Kick Out! Reese pulls up from the failed cover and picks up S.H.I.T. along with him. Reese tucks the head of S.H.I.T. underneath his arm and then hooks one of his legs. Reese lets out a grunt as he picks up S.H.I.T. and successfully executes a fisherman’s neck breaker. S.H.I.T. stirs on the ground as Reese quickly makes the cover, 1.…2..Kick Out! Reese slaps his hands in frustration, and then goes for the cover again, 1.…Kick Out! Reese quickly draws himself to his feet. He looks down at S.H.I.T. as he contemplates his next assault. Suddenly, the crowd is sent buzzing with a mixed reaction.

Klamor: What is this? What is he doing here?

The camera cuts to a shot of Mister Alhazred casually walking down the entrance ramp. His eyes are fixed on S.H.I.T. as he fiddles with a screwdriver in his non-power glove hand. We cut back to the ring, as Reese looks unamused by whatever Alhazred is up to. He shouts at him to stay out of the ring, and then tends to the stirring S.H.I.T.. However, S.H.I.T. steps up and sends a stiff shoulder into Reese’s shoulder. This causes Reese to step back. Reese immediately responds with a charge, but he walks right into a surprising STO out of nowhere from S.H.I.T..

Serra: A STO! That is one of Connor Reese’s moves.

Reese rubs his neck as he lays on the ground after the awkward landing from the STO. S.H.I.T. finally takes notice of Alhazred on the outside of the ring. S.H.I.T. proceeds to look at Alhazred from head to toe in a weird fashion.

Klamor: What is he doing? Checking him out?

Suddenly, S.H.I.T. looks up from Alhazred and yells out “complete!” S.H.I.T. then makes his way over to Reese, who is still laying on his back. It appears that S.H.I.T. has lost his balance as he falls face forward towards Reese, but he suddenly turns it into a falling fist drop!

Klamor: A fist drop? I don’t recall Connor Reese or S.H.I.T. having a fist drop in their arsenal.

Serra: Oh my god. Call me crazy Klamor, but I think S.H.I.T. just “scanned” Alhazred and registered his moveset in this current match. That is so innovative, isn’t it Klamor?

Klamor: Yes, this is absolutely ground-breaking technology…

Reese clinches his forehead from the fist drop as he rolls on the ground. S.H.I.T. goes to make the cover, but his attention is drawn by an uprising from the crowd. They are producing a large quantity of boos, but the unnatural amount of them strikes S.H.I.T. as odd. Finally, he discovers that they are targeted at a running Barbosa, who has now made his way down the entrance ramp and is running towards Alhazred. Alhazred quickly moves to the other side of the ring, but Barbosa stays where he is. He begins to point at S.H.I.T. in the ring. S.H.I.T. follows the same procedure from earlier as he did with Alhazred and “scans” Barbosa. S.H.I.T. shouts "complete" and turns around to address Reese, but he is met with Cataclysm!

Klamor: A charging European uppercut to S.H.I.T.!

Serra: A lurking Connor Reese got the better of the distracted S.H.I.T.!

The impact of the Cataclysm sends S.H.I.T. staggering back, but one just wasn’t enough for Reese. He makes his way to a turnbuckle corner and then runs out of it to deliver another Cataclysm to S.H.I.T. The crowd roars in approval as Reese roars back at the crowd. This time S.H.I.T. is sent staggering backwards into the turnbuckle from the impact of the uppercut. Reese sizes up S.H.I.T. in the corner and then charges forward with the hopes of hitting a big boot, but no! S.H.I.T. drops down to his knees, and Reese eats the turnbuckle. S.H.I.T. gets back to his feet as fast as he can. He turns Reese around and tucks the head in-between his legs. He picks Reese up and hit’s a Mood Stabilizer into the top rope of the turnbuckle.

This move causes Barbosa to jump onto the apron as he knows that S.H.I.T. intends to steal his own finisher. The referee tries to ease the chaos by getting Barbosa off of the apron, but he is livid. Finally Alhazred appeases the situation by pulling Barbosa off of the apron, but his face collides with the outside rim. Alhazred stands over Barbosa with a smirk, but he suddenly finds himself in a predicament. S.H.I.T. has reached through the middle-ropes and has grabbed a hold of Alhazred’s head. The referee is trying to get S.H.I.T. back into the ring, and this allows Alhazred to stab the screwdriver he was fiddling with earlier into the face of S.H.I.T.

Serra: Oh my god!

Klamor: Did he just poke a hole in that box on his head?

The referee is unaware of what just happened, but he moves out the way because the blow from Alhazred was enough to cause S.H.I.T. to stumble backwards and onto his butt on the mat. BOOM! A high-velocity knee to the face of S.H.I.T. via Reese and his finisher, Extinction Event, sends S.H.I.T.’s upper body jerking back and onto the mat. Reese looks down at his handiwork and gestures for a reaction from the crowd. The pop of the knee to S.H.I.T.'s face nearly rivals the pop that Reese gets from the crowd. He makes the cover on the dazed robot, 1.…..2.……..3! The crowd erupts!

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner by pinfall, Connor Reese!

Serra: He did it! Once again, Connor Reese out of nowhere with a devastating move to put S.H.I.T. down for the count.

Klamor: Wow, not at Connor Reese’s performance, but just at this match. Just, wow…

We cut to a shot of Alhazred walking up the ramp, and Barbosa slowly picking himself on the entryway barricade. S.H.I.T. is rolling out of the ring, but the crowd is suddenly speechless as an impacting sound leads the camera to a shot of Connor Reese face down and Ace Stevens standing over him with the WZCW Mayhem Championship Belt in the middle of the ring. Ace looks a bit sadistic, but then his lips slowly curl into a smile. He slowly raise the Mayhem title into the air, as if to mimic what Connor Reese did to him two days ago.

Serra: Ladies and gentlemen, Connor Reese’s momentum train as seemed to finally stop via a title to the back of the head. These two men will be apart of a speculator card at our Apocalypse PPV, please join us there as we look forward to seeing you again!

The final shot we get is of a grinning Ace Stevens, with his Mayhem Title, over the motionless body of Connor Reese.
Who Wrote What:

FalKon - Opening, Segments, Krypto/Williams (pre/post match only)
Ryder - Krypto/Williams (match only)
Dynamite - Stone/Arashi
Prophet - Young/Bull
Red Skull - Gent & Beard/Vega & Capone
Kermit - Reese/SHIT

Rep all the guest writers for their work and be sure to give feedback if you can.

Apocalypse boards will be posted shortly. However, the boards were done prior to this show being posted so if you wish to view them, they will be in the Roleplay Board but due to this being done more recently, this will hide all the other boards from the main page... if that makes sense.
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