Aftershock 1

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WZCW's Mr Excitement

Serra: You are tuning in live to the very first WZCW After Shock.

Klamour: That's right Becky. Hello and welcome... the aftermath of what was hell of a week in WZCW, welcome to the After Shock. I am Johnny Klamour and the lady beside me is Becky Serra and Becky...


The crowd lets out loud boos as Alex Bowen walks onto the stage ramp with his Mayhem Title. He raises it in the air and smiles a cold sick smile.

Anderson: Approaching the ring, he is the WZCW Mayhem Champion, Alex Bowen.

Bowen straddles into the ring. He takes the mic from Selena Anderson and waves her out of the ring. Bowen turns to speak.

Bowen: So this is the inaugural edition of WZCW’s After Shock. A third show at the end of the week for WZCW’s spill over matches. A chance for the under appreciated to shine. That right there best describes Alex Bowen. Under appreciated. Under used.

So WZCW management couldn’t have picked a better wrestler then to main event the the first ever After Shock show. Alex Bowen the greatest Mayhem Champion and currently the longest reigning champion in WZCW. That right there puts asses in front of T.V.’s. As if it couldn’t get any better, I have the chance to finally put to bed the argument of who is the better WZCW Mayhem Champions, me or the wrestler formally known as Baez.

The crowd pops at the mention of Baez, now going by Matt Tastic. The crowd cheers his new name and Alex Bowen looks around the arena.

Bowen: Yea that’s right Matt Tastic. Matt Tastic. The perfectly generic name for the perfectly under talented star on the perfectly suited bottom of the WZCW show ladder.

Bowen slams the mic onto the ring creating a loud boom sound.

Bowen: Well you know what I’m not happy to be here. Guys on the street have asked me if I’m excited to be in the “main event”. Other’s have asked if the Mayhem Championship will be the sole property of After Shock like EurAsian and Elite is to Meltdown and Ascension..... Well this is not the main event and I deserve much much better than being out here tonight in front of you cheap low life's.

The crowd boos Bowen as he continues.

Bowen: You lazy people all dream to live rich lives like Sean Cruz and you cheer this soft playboy to beat me because what... he got lucky at Unscripted? I deserve to be on Meltdown. I should be wrestling for the WZCW Heavyweight Championship. I’ve earned it... and maybe after I destroy Cruz’s face... the rest of WZCW will finally give me the respect I deserve.

Bowen drops the mic and goes to leave the ring.


The crowd cheers and Matt Tastic hops onto the entrance ramp with a mic.

Tastic: Bowen I can’t believe that you are forcing these excited hardcore WZCW fans to have to listen to your constant whining and complaining. Ooo poor me... I have to come out here... on the debut of a brand new and highly awesome show in WZCW called After Shock, wrestle in a highly exciting Mayhem match, and WZCW is giving me the ball to take the main event. Now does that sound so bad. I mean I’m excited as all hell. I get to be out here tonight to wrestle everyone. I’m excited that I get to be the last match on an exciting card. And I’m really happy I get to stand in the ring with you and shut that mouth of yours hopefully once and for all.

The crowd pops loudly as Tastic lowers his mic for a second and Bowen flashes his Mayhem belt as a reminder to Matt Tastic.

Tastic: You know you can say you are the longest reigning Mayhem Champion. And you can say I lost to Chris Jones and had matches with Doug Crashin. They’re all true and some of them I’m ashamed of. Mostly just Doug Crashin, but you have no right to call yourself the greatest Mayhem Champion. You never wrestled in my era. You never felt what it was like to alway have to be defending your title. To have that mindset that anyone could screw me over in the match and take my title. I took that into every match and most times I beat the living shit out of my opponent. Sometime’s they stole it from me... but not without a fight and a whole lot of pain. I won the Mayhem Title my first time. I held it more times. And heck... you’ve lost to Chris Jones too... in your first shot at the title. So how about let’s put the whole, ‘who beat who’s’ and ‘who’s done more's’ to bed and when the main event rolls around I’ll see you in the ring and see that you get the whupping you deserve. And Bowen let me tell you. That’s a whole bucket load of KickAssery!

The crowd cheers and Matt Tastic stares down the ramp at Bowen. Bowen doesn’t appear intimidated but looks very angry from the words unleashed by Tastic.

Serra: Well a heated confrontation is what begins our first broadcast of WZCW’s After Shock.

Klamour: Yes Becky but surely WZCW can do far better than a little squabble between two of WZCW’s great Neanderthals, what else can WZCW fans expect to see tonight?

Serra: Well Bowen’s All or Nothing opponent, Sean Cruz, will face his former tag team partner, Armando Paradyse, and if Paradyse wins he will be added to the Mayhem Title match. A Fatal 4 way match will happen later on with the winner receiving the final spot in the 6 Way match at All or Nothing, where the winner gets the final entree into the Lethal Lottery match and the loser enters first. But up first Justin Cooper faces The Internet Warrior and the winner of that match receives a Mayhem Title Shot on either Meltdown Madness and Ascension Anarchy. It’s next on After Shock!
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: First, from his computer desk, weighing 201 pounds, THE INTERNET WARRIOR!

Klamor: Stop the presses, it's the Internet Warrior!

Warrior begins walking down the aisle, but is attacked from behind by Justin Cooper.

Klamor: Now THAT'S more like it.

Serra: Not a fan of Internet Warrior?

Cooper beats on Warrior repeatedly, slamming him into the barricade and pounding away on his head, all the while taunting the crowd.

Klamor: Not a fan?! Don't be silly – I hate him.

Cooper drags Warrior to the ring, allowing for the referee to finally call for the start of this match.

Serra: Finally, things are underway.

Klamor: And here I was, hoping that I wouldn't have to watch anymore of this.

Cooper lifts Warrior to his feet, throwing a couple of hard punches his way. Warrior slumps to one knee, but Cooper isn't finished with his assault. Cooper attempts to whip Warrior into the ropes, but he reverses it and connects with a clothesline, falling to the canvas immediately after.

Serra: Warrior's showing some signs of life here, but both men are down!

Klamor: For good, hopefully...

Cooper shakes off the cobwebs and gets to his feet, with Warrior getting to his feet as well. The men exchange, but Cooper gets the best of his opponent with some hard backhand chops, followed up by a scoop slam and a cover. 1... 2... kick out!

Serra: That was close, Cooper needs to capitalize while his opponent is still hurt.

Klamor: Oh please, Warrior's done for, Cooper is one move away.

Cooper gets to his feet, trash talking the crowd, allowing Warrior to get a quick roll-up. 1... 2... KICK OUT!

Serra: Cooper needs to be more aggressive.

Klamor: He's letting Warrior tire himself out, smart strategy.

Cooper gets to his feet angrily, going after Warrior with a clothesline, but Warrior ducks under and connects with a dropkick to Cooper's back, sending Cooper through the middle rope. Warrior, seeing an opportunity to inflict major damage on Cooper, slingshots over the rope connecting with a huge crossbody, leaving both men down outside of the ring. The referee begins his count.

Serra: Risky move by an already injured Warrior.

Klamor: Stupid mistake.

The referee has reached 6, with the men finally stirring. Warrior gets to his feet first and tosses Cooper into the ring, but hesitates for a second before sliding in behind him. Cooper takes advantage of Warrior's hesitation and stomps away at him as he's coming into the ring. He drags Warrior to his feet and connects with a European uppercut, applying the cover almost immediately. 1... 2... Warrior gets the shoulder up at two an a half.

Serra: Warrior barely kicked out there.

Klamor: Weakling.

Cooper again takes Warrior up to his feet, this time hitting him with a bridging fisherman's suplex. 1... 2... KICK OUT! Warrior miraculously kicks out just before the referee's hand comes down for the three-count. A frustrated Cooper brings Warrior up, sending him off into the corner, following it up with a couple of chops in the corner. Warrior slumps down, but Cooper postures him up, going for more chops, but Warrior turns the tables and sends back a few chops of his own, before whipping Cooper into the opposite corner.

Serra: Is this what Warrior has been waiting for? Can he pull it out?

Klamor: You're too funny.

Warrior runs at Cooper, going for the splash, but Cooper moves out of the way and Warrior bounces off the corner. Seeing a chance, Cooper hits the Your Final Verse and gets the cover. 1... 2... 3...

The referee signals for the bell, declaring Cooper the winner.

Anderson: Your winner... JUSTIN COOPER!

Serra: Valiant effort by Warrior, but Cooper had the advantage right away.

Klamor: Yeah, because he's not a loser who devoted his whole life to following wrestling on his computer.

Cooper yells at Warrior, raising his fists into the air.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

A sound of a door creaking echoes through the PA system and then Curmudgeon, by Nirvana, hits. Jack O’ Lantern emerges from the side ramp with a pumpkin tucked between his right arm and body.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 242 lbs, from All Hallows Eve, he is the Halloween Pain Machine, Jack O’ Lantern!

He slides into the ring and places his signature pumpkin in a corner and sits mindlessly next to it. The crowd does not know what to make of him.

Serra: Ladies and gentlemen this is the newest addition to the WZCW roster, Jack O’ Lantern.

Klamor: Correct me if I’m wrong Becky, but didn’t you get a chance to catch up with this freak earlier in the week?

Serra: Let’s just say that it was interesting.

Hate Me Now, by Nas f/P. Diddy, hits the PA system as Mick Overlast makes his way out from the back. He stands at the top of the ramp for a moment in order to soak in the atmosphere of the arena. He walks to the ring haughtily and is able to receive a few boos for this action.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 235 lbs, from Pittsburgh, PA, Mick Overlast!

Serra: Mick Overlast has the advantage in this match in terms of WZCW experience.

Klamor: Overlast has the charisma that all of today’s young superstars should have.

The two men are in their respective corners and the ref signals for the bell. An immediate commotion follows the sound of the bell as Overlast begins pointing at the pumpkin in Lantern’s corner. The ref realizes it and asks an official to come retrieve it. Lantern glares at the in-ring ref and then at the official who grabs his pumpkin. The distraction is enough for Overlast to attack him from behind. Overlast begins throwing forearms to the back of Lantern as he has him pinned in the corner. Overlast turns him over and begins giving knee thrusts to the mid-section.

Klamor: This guy is showing no mercy out there!

Serra: One has to wonder if he really even cared about the pumpkin being in the ring or just wanted it removed for the distraction.

Overlast gets tired of throwing knee thrusts and pulls away into the center of the ring. He raises his arms up as he taunts the crowd. He turns back around and is met by a clothesline from Lantern! Overlast no sells it and gets back up, but it is met by another running clothesline, and another, and another. The crowd sparks for a moment because of fast-paced action. Finally, Overlast stays down after the fourth running clothesline by Lantern. Lantern signals for his finisher, B-Side Suicide, as he begins to ascend the turnbuckle.

Serra: Lantern is already going for the kill so early in the match. He is hoping to perform his finisher move, which is more or less a swinging neck breaker from the top rope.

Klamor: These types of quick actions are what separate the rookies from the veterans Becky. I don’t see this ending well.

As if on cue, Overlast jumps up and racks Lantern on the turnbuckle. The crowd cringes as Overlast pulls Lantern off of the turnbuckle. Overlast is quick to pull him up and performs a snap suplex. Lantern grabs his back in pain and Overlast runs over to him and makes the cover, 1.....2..Kick Out! Overlast responds to kick out by choking him on the ground. Lantern flails as Overlast, with a stern look on his face, grips his neck. After several seconds, Overlast finally releases the hold and stands up to taunt the crowd. The crowd does not receive him well.

Klamor: I don’t give compliments very often Becky, but this guy has looked pretty good for a rookie so far.

Serra: I would have to agree. Lantern has not found a way to respond yet.

Klamor: You know, despite calling a match for these two nobodies; it’s good to finally get behind the announcer booth and let the people know what I think of today’s current superstars.

Serra: I couldn’t agree more partner, and what an exciting show to kick off our announcing careers.

Klamor: Hardly.

Overlast finishes taunting the crowd and makes his way to a stirring Lantern. He attempts to lock in a dragon sleeper, but is met with a kick to the face! Lantern quickly gets up and ducks a running clothesline from Overlast. They both bounce off the ropes on opposite sides and meet in the middle where Lantern nails a flying headbutt. Both men are rubbing their heads on the ground as Lantern is first to get up. Overlast follows but is met with a kick to the gut. DDT! Overlast is sprawled out on the ground as Lantern goes for the cover, 1….2..Kick Out! Lantern slams on the mat in frustration and picks himself up.

Serra: An unexpected turn around by the Halloween Pain Machine!

Lantern grapples Overlast from behind and slowly pulls him to his feet. He tightens the grip performs a belly to back suplex. He doesn’t release the hold as he picks up Overlast once again. It’s a double belly to back suplex! Lantern crawls over to the wounded Overlast and makes the cover, 1…..2……Kick Out! Overlast rolls away from the disheartened Lantern, as he clinches his gut on the ground. Lantern gets up and walks over to the damaged Overlast and grabs his arm and pulls him over to the ropes. He positions him to where his head is hanging over the outside apron.

Klamor: It looks like he’s going to get innovative with the outside apron Becky.

Serra: This doesn’t look good for Overlast; that’s for sure.

Lantern is now standing on the outside apron as Overlast’s head still hangs off the side. Lantern slaps his leg as he signals for a leg drop. He begins running towards Overlast, but Overlast quickly rolls back into the ring. Lantern is able to catch himself and steps into the ring. Overlast is now standing up near a corner, but Lantern is quick to strike. He attempts a running clothesline on Overlast, but Overlast ducks! Lantern hits the idle referee behind Overlast and slams him into the turnbuckle with a clothesline! The ref slumps down into the corner from the blow. Lantern tilts his head and admires the pain that he caused the innocent man.

Klamor: Oh my god! Not only did he attack the referee, but he is actually smiling at what he did. This guy truly is a freak.

Serra: Lantern clearly has some issues, but now we have the inaugural After Shock match without a referee.

Lantern turns away from the ref and is met with a charging Overlast. Overlast kicks Lantern in the gut and tries to hit another snap suplex, but it is reversed and he gets kicked in the gut in return. Lantern uppercuts the bent over Overlast and send him to the mat. Lantern is looks down at the thwarted man and then turns his attention over to the announcer booth.

Klamor: I think that freak is looking at you Becky.

Serra: Oh god, hide me John.

Lantern slides out of the ring and makes his way over to the announcer’s booth, but surprisingly he pays them no attention and grabs the pumpkin that the official took earlier. He gets back into the ring with it and raises it in the air. The crowd doesn’t know how to react to this. Lantern watches as Overlast get back up into a woozy state of being. Lantern charges at him with the pumpkin, but he drops the pumpkin as he is met with a powerslam by Overlast!

Serra: A great reversal by Overlast!

Klamor: And look! The referee is making his way around!

Overlast shoves the pumpkin out of the ring with his foot and then makes his way to a grounded Lantern. He picks Lantern up and sets up for The Overlasting Impression. Boom! He executes it and Lantern hits the mat hard. Overlast goes for the cover as the recovering ref makes his way slowly over; 1……..2………3!!!

Anderson: Here is your winner, MICK OVERLAST!

Overlast makes his way over to the turnbuckle and climbs it in order to taunt the crowd. He gets some minor heat as he raises his arm in the air. Lantern slowly rolls out of the ring and writhes in pain on the outside of the ring.

Serra: Well, this was a good match up between two of the newest members of the WZCW roster. This is what After Shock is all about; showcasing the talent that has been left in the dark because of the overcrowded atmosphere in the WZCW.

Klamor: Overlast looks like a potential champion, but somebody better tell that freak that Halloween is over.

Serra: It was a definitely a brutal match to start us off.

Klamor: Brutal? You want to see brutal, Becky? Just wait until tonight when we get the current Mayhem Champion and King of Mayhem, Alex Bowen, take on the former Mayhem Champion and recently unmasked, Matt Tastic, in a mayhem rules match for our main event!

Serra: I can only imagine what type of crimson innovation those two will bring!


Armando Paradyse is walking backstage when he walks into Leon Kensworth.

“Oh Armando, just the person. I’ve been given a message from Chuck Myles and Vance Bateman. For you.”

“Oh Leon you must have good news for me. Let me guess, I’m going to be in the All Or Nothing six man match?”

Leon looks baffled by the assumption.


“I’m in the World Title match?”

Somehow, Leon is left even more astounded.

“God no!”

“Well what then man!”

“You won’t be on the pay-per-view. They just said that they have nothing for you.”


Armando pushes past Leon.

“Hey, it was just a joke! I’m sorry!”

“Damnit Leon, get out of my sight!!”

“But I really do have news for you! Good news”

Paradyse stops and turns around, with an expectant look on his face.


“I do. You see, Mr Bateman and Mr Myles have decided...that if you beat Sean Cruz, then the Mayhem Title match will be a triple threat match at All or Nothing!”

A slight curled grin appears on his face.

“Absolutely fantastic.”

Armando strolls, considerably happier with his current situation.
Anderson: The following four-way match is scheduled for one fall, with the winner earning the final spot in the 6-man challenge at All or Nothing!

“For Love of the Game” blasts through the arena and Alexander Steele bursts through the curtain.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Boston, Mass. and weighing in at 249 pounds, Alexander Steele!

Steele poses on the ramp, before climbing into the ring as his music cuts out and “In This Moment” cues the entrance of Jack Skinner.

Anderson: Next, from New York City and weighing in at 150 pounds, Jack Skinner!

Skinner heads between the ropes as “Anarchy in the U.K.” hits and Johnny Scumm slowly makes his way down the ramp.

Anderson: From Manchester, England and weighing in at 223 pounds, Johnny Scumm!

Scumm looks up at his opponents from the floor as “The Robots” begins to sound through the arena and S.H.I.T. stands on the stage momentarily before heading down the ramp.

Anderson: And finally, from Mechanical Mecca, the Mechanical Man Machine of Mechanics, S.H.I.T.!

Serra: "This is going to be fast, furious and chaotic. I can't wait!"

Klamor: "I see one man getting the win here, Johnny Scumm is going to show he is the man!"

Scumm slides into the ring right as the bell rings and charges at Steele, still angered from his loss the previous week. After a moment of shock, S.H.I.T and Skinner charge in as well, leaving the match in a four-man brawl. The crowd is loving it as all four men swing wildly at each other. After a few moments, Skinner, the smallest man in the match, goes flying from a shot by S.H.I.T. Skinner scrambles back to his feet and charges back toward the pile, dropkicking S.H.I.T. to the floor. Skinner swings and misses at Steele, who has just gotten back to his feet, and Steele throws Skinner over the top rope with a German suplex, with Skinner landing on top of S.H.I.T. on the floor. Steele turns around into a dropkick attempt by Scumm, but Steele catches his legs and turns it over into a Boston crab.

Serra: Fast and furious action early on in this match! These guys really want a shot at that All or Nothing match.

Steele cranks back in the hold, but Skinner slides back into the ring and hits a spinning heel kick to the face of Steele. Skinner rolls Scumm over and pins both men simultaneously, 1…2.. Steele and Scumm kick out at the same time, sending Skinner across the ring. All three men get back to their feet and charge at each other, with Skinner taking down the other men with a double clothesline. Skinner poses for the crowd, but turns around into a top rope punch from S.H.I.T. Skinner is dazed, but is taken down with knee strikes in a facelock by S.H.I.T. The man-robot turns around and is drilled by a boot to the face from Scumm. S.H.I.T. stumbles back into the corner. Scumm plans his next move, but first, sidesteps a charging Skinner. S.H.I.T. catches his charging opponent and lifts him up to the top rope. S.H.I.T. spins Skinner around and sets for a belly-to-belly suplex from the top. Scumm clubs S.H.I.T. in the back, however, and sets him up in the electric chair.

Klamor: Scumm is about to end two of his opponents at the same time and book his spot on the pay-per-view!

Out of nowhere, however, Steele runs up, grabs Scumm’s head, and hits the Twisted Steele. Skinner and S.H.I.T. are sent flying across the ring and driving Scumm face-first to the canvas. The crowd roars as Steele crawls into the cover, 1…2…3!

Anderson: The winner of the match, Alexander Steele!

Serra: "Alexander Steele is going to All Or Nothing!"

Steele lets out a cry of joy as he gets his arm raised in the center of the ring. He poses on the turnbuckles while medics come out to check on Scumm, Skinner and S.H.I.T. Scumm furiously brushes off any assistance while the other two get helped to the back as Steele slaps hands with fans at ringside.

Klamor: "What a crock! Ty's going to make him his bitch!"
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Armando Paradyse struts out onto the stage and poses for a moment before heading towards the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 268 pounds, Armando Paradyse!

He gets into the ring and points out at some of the girls in the audience before jogging on spot to warm up.

The crowd pops for Sean Cruz who walks out looking very confident.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 236 pounds, Sean Cruz!

He high fives his fans as he walks down the ramp and slides into the ring.

Serra: Former tag team partners are opponents tonight!

Klamor: Oh yeah, that’s never happened before.

The ref calls for the bell and the two men circle each other. Paradyse charges forward but he’s caught with an Armdrag by Cruz. He gets up quickly and is hit with another Armdrag. Paradyse quickly gets up and is hit with a big Dropkick. He goes down and crawls over to the corner as Cruz tells him to bring it on, the crowd cheering him on. Paradyse looks frustrated and gets up before the two men tie up in the middle of the ring. Paradyse backs Cruz into the ropes and the referee calls for a break. Paradyse backs off, but quickly hits a right hand to Cruz, catching him off guard. He Snapmares Cruz and hits a quick Dropkick to the back of the head. Paradyse covers Cruz for the first pin, 1... Quick kick out by Cruz.

Serra: Fast paced so far, as we were expec.... What are you doing, Johnny?

Klamor: I’m on twitter! #Paradysesucks is trending worldwide right now!

Paradyse gets up and stomps on Cruz’s head. He backs into the ropes and bounces forward before hitting a Standing Legdrop. He goes for another quick pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Cruz. Paradyse picks up Cruz and backs him into the ropes before Irish Whipping him across the ring. Cruz bounces off the ropes and is heading towards Paradyse, who is about to go for a Flapjack but Cruz elbows him in the head and follows up with a Jawbreaker. Paradyse stumbles back to the corner and Cruz runs at him but Paradyse gets a foot up. Cruz stumbles back, clutching his jaw and Paradyse quickly gets himself onto the second rope. He jumps off but Cruz hits him with a Spinebuster in mid-air! He hooks Paradyse’s leg, 1... 2.... Kick out by Paradyse!

Serra: It’s obvious how well these former tag partners know each other!

Klamor: Though it seems like Cruz knows Paradyse slightly better than Paradyse knows Cruz.

Cruz gets up and goes onto the apron, waiting for Paradyse, who eventually gets up with help from the ropes. Cruz springboards onto the top rope and goes for the Crossbody, but Paradyse rolls out of the way and Cruz crashes for the mat! Paradyse catches his breath as Cruz is getting up. Cruz turns around and he’s caught with a Shuffle Sidekick! Paradyse goes for a pin, 1... 2... Cruz gets a shoulder up! Paradyse looks a bit frustrated as he gets up and walks towards the corner. He gets up on the second turnbuckle, sizing up Cruz for the Overcastle. Cruz gets up and runs towards the corner. He leaps up to the second rope and kicks Paradyse in the head before Paradyse can react! He crashes to the mat and Cruz stands up, feeding off the cheering from the crowd as he stands in the corner and slaps his leg. Paradyse gets up, looking dazed and turns around as Cruz goes for the Super Kick, but Paradyse ducks under and hooks in a backslide! 1.........2........#

Anderson: Here is your winner, Armando Paradyse

Paradyse remains dazed on the mat as Cruz looks on shocked by the backslide. The ref raises Pardyse's arm in victory as Cruz rolls out of the ring stunned.

Serra: A shocking win for Armando Paradyse! He now goes on to All or Nothing to compete for the Mayhem Title!

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WZCW interviewer, Leon Kensworth, is standing alone in the camera view with a microphone in his hand.

Kensworth: Ladies and gentlemen, with me now is the current WZCW Mayhem Champion, Alex Bowen.

The camera zooms back and we get a full shot of Alex Bowen and Kensworth.

Bowen: Yes, Kensworth. I am the current champion, and I always will be. There has been no legitimate contender to come my way that could stop me. I have met every obstacle in my sight and beat it down with a barbed wire bat. Baez, I mean Matt Tastic, will be no different. He’s going to be another name added to my big book of victims.

Bowen gives Kensworth a sick smile and exits the camera shot.

Serra: It looks like Bowen is ready to go for our main event.

Klamor: Blood and guts! Coming up next!
The following match is your main event of the evening and is a non title match to be held under Mayhem rules!


On his way to the ring from Southwester, Puerto Rico, he weighed in at 225lbs, this is Matt Tastic!

“This is going to be a spectacular main event for our first Aftershock!”

As the former Baez makes his way to the arena, he gets a loud pop. He reacts with a display of incredible energy as he bounces down to the ring. He rolls down to the ring and jumps onto the turnbuckle.

“Personally, I want to see his head bashed in!”

And his opponent, the Mayhem Champion, ALEX BOWEN!

“And who better than the King of Mayhem!”

Bowen comes down to the ring with a trolley that contains a pair of chairs, kendo sticks and a dustbin. He has a mic in hand and he addresses Matt Tastic in the ring.

“So when I heard that the powers that be decided to make this a Mayhem Rules match, I thought we would have a party. Matt Tastic, you think you are a great hardcore wrestler? Get your shit out of the ring and join me and my friends!”

“So Alex Bowen wants to start this match outside of the ring? Is he crazy?”

“I’d say Ba – I mean Crap Tastic will be the stupid one if he decides to go out there.”

Bowen turns around to jawjack with the fans who are still booing him. He rests the trolley by the edge of the ring but as he turns around, he is met by Tastic who has vaulted superbly over the top ropes and lands right on top of him. He grabs one of Bowen’s kendo sticks and smashes it over his back three times, By the third hit, it is all but splinters in his hands. He picks Bowen up and whips him into the base of the corner post! Bowen slumps to the floor and clutches his ribs. Tastic sets up a chair in front of Bowen and takes a few steps back. He then sprints up to the chair and dives off but Bowen catches him and slams him down in one smooth motion with a powerbomb onto the floor!

“That was a remarkable start to this encounter between two Mayhem legends!”

“Like I said, Tastic is stupid!”

Bowen covers him arrogantly, 1....2.....but Matt Tastic kicks out. Bowen drags him over to his trolley and dumps the trashcan over his head. He then shoves him hard into the corner post. After Tastic falls to the floor, Bowen pummels him with fast elbow drops and stomps to the head. Bowen removes the trash can and drags Tastic up by his hair but as he stands up, he begins to pummel Bowen with kicks to the body. He swings at Bowen who ducks the clothesline but is knocked to the floor with a swift flapjack! Bowen crawls away before he can be covered. He slowly reaches up and grabs the chair out of the trolley but Tastic catches up to him and dumps him quite unceremoniously into it. He takes the trolley with Bowen in it up the ramp and then rolls it down fast. He deliberately trips the trolley and dumps Bowen out of it!

“Hey, that’s not fair!”

“All fair in love and Mayhem!”

“That makes no sense!”

Tastic looks at Bowen and shakes his head. He rolls him into the ring before taking a ladder and then a table from underneath the ring. He places them in the ring but before he can get in, Bowen pounces with brutal stomps to the head and body. He sees the table and ladder that were brought in and begins setting up the table in the middle of the ring and the ladder is leant in the corner. He drags Baez to the corner and then goes outside the ring. He climbs the ropes and gets on the ladder before riding it down to squash Tastic beneath it. Bowen doesn’t move but he reaches down and lays a fist on Matt’s face. The referee counts it as a cover, 1....2....Tastic somehow gets a shoulder up! Bowen is furious! He goes and sets up the table by the opposite corner. He goes to drag Bowen over to the table but Tastic hits the Twisted T! He goes to cover him but is slow to do it, 1....2....Bowen kicks out! Tastic gets hold of Bowen again and he takes the Mayhem Champion towards the table. He whips Bowen off the ropes and as he comes back, he tries to hit the Hells Rolling but Bowen jumps over him, lands on his feet and nails Ride the Lightning through the table!

“Fantastic counter by Alex Bowen!”

“Hook the leg!!”

Bowen scrambles to cover him, 1....2....Tastic kicks out again!!

“How did he kick out of that?!....Johnny, this is not a good time to be speechless.”

Bowen is devastated again. He slowly crawls out of the ring and drags another table out from underneath the ring. He places it by the ladder and stands the ladder up as well. He drags Tastic over as he is bleeding from his mouth and he puts him on the table. Bowen then goes to climb the ladder but Tastic scrambles up it to meet him at the top on the other side. Bowen sees it, turns and stops him with quick jabs but Matt replies with some punches of his own. Suddenly Matt slams Bowen’s head on to the top step of the ladder repeatedly and when he stops the crowd oohs and aahs as they sees the blood streaming down Bowens face from a wound on his forehead.

“That well worn, battle scarred forehead has now been busted on the top of that ladder!”

“That’s no surprise, that face would bleed if you looked at it the wrong way! Bowen is just that hardcore!”

Tastic then shoves Bowen off and he crashes through the wooden table which splinters everywhere! The crowd chants of “Holy Shit” fill the arena. Somehow Bowen is still showing a sign of life as Matt Tastic observes the chaos beneath him. Tastic steadies himself on the top step and jumps off and lands the Treble Boost elbow drop!! Matt Tastic hooks the leg! 1...2....3!

Your winner by pinfall, MATT TASTIC!!

“Matt Tastic has triumphed in an incredibly brutal match-up”

“That was a typical Mayhem Rules match!”

“That is why it was great!”

“Matt Tastic is nothing special. Mark my words, he is nothing compared to the real King of Mayhem, Alex Bowen!”

"Ladies and Gentlemen, from my broadcast colleague Johnny Klamor and myself Rebecca Serra, that is all from WZCW Aftershock! We'll see you on the road to All or Nothing!!"
Who wrote what:

Blade - Armando Paradyse vs. Sean Cruz
Numbers - Alex Bowen vs. Matt Tastic, Backstage
Thriller - Steele vs. Scumm vs. Skinner vs. S.H.I.T. *Guest Writer
Kermit - Mick Overlast vs. Jack O' Lantern *Guest Writer
The Crock- Justin Cooper vs. The Internet Warrior *Guest Writer
Showtime - Opening

Rep these men generously and give them many thanks. And we're on to All or Nothing. Boards shall be up tomorrow. I'll try to get some fancy graphics going this week.

Oh and this is Ty so there's no confusion :).
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