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After 5 years


Pre-Show Stalwart
Well for the 13 years I have been watching wrestling and I know that things can change for a moment.So how do you think WWE will look after 5 years.Who are going to be the main event player, who is going to be the face of the company who is going to be fired and thing like that.

For me I see The Miz as the top face(if CM Pnk isn 't there) with five or six WWE title reigns. I don't know who the top heel is going to be cause I am divided between guys like Cody Rhodes,S(h)eamus ,ADR ,Wade Barrett and John Cena . I also think Randy will be leading some kind of stable like HHH . Guys like Zack Ryder, Chris Masters, Tyler Recks , Heath Slater fired(shame for Ryder he is very entertaining). On the other hand Sin Cara, Justin Gabriel, DBD , Kofi Kingston, Tyson Kidd, Evan Bourne and few others having one great cruiserweight division. Alex Riley, JoMo , Drew Mcintyre , Ziggler and Even Ted DiBiase having some World title reigns. I also think there would be no brand splitting and also some new guys divided between jobbers,mid carders and main eventers . The tag division will be better as will the divas. There will be only One world title The WWE , one mid card title the Intercontinental, the Women's title, Tag Team title and Cruiserweight title.

That is for me. What about you?
I like you ideas you have. I think Daniel Bryan is a future World Heavyweight Champion though. He is a very good wrestler and shows the skills of being a World Champion in the future. Its in the very close future too. He reminds me of Ricky Steamboat.

Cody Rhodes will be up in the main event's soon or at least upper mid card. This guy reminds me of a very successful man who went into the main event scene, and his name was Chris Jericho.

The rest of those guys in the cruiserweight division you made make a lot of sense. I can't believe that Ted DiBiase would be a World Champion. They have made him a useless jobber and they missed the opportunity after WrestleMania 26 to make Ted a main eventer.

I think it will be like this.

Faces: The Miz, John Cena, Sin Cara, Justin Gabriel, Kofi Kingston, etc.

Heels: Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Tyson Kidd, Wade Barrett, Sheamus
Interesting thread. I love going through these sorts of ideas simply to see how wrong we can be. The only way I see there being one brand is if SD! ratings get so bad that they finally give up on it being it's own entity. I assume that Vince and the WWE will begin trying many things on SD! if they keep the downward trend. In an ideal WWE, more time would be spent on creating that missing mystique that used to encompass their lower card titles. Dropping to just one of each level of title could help that fact but considering I doubt they will stop with the brand distinction, I also doubt there will be less titles. Of course there will be new guys on every level.

What I actually expect to happen is that WWE will continue on their current trends of making the kids happy (and insuring decades of loyal fans in the process) and staying under the PG blanket that is highly rewarding in the form of merchandising and how well they get along with their advertisers and networks that air their shows. Eventually however, the ratings will get low enough (or somebody gives them some credible competition) and the next great era of wrestling will be born. When Vince feels he's in jeopardy, he begins to pander to the longtime fans such as the IWC.

What will happen when that time comes? Who knows. Whatever will sell at the time. Considering popular trends include such abortions as 'Jersey Shore' and Justin Beiber, I doubt we will all be very entertained with that either.

Guys I see on top in five years; Sin Cara (although I see him a one of those 'over' guys that never really wins World Titles, much like Rey and Kofi), Miz (probably their best prospect for the next great heel), Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton still, John Cena still and whichever unlikely stars rise to prominence in the coming years.
hmm i like this thread alot because WWE has plenty of young fresh talent that could last them a while. They also have alot of guys in developmental. Guys like Seth Rollins, Richie Steamboat, Mack Hetfield are just a few that are already main roster ready. But out of all the guys that are on the main roster i think these guys are the future.

Cody Rhodes- as of late he has been great. Great promo work and his ring ability is great as well. I easily see him being a world champ in the future. I believe he is going to win MITB this week.

The Miz- A lot of people are saying he is going to be a face. I disagree he is too good as a heel. He could be the heel version of Cena. A multiple time world/wwe champ.

Alberto Del Rio- Second best heel in the WWE. His in ring ability is amazing and his promos are smooth and some of the best in the WWE. For sure a future world/wwe champ.

Daniel Bryan- He is too good not to give him a title run. Although i think he would be better off as a heel. His work in ROH and elsewhere is great work when he was working as a heel. He might just be the best in ring performer out there. After all he was trained by HBK and William Regal.

Dolph Ziggler- I think this guy is great. He stole the show a few time last year with his matches with Daniel Bryan, Edge, and Kofi Kingston. I think he has a very bright future.

Jinder Mahal- Yes He's new but i like this guy. I don't know what it is but i see great things in the future for this guy. He's different and unique. i can't wait to see more of him.

Drew McIntyre- Although he has been on this shit end of the stick as of late but i do see him getting more opportunities soon. I definitely see him winning the big one in the coming years.

Sheamus- I think he still has a lot to offer the WWE in the coming years. He's a natural in the ring and he's great on the mic. The next Triple H.

Sin Cara- I dont see him being as successful as Rey Mysterio but i do see him being a top mid carder. I just don't see him winning the wwe or world titles. Non the less he will be one of the best guys in the back and will have match of the night plenty of times.

Zack Ryder- He has really earned my respect as of late along with many other people's respect. He's getting over all by himself and with his own ways. No help from the WWE and i think they see that too. They started putting back on TV and i see them using him a lot in the coming months. With that being said who knows maybe he will be a big time player in a few years.

I'm sure guy's like John Cena, Randy Orton, and Cm punk are still going to be top guys in the future. They are still young and they are all going to be top dogs and future legends.
Threads like this are so silly. Why bother trying to predict the future, even one year into the future much less five, when everything is so unpredictable? Injuries, people getting worn out physically and/or mentally, random people coming out of nowhere that the WWE chooses to push, the WWE dropping the ball on huge stars...you can never know. I mean, FIVE YEARS? Five years ago today nobody knew who Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Alex Riley, Joe Hennig, David Otunga, or even Alberto Del Rio were. Five years ago today, everybody thought that guys like Shelton Benjamin, Boogieman, Carlito and Bobby Lashley were going to be huge stars by 2010. It's kind of ridiculous trying to predict the future of any sport, especially ones with as much of a revolving door effect as this one.
Good idea you came up with.But I dont think that Dibiase will have a World title reign and I dont think they'll make only one major, mid-card, and whatever else titles either.

I think the face of the company will still be Cena after 5 years
The top heel:The Miz or Del Rio

Face main eventers:John Cena, Randy Orton, John Morrison, Sin Cara, Alex Riley, and if they're still around Rey Mysterio and Kane

Heel main eventers:Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Miz, Rhodes, Swagger, Del Rio, and maybe McIntyre.

Retired people:Big Show, HHH, Undertaker, R-Truth

Top Mid-carders:Dibiase, Kofi, Otunga, McGillicutty, Big Zeke, Ryder, Ziggler, Bourne,

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