AF29: Ricky Runn vs. Ace Stevens

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the Frog

Deadline is Tuesday (November 5th, 2013) at 11:59P.M. (Central Time). Extensions available upon request.
Previously, on Ace In The Hole...

“You're in the number one contender match for the Elite X Championship again!”


“I'm scared... I'm scared that I'll... never be successful again.”


“I'm looking for that thing. That thing that sets the wheels in motion. That thing that changes everything.”


“Are you Ace Stevens, kid?”

“Um, yeah.”

“Good. I've got a proposition for you, son.”

Ace Stevens
Tonight We Ride // Run

Ace Stevens, Stan Rogers and Lewis Middleton are all sitting in the latter's office. There's a sense of confusion in the air as Rogers lays out his proposition to the two men with him.

“So you, Stan Rogers, you wanna be my coach? Why?”

“My kid... or, or grandkid... or even great-grandkid... whatever, he did some poem at school about you. I looked you up on the information highway thing and I was impressed, kid. You've got something. I wanna nurture that... y'know, for a small fee. What do ya' say?”

Ace looks towards his agent for guidance.

“Well, I say yes. Go for it. You may never have an opportunity like this again.”

Upon hearing the accent of Middleton, Rogers immediately turns his attention to him.

“Are you British?” asks Rogers in his vastly different, old Midwestern accent.

“Why yes I am. I'm from the small town of Cambridge.”

Rogers responds by mumbling something about a “revolution” and “limeys”.

“Okay, let's do this,” says Ace enthusiastically.

“Really?” asks Middleton, clearly expecting a different answer.

“Yeah. Somethin' needs to change, right? Who's to say that this ain't that change?”

“That's good. I'm glad you see it that way, son. Now, there are a few rules. Number one: what I say goes. Once you've won 23 world titles, I might allow you to have a say. I don't know yet. Number two: no French must be spoken in my gym ever. I had a student who spoke French in my gym once. Once. And finally, if you interrupt me when I'm watching Jeopardy, I'll break your kneecaps. Is that clear?”

“Oui, monsieur” responds Ace as they shake hands.



Somewhere in Missouri
The Private Gym of Stan Rogers

With no windows and a lot of dark mahogany wood, the gym is dimly lit. It's not dirty, per se, but to call it clean would be a vast exaggeration. There is some dust floating around the atmosphere, as well the strong smell of tobacco.

“This... this is The Chamber. Breathe it in, son.”

Stan Rogers is walking his new protege, Ace Stevens through his own personal gym. There are dumbbells, barbells and kettlebells scattered around the room in a somewhat orderly fashion. The pièce de résistance, however, is what Rogers calls his “baby” (despite him having produced somewhere in the region of 48 children) – a 20 foot by 20 foot wrestling ring.

“This, son, is my piece of resistance. Feel the canvas, it's been in the Rogers family for generations. And these ropes, these ropes were given to me personally by Frank Gotch. He says they were handmade by blind Bavarian monks, but I not sure. Don't know if I can trust a German. Anyway, get in the ring.”

Ace slides in to the ring from the floor, while the older Rogers uses the stairs (which, in keeping with his theme, are wooden instead of the traditional steel).

“Yo, what's that?” asks Ace, pointing to a piece of cardboard laying on the mat.

“Glad you asked, kid. Really glad you asked,” says Rogers as he walks over to the cardboard. The former Tag Team Champion stands it upright to reveal that it is a half-size cut-out of Ricky Runn. “That, kid, is your motivation. Every time I had a big match coming up, I'd get a cut-out of whoever it was to watch me while I train. But ignore him for now, we've got bigger things to fry.”



“Bigger fish to fry, man.”

“Shut up, son. Right, the first thing we're gonna focus on is this Runn kid's quickness and in-your-faceness, okay?”

“Sure, lay it on me.”

“Okay, so you take this face coverer.”


“Shut up. That's your second warning.”

Ace takes the mask (or face coverer, if you will) from Rogers. It's simple, cardboard, and has a picture of popular recording artist, Justin Bieber's face on it.

“Put it on.”

Ace sighs and reluctantly agrees to put it on.

“Can you see alright?”

“The eye holes could be a bit bigger, but-”

“Excellent. Emily! You can come in now!”

As Rogers says this, a young blonde girl, who could be no older that seven years of age enters the gym. As she sees Ace in the mask, she lets out a scream that could only be described as 'piercing'. She slides into the ring and giddily attaches herself to Ace Stevens and proceeds to do something that can only be described as half-hug, half-assault.

“Kids love this guy, for some reason. I don't get it.”

As the screaming continues so does the mugging. Hair is being pulled, arms are being scratched and t-shirts are being torn.

“Get her off me! GET HER OFF ME!”

The elderly mentor allows his mentee to be attacked for a few seconds longer, before calmly walking over to Ace and pulling off his mask. Emily stops, understanding that the man she thought to be her hero is actually just a guy from New York with greasy hair and clothes that are too tight. She immediately releases her grip. Disappointed, she walks away slowly, leaving the gym.


“That, son, was my granddaughter, Emily. She could be a huge star one day. If only they allowed women to wrestle, huh?”

“No, I meant 'what was the point in that'? Why'd she attack me?”

“Listen, that Runn kid you're facing is quick, hungry and all about attack. You wanna beat him, Star? Then you have to experience him.”

“That... actually, kinda makes sense.”

“It does?” asks Rogers, clearly not expecting that reaction.

“Hell yeah. If I wanna beat Runn, I have to know him. I have to know his style, his moves, his motives! This is dope! What next?”

“What next? Um, let's see here...” ponders the trainer, clearly unprepared for the session at hand. “Well if I remember correctly, Runn is a risk-taker, right? He does all the flippy-flip-flips. So what you need to do is expect the unexpected.”

“Yeah.. expect the unexpected. Expect the unexpected...”

As the former Mayhem champion thinks about the key phrase over and over, Rogers takes the opportunity to land a strong punch to the nose of his trainee. The feeling of pain is instant and Ace clutches his nose before letting out a torrent of obscene, unpublishable words.


“Whoa, you kiss your mother with that mouth?”


“Expect the unexpected.”

“Well thanks, 'cause now I'm bleeding.”

“Yeah, you might wanna pinch that, son.”

Ace tilts his head back and pinches the bridge of his nose, whilst continuing the conversation.

“Okay, so while that heals, I've got one more thing to show ya'.”

“Fine. But if you're gonna kick me in the nuts, I'm outta here.”

“No, no, no, that's next week...”


“Nothing. Anyway, look at this.”

Rogers picks up the previously mentioned cut-out of Ricky Runn and shows it to Ace.

“What do you feel?”

“Yo, what is this? Dr. Phil?”

“What do you feel?” repeats Rogers.

“Um, I don't know. He's been getting kind of annoying recently.”

“Good, good. Does that make you angry?” asks Rogers, as he desperately tries to get some anger from his student.

“Kind of, I guess.”

“What if I told you that this pipsqueak has been bad-mouthing you personally? Then what, Star? Then what?”

Rogers, places the cut-out on the mat and proceeds to mimic a high-pitched, 'Ricky Runn' voice.

“I'm Ricky Runn, and I hate Ace Stevens. I'm Ricky Runn, and I'm gonna beat-up Ace Stevens.”

“Okay, that's a bit annoying. So if you can just stop...”

“I'm Ricky Runn and I'm better than Ace Stevens. Ace Stevens got beaten by a girl at Redemption. I'd never get beaten by a girl, because I'm Ricky Runn and I'm better than Ace Stevens.”

“Yo, it's starting to piss me off now. So if you..”

“I'm Ricky Runn and I had coitus with Ace Stevens' mom.”


“I heard him say all this. So what are you gonna do about it? WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO?!”


“No, no, you don't kill him. That'll get you a DQ.”


“At a boy, kid. At a boy.”

Ace lets out a primal scream as he runs towards the cut-out and tears it apart manically. Rogers, meanwhile, looks on, happy with another successful training session.
???:"Welcome to the Chuckle hut, I am your host, Stephen Ace!"

The small audience began to applaud the Comedian on stage. The stage in question was in a small comedy club in St.Louis. The comedy show continued once the audience cooled down and said into the mic.

Stephen Ace:"Well I gotta tell yeah, that world series was a real upset, but hey we're not A-Rod, their is always next year!"

The crowd laughs loudly at the joke, then we see the doors open in the back and we see the most hip, funky fresh gang of all the lands. The Swag pack, which consisted of their fearless, handsome, totally overpowered, god-like non book reading leader, Ricky Runn. Behind him were Hollywood Jameson, Joe Mason, Donny J, and even their latest "prospect" Darren Bull. makes a bold entrance into the club. Though while the entire pack of fresh, and quite frankly, baller status badasses were all wearing red, it was the bold Red Sox logo's that were plastered on all their shirts, and hats that garnered enough boos to attract attention of the club. Ace, seeing this as a chance to get the crowd on his side says to the crowd.

Stephen Ace:"Hey I hate to break it to you, but we don't have any cars to flip or stores to turn burn so you got nothing to do here."

Among the Swag pack Darren Bull then shouted back at the Comedian.

Darren Bull:"Oh yeah? I be winning my debut at AS. I am destruction and I like hate."

The crowd, Stephen, and even the Swag pack looked at Darren with a complete and utter baffled look on their faces. The literal consensus in the air made Darren Bull then squeak out.

Darren Bull:"Am... am I cool yet?"

Ricky, who has yet to say anything yet looked over at Jameson. Who only gave Jameson a single nod of his head to indicate the future of the "prospect." Jameson, who was standing behind Bull. He lifted the frail, tiny man up in a bear hug, and carrying him out of the comedy club. Which actually earned a applause for the large man.

Stephen Ace:"Alright yay let's give a round of applause for cannibalism. Death by being eaten by a large man is only suitable for... whatever the hell that was. Get that man a cookie!"

Ricky:"Yo hold up that's messed up, yo! Don'tcha know Hollywood Jameson is a diabetic! You can't just be tossing that man cookies. His urine be looking like an R-Kelly music video, bro!"

Ricky shouted in defense of his large and in charge totally pimp ass Homey. Stephen, who attempted to turn the joke around onto the Daredevil.

Stephen Ace:"Oh I'm sorry, I had no idea. He walked in looking like the kool-aid man I thought giving him some sugar wouldn't be a bad thing."

Ricky, and the rest of the Swag pack look unamused. With Donny J croaking out.

Donny J:"Listen here feller I don't get why you think the Kool-Aid man is funny. He's a gosh darn National Hero, defending our rights from those gosh darn apes over at Tang. More like Tango-Communist if you ask me."

Joe Mason then stood up and joined the heckling Donny J.

"Hey hey hey hey, that isn't politically correct. Calling a man of a different coloring of skin after a fruity beverage is not PC."

Stephen Ace:"But... but I wasn't calling him the kool aid guy because he's black but because he's wearing bright red and--"

Joe Mason:"Woah woah woah woah woah. You were not going to call that love sponge fat were you? That is so harsh, and totally not cool. Jameson isn't fat, he's big boned."

Jameson:"Big bones? Where?"

Jameson said excited, assuming Mason was talking about ribs. Stephen Ace now decided that if the hecklers were going to give Stephen a hard time, he would fight back.

Stephen Ace:"Well okay big boned, not kool-aid, whatever. You guys are the weirdest group of people I have ever seen. I don't know what's worse the fact you're all friends, or the fact you look exactly like the cover of my Third Grade math textbook."

The crowd laughs quite boldly but Ricky looks at Ace, confused and says tilting his head.

Ricky:"Hold up, I'm Ricky Runn, that doesn't make any sense! I ain't ever been in no textbook. Donny you ever been in a text book?"

Donny J shakes his head.

Donny J:"Aw Nah, but I have deported some godless, communist illegal immigrant by the name textbook. Or was it, Esse Boo? Either way, nope. Not never."

Ricky then turns back to the Comedian.

Ricky:"See dude, that joke doesn't make any sense. None of us haven't been in a text book. That's what's wrong with you comedians. You're not funny, you're not funny at all. I think the funniest thing about you guys is that you actually get paid to tell jokes. Know what happened to all the good comedians, they went on to be awful actors. Or in a rare case, wrestlers."

Ricky now standing up, taking off his shutter shade glasses to reveal a pair of large sunglasses underneath them, then pulls those off to show his ocean side, beautiful eyes that look like they have been touched by Angels speaks to the crowd.

Ricky:"Look, I don't wanna brag here, but I'm something close to a genius. Like, Einstein and I were talking once and he was all like woah dude, you are like a rockstar smart. But anyway, I don't get Comedians, you people are the worst. You people are so bad, the good ones stop telling jokes to do anything other than what you're being paid to do right now. Look at Ace Stevens, this cat. This totally not Swagtastic, jokester found out he would make more money lying, cheating, and stealing than being on dinky little stages like this."

Stephen Ace:"Sooo he's a politician?"

Ricky:"No he's a wrestler, why would he be a politician? That doesn't make any sense!"

Stephen, now upset with the completely oblivious Ricky Runn says with an angry voice.

Stephen Ace:"It's a joke, it is supposed to not make sense. That's the glory of it!"

Ricky:"I'm all about sense, and logic Ace. That's my main game baby. You know what makes sense? That I'm the number one contender to the world title. Know what makes sense? That I, Ricky Runn took at an army of haters and beat Krypto and Beard into defeat. Know what makes sense? Taking my Swag and swagging it out against some former comedian who is a bum. Because Swag is street-smarts, Ace and quite frankly Swag is my ace in the hole. If you ask me, Stevens should go back to telling jokes, and you should go back to flipping burgers!"

Ricky would then grab the mic and shout into the mic.

"I'mma let you finish but Boston Red Sox are the greatest team of all time! Of all time!

The crowd would then explode with anger, flinging their drinks, food, unborn babies, car keys, and even lumps of coal at Ricky, who protected by the Swag pack leave the comedy club.

Ricky:"Mannn this is the last time we let Donny J and try to find a chicken place."

Donny J:"It's not my fault I can't read!"
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