AF24: Carnival of Carnage vs. The Angel & Amber Warren

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Carnival of Carnage has been more talk than results since forming up, but many experts are predicting that they will soon break out and become a force in the tag team division. They'll try their luck against the impromptu tag team of Amber Warren and the returning Angel. Warren is coming off a loss and Angel was never known for his winning ways, so everyone in this tag team contest has something to prove on WZCW Aftershock.

Deadline is Tuesday, June 11th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)
Operation Double Date:

June 9th, 2013 Greensburg, Indiana 4:30 PM

The WZCW catch up with the self-proclaimed fastest rising tag team in WZCW, Carnival of Carnage inside Taco Bell, they sit at a table with they're friends, Katie Smith and Alexis Jade as the four finish eating and the two girls head off to the bathroom together. Dustin and Brent wait until the bathroom door closes before speaking.

Dustin: Alright, So remind me again how exactly were gonna carry out our master plan?

Brent: It's simple, we take Alexis and Katie to that carnival I was telling you about, win them a bunch of stuffed animals while also showing off our mad skill, and then when they are as happy as possible, you tell Katie you love her and wanna be more than friends with her.

Dustin nods but upon hearing the last part of Brent's plan his head perks up.

Dustin: Wait, when are you gonna tell Alexis then?

Brent: At the same time, just after we win them a bunch of prizes we will go our separate ways to tell them what's what.

Dustin: Got it, and if they don't feel the same way?

Brent: Your joking right? We are the Carnival of Carnage! Your Dustin freaking Hunter! I'm Brent freaking Blaze! Every woman wants us, every man wishes they were us! Trust me, they feel the same way.

Dustin: I'll take your word for it. How far away is the carnival from here anyway?

Brent: Like a half hour.

Before Dustin can reply, out of the corner of his eye he sees Katie and Alexis walking back over to the table and quickly, the two shut up about the master plan they have to express they're love to Katie and Alexis.

Alexis: Ready to go? Or do you two wanna stay here and have yourselves a little date?

Alexis smirks as Dustin and Brent both roll they're eyes and stand up, walking out of the fast food restaurant with the girls and to Brent's truck where Dustin and Katie climb into the backseat.

June 9th, 2013 Greensburg, Indiana 5:10 PM​

The view has now changed to the parking lot of a local Carnival. Suddenly, all that is heard is the roar of the engine from Brent's truck as he pulls into the first empty parking space. The four friends all climb out of the truck and begin to stretch they're legs until an overpowering smell bombards them.

Katie: Oh my god, what stinks so bad?

Alexis: I don't know but it smells like something died out here.

Brent: Agreed.

Dustin: I think the smell of death isn't even this bad!

The four quickly walk through the parking lot and inside the fair grounds. They look around before deciding to go to the left towards the games, assuming the smell is coming from the right where most of the food venders are.

As they reach the area of the carnival where all the games are, the smell of death is very faint, however the four have noticed the sky being far less bright over the carnival fair grounds than it is over the parking lot.

Dustin: Dude! Look! Test of strength! 5 bucks says I can beat you at that!

Brent: Does it give out prizes?

Dustin: Yeah.

Brent: Then make the bet 5 bucks and the losers prize and your on!

Dustin: Deal!

The two walk over to the test of strength game with a cocky swagger about them, Katie and Alexis follow behind and talk among themselves about how it's so obvious the guys just wanna show off for them and everybody around.

Dustin: Ladies first.

Brent ignores the comment and steps up in front of the game, taking the hammer from the carnie then cracks his knuckles. The Addiction now raises the hammer over his head and, with all his force slams the hammer down on the bell. The four watch the small metal object inside the machine rise up to about half way up, before dropping back down. The carnie then hands him a medium-sized stuffed dog.

Dustin: HA! That's it? THAT'S THE BEST YOU CAN DO? You're a wuss! This will be easy to beat!

Dustin takes the hammer from Brent and raises it up over his head, but as he slams it down he loses his grip on the hammer and it falls with far less force on the bell, causing the small metal object to barely go above 2 inches high on the machine. The carnie grabs the smallest dog stuffed animal and hands it to Dustin.

Brent: Ha! I win! Pay up loser!

Brent snatches the dog stuffed animal from Dustin and then gives both to Alexis, who accepts them.

Dustin: But that's not fair! I lost my grip!

Brent: Not my fault you're a butter fingers.

Dustin mumbles something that isn't understood but ends up taking out his wallet and giving Brent a 5 dollar bill then puts it back in his pocket.

Dustin: Anyway should we split up and meet back up later?

Brent: Sounds good to me, any objections?

Katie and Alexis both look at each other, knowing something is up before deciding to go along with the plan.

Katie: That seems fine, we can meet back up in like an hour in front of the freak show? I always wanted to go to one of those.

Alexis: Yeah alright sounds like a plan.

Brent and Alexis go to the right while Dustin and Katie head to the left, both heading for different games that they think they can win.

June 9th, 2013 Greensburg, Indiana 6:45 PM

We catch back up with Carnival of Carnage and they're lady friends about 75 minutes later in front of the freak show entrance. At this point the smell of death has returned and the area reeks of it, but now the smell of burning flesh is also in the air. As Brent and Alexis walk over its clear that Alexis only has 1 more stuffed animal than before while Katie only has 2 stuffed animals, clearly Dustin and Brent's master plan to win a ton of stuffed animals didn't go so well.

Dustin: I see you had about as much luck as me.

Brent: Yeah, screw those fixed games. You got any money left?

Dustin: Nope. Those freaking carnies took all my money with the fixed games. You?

Brent: Same, So much for our master plan eh?

Katie and Alexis hear this and quickly but in.

Katie & Alexis: What master plan?

Dustin and Brent exchange a look as if to say "crap" as they scramble to think of something to say.

Dustin: Uhhh, A master plan to own all the games here!

Brent: Yeah! What he said!

Before the girls can respond, a creepy looking man dressed like a ring master walks up to the four friends with a creepy grin on his face.

Ringmaster: I don't mean to interrupt, but did I hear you gentleman are out of money?

The four jump a bit as they turn to see the ringmaster, Katie and Alexis both step back behind Dustin and Brent at the sight of the ringmaster.

Brent: Yeah, what's it matter to you?

Dustin: Yeah don't worry we won't try to sneak into the freak show.

Ringmaster: Freak show? That is not what I prefer to call it. I prefer to call it...a show of how humans really are.

Even Dustin and Brent are somewhat fearful of the Ringmaster at this point as he twirls his cane, revealing a very sharp-looking metal spike on the end of it. At the sight of this, Dustin slides his hand into his pocket, gripping his new pocket knife he bought awhile back.

Ringmaster: I can see your all scared, don't worry my dear boys I have no intention to harm you or your girlfriends.

Alexis: Hey, I am not dating either of them!

Katie: Me either.

Dustin: If you don't wanna hurt us, what do you want? We don't have time for this, it reeks like death and burning flesh over here.

Brent: Speaking of the smell, what's up with that anyway?

Ringmaster: Oh don't worry about that. It's just the typical smells of a carnival!

The Ringmaster has a creepy smile on his face as a loud scream is heard from inside the tent.

Brent: Who just screamed? What are you doing in there?

Ringmaster: Scream? What scream? I didn't hear any scream.

The four are beyond creeped out at this point as they aren't sure if they should try to go see what's going on in the tent or run away as fast as they possibly can.

Ringmaster: I simply came here to help you with what you came here for! The love...

Dustin and Brent cut him off as they take a step towards the Ringmaster, but he quickly stops himself from finishing his sentence. The ringmaster smirks knowing he has their attention now and leans in closer to them.

Ringmaster: (in a whisper) I came to make a deal with you Dustin and Brent. You do something for me and I'll promise you the love and affection of your lady friends. All you have to do is follow me to my trailer and I'll explain everything.

Dustin and Brent look at each other and after a moment they agree to follow him. However they first walk about a foot away from the Ringmaster to where Alexis and Katie are standing, still very fearful of the Ringmaster.

Dustin: Katie, you should head back to the truck. We're gonna...uh....figure out what this guy is up to.

Brent: Alexis, you should go with her. We'll meet you there as soon as possible.

Brent hands Alexis his keys and while the girls want to argue, they also wanna get as far away from the Ringmaster as possible so Alexis takes the keys and quickly walks towards the exit of the carnival with Katie.

Once they see the girls aren't gonna come back, they follow the Ringmaster to his trailer, still not sure they can trust him but they decide to take they're chances.
Angel is seen at the orphange where he grew up. He is standing by a window gazing down at a little boy, who is playing by himself in the playground. Inside the room with him is the head nun, sitting behind a huge desk.

Nun: We've tried everything to get through to him, Angel,nothing has worked. I have never had so much trouble with a boy before.

[FONT=&quot]Angel:[/FONT] And you think I would have better luck? I don't think anyone will be able to get through to him. He was abandoned by his family days after he was born. He has no records of being born either. He doesn’t even know his real name. And to top that off, he was diagnosed with terminal cancer, that's a lot to put a eleven year old boy through.

Nun: Angel, I'm begging you, help the boy. Take him with you.

Angel sighs. He seems to hesitate a little before nodding his head. Moments later, Ronney, the boy is sitting inside Angel’s car as Angel loads his clothes inside the trunk. The nuns and orphans are all outside watching as Ronney is about to leave. Angel closes the trunk and gets into the driver seat. With a final wave from Angel and an angry glare from Ronney, they set off. They drive off in silence for a few minutes.

[FONT=&quot]Angel:[/FONT] So Ronney, have you ever been on an airplane?

Ronney ignores him.

Angel: We’re going to Los Angeles. You heard of that place right?

Ronney still doesn't say anything. Angel shakes his head and thinks to himself how he can get Ronney to talk.

Angel:We’re going to meet a few people today. Amber Warren, she’s a professional wrestler. Do you like wrestling?

Ronney stares out his window and nods his head so Angel can see it in the reflection.

Angel: I'm a wrestler too, Ronney. Hence why I wear a mask.

Ronney looks over at Angel.

Ronney: I thought it was because you were ugly.

Ronney turns his head back toward the window.

The two are in the air now, heading towards Los Angeles to meet up with Amber, Angel'stag partner for the week. Ronney is listening to music on an old CD player as Angel is trying to get some rest. Ronney looks up at Angel and quietly stares at him. Angel feels he is being watched so he looks down at Ronney, who is still staring at him.

Angel: Do you need something Ronney? Water? Coke?

Ronney smiles a big cheesy smile. Angel laughs but stops when Ronney starts to get an evil glare.

Ronney: No I don't wanna take my pants off!

He says itso loud everyone on the plane hears it. A flight attendant comes over and asksif everything is ok. Angel nods and the attendant leaves. He glances over atRonney, who has a smirk across his face. The rest of the flight was the same way. Angel got hit with spitballs and called names the whole ride there. Finally they land, after what seemed to be the longest plane ride ever. The two get a cab and head out towards the church they are going to meet Amber at.

[FONT=&quot]Angel: [/FONT]You ever been to a carnival before Ronney?

[FONT=&quot]Ronney:[/FONT] Angel, I like your guts but I don't want to be here anymore than you want me here.

[FONT=&quot]Angel:[/FONT] Ronney, that's not true. I want you here with me.

[FONT=&quot]Ronney:[/FONT] Sure you do.

Ronney turns his head back towards the window of the cab. After a few moments they reach the church. Angel pays the cab fare, then the two head toward the church. After a few moments, a man comes over to Angel and Ronney.

[FONT=&quot]??:[/FONT] Angel?

[FONT=&quot]Angel:[/FONT] Yeah?
I'm Amber's brother, Nate. She’s over there with our parents. They don't approve of her being a wrestler, so I'm going to keep them busy while you two can talk for a few minutes. Make it fast though.

He motions at Amber who is patiently waiting. Then she tells her parents something and walks off. Nate tells Angel to follow her and he will look after Ronney.

Ange lfollows her to a corner where they can be alone.

[FONT=&quot]Amber:[/FONT] We don't have much time. Here's an address where we cantrain for our match against Dustin and Brent.

Amber hands Angel a piece of paper and tells him they will talk a little more when he gets there. The pair share a handshake before Amber heads off. God has a plan for everyone. Angel making a few new friends and becoming a legal guardian of a little boy. It's been a great week for him, can he top it off by winning his in ring return?
Dressed in their best Sunday attire, Amber and her family exit the church service after it has finished. After giving Angel the address for their meeting spot, Amber hurriedly heads to their car. Now in their vehicle, their parents are completely ignoring them, talking about something else. Meanwhile, Amber and Nate have a conversation in the back seat in a rather hushed tone. After the events that transpired in the church between Amber and her tag team partner, Angel, Amber gave Nate a nudge, as if saying he did a good job distracting their parents.

Oww! What was that for?

Oh you know, for what you did back there.

Eh, don’t mention it sis, just doing my part. You gotta bounce back from that lost last week.

Amber frowns and Nate looks apologetic right away.

Oh sorry, didn’t mean to remind you about that sis.

Nah, no worries. I gave Angel the address to our old training grounds and he’s gonna meet me later. You’re coming too aren’t you?

You bet! I won’t leave you alone with someone like Angel.

There you go again Nate.


Oh nothing.

With Amber looking rather annoyed, the two siblings didn’t talk the whole drive home unless their parents asked them something. To which Nate was the first to answer with his one word answers. When they arrive home, Amber quickly exits the car to get into the house and up into her room. Nate follows Amber upstairs as well.

What was that back there?

What was what?

Why you acting all mad all of us sudden?

Amber looks down, with a mad face on but she can’t be mad at her brother for long.

It’s nothing Nate. It’s just that you treat me like I’m a little kid. I know I should probably be happy that I have a brother like you, but sometimes I need to know that I can fend for myself. All those years, especially my teenage years when I was overweight, you were always there. You didn’t leave my side and I thank you for that. But really, I think I can be even just a little independent.

Taken aback from what Amber just said, Nate pulls out the chair in the room, taking a seat.

I guess you’re right. But you gotta understand that I’m your brother. Doesn’t matter if I’m older or younger than you, I’ll always look out for you. But I get it, you’re a grown woman now. Hell, they even let you into WZCW. You kicked ass in your debut even though you lost. You did well sis. So how about we cut the crap and fill ourselves up with food so that we can have energy for our training session with Angel?

Amber just smiles a little and nods her head in approval before Nate exits the room.


We now see Amber and Nate waiting at what seems to be an abandoned building with not many people around. All dressed in training clothes, both Warren siblings are looking a little impatient, especially Nate.

Where is this guy sis? You sure you gave him the right address?

I’m pretty sure Nate! He’s just running a little late, cut him some slack.

Cut him some slack, he’s an hour late already! If he’s not here in five seconds, we’re going to train without him.

C’mon Nate, don’t be like that.

5, 4, 3, 2 –

Wait, there he is!

And right on time, a cab appears and inside of it is Angel and some little kid. The cab abruptly stops infront of Amber and Nate who look rather annoyed but understanding.

Sorry I’m late! Had trouble with Ronney over here. He didn’t want to eat, he didn’t want to get dressed, he didn’t want to come with me on this trip. But alas, we are here. Shall we get started then?

Angel grabs his gear and holds Ronney by the shoulder, guiding him into the gym. However, out comes Ronney with Angel chasing after him. This time, Nate steps in and gravs Ronney.

Hey Ronney, remember me? I’m Nate, Amber’s brother, we saw each other at church. We’re going to train now, ok? You wanna watch? If you’re good, we might even let you get in the ring.

Nate invites Ronney over who hesitates a little but does come over and enters the gym. Everyone enters the gym now and we see that’s it’s a raggedy, old looking place but it looks quite competent for a private training session. Angel starts punching on a punching bag, but it quickly falls over.

Uhm, is this safe?

Don’t worry about it Angel. We got plenty more punching bags where that came from.

On cue, Nate turns on all of the lights and we see that the gym is fully equipped. It looks like it can house a whole football team if it wanted to.

You see, this used to be the training grounds when I first started. I’m sure you’ve done some research on me right? I used to be a fat kid until I came here and trained with my coach, Mr. Jenkins. He passed away two years ago but he gave me the keys to the place. Since then, I’ve been training here as much as I can.

Ahh, I see. This looks like a fine establishment, let’s get started then.

Nate stays with Ronney who is checking out some of the equipment. Amber gives Nate that look and Nate already knows what to do, he stays with Ronney for a while as Amber and Angel train in the ring. The cameras then show us glimpses of what each person does. Amber is kicking and punching with the punching bag, working on her manuevers, Angel is hitting the weights, and Nate was doing pull ups. With Ronney looking bored, Nate carries Ronney up into the bar, and what do you know it, Ronney does one pull up! Everyone sees this and applauds him. Ronney is then smiling from ear to ear.

In what seems like hours, Amber and Angel continue to train as best they can to prepare for their match at Aftershock against the up-and-coming team, Carnival of Carnage. They take a break on the ring apron, getting the attention of Nate and Ronney who were jogging around the gym.

Good workout huh?

Yeah, this will definitely help us prepare for what Blaze and Hunter have in store for us. Though they’ve been on a losing streak, they’ve been putting people on notice. You see them take out Hades at Aftershock?

Yeah, they were sending a message weren’t they. But I’m not scared! So what if they’ve been tagging longer than us? We’ll use that against them.

How so?

Well, we’re just a put together team right?

Yeah, then?

They won’t know how well we work together. It gives us that unpredictability factor. They think they have us all scouted, but in reality, they don’t.

You’re right. Their advantage is actually their disadvantage.

Nate and Ronney look at the two, not making sense of what they’re saying but they listen intently.

Blaze and Hunter are on a losing streak for a reason, don’t you think? Yes, they’re a real tag team unlike us. But they aren’t racking up wins in the win column now are they?

No they are not. Also, don’t you think it’s ironic they have the word carnival in their tag team name? I mean, that’s exactly where they belong…in the carnival, not a wrestling ring.

Everyone chuckles except for Angel, seems he doesn’t get that he just cut a joke. After all the chuckling though, Amber approaches Ronney.

Hey Ronney, you have fun today?

Ronney nods his head.

Great! Here, I want you to have this.

Amber takes something out of her gym bag and gives it to Ronney.

Ronney, this is a ticket ok? This is a front row ticket to Aftershock. I want you to be there when we beat the Carnival of Carnage, ofcourse my brother, Nate will be with you too.

Ronney smiles and so does Angel, through his mask…or so we think. Amber then pats Ronney on the head before Nate and Ronney go sit down on the bench placed right infront of the ring.

Well Angel, you ready for this? Time to spar, let’s go!

And so Angel follows suit. But Angel waves on over for Nate and Ronney to follow in the ring. Here, they go in a circle, reluctantly holding hands before Angel leads them in prayer.

Dear Lord, thank you for this time to get us fully equipped and ready for our upcoming bout. I pray that today’s hard work is a testament on how much we want to win and is a result of us becoming closer as friends. We put our faith in your hands Lord. Please keep up safe all throughout, we pray this in your name, amen.

Everyone hi-fives each other after that prayer. Nate and Ronney go back to their seats and await the action in the ring. Amber and Angel have a standard match in the ring with Nate and Ronney watching. You can just see the look on Ronney’s face that he’s really enjoying this. The scene fades away with the last shot of Ronney and Nate watching the in-ring action of Amber and Angel.
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