AF23: Thrash vs. Dr. Zeus

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Dr. Zeus's name has been whispered in WZCW locker rooms for weeks, and the madman will make his debut in a WZCW ring on Aftershock, facing off against Thrash, who had a short night at the Lethal Lottery as he was not fortunate enough to appear in the match for very long. Can he contend with the hot newcomer, or will Dr. Zeus be too much for him?

Deadline is Tuesday, May 28th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)
Four Years Ago

Dr. Zeus sits on his prison bed, watching the shadows of the prison bars that adorn his cell. It didn't seem much like, but watching from hour to hour actually told a riveting story. Dr. Zeus would first see the shadows at sunrise, when he and every other convict in prison were wide awake. You never slept much in prison; actually, the doctor never slept much for the past fifteen years. Dr. Zeus would watch, as the spry bars grew, upon the whim of the rising sun. As the sun continued it's trajectory, the shadows reached their full potential. The bars would reach their apex, but would only last a minute or two, before the sun passed out of view from the window, and the shadows disappeared. Cut down in their prime by an indifferent sun, who wasn't even aware of the damage it had done.

The loud clang of a nightstick on those same bars interrupted Dr. Zeus' thoughts.

"All right, let's go. Try any funny stuff, and I won't think twice to throw your worthless ass into the darkest corner of this prison, where no one will find you."

Dr. Zeuss smirked. That didn't seem like that bad of a thought at the moment. He hopped off of his cot, and shuffled his way out of the door. The guard made sure to give him a hearty shove as he started his trudge down the dark hallway. Dr. Zeus had become adept at walking with shackles on; not really a skill he wanted to write home about. Then again, it wasn't like anyone would get his letter anyway. All of the cat calls that used to converge from other cells had dissipated. It was rather easy to establish your place in prison when your "pimp" had a severe case of daddy issues. That, and a very weak neck.

They finally reached the gigantic, locked door. "You get thirty minutes for your therapy session. One second late, and I will drag you back to your cell."


A high school bully who never matured
I'll take as long as I want, rest assured

Dr. Zeus was thrown into the room. It sucks when you don't have anything to help catch yourself. It's ok; the concrete broke Dr. Zeus' fall. Zeus gazed up, to find the disapproving look from a familiar face, Dr. Porter. He was a balding, bespectacled, middle aged man, who spent his entire life dealing with the dregs of society. Being a therapist required some compassion, but Dr. Porter was notorious for being a little too accommodating to the people he saw. Perhaps this came from being everyone's resident pushover; Dr. Zeus saw Dr. Porter as his personal play toy.

"Still having problems with authority, Dorian?"

I don't have the problem, clearly you'll see,
Authority has a problem with me.

"I doubt the rest of the world would feel that way. So tell me, how are we feeling, Dorian?"

Let's not condescend, that's not very nice.
That's just some doctor to doctor advice.
I mean, I worked in a hospital ward.
Perhaps you should write that on your clipboard?

This clearly agitated Dr. Porter. "I'm aware of your accomplishments, doctor, but understand that you are my patient."

Oh, look at this doctor pulling his rank
I've more cash in jail than you in the bank.

Dr. Porter let out a sigh. He gave a quick nod to the window, and suddenly, a faint guitar riff permeated the room. As the riff grew stronger and stronger, Dr. Zeus began to realize what was I playing:


Dr. Zeuss willed his body to not show the rage that was fermenting in his body. How this two bit quack who probably got his degree from Guadalajara... No, he won't get the pleasure. Dr. Zeus snickered.

Is this some sick joke, you talentless hack?
This won't help get my session back on track.

The first crack. Dr. Porter knew that if he just pushed a little more, he'd see just how bad the trigger worked on Dr. Zeus. Porter felt awful inside, but he motioned for the volume to rise. As the music blared, Dr. Zeus became more and more anxious. His anxiety slipped to rage; first a silent, seething rage. When the music got louder, Dr. Zeus' eyes began to dart desperately around the room. He searched for some way to shut the music off, to rid himself of the infernal music forever. The music grew louder, and his heart began to pound. His heart beats became the percussions to the music, setting him off in a crazed tantrum. He knocked over tables, he pounded walls, and he finally grabbed at Dr. Porter

If you want to walk out of here today,
Shut the god damn music off, I say!
I'll rip your heart out of your chest right now!
Not a soul will miss you, not one I vow!

Two guards burst into the room to control Dr. Zeus. Each guard grabbed one arm, and pulled him away from Dr. Porter. Amidst uncontrollable screams, the guards try to sedate Dr. Zeus, and drag him back to his cell. Dr. Porter wipes the blood from his mouth, before rearranging his glasses. He paused, and offered to the guards, "No... No, let him go. Just, just set up the room. I'm here to help, not instigate. But stay in the room... Just in case." The guards set up the chairs and tables, and pushed Dr. Zeus into his chair, keeping a hand on his shoulder, and shackling his hands. Dr. Porter took a seat adjacent to Dr. Zeus, and looked him in the eye. "So... I take it that's still a trigger?"

"My God, you're really awful at this job.
How does this sound? Come, and slob on my knob."

"I needed to see if it was a trigger, Dorian. Whether you like it or not, rock music seems to have a pretty profound impact on your life. Especially when you consider-"

"Porter, you don't want to go down this path,
Or this will quickly become a bloodbath."

"Why? Because we'll talk about your wife-"

"You don't know anything about my wife.
You don't know anything about my life."

"Dorian... Your wife was killed by a rock star. A rock star whose mind was destroyed by drugs."

"It's almost worth sitting in a jail cell.
Knowing that right now, he's rotting in hell.
He was completely sick, just like the rest.
They deserve to die, it's all for the best.
A musician is just a drugged up freak
And you would deny the vengeance I seek?

"Dorian, not all musicians are like that. They're people, just like you me. Not everyone that's wronged you has a disorder. One person did, and this isn't the way to cope."

"Well... This has been an interesting aside
So let's talk about you; you and your bride."

Dr. Porter arched his eyebrows. "I, I fail to see how this is important."

"After all, you know all about my wife,
It's only fair to discuss your love life.
Getting engaged is a wonderful thing.
You look so proud to be wearing your ring!
You had some issues you needed to mend
Like, I don't know, who she keeps as a friend?
Oh wait, I think it was more than just that.
Her choice in friends wouldn't cause such a spat.
I heard about one friend who got too close.
A singer who's friendship you would oppose
You would never let the two be alone.
You let your hatred be very much known.
When push came to shove, you pushed her away.
She ran right to him; much to your dismay.
But you're a smart man, you saw all the clues,
Their affair was just sex and drug abuse
You sent her to rehab, completely paid.
Hoping their passion would soon slowly fade.
You forgave her of her awful mistake
But your wife wanted to help your headache
You paid for his rehab, so he could get clean,
And proposed when he was out of the scene.
You made sure that you would set the wedding day
To a day that you knew he'd be away.
But isn't it true that he soon returned?
The rocker was back, or so you had learned.
So here's something you've thought of anyway.
Dr. Porter... Who's with your wife today?"

"I... I have to go. I... We're done." Dr. Porter left in a huff, as the guards dragged Dr. Zeus to his cell. Though it wouldn't be the last time Zeus saw Dr. Porter; six months later, Zeus' cell mate was released. His new cell mate? It wound up being Dr. Porter, but a very different Dr. Porter. A miserable Dr. Porter, with sullen eyes, and a complexion that showed nothing but hopelessness.

There was something else Dr. Zeus noticed; Dr. Porter was not wearing his engagement ring.

This was the memory that ran through Dr. Zeus' mind when he saw the lineup for Aftershock; Dr. Zeus would be taking on the flashy rock star, Thrash. Well, former rock star; a talented athlete who'd fallen on hard times, and was looking to find his last ride. Zeus wondered if Thrash imagined that last ride would take him straight through hell.

Becky Serra saddled up to Zeus, microphone in hand to interview this new wrestler. Rumors had been spreading backstage, that he was dangerous. Becky knew that this was her job, and spoke up."Dr. Zeus, your debut comes against Thrash at the next Aftershock. He's a guy the crowd loves, how do you combat someone like Thrash?

"Well, how do I combat this, I declare.
You'll learn rather soon; I always prepare.
I've come here to help sick people get well.
It's what I live for, it's where I excel.
Thrash clearly lives off the fumes of his past.
To him, his best show is always his last.
His grandiose thoughts have taken control.
And that's why it is my God given role.
To help this poor man see reality.
He'll never get back what he used to be.
He thinks being here will make him a star.
And that's why God's put him on my radar.
The best treatment option's perfectly clear
Saving his life means ending his career.

"Ending his career? Dr. Zeus, I have to admit, that's a bit strong. This is what this man lives for. He can't sing any more, this is his passion. If you take this away, I don't know what would happen."

"I need to do this, for all of our sake.
There's just some things in life you can not fake.
This fact is one of them, it's simply true.
He's not like me, and he isn't like you.
That means I must treat him the way I must.
Because not treating him is quite unjust.
See, I made a vow, and made it to God.
Thrash is a man who's simply too flawed.
So to save us all, I'll end his career.
Or we all face certain danger, I fear.

"Well, Kingdom Come is coming soon. Do you want to let us know what... God.... intends for you?"

God sent a flood to wash away our sin.
He sent down the Lord to do it again.
But until I treat the mentally ill.
The promise lands are out of our reach still.
And I mean them all, not just simply some.
When I do that, it will be Kingdom Come.
Walking through a parade of WZCW Superstars, some already having been eliminated from the Lethal Lottery, some still with numbers in hand, waiting for their moment to shine, Thrash walks slowly, his hand on his back, in obvious pain. As he enters the Locker Room, the look on his face is one of sadness, as if he hadn’t done enough in the short time he had in the Lottery. Being eliminated by Rush and having not eliminated a single soul, there wasn’t many words that he could use to describe how he felt right now. But if there was going to be one, it would have been-

“Useless. Absolutely useless. So much for being lethal out there!”

A voice comes from nowhere, just as Thrash sits down on the empty bench, while the one opposite is occupied by fellow stars, Grizzly Bob & Action Saxton. As he turns his head, Johnny Klamor is standing in the doorway, looking as smug as ever.

“Well, the last time I saw you, I called you Trash and you certainly lived up to it tonight! How long was it you lasted boy, a few minutes? Well, there’s looking bad…and then there’s you!”

Thrash, already feeling downtrodden, turns his head back around, to face the floor.

“Klamor. Why have I got the pleasure of seeing you tonight?”

”I just thought I’d come and see how you were feeling after that pathetic showing tonight! Well, I wasn’t planning on it, but you were so bad that I thought I had to!”

“Look, I tried my best in the Lethal Lottery tonight Johnny, but I’ll admit, I underestimated what it was going to be. I wasn’t sitting there thinking that it was gonna be a walk in the park, but I wasn’t expecting everything to pile on top of me like that. Let’s just hope that it’s not Celeste Crimson that wins.

“Could’ve been worse?! How dare you talk about Celeste Crimson like that! She’s twice the man you’ll ever be and well... she’s not even one! It won’t be long before she’s the WZCW Heavyweight Champion anyway, and you’re still stuck back here, at the bottom of the pack.”

The words of Johnny Klamor are obviously hitting Thrash in the wrong way, whose emotions aren’t what they were before the match began. He stands up off the bench, before turning around, starting to pack his Gym bag up ready to leave.

“Nothing to say Thrash? If you can’t keep up with the competition, why would you bother being here?! We’ve got plenty of new Superstars, just ready to take your place at the click of a finger! The Carnival of Carnage, they’re waiting in the wings and they’re destined to overtake you whenever they get the chance.”

”The same Carnival of Carnage whose members I beat in consecutive shows? Yeah Johnny, they’re definitely gonna be right up there to overtake me!”

“Well, there’s thousands of other wrestlers out there, all we have to do is pick one up, drop him right into WZCW and just like that, he’s the “New Thrash!” Well, not the new Thrash, who would want to be you?”

“Look, if you think that you’re going to shake me up tonight Klamor, then you’ve got another thing coming! I may not have proven myself out there in the ring tonight, but when the shows come back around and I’m out there again, wrestling my regular schedule, I guarantee you that I’ll be back on form. You won’t be able to stop me and neither will anyone else. If you think that I’m joking, then just keep watching, because you’ll soon realise that Thrash is not just here to linger, Thrash is here to make an impact.”

Klamor laughs out loud, right in the face of Thrash. The emotions may be hidden, but on the outside, his face is starting to become one of anger. His cheeks are starting to redden and his breathing starting to get heavier. As Klamor continues to laugh, the anger of Thrash takes over and he walks towards Johnny, who only starts to back away, until he hits a wall. The figure of Thrash towering over him has the laughing stopped instantly.

“Now Johnny, if you don’t mind, I’m going to leave now. I’m going to go home, rest up my back and get ready for the next show. I’ll see you when I see you, hopefully not too soon.”

Thrash turns around, grabbing his bag up from the side and throwing it up onto his shoulder. He approaches the doorway, but before he even makes it to the corridor, the booming voice of Johnny Klamor doesn’t cease to give in.

”But Thrash, why won’t you stay to hear the good news?! An exclusive, just for you!”

Thrash stops in his tracks, as a grin appears on Klamor's face. Slowly turning round, ever so agitated, Thrash starts to walk back into the room, sitting down on the bench.

“I knew you wouldn’t walk out if I said that! God, you’re so predictable, it’s brilliant.”

“Look, you’re running out of time, if you’ve got something to say to me, you better spit it out of that stupid mouth of yours, because you’re really starting to piss me off.”

“Language Michael, language! Now, you see when I said that we could just pick up anybody that we wanted, to take your place?”

“It’s not like you just said it five minutes ago now, is it? Oh wait Johnny, it was! What are you getting at? I’m fired?”

“No, firing you would be too easy! We’re just going to push you out, it’s more painful in the long run, especially on those already so badly frayed emotions of yours, Mr. Sullivan.”

“Why are you calling me Mr. Sullivan? Nobody uses that name anymore!”

“There’s no particular reason Mike.”

Thrash looks ever more confused as Klamor starts to throw all these cryptic sentences in his direction. The grin on his face is priceless, as he knows for a fact that he’s getting into the head of WZCW’s “Rocking” Superstar. But why?

“Can you just get to the point?! I’m starting to get sick of your little games John, they’re not clever and they’re certainly not funny.”

“Well, there’s the perfect candidate looking to take your place in WZCW. He’s got a little bit more skill than you and well, he’s certainly a lot more polished than you’ll ever be, but don’t you worry! I’m sure that your old band would love somebody to go around and clean their dishes once you’re out of here!”

“Perfect candidate? Let me guess, some lowlife thinks he wants to best me and that he can take me out of WZCW in a match! Oh, what a beautiful place this is turning out to be.”

“Lowlife?! No, it’s not Donny J. We’ve found a guy, he’s the epitome of wrestling… and the epitome of what it means to really be a Doctor.”

Thrash’s head starts to shiver, as he turns away from Klamor

“A Doctor?”

“Congratulations, your ears work! Yes, our newest Roster member is a former Doctor. A slight kook, but believe me when I tell you that if you’ve ever had some kind of problem, mentally that is, he’ll be the reason that you no longer exist. The guy’s not exactly all there, eleven counts of assisted suicide, and now he’s around to make sure that the mentally ill aren’t around no longer. It’s not like you’re mentally ill though Mikey, hey?”

Thrash starts to look sick as Klamor, knowing what kind of thoughts and fears he’s put into Thrash’s head, taps him on the shoulder, as Thrash just tries to brush him away, like a man swatting a fly.

“Oh come on Michael, it’s not like you have any problems! Anyway, I better get to the point now. In his debut match in WZCW, on Aftershock, Thrash will be facing Dr. Zeus! That means, you’ve gotta fight the good Doctor!”

Thrash hasn’t spoken in a while, his face is one of mixed emotions. Not knowing whether to explode in anger, or burst out in tears, his head drops into his hands. Lifting his head up slowly, he looks at Johnny Klamor, almost evilly.

“Me? I’m facing Zeus?”

“Oh, aren’t you a clever one! Yes Thrash, you! Dr Zeus against Thrash, on Aftershock. This is going to be one brilliant match, I can see it now. The Doctor against The Rocker. Have fun and good luck, I’m sure that you’re going to need it.”

Klamor starts laughing again, turning around to walk out of the door, as Thrash sits down on the bench. His hand is running through his hair as all the negative thoughts that were in his mind force their way to the front. There’s nobody left in the Locker Room as cheering can be heard out in the arena. Slowly, but surely, Thrash stands up again, moving slower than he’s ever done before. He grabs up his bag, letting it dangle from his hand, before walking out the door, looking as sick as a Dog. His mind is playing on him, possibly more than it ever has done.


2 Nights Before Aftershock - 9:14am

“So, it’s been days now has it Mr. Sullivan? Please, go through it once more and tell me, without stopping, what’s been happening.”

In the Doctor’s office that Thrash said he would never find himself in, his former therapist, Dr. Laura is standing, facing out of the window. Thrash is sitting in the chair, sweating. The thoughts that Johnny Klamor put in his mind are obviously having more than the desired effect on him. He’s gripping the chair hard with his left hand, as he tries to bring himself to talk through the story once more.

“Well, ever since I heard that I’d be facing him this week, the thought of his ways, thought of his…methods have been on my mind. Can’t you tell what I’m talking about Laura?”

No answer. Thrash looks over at her in anticipation of something, but there’s nothing coming from the Doc, who is still staring aimlessly out of the window. Strangely, the walls begin to distort, becoming almost blurry in the eyes of Thrash. But this isn’t his worry, his main one is speaking without getting a reply.

“Obviously not, I’ll carry on. I can picture myself, wrestling this man who just overpowers me in everyway possible. Just as he stares into my eyes, I start to fall under some kind of spell, as he works his way with me. He knows about my problems you see, he knows everything about my past. But how? Nobody has ever heard about those times, not a single one! Apart from you… WAS IT YOU?!”

Once more, no reply, as the woman scratches her head.

“I could’ve sworn that you were wearing a purple Jumper a minute ago.”

As if he’s distracting himself from the conversation, an observational Thrash realises that the Doctor now has a long white Jacket on.

“Look, when it comes down to it, Dr. Zeus finally beats me, before the crowd disappear and it’s just left to me and him. Out of nowhere, a chair appears and I’m sitting in it. Taking a knife, he slides it across my throat and I start bleeding over the ring, my life draining. All of the problems that I once had are no longer and Dr. Zeus says that at last, I have been cured. What’s happening to me Laura, why is this getting to me so much?!”

The silence is getting annoying now. Both hands of his are gripping the chair, as he doesn’t have anything left to say, until he notices something else.

“Your hair! It’s…shorter!”

Hitting himself on the side of the head, Thrash is trying to figure out whether his mental state is playing up, or whether he really is seeing a change.

“Laura, what’s happening?!”

A chuckle can be heard, but the voice is of no woman. The voice is deep, but not familiar to Thrash at all. He’s still sweating, wriggling around in his seat, but not getting up at all.

“Who are you? What are you doing to me?!”

The mysterious figure, who is definitely not “Dr. Laura” runs their hand through their hair, before sliding the same hand into the trouser pocket.

“For winning, you need not to long
On Aftershock, you’re dead and gone.”

Thrash immediately braces himself to the back of the chair, frozen in motion. He’s heard about the speech, after doing enough research on his opponent this week, trying to find anything that may settle his mind. But that rhyming style, it can only be Dr. Zeus.

“You’re not my Doctor! You, are not a Doctor.”

Finally turning around, the chilling figure of Dr. Zeus faces Thrash, whose eyes glare at his opponent.

“Yes, yes I am. I am a Doctor.”

A smirk appears on the face of Zeus, who has something in mind as he begins to slide on a glove.

“You needn’t make any noise
Just succumb to my killing toys."

As Dr. Zeus picks up the knife that Thrash had just described to what he thought was his Doctor, he launches himself out of his seat, picking up a vase from the desk.

”You are NOT getting over on me Zeus, don’t you think that for a second!”

Throwing the Vase, it goes straight through the body of Dr. Zeus, smashing right through a window behind him. The noise is a loud “SMASH!”-

“Get out!”

Leaping out of bed, Thrash is dripping in sweat. Luckily for him, what he had just sat through wasn’t reality. But it had certainly taken it’s toll on him, as he looks at his hands. Where he was gripping onto a chair was actually him clenching his fists. His nails, not even very long had cut into his skin, which was now bleeding down his arms. As he looks up, he realises that just above, the window has a hole in. Turning his head slightly to the right, he realises that the book he kept on the bedside has gone.

“Never again. This is never going happen to me, again. Dr. Zeus may not like those who have a slight mental problem, but up until this past week, nothing has affected me. Knowing that he would want to rid the world of me disgusts me. Just because I have a problem, doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t exist anymore!”

Getting out of bed, still moving slowly, but definitely more steady, Thrash makes his way into the bathroom. Having a cold shower to wake up his mind, the Superstar who always has a mind full of confidence looks severely knocked. In the midst of throwing on some clothes, just anything to keep warm and look half decent, the doorbell goes. Nothing but shock comes over the face of Thrash, who continues to dress, when the doorbell rings again. Looking as though he mightn’t want to, he makes his way downstairs and towards the door.

“Who is it?!”

”Dude, it’s Alex! Remember, I said I’d be round today?”

Trying to rack around his brain for a suitable response, Thrash makes his way up to the door and opens it. Alex Sandro is standing in the front porch, looking pretty happy.

“Yeah, course I remembered. Whaddya take me for?”

Alex looks Thrash up & down, obviously surprised to see his friend in such a disheveled state.

“Man, what the fuck happened to you? You look like somebody dragged you down the road a coupla times, then beat on you.”

“Look, Alex, you don’t need to know right now. There’s just… something running around in my mind, my match this week in WZCW has put all the pressure on me and well, I’m just struggling a little bit right now.”

”Awh, Thrash afraid he’s gonna lose a match?! Lighten up man! It’s not like it’s life or death.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about Alex, don’t be stupid. You don’t know if it’s a matter of life or death!”

“Woah, calm down. It’s not like you’re facing a murderer.”

Thrash isn’t happy with the pure ignorance that his friend is showing him right now. Not being up on the details of what Thrash has been through the past week, Alex starts to laugh at his own statement. Not thinking, Thrash launches a right hand, into the jaw of Alex, his closest friend. Alex falls back, hitting the floor, before he grabs his jaw in pain.

“What the fuck man?!”

Snapping out of a sudden trance, Thrash realises what he’s just done.

“Oh my god. Alex, I'm sorry! Believe me, you just don’t know what’s going through my mind right now. I’ve been put into a match this week against a Doctor. Not only that, a Doctor that thinks the mentally ill should be killed. You know what I’ve been through Alex and all week, I’ve been taunted about the fact that my mental state isn’t what it was and well… for the first time in a long time, I’ve been having nightmares. But these are more extreme than anything that I’ve ever experienced. I’ve hurt myself in my sleep and even started to destroy my own place!”

Still on the floor, Sandro starts to realise what’s happened to Thrash, as he makes his way up off of the floor, still in pain.

“Shit, I’m sorry. You’re right, I have no clue what’s happening to you and I should honestly pay some more attention. So, what’s actually happening with you right now? They’re putting you in a match with who? I don’t know any Doctor in WZCW.”

“Some new guy, Dr. Zeus. Johnny Klamor came into the Locker Room, just after the Lottery and well, he knew. He may not have known everything, but he knew. Whether Zeus had got the information to him, or whether he knew himself, he was using it to get into my head. It has to be Zeus! I mean, being a Doctor, he could get his hands on that kind of information easily.”

”Thrash! Stop. You need to stop worrying. So maybe this Doc has a way of getting to know about you, but who else does?! You go out there and you play his stupid little mind games against him. You show him that what you need, is not to be sly, but to have an extremely good method of kicking someone’s ass! That’s what you’ve got my man, you can kick ass in ways nobody else can.”

“Alex, you know what to say, that’s for sure. Whether or not I’m going to be able to cope when it comes down to the match on Aftershock, I don’t really know. My mind is all over the place and this Dr. Zeus is certainly playing on it. I can tell you right now Alex, that I will make sure that nobody finds out about this, this is between you and me. On Aftershock, it’s between Dr. Zeus and Thrash, where I will finally take him down and put all of this to bed once and for all. Then Zeus can go back to getting into the mind of everyone else and mine can be settled at last.”

“Now, that’s the kind of Thrash that I know. You can’t let stupid mind games sink in, even if they’re affecting to the point where your history is being brought up. The more you let this get to you, the worse it’s going to be when you’re standing in the ring with him. You’ll be falling over your own feet just trying to make any kind of move on him!”

“Look man, thanks. This is the worst state that I’ve been in for, well I don’t even know myself now. Come Aftershock, I know that I’ll be like this all over again, so I’ve gotta ask you something. Is there any chance that you’d accompany me to the ring for my match?”

The face of Alex smiles, as he puts his hand on Thrash’s shoulder.

“Dude, you didn’t need to ask. You know that I’d do it anytime you wanted.”

Thrash laughs weakly, but for the first time since seeing Klamor, a smile appears on his face.

“As cloudy as my mind might be right now, I can’t not face my demons on Aftershock. Dr. Zeus may have played his games on me outside the ring, but when he steps in there with me, I can guarantee you that he’ll be playing my game and once that bell tolls, he’ll be down for the three and looking up at me. Time for some self-medicating."

Thrash and Alex continue to talk, sitting down on the sofa. Thrash’s mind may have started to come back to a better place, but how will it fare when he finally steps into the ring with Dr. Zeus? Will the real thing be too much to handle, or will he overcome his fears and demons at last?
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