AF22: Mikey Stormrage vs. Mason Westhoff

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the Frog
Talk about two sides of the mirror. Mikey Stormrage is coming off a huge win over Constantine while Mason Westhoff is coming off a sour loss for the EurAsian Championship. Now, these two men will meet again in singles competition for the first time since their match at All or Nothing. It was Westhoff who crushed the dreams of Stormrage by denying him a shot at Mystique, but now that Stormrage has escaped the quick sand, this match is sure to be even more intense then their first encounter.​

Deadline is Wednesday, April 24th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)​
Meltdown 87 ended with a beginning, just as Brother Mason Westhoff had hoped it would. Rush, the giant throwback, had his time as EurAsian Champion come to a close, just as Brother Mason Westhoff had hoped it would. The third part of Brother Westhoff’s trinity of hope did not tumble into place, however. It was Triple X, not him, walking out as the new EurAsian Champion.

The fall of Rush’s reign was accompanied by the fall of heavy rain outside, and storms blew through the area. Brother Westhoff climbed into the driver’s side backseat of a black car waiting to take him to his hotel. The camera slides in next to him, prepared to capture any remarks. Instead, all the camera sees is Brother Westhoff staring out the window, his silhouette flashing with every bolt of lightning. After 15 minutes of silence, the car arrives at the hotel, passenger side to the curb. Brother Westhoff climbs out and makes his way toward the trunk to grab his bag. The cameraman opens his door to follow Brother Westhoff inside, but the door is slammed shut by Brother Westhoff as he makes his way toward the door, ending the scene.


You cannot create something of your future without sacrificing something from your past.

What do you mean my liege?

Victory will rise from the smoldering ashes of defeat.

I trust you above all but this is not your most enlightening address.

Mason, I need you to do something for me.

Anything sire.

Rediscover the fire that burned bright at All or Nothing because in a matter of days, we scar Mikey Stormrage into submission.

The conversation with Grand Mystique wouldn’t stop running through Brother Westhoff’s mind. Both men were proceeding with the mindset that Mikey Stormrage would refuse Grand Mystique’s most generous offer of a seat at The Sacrificial Altar. That much was clear. But what to make of the rest of it? Brother Westhoff had already made a sacrifice from his past, leaving his life’s work as nothing but a pile of smoldering ashes.

You cannot create something of your future without sacrificing something from your past.

Brother Westhoff laid in his bed, trying to sleep, but the echoing of Grand Mystique’s words wouldn’t allow it. Finally, as the sun began to peek out over the horizon, Brother Westhoff has an idea. His mind now calmed, he closes his eyes to get a couple hours of sleep.

The next morning, Brother Westhoff was making his way out of the hotel. In his determination to get on his way as quickly as possible, he nearly runs over WZCW interviewer Leon Kensworth. Brother Westhoff mutters a quick apology as he tries to walk away, but Leon has other ideas.

Actually, Mr. Westhoff, before you take off, could I have a quick interview?

I would prefer not, Mr. Kensworth. I have a place I need to be as soon as possible.

Just a brief clip for, either about your match from last night or you match for next week against Mikey Stormrage?

Brother Westhoff, despite his best efforts is unable to hide his surprise at the news from Leon.

When was that announced?

Earlier this morning.

Fine. Is the camera ready?

After a brief moment of a cameraman setting up, Leon signals for Brother Westhoff to begin.

Last night, I had a big opportunity to step forward in my career, but I came up short. Now, I’ve just been told that I will be facing off against a man that The Grand Mystique and I hope will accept the generous offer to become the newest member of The Sacrificial Altar, Mikey Stormrage.

I made a rare mistake last week. I thought winning the EurAsian Championship would propel me beyond The New Church, Mikey Stormrage, and everything else I’ve had to deal with thus far in WZCW. What I had forgotten is that the only way to break free of your past is to offer it as a sacrifice.

Mr. Stormrage, Grand Mystique and I have made it clear that we are much more interested in working with you than fighting against you. I will be freed from my past, Mr. Stormrage, one way or another. Make the right decision, so I don’t have to make you regret making the wrong one.

Brother Westhoff walks off camera, grabs his bag, and makes his way toward the door. Leon and the cameraman look at each other and shrug as the scene fades out.


Brother Westhoff’s car arrives outside of a brick office building. The sky is overcast, but the rain from the night before has passed. Brother Westhoff climbs out of the car, takes a look at a piece of paper in his hand, and makes his way toward the building.

The inside of the building looks like a typical, up-scale office complex. Nice furniture and generic paintings line the walls, except for the multitude of hallways and the small section where the building directory is posted. Brother Westhoff heads straight for that and after consulting with the paper in his hand once more, heads down a hall to the right of the directory.

At the end of the hall sits a reception desk with a middle-aged brunette woman sitting behind it. There are doors to either side of her, while the room behind her gives a clear view into the hallway they lead into.

How may I help you?

I am here to visit Derek Jacobs.

May I ask who you are? Mr. Jacobs has had visitors, but I’ve never seen you here before.

I’m just an old friend who is ashamed at how long it’s taken to come visit Derek.

The receptionist pauses for a moment, deciding how to proceed.

Let me go check with the doctor. He should be wrapping things up with Mr. Jacobs any moment now. Just have a seat and I’ll be right back.

Much appreciated.

Brother Westhoff takes a seat where he can see through the reception area. The receptionist stops a large man in a lab coat, presumably the doctor. She points toward Brother Westhoff, and the two men lock eyes. After a couple seconds of eye contact, a realization comes over Brother Westhoff and he can’t help but to smile. He was exactly where Grand Mystique wanted him to be.
Think of one moment you can call the happiest moment of your's gone...but for me the thought that keeps playing over...over and over and over is Unscripted 2012. James Howard and I had just recaptured the tag team titles, we had made history. It probably wasn't the happiest moment, but it was damn close.

A sliver of light began to creep in through the shades. The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon, though I was already awake, sitting in my bed, staring at a picture of James Howard and I holding our first tag team titles. Looking at photos from my past was the only thing that had helped make my life seem like it wasn't somehow stuck on repeat. Just an endless cycle of depression and anger. Grand Mystique and Mason Westhoff occupying most of my waking thoughts and all of my dreams.

Then everything changed. Grand Mystique, Mason Westhoff, and Derek Jacobs took part in a savage attack that put my best friend in the hospital with a neck injury. I had to drop the titles, and I started my slide. I was depressed, I was losing, and I was failing in my attempts at revenge. Then at All or Nothing, I had a chance to change all that. All I had to do was stay focused and beat Westhoff one, two, three, in the ring, and I would get my hands on Grand Mystique, in the confines of a steel cage. I blew it though.

I stood and started pacing back and forth across the room. Mother Nature was still being a moody bitch and decided that on this particular day in late April that forty degree weather was acceptable. I eventually walked to the window, the chill air almost felt refreshing, as if it was trying to combat the boiling anger inside me.

I took my focus off Westhoff and prematurely turned it to Mystique. It cost me my chance to get my hands on the man who orchestrated the assault. The loss to Westhoff did light a fire under my ass, as I reeled off wins over Ricky Runn and Constantine, and putting on a strong showing against The Sacrificial Altar, even forging a bond with Triple X, though I never was able to get my hands on Mystique. Each and every week felt like the end of a world in Mario. Another castle down, yet no princess.

I again stood and this time I walked to my bookcase, scanning the rows of books, looking for nothing in particular. I couldn't shake the thought of Mystique asking me to joining up with he and Westhoff. He had to be out of his mind to think that I would ever join him.

This week though, I had a chance to change all of that. I had that second chance that so many men covet. I was coming off one of the biggest wins of my career, having bested Constantine, the man who challenged for the World Title at the last pay per view, the man challenging for the Elite X title this very week. I could take Westhoff if I remained focused.

It was hard to remain focused though, because if I did lose, I wasn't sure of my next step. People had stopped caring, it was as if this feud was being fought over nothing, and when you're asked to fight a war that's over nothing, its best to join the side that's going to win. I had to shake that thought though, because even in dark times, we cannot relinquish the things that make us human. In all things, a calm heart must prevail.

Despite all of the sentimental thoughts and cliches that I tried to think up, there was one that I couldn't help but shake. If you can't beat them, join them.

I turned from the bookcase and went back to the window, watching the people as they passed by below me. Maybe it was time I started thinking about reconsidering my options and who I chose to call friend.
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