AF21: Grizzly Bob vs. Donny J

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
This is a battle of the newbies. Donny J got his feet wet this past week, but came up short against El Califa Dragon. Now, he looks to show the incoming mammoth, Grizzly Bob, that he won't play second fiddle to the new crop of wrestlers in the WZCW.

Deadline is Wednesday, 10th of April - 11:59pm Central Time.
Spring is in the air: blossoms cover the landscape, perched birds can be heard chirping and a breeze is creating ripples on a small pond. It is late afternoon and a cosy wooden cabin is shown, just in view. A small column of smoke is rising from it. Not far from the house, a big, sleeping Rottweiler is snoring and shown twitching in its sleep.

Suddenly, the ripples on the water become more and more pronounced, the shot cuts to branches shaking and the blossoms being blown from it. A loud, unfamiliar noise fills the area. The dog looks up and sees a huge, dark shape and stares quizzically at it. As the shape draws nearer, he becomes frightened and darts toward the cabin door, pawing at it frantically.

Grizzly: What’s that, boy? Has our company arrived?

Grizzly opens the door and rubs the dog’s head.

Get on in here and give Daddy a kiss, you big sissy!
Grizzly chuckles as his pet jumps towards his neck and gives him a lick, before scampering off into the house.

A black WZCW helicopter lands in the clearing. After settling down, a camera man emerges, followed by intrepid interviewer, Becky Serra.

Grizzly: Well, hello, there! Welcome to, literally, my neck of the woods! Why don’t you come in? It’s nippy outside and I don’t want the two of you to catch a cold, now.
After Becky and her camera man enter the cabin, Grizzly excitedly walks over to the camera guy, leaning over on his front leg and shakes his hand. Becky, looking him firmly in the eye, extends a polite palm, which he shyly accepts, and the two share a firm handshake. The three people sit in a living room, warmed by a crackling fire that has something roasting on it.

Grizzly: The name’s Bob, but most folk just call me Grizzly.

Becky: Pleased to meet you, Grizzly. I’m Becky Serra and let me be the first to welcome you to the WZCW-family!

Grizzly: Thank you very much, ma’am!

Becky: How does it feel to start a whole new career at our fine promotion?

Grizzly: I’m so excited, I’m just like a big ole’ bear at the start of the salmon run!

He draws the curtain back, showing a plantation of saplings, a couple of yards from his house.

Let me show you something. Look at those plants, out yonder. For every tree that I cut down to build this here cabin or to chop up to keep me warm, I planted a new one. I do that to protect Mama Nature as best I can.

Right now, I’m a rookie, learning the ropes, but I’ll grow stronger and tougher with each match, giving it my all until I’m one the many strong Redwoods you’ll fly across when you go back home.

Becky: And I’ll be hoping that it happens sooner, rather than later. Let’s get to business, shall we?

Another up-and-comer, Donny J, has recently joined our ranks. He’ll be your very first opponent. Could you tell us, and the viewers back home, how do you fancy your chances in this match?

Grizzly: I won’t go into this match underestimating him. I’m sure he’s a crafty son of a gun. Still, I know I’m going to beat him. I have the element of surprise. While I’ve seen him wrestle once – and lose – against El Califa Dragon, he’s never seen me before. He’ll expect me to be all slow and stupid, just another big man, but he’ll never even know what hit him. I have the strength and also the speed to take him down.

I’ve seen him in action and I know he’s a coward. Oh, he'll say he's not afraid of me, but what did he do when that crazy Callahan showed up?

Grizzly starts to get fired up, gradually talking louder. Becky’s interest can be measured by her deepening furrow as she attentively gazes at him. The camera man, on the other hand, is visibly rattled and shifts away from the big man.

He went off whimpering with his tail between his legs, that’s what! I deal with punks like Donny J here at the local canteen all the time. They come in here, thinking that they’re all tough and what not, stirrin’ up nothing but trouble and bar fights. I’m going to clean house with his smelly, scrawny hide!

Grizzly realizes that the camera guy is getting extremely uncomfortable and he calms down, shaking his head once and smirking at himself. He starts speaking in a more even-tempered tone.

Sorry, guys, I didn’t mean to go all agro on you. My point is: Donny’s a salmon - he’s small, he’s slippery and he startles easily. You know what this Grizzly Bear is going to do to him?

His tone quiets down to almost a whisper. Becky’s on the very edge of her seat and for a few moments the cabin is deathly quiet. Grizzly slowly raises his massive fists.

With my two hands, I’m going to catch him... and eat him for dinner.

The Rottweiler charges into the living room and squeezes past Becky, making its way towards Grizzly. It starts to whine and wags its tail. While Becky and her camera man give each other a surprised glance, Grizzly lets out a laugh.

Well, will you look at that! I went and said the d-word. There’ll be no hushing him up now. Speaking of dinner, could I interest you two in some tartar-marinated salmon steaks? I caught it myself this morning.

It was quite a hike up the mountain, but I’m sure it’ll be worth the trouble. I can get you each a brew as well? I won’t be having, ‘cause I’m competing and all, but I’ll go get a few while I’m in the kitchen, feeding this one!

The dog rolls over and Grizzly gives him a belly rub.

Becky: I think that would be lovely, thank you!

The scene closes out with Grizzly getting back from the kitchen with two beers and three plates, serving his catch to his guests and enjoying a meal with them.
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