AF20: Thrash vs. Brent Blaze

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Thrash hasn't had much luck since joining the company, already making himself an enemy in the form of Dustin Hunter who he has unfinished business with ever since the events of All or Nothing. However, he won't be facing Hunter this week: instead, he has been given Brent Blaze who has been tearing through the roster recently and is looking to showcase his skills for those who are willing to watch him perform. A victory here in this match will certainly put the winner in someone's spotlight.

Deadline is Tuesday March 26, 2013 at 11:59 PM (Central). Extensions as per request thread.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm here right now with one of the newest members of the WZCW Roster. Former Rockstar and now a professional wrestler. His name is... Thrash!"

The camera, which was focused on WZCW's most glamorous employees, Becky Serra, now moves over to Thrash. Standing beaten and hurt after having just faced Vega for the Mayhem Title, he's also bloodied and slouched over.

"Thrash, it's great to have you here straight from your match against Vega, but shouldn't you be getting some treatment from the EMT's? Or at least be taking a rest?"

Thrash winces but leans in towards the microphone that Becky is holding.

"Becky, I was told that after my match I'd need to be interviewed and here I am! Tonight, I've experienced hell. I've been part of a Mayhem Rules match, which is something that I've never even considered doing. It's crazy. You have to literally beat the life out of your opponent until they can't do anything to stop you and tonight, that is what happened to me. I faced Vega, the Mayhem Champion, in a match that I'd never even been in before. The experience got the best of me and in the end, I was the man pinned. To be truthful, that's not something I wanna experience again anytime soon Becky."

"Well, Mayhem matches are some of the most extreme that we get here in WZCW! Considering that you'd never taken part in one though Thrash, you definitely showed some signs of adaption! Maybe those days on stage have helped you somehow."

Thrash lets out a laugh, but puts his left hand on his hip, slouching again in pain.

"Well, everyone's had their fair share of incidents on stage, I can't deny that! I mean, if you remember back in '98, I had a pretty big accident where I tripped back and fell right into a drum riser that we had set up. I cut up my back pretty badly and still to this day, I get pretty bad shoulder pains now and then. Then every so often, you get fans that just want more of you than they can have, so you have to take, how can I put it... certain measures?"

"Trash, are you trying to say that you've given your fans a taste of their own medicine?"

He smiles, in a way we've not seen before. It's a smile that you could read as one admitting that the person isn't afraid of dealing out some pain.

"Well like I said, you've got to take measures! When a fan tries to bring you down into the crowd with some force, you can't be afraid to plant the microphone right into his head! Yeah, it's only happened once, but it is a rush!"

Serra laughs, but then realises what he's just said, taking in some shock.

"I see. So Thrash, you've only had three matches in WZCW, but already you've managed to get yourself into a couple of altercations. Strangely, all with the same man! You and Dustin Hunter haven't got off to a good start, have you? First you beat him in your debut match, then he attacks you from behind after you're both eliminated simultaneously from the All Or Nothing Pre-Show Battle Royal! Then, on Meltdown, you confronted both Hunter and Brent Blaze. Could you give us some more insight into that?"

"You see Becky, there aren't many people in this world I dislike. I'll give everybody a chance when I first get to know them, but there are certain people I don't like. They're the kind of people that Dustin Hunter and Brent Blaze are. They're low, sick individuals that would do anything just for a kick. Blaze, the guy who calls his fans "addicts". Knowing him, he's probably one himself! Don't you have to fire guys like that? Then we've got Hunter. He thinks that running around as a kid through the wrestling business is a good way of life? Wrong! He's a scrounger, the man that would beg for a way out because he had no way of getting anything. See, when you have someone like me, who has worked all throughout his life to earn money and make a living for himself, to see people that want to cheat the system, to benefit from everyone else's rights makes me sick. That's why I despise Hunter and Blaze. Then I'm introduced to the new boy, Donny J, who apparently is the biggest lowlife ever known! These people piss me off and I'm not afraid to let them know it."

"Wow, that's harsh words there. See you've already met Donny J, but enough about that! The reason that you were called here for an interview was so that we could tell you who your opponent would be next week! It's been decided that you'll be facing Brent Blaze! After his big win this week, you're going to take him on and if you were to win this, it would be one heck of a step up for you!"

"You make it sound like I've never won a match here Becky! I may have only had three matches and may have only been victorious in one, but after my match against Brent Blaze, it's going to be two and two. Two wins, two losses and the next win WILL be at the hands of Blaze. I've seen what he can do in the ring and I wouldn't doubt for a second that he's going to be one heck of a challenge, but I'm ready for it Becky, more than I ever will be! You see, you do have to be ready for the unexpected, just like in the Roulette Rounds of last week. I don't believe that this match is truly going to be one on one. I believe that somehow, in some way, Dustin Hunter will worm his way out into the arena and try to screw me. But I'll be waiting for him. Can you picture it Becky? Hunter tries to get into the ring but BAM! I hit him in the head with The Final Countdown! Then I turn around, pick a beaten Blaze from off the ground and drop with For Whom The Bell Tolls, thus extinguishing this so-called "Blaze". Oh and Becky, I'd like to make an announcement right here and right now before we wrap this one up. If that's ok with you of course."

"Why not? Let's hear it!"

Thrash brings himself together and stands up straight, albeit in a lot of obvious pain.

"After I face and beat Brent Blaze, I've got another target to take down. That's why I'm challenging Dustin Hunter to a match, the week after I've faced Brent Blaze. Me & Hunter, in the middle of the ring, one on one to finally prove which one is better. When I beat him, I will move on to better things. I don't want guys like Hunter, lowlifes like him bringing me down. I want to move up through the ranks of WZCW, capturing a title or two along the way before moving onto the WZCW Heavyweight Championship! It's going to take a long time to get up there, but when I do, boy it's gonna be worth it!"

"Now, THAT is what I call an announcement! It's not official, but hopefully, the guys that put everything together will give you what you want! Thrash, considering that you're beaten and bloodied, I have to thank you for spending the time you have talking to me this evening. Ladies and Gentlemen, that was Thrash!"

The camera cuts off, Thrash and Becky shake hands.

"So you really want Hunter that bad?"

"Becky, the guy has hated me since day one and it's pissing me off day after day. After I take o Blaze, that's my main focus. However, I do still have that match against Blaze. I know I'm saying that I'll be running through him, but is it really that easy Becky? He's just come off of a win against Connor Reese, who isn't an easy battle in any form. I'm going to have to pull out my A-Game this week and if I can't do that, my challenge against Hunter is probably completely worthless!"

Serra puts a hand on the shoulder of Thrash and leans in towards him.

"Look, at the end of the day, it's not about the guy you're going up against. It's all about you. If you can do what you need to do to get the win, then you're going to be victorious. If you let other things cloud up your mind and take over your thoughts, you're going to find it harder to pick up the win. What you need to do this week is focus solely on Blaze. Then move onto Hunter and you'll have it set. I shouldn't really be telling you this but... I'm sure I was one of your biggest fans when you were in Dirty Angels!"

"Thanks Becky. Seriously, it's appreciated. I'm gonna get off now, need to rest the wounds. I'll see you some other time!"

Thrash limps off with a big smile on his face. Heading into an empty locker room, he takes off his jacket and white and red (with blood) vest, dropping it into the only Gym Bag left in the room. He hoists the bad up onto his shoulder, letting out a small gasp of pain. He limps out of the locker room this time and towards the arena doors. As he does, he hears a call out from the distance.


He turns around, carefully, to see four men walking towards him. Three of them he recognises as his former Dirty Angel bandmates, only older. The one he doesn't recognise he knows is the new vocalist, the man they brought in to replace "Michael Sullivan" as the frontman of the biggest band of '99. Drummer Alex Sandro walks out in front of the other three, up to Thrash.

"I'm not calling you Mike anymore man. Your name's Thrash. I realised as I walked out of your place that even though we'd replaced you, you were still "Dirty Angels". You're still the frontman that everyone loves and you've just taken being a frontman to a whole new level. You're out there, on a new stage."

A slight smile comes over the face of Thrash, but he can't help being apprehensive of Sandro.

"I'm waiting for the bad news Alex, come on. Last time you were this nice to me, you spat in my face and I never wanted to see you again."

"Look, Thrash. The band is back, I can't deny it. We've played a couple of shows and they've been decent. It's a different kind of crowd now, but we're not here to talk about the band. I told the guys about what you've moved onto and they were genuinely interested, so I bought four tickets for us to come down and see what you were doing. We've come to watch you, but seeing as it's Roulette week, we've seen Meltdown and we just watched you on Ascension! We've enjoyed ourselves so much we're even sticking around to watch Aftershock tomorrow night! Seriously, we watched you take on Vega just then and we were in awe. The beating that you both gave out and took was just beyond anything we'd expected to see from you man, it was amazing."

Alex puts out a hand to Thrash, who smiles in the fact he's been accepted for what he now does.

"Look, can we just call a truce? We may have the band back together, but now you're doing what you're doing and from now on, all four of us are going to be there to always support you, no matter what. So, what do you say?"

"What do I say?"

Thrash thrusts his hand into Alex's and they pull into a hug and embrace, while Thrash pats Alex on the back a few times.

"Alex, I've got a match against Brent Blaze next week on Aftershock, I've just been told. He'll do anything to make sure that I'm stopped from winning. I don't want you to be there at ringside, that would be mad. All I'm asking is that maybe, you come along to the show & cheer along for me?"

"Deal. And who knows, maybe you'll come along to a show every now & then?"

Thrash nods and all five men seem happier than they were at the start of the conversation.

"Now, you might be battered, but who fancies a drink?"

Alex looks at Thrash, who laughs and wipes his hand over his head.

"Some things never change, do they? Let's get going."

The five men all walk out of the door, each shouting over the top of each others voices. Now Thrash has his friends back at his side, are they going to be the key when he faces Brent Blaze?
You’re kidding me right?

No, I am not kidding you. I do not kid when it comes to things like this. That would be completely wrong and disrespectful. Like I said, Alexis is fine. She just needs to be watched over more carefully.

You honestly think I want to be bombarded with this twenty-four seven?

You are the closest thing she has to a family. You are her best friend. She has talked about you a few times here and there before she nods off. She needs somebody like you in her life.

The shot opens with Brent Blaze and Tammy, Alexis’ friend from home, standing outside a hospital room. Many beeps and buzzes come from all of the surrounding rooms. The two are obviously arguing over what will happen next with Alexis.

You are her friend too! I have a full time job. I cannot be watching over her like that. I told you I would help, and I will. But, you need to let her stay with you.

Brent, I cannot do that. I have a family. I have two kids at home. I cannot let her come back to Owensboro, where she knows people and where all she would have to do is get bored and call somebody up and have her way with whatever she wants. You are on the road. She can travel with you. She can stay in the fancy hotels, where she can be surrounded by generous people and beautiful things.

Have you seen the people I work with?

Brent looks at Tammy with all seriousness.

Alexis would get lost in the shuffle. She wouldn’t have anything to occupy her time. And, what happens when I want to go out like and adult and have some, smart and limited fun? What will she do during shows? She can’t come out to the ring with me!

She will make friends. She is good at that. She can try and bond with some of the girls in WZCW.

I better keep her away from Alhzarad.

See, you are thinking about it Brent. It will not be that bad. It is the best thing for her right now. Who knows, maybe she can fall for one of the guys.

No, no that won’t be happening.


I am not jealous, that just isn’t going to happen. Alexis wouldn’t like any of those guys.

Sure. Well, I better be going. Don’t want to keep the kids waiting for too long; just think about it Brent. I talked to the doctors and they all think she will be out of here by morning. You be here and pick her up, okay?

Brent hesitates, Okay…


A few hours have passed since Brent and Tammy’s conversation. The scene has changed drastically. Loud noises can be heard from all directions. There are people everywhere.

I know, I know. It was great!

Blaze beats on the table causing a loud noise that can hardly be heard in the crowded area.

Witnessing that flop beat the mat screaming in pain and agony was just great! It was great! That little prick didn’t know what hit him. Don’t underestimate me! Never underestimate an addiction!

Brent is sitting on a stool at a bar with new-found friend Dustin Hunter. The two are discussing work related things, while celebrating the fun Roulette Rounds. Each man has a drink in hand. The conversation continues as someone behind Brent takes a rough hit in the mouth.

You’re damn right. You cannot underestimate a guy like you. You made Reese wish he never threw you over that top rope at All or Nothing. Reese didn’t deserve that win, I did.

Brent looks at Dustin, angry at the comment about Reese eliminating him at the Pay Per View. Blaze is able to hold back his anger as he brushes off the aforementioned comment. Dustin continues on.

Yeah… if there could be two winners, then it should have been us for sure. Man, I’ll tell you, I couldn’t stand seeing them win that match, but its over with. That battle royal, it was supposed to mean it all for Lethal Lottery, but it meant nothing.

It’s kind of ironic when you think about it. Now that the spots are basically being handed out to people, we have to make an impression. And, dammit if I didn’t make an impression last week on Meltdown, I don’t know what I will have to do. Maybe I need to go give Little Dave a visit. “Lets get this straight, if I don’t get put into Lethal Lottery based on my match last week, there will be hell to pay.” That’s what I would tell him. “I don’t know who will pay it yet, but dammit someone will pay!”

Whoa, bro I understand where you are coming from. No need to get all worked up. I think the same, and I think I earned a spot in the lottery match too. Did you see the pain I put Beard through? I locked his ass in the freezer for fucks sake.

That lobster had it out for him.

The two guys laugh as Dustin takes a swig from his bottle. It is quite noticeable that Dustin has had more to drink the Brent. Hunter sways back and forth in his chair a bit, but is able to resume his conversation.

You are damn right!

The two men take cheers their bottles, and take drinks once again. Dustin points to the wall and tells Brent to look. As soon as the gullibility takes affect, Dustin nails the top of Brent’s nearly full bottle with his. The foam spews up and drenches the hand of Blaze. Brent quickly caps the bottle with his lips, in an attempt to stop the foam from continuing to flow out. Brent whips his hand off with a few napkins, while Dustin, finishing off what seems to be his twelfth bottle, hands a drink cap to him, pointing toward a trashcan.

Here, throw this into that trashcan. If you miss, you have to go talk to them ladies at the table across the room.

Dustin, nearly falling out of his seat, now points to the girls. One is an extremely fine blonde, with tits the size of watermelons; a fruit Brent loves to stuff his face with. The other is not nearly as blesses, with nappy hair and a dress that looks like it has a slight vomit stain on it. The not so good-looking girl glances at Brent, and smiles. Ever so confident, Blaze replies:

I would make that with ease. Give it here!

Brent shoots the top, it hit the rim of the silver can, it seems to sit there for a moment before it falls to the ground making a noise that could never be hear in the building. Dustin begins to laugh abruptly.

Haha! I knew you couldn’t do it. Now, get up and go ta…talk to them ladies.

Brent, realizing he missed the shot, quickly tries to change the subject so he won’t have to talk to the girls.

It’s just trash, and speaking of trash, what’s up with Thrash and you?

The drunken Dustin doesn’t realize what Brent is doing. Dustin sits his bottle down, missing the table completely. It crashes to the floor and shatters into thousands of tiny pieces. Dustin acts as if nothing happened.

I do not know. If that punk “rock star” is trying to pick a fight, he… he is messing with the wrong guy. He has another thing coming if he thinks he is going to walk a-round the back and try and talk shit to me.

As Dustin’s words begin to slur, Blaze conveniently makes the situation about himself.

You are just going to have to prove to him that you aren’t a push over. You gotta prove that you are his worst nightmare. You got to do what I have done three times now. You have to win. Make him feel like the washed up has been that he is.


I’ll take him out for you this week. Well, maybe I can leave a little left for you to finish off. Thrash ain’t got shit on me. He better be praying to the rock gods because when I am done with him, there will not be much left. He is really going to interrupt my celebration? That won’t ever happen again. I am just going to have to give myself a reason to celebrate, this time at his expense. This week, on Aftershock, Thrash is going to go one on one with the addiction. And it isn’t going to turn out well for him.

You better leave me a piece of him because when I get my hands around his scrummy little neck I will not let go until…

Brent rudely interrupts.

Yeah, and his little addiction, his addiction to rock music, it is just as pathetic as an addiction to heroine or meth. It is ridiculous to be so wound up by one little thing. It is absurd to be operated by such a thing as music. When you think about it, all "rock stars" are drug addicts! Its what they do; its their way of life. It is pitiful. Thrash is soon to learn…

Brent takes a pause while he breathes steadily.

I am the addiction, and he is my addict!

A bartender, in a dark brown shirt and hat that is a bit torn up, interrupts the conversation. While cleaning off several spills on the counter near Dustin, the bartender asks the two friends if they would like anything else to drink. Dustin, without hesitation replies-

I… I will ta…take a bottle of Captain and Coke.

The bartender looks at Blaze, saying nothing.

No, actually I’m good for the night. What do you think I am? A drunk? Who are you to tell me I need another drink? Are two not enough? I am not here to infiltrate my body with glass upon glass of alcoholic beverages. I am simply here to celebrate my win over Connor Reese. I need not another drink, sir. Get on your way.

The bartender looks baffled. Dustin ignores the situation.

Well… I think I will sss... still have a-noth-er.

Brent stares at Dustin in disgust.

Don’t you think you should quit? This isn’t an alcohol binge. How many have you had, Dustin? When you invited me, I didn’t think this would turn into a party with Charlie Sheen. Before too long your freaking mom better come back from the dead and compensate me for babysitting!

Dustin immediately gets upset at that remark. He didn’t expect Brent to take a shot like that. It seems as if he is going to throw a punch at his so-called friend. Dustin stands up, looking as pissed as ever, but Brent ignores the situation.

Bartender, he is done for the night. We will be leaving soon.

Brent gets up as the bartender marches off. Dustin, who hasn’t said a word since Brent’s vulgar remarks, does the same. The two walk toward the door when Brent bumps into the uglier of the girls from across the room, nearly knocking her off her shoeless feet.

The girl yells, What the hell, man!

Get over it you reckless imbussel.

A rather small man stands up. He tries to act like a hard guy in front of the ladies. The man yells at Brent for nearly knocking down one of the girls. Brent, mocking the man, bends down to see eye to eye with him. He stares the man in the face, and then suddenly…


The small man falls down. Brent looks up to see Dustin standing there grinning. Hunter had just knocked the man out with one well-placed, fierce punch to the corner of the nose. The girls both yell at Hunter and Blaze, but the two friends overlook them as they exit the bar.


Brent Blaze rolls over in bed and makes a loud, disgusting noise. He peeks at the clock, realizing it is nearly noon. Brent jumps out of bed. He stands there, head throbbing, and waits a few seconds for the pain to pass. Moments go by, and he quickly thinks back to the previous day. He recalls his conversation with Tammy, and quickly gets dressed. He rushes to the bathroom, fixes his hair, and throws on a watch. He stuffs his wallet in his pants, along with all the change from his bedside. Blaze hurries to the door and grabs the keys hanging on the wall.

Brent rushes to his 2012, dark green, four door, lifted, with 35 in tires and tow package included- Ford f-150. He limbs up the step side and the engine roars. Blaze, whilst staying just above the speed limit, heads to the hospital. He enters the building, climbs the steps, because he can, to the fourth floor, and nearly runs to the desk.

Has Alexis Jade been released yet?

The nurse replies, telling Brent that Alexis should be ready in just a moment, and that she should be gathering her things.

Brent lets out a huge sigh of relief, just as Alexis turns the corner. She runs into Brent’s arms, grasping him so tight he nearly falls over. She looks him in the eyes and udders, “I’m sorry.”

Brent looks down at the slightly shorter Alexis. He whispers, “It’s okay. I should be the sorry one. I should have never stormed off that night. Its all my…”

Brent contemplates what he was about to say. He stops and simply says, “Grab your things, lets go.”

Alexis smiles at Brent, and without any help from Brent, picks up her three pink bags. The two return to Brent’s F-150. Once everything is loaded and they start on the road, Alexis ignites the conversation.

Where are we going? What am I going to do?

She tries to hold back the tears, as she flips down the sun visor and looks into the mirror. Brent hesitantly replies:

What do you think about staying with me for a while?

What do you mean?

I mean come on the road. Travel the US, and the rest of the world.

Where will I stay?

I’ll book you rooms in some pretty nice hotels. We can rent cars in the big cities, that way you can drive around a bit. We can fly home together here and there. It will take some getting used to, but hey, it’s a start.

I… I think there isn’t much else for me right now. But, its only until I figure out what I am going to do with myself. Only until…

Don’t even worry about it. Just come, and enjoy life. You deserve it. Get your mind off of everything. Don’t worry about any problems. Just relax yourself for a few weeks, months, or however long you can enjoy it.

I'd like that.

Brent jokingly replies, You’re damn right you will!

Where are we heading?

Were going to aftershock. I’ve got a match to win!

Lets do it!
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