AF18: The Angel vs. James Carter vs Thrash vs Dustin Hunter

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
WZCW would like to welcome two new additions to the roster in Thrash and Dustin Hunter. They have been given a chance to debut with the company in a Fatal Four Way contest against James Carter who made his first appearance last week and the Angel who recently returned. This will be an exciting way to open up the show and we wish the new competitors good luck in their first match. A win here tonight for any of the rookies will put them on the map... unless, of course, the Angel wins tonight and shows the rookies what it takes to be star.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Tuesday 5th February. Extensions as per thread.
*Knock!* Knock!* *Knock!*

Not even given a chance to wake up, there's somebody very impatient at the door. Former world-renowned frontman Michael Sullivan forces himself out of bed, weary & coughing as he does so. Slowing making his way down the stairs, he then walks down a hallway, where three gold discs are hanging on the wall. As he moves into the living room, it isn't difficult to see that Sullivan has lived the relatively simple life. Posters of him back in his hey-day are hung on the walls and decorative pieces adorn the room. As he makes his way to the door, he hears the knocking again.

"Hold up, I'm coming!"

Sullivan opens the door and on the other side is a man, well built, with a badge hanging around his neck. Without an introduction, he enters the house and shuts the door behind him.

"Hello Mr. Sullivan, have you not received any of our letters? My name is Mr. Yorke, since you have not been keeping up with any of your bill payments, I am officially here to repossess goods from your home to compensate for the money that you owe, which currently stands at...Mr. Yorke flicks through some papers in his hands...Nine thousand, eight hundred and sixty two dollars and eighty seven cents."

Sullivan has his head in his hands and is starting to look even worse for wear as the realisation of how difficult his life is becoming starts to hit him.

"Come on man, can't you just give me another try? I dunno, maybe I can pay it off bit by bit. I just... I just, don't have as much money coming in, well I've got virtually no money coming in anymore, I can't perform anymore and well, I thought I had more money left! You know who I am right?"

"Yes Mr. Sullivan. Former lead vocalist of Dirty Angels. It just seems your spending might've gotten a bit out of control".

"Fuck. Sorry, I'm just struggling to think of anything else I can do."

"There's nothing you can do sir, I'm sorry but-"

Interrupted by a knock on the door, Mr. Yorke opens it without even asking to find two men who have parked a large removal truck on the driveway. They enter the house and begin to remove goods that belong to Sullivan, without any protest from him. They first take out the black leather three-piece sofa's from the living room. As they make their way through the ups & downs of the house, among the things they start to remove include a large Coffee machine, an expensive electric guitar and two of the three beds that took their place in Sullivan's house (There were two in one room). As one of the two men come down the stairs and into the living room with two of Sullivan's gold discs under his arm, it is only then he decides to argue against the removal.

"Dude, you're gonna take my fucking gold discs?! Seriously, they're the things that I actually treasure and you're gonna try & take them away from me?!"

"Mr. Sullivan, please watch your language. Actually, they could leave your gold discs for now, I think they've taken more than enough to cover what you owe."

"Thank god. It's bad enough that I can't do anything to get the money that I owe, but taking a part of my life away just isn't on man. I promise you, I will do anything and everything I can to make sure this never happens again. Funny, being a rockstar doesn't mean that finding a job is easy. When singing was your one skill and even that's taken away from you, it's hard to be accepted anywhere."

"Well, Mr. Sullivan, thank you for the heartbreak. However, I do have to tell you, if you do not keep up with any more of your payments, I will be back and those gold discs will be going with me on that occasion."

Sullivan sighs and mutters something incomprehensible under his breath as Mr. Yorke begins to make his way to the front door.

"Well, I hope I don't have to return Michael and I assume you don't either. I'll see myself out and I wish you well. Goodbye."

Mr. Yorke exits, slamming the door behind him. Sullivan looks sad as he turns around to realise that most of the living room has been stripped away, leaving him nowhere to sit. He walks into the centre of the room and slowly puts himself down on the floor. He lays down & throws his arms out, as one of them hits the newspaper. He grabs it and frantically begins turning the pages, knowing what he's looking for. As he turns the pages, growing ever more frustrated, he finds a page that is definitely what he wants.

Calling All Wannabe Wrestlers!
WZCW Tryouts This Week!
Prove your worth & earn yourself a spot on the Roster!


Sullivan jumps straight up and grabs a pen and some paper. He scribbles down an address and quickly runs upstairs to put some clothes on. When he's ready, he walks straight out of the front door, jumps into his car and speeds off down the street.


Pulling up to the sidewalk in his car, Sullivan looks through his drivers window. A big sign reading WZCW Headquarters is outside.

"Think I've found the right place! Now, how hard can this wrestling thing be? I'm built up like a fighter, I'm just... not one. Y'know what? Who cares. I need to make a living and let's face it. There's going to be a crowd and I work best in front of crowds. I'm gonna get the basics of this down in an instant and that crowd are gonna be like putty in my hands!"

He gets out of the car and walks up to the door, entering confidently and looking for somebody that could help him out. At that point, he hears a voice call out.

"Excuse me, can I help you? Are you meant to be here?"

"Hey, I'm here for the tryouts! The name's Michael Sullivan, I used to be the lead singer of..."

"Dirty Angels! I used to love that band! Man, it was sad to see you go and to see the band break up, but... you're here for the tryouts? What do you need wrestling for? You're a Rockstar!"

"I'm interested in the business, thought I could give it a shot. I've got the stamina, I just need to get the basics under my belt, so let's bring on the tryouts!"

"Ha, you're definitely eager, I like that! Well, first up, your "tryout" is going to be on live TV, which I'm sure you'll be fine with. You'll also be facing another three opponents! One is a fellow wrestler on a tryout, Dustin Hunter and the other two are both wrestlers here at WZCW, James Carter and The Angel! This is going to take place on Aftershock, our show that's purpose built to showcase new talent such as yourself! My name's Becky Serra, I'm one of the commentary team on the show."

"Nice to meet you Becky! So, these other guys I'm up against, anything that I should know about them?"

"Well, James Carter only debuted last week and lost in his first match against Blaze. Dustin Hunter, as I said to you, is another man on a tryout, so we know very little about him. The Angel is a luchadore wrestler, from Mexico. He's extremely religious and well, likes to preach it to the other wrestlers."

"Sounds...interesting! I don't think The Angel and me are going to get along, doubt that he's a fan of Rockstars. Dustin Hunter sounds mysterious, but that's probably because we know nothing about him and it's a shame Carter lost his first match here in the business, but that's the way it's gotta go right?"

"Right. So, do you actually know anything about wrestling Mr. Sullivan?"

"Well, I damn love watching it on TV! I've seen the guys of WZCW before on Pay-Per-View, I get all the guys over, bring in the beers and we watch Kingdom Come together! What happened to that Johnny Scumm guy? He seemed like a douche, even when he tried to be nice to everyone!"

"Well, people get let go of here. If you can't impress the bosses, then they have to release you from your contract. That's what happens with a lot of people. Darren Bull was released from his contract only last week!"

"Well I'll be damned, looks like I'm gonna have to learn and learn very quickly! I think it'd be better for me to hit the Gym now Becky and I'll be back here for my debut next weekend!

Sullivan starts to walk away from Becky as she calls back out to him.

"Mr Sullivan! What are we gonna call you?"

He turns only his head back around to face Becky as he smiles at her.

"Call me Thrash, 'cos I'm here to rock the show."
"Here lies Annabeth Hunter, Loving Wife and Mother. July 6th 1962-November 16th 1993."

Dustin sighed to himself as he stood in front of his mothers grave. He then heard a familiar voice behind him.

???: Don't worry bro, She's being taken care of up there.

Dustin turns around and sees something by now has become a regular thing to him. The ghost of his brother who died in the car accident along with his mother, Austin Hunter.

Austin: She's happy now, Away from you know who. I am too, Just wish I could have ran away with you instead of this.

Dustin nods in agreement.

Austin: This isn't your usual day you visit, What's going on?

Dustin: I made it. I made it into WZCW. I'm living our dream man.

Austin: That's good. Live it up for both of us. I knew you could do it.

Dustin: Just wish you were there with me, That mom was in the crowd watching with that proud look in her eye.

Austin: You know that can't happen. But you know we will be watching out for you. Just be safe bro.

Dustin nods then before he can speak again the ghost of his brother vanishes at the sound of another familiar voice.

???: Dustin? Is everything okay?

Dustin looks around as if he was in a trance or had blacked out then sees his best friend, Katie Smith staring at him with a concerned look on her face.

Dustin: What? Oh yeah. Uh, Everything is fine...just zoned out for a minute there.

Dustin stands up from kneeling down in front of the graves of his mother and brother, Exchanging smiles with Katie.

Katie: Oh..alright. Did you do what you needed to do?

Dustin: Yeah. Thanks for coming with me.

Katie: No problem anytime. You know i'll always be there for you.

The two exchange smiles again then embrace with a hug before Katie walks back to the car but Dustin stays where he is.


Dustin: You all just got a glimpse into my life, My past and my present. Now as for the future, Well tonight I make my debut in WZCW. It was my dream for the longest time to one day make it here and now that i'm here I won't let anything, Or anybody for that matter stand in my way. It doesn't matter that i'm in a fatal 4 way match because that just means more people to hurt, More people to sacrifice on my way to the top. I can't say I know much about any of the three besides one of them being a veteran and the other two being rookies as well. What I do know is, Tonight Angel it won't matter you have the experience edge because I will outsmart you.

Dustin now walks over to a tree where there is a knife stuck in the tree and he pulls it out. Dustin then carves an X across the name "Angel" he had already carved in it.

Dustin: Thrash, You claim to be a Rockstar but having these fans chanting your name isn't gonna matter when I force you to Snap Back To Reality and realize your better off on stage singing.

Dustin carves an X across the name "Thrash" that was already carved next to Angel.

Dustin: And James Carter? Well, Honestly I've heard nothing at all about you. But lets see if you give me a reason to know who you are in that ring tonight or if I just simply Crush. Your. Dreams.

Dustin carves an X through the final name then throws down the pocket knife he did the carving with and walks away from the camera and to the car. Dustin gets in the passenger seat and right after that Katie drives off as the camera fades to black.
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