AF 9: Stevenson Marquel vs. Armando Paradyse (Mayhem Title)

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Stevenson Marquel will be defending his title once more before Kingdom Come as he takes on the former champion who hasn't had his rematch, Armando Paradyse. This will be the one chance that Armando has to make it to the event otherwise, he'll be the first wrestler to not be on Kingdom Come in consecutive years. Can Paradyse prove everyone wrong or will Marquel continue his dominance?

Deadline is Tuesday, May 1st at 11:59 PM Central Time
Sunday April 22nd 2012

The scene opens to Armando limping backstage after his match with Steven Holmes. He takes one look back at the audience and recieves small cheers but can bearly be heard by the massive boos. He shakes his head and continues walking backstage and heads to his locker room. Right next to his locker room Bateman is talking with Blade and Armando hears about the triple threat match to determine who will face Triple X at Kingdom Come for the Elite X Championship. He shakes his head in anger and goes into his locker room. He begins to throw things around and finally a knock is on his door and in comes Chuck Myles.

"Doing some redecorating?"

"Very funny, Chuck. Why am I not in that triple threat match?"

"Well, you lost against Steven Holmes tonight. Why do you deserve a match for a title if you lose?"

"I'm the best this business has to offer. Not Overlast, Cooper, or Scumm!"

"Well, I did come in here bearing great news."

Armando's eyes get big as he says this.

"Well spit it out, Senor Myles."

"I was going over the past cards looking to see what some of the dark matches to Kingdom Come could be and I noticed that you never had your rematch for the Mayhem Title. So, I booked the match at..."

"...At Kingdom Come?! Muchos Gracias, Senor Myles!

"Armando, I didn't book the match at Kingdom Come. The Mayhem title match is on Aftershock."

"Aftershock?! I just competed on Ascension and now you are demoting to down to Aftershock?"

"The Mayhem title can only be defended on Aftershock or Pay-Per-Views, so it had to be there."

"I don't even know who the Mayhem Champion is now!"

"You wrestle for a living and don't even know who all the champions are?"

"I just know that Cooper lost the title to a rookie."

"Well his name is Stevenson Marquel. That's all the info I am giving you. Good luck Armando, you will need it."

As he says that, he walks out, leaving Armadno by himself in his locker room. He pulls out his cell phone and texts a number in his phone, saying "meet me in New York, New York. Ill tell you where later." The scene fadesout.

Wednesday April 25th
New York, New York.

The scene fades back in to Armando standing on the Chrysler Building. He is gazing down at the ground. Leon Kensworth opens to door to the roof and walks onto the roof.

"Armando!" he calls out "What the heck are you doing up here?"

"What? Don't you want an interveiw with the next Mayhem Champion?"

"You have a title match up on Aftershock, I know. But why are we up here on the roof of one of the biggest buildings in the world!"

"Mayhem training, Leon."

"How are you going to do Mayhem training up here?"

"See that scaffel over there. It runs over 400 feet. It goes from this building were on, all the way to the New York Times building. You know how high we are right now? 1050 feet up in the air. The air is thin up here, makes it hard to breathe. It's very risky to be up here. Mayhem is about taking risks, Leon, it's about inducing pain and fear into yourself so your opponent won't know which way to hit you. On this scaffel I have laid across these two building, is over 700 broken glass bottles. It's so narrow that you have to walk with one foot in front of the other. That's enough for everytime someone steps on the scaffel, it cuts nearly every single part of their foot. You know why I brought you up here Leon?"

"I thought it was for an interview but you have gone mad Armando."

Armando chuckles.

"No, I don't want an interview yet. I wanted you to be here just in case I fall, someone won't think it's suicide."

"You are actually going to cross that thing? It's like asking to die!"

"Relax Leon, I'll meet you on the other side. Hopefully that's not a death metaphor."

Leon turns around and walks down the stairs. Armando takes a deep breath and starts walking along the path. The screen fades out and back in when Leon opens the door to the New York Times rooftop. He sees Armando sitting on the ledge. His feet have hundreds of tiny glass particles and are bleeding from almost everywhere.

"Armando you made it!"

"Of course I did Leon. It's all about focus. Mayhem is about focus."

"Can we please just have our interview?"

"Not yet. Mayhem is about not how much pain you can dish out but the amount of pain you can take."

As he says that, three men come around from the opposite side of the building, each welding a kendo stick.

"Armando, you're not going to fight these guys are you?"

"Of course not Leon."

Armando nods his head and all three men plunge at Armando taking him down to his hands and knees. The all strike his back with the kendo sticks, leaving welts behind. Two of the men leave and come back with a few tables. They set them up as the thrid is still beating Armando sensless. They back off for a mintute to let Armando get to his feet. Once he does they quickly get back on the attack and throw him through the first table. They back off again. Leon, can only watch as his freind goes through massive amount of pain. Armando gets up again, this time a little slower, and once again they start to attack him when he gets to his feet, throwing him through another table. Armando yells in pain but starts to move around and starts to get back up. All three of the attackers are growing tired, they lunge at him again and start hitting him again. One of the three men fall in exhaustion and the other two throw Armando threw the last table. Afterwards, the other two men fall down, too tired to go on. Armando is hesitant but makes it back to his feet. He is bleeding from his back and his gushing blood from his forehead.

"Armando, What the hell is wrong with you!? You have done two stupid things to yourself today. Is the Mayhem title really that important to you?"

"Yes, it is. I have been the best everywhere I have been around the world but not here. Here, I am a joke. People see me as a nobody. Klamor said my title reign was a fluke. I'm going to prove that I'm not a fluke and that I will defeat Stevenson Marquel for the Mayhem title.

"Well with the amount of pain you just put yourself, what else can he do to you?"

"Now you get it Leon. I did my research on him and found alot out actually. Like the fact that he went to Prison for posession and did time for about 10 years. He is a rapper now who don't rap about having sex with women but to keep your ass out of trouble. He don't get that kids and teenagers don't like rap anymore but are more interested in Justin Beiber and the Jonas Brothers."

"His rapping is actually pretty good."

"Rapping isn't hard. I can rap."

"Prove it."

Armando shakes his head and then starts to move in a rythem.

"My Name is Paradyse and I'm the man,
Mayhem is my game and I got a plan.
Stevenson Marquel better watch his back,
Cuz I'm pissed and mad and about to attack.
He ain't got no chance in hell,
And I bet he got ass rapped up in jail.
He is a fake, a phony, a poser,
And even his wrestling ability is medicore.
Stevenson, you got nothing on me son,
At Aftershock your title reign is done!"

Armando starts to smile as Leon Kensworth is clapping his hands in amazement.

"That was great Armando! Why don't you become a rapper like Stevenson?"

"I'm not a rapper, I'm a wrestler. You ready for that interveiw?"

Leon nods his head and takes out a pen and notepad from his back pants pocket.

"Armando, this is your last chance to make it to Kindom Come, if you don't make it, you will be the first person in WZCW history to not make the card two years in a row. What are your thoughts about it?"

"How did I know your first question is about that? Leon, I'm making it to Kindom Come! Stevenson Marquel defeated a man who isn't about Mayhem wrestling to win the Mayhem title. I, on the other hand, defeated Alex Bowen to become Mayhem Champion. I dethroned a damn King Leon! I made him pass out from exhaustion and then made my former best friend tap out! Stevenson don't stand a chance wrestling me in that ring, and he certainly don't fair any better if I have weapons!"

"If you do win the Mayhem title, you move on to Kingdom Come to face one of three men. The same night you are facing Stevenson for the Mayhem title, there is a number one contender match to determine who faces the champion at Kingdom Come. The three men are Pheonix, Ace Stevens, and Jason Armstrong. Who would you like to face the most and least at Kingdom Come?"

"Ace Stevens? Isn't he the rookie that beat Justin Cooper for the Mayhem title at Lethal Lottery? Then went on to lose it to the current champ. He is a weakling. The man doesn't know pain. In order to survive in this business, you have to love pain. Alex Bowen taught me that. "The Cinderella Man" Jason Armstrong? I've heard of him. He is just like Stevenson, fucked up in life at the beginning and now trying to make something for himself. A man who has a nickname like that isn't meant for my division. They Mayhem division doesn't need pretty boys like that.

"Don't you consider yourself a pretty boy?"

Armando nods and smiles a bit.

I did, until I joined this division. You can't have a heart if you want to live in the Mayhem world. You have to have ruthless aggresion. It's survival of the fittest afterall. Pheonix, what can I say about him? He has been here for a few years correct? And still can't seem to win any kind of Gold. He has challenged for a lot of Champions for their prize in his day but can't seem to win them. Stevenson Marquel won a title his first few months here. Don't get me wrong, I like Phoenix, I thought about forming an alliance with him when I returned but I had my eyes on something I bit more challenging to conquer and that's the Mayhem division. I'm the King of Mayhem. I earned that spot after I made Alex Bowen take an absence. After I ended Sean Cruz' career.

"If you are the King of Mayhem, then shouldn't Stevenson Marquel be the new king?"

"I see where you are coming from Leon, and the answer is no. I defeated Bowen in one of the best Mayhem matches of all time. I earned it. You think just because he beat the man, who beat the man, who beat me means that he is better? No! He beat WZCW's resident pill popper and a rookie who hates fighting with weapons! He never once beat Alex Bowen or Armando Paradyse! The true Mayhem divison, and not this washed up shit it has become. Stevenson Marquel better enjoy rapping. Because he won't be able to talk with a broken jaw, much less rap.

Armando starts to laugh like a maniac. Leon looks at him like he is crazy and begins to shake his head. The scene fades out.

"Sky's the limit"- Notorious B.I.G, Sky's The Limit, feat. 112

The scene opens in a small; quiet Brooklyn apartment. The camera moves across the room, and it shows a small kitchen, a small dining room, a decent sized TV, and a decent sized couch. Sitting on the couch, with the TV off, just staring at the blank screen with a smile on his face is the current WZCW Mayhem Champion, Stevenson Marquel. Next to the couch, is a small table with a lamp and a telephone on it, the telephone starts ringing, and Marquel notices it, turns around, and picks it up. Marquel puts the phone to his left ear, as he sits up straight on the couch.

Marquel: Hello.

????: Didn't I tell you to stay close to your phone?

Marquel quickly realizes who is calling him, and lets out a massive smile on his face.

Marquel: Hahaha, brotha', yes you did. You did tell me to stay close to my phone.

????:I know I did brotha'. Trust me, I know.

The man talking to Marquel on the phone is identified to be Marquel's very close friend, Jack Bowa. Marquel still has a wide smile on his face, and is now laughing.

Marquel: Hahaha, what's up, my man?

Bowa: Stevenson, listen to this. This is very important.

Marquel: I'm right here listening, man.

Bowa: May 8th, 2012 is what I need to tell you. That is what I was told by the prison I'm in right now. That date is important because, that date, May 8th, 2012 is the date that I am released from prison.

Marquel's smile is turned in to a face of complete amazement. His jaw drops, and he sits still on his couch, with his eyes tearing up. Stevenson's hands are shaking, as he puts the phone to his ear.

Marquel: Can you just hang on, Jack.

Bowa: Sure Stevenson, sure.

Marquel puts the phone on the couch next to him, as he rests his face in to his two hands. He is tearing up lightly, and is being very emotional by Jack's announcement. Marquel takes two deep breaths, and picks the phone back up. Marquel puts the phone to his ear.

Marquel: Jack, brotha', that's incredible. I...I...I am not sure what to say to you right now.

Bowa: Well then, I will just have to say this to you, I'm going to Kingdom Come with you.

Marquel puts on another smile, as he realizes that Jack will be released before Kingdom Come IV takes place. Marquel takes two more deep breaths, before putting the phone to his ear.

Marquel: You're going to Kingdom Come with me. Assuming I'm still the Mayhem Champion.

Bowa: What does that mean?

Marquel: On Aftershock 9, I face a former Mayhem Champion in Armando Paradyse for the belt. Tough match, actually.

Bowa: Is he any good?

Marquel: Yes, he actually is. He's talking a lot of trash though, and that's playing a part in this match as well.

Bowa: Well, I'm pretty sure you'll win. Anyways, after you do beat Paradyse, we got to plan our trip man.

Marquel: Yeah, my dude. We will, I'm just well beyond happy that you're being let out though.

Bowa: So am I brotha', so am I. You'll keep that Mayhem Title, I'm confident that you'll beat Paradyse.

Marquel: Thanks man, I really appreciate it.

There is a long pause after Marquel talks. Stevenson hears Jack talking to a deep voiced man in the background of the phone. Stevenson keeps a smile on his face.

Bowa: Hey man, that was one of the prison guards. He said that I have to wrap up this conversation. We'll see each other when I get out of prison. Good luck with Paradyse man. It really was great talking with you, brotha'.

Marquel: It was great talking with you man. Bye. We will see each other when you get out of prison, I know it. I'm going to beat Paradyse, and keep this Mayhem Title.

Marquel hears a buzzing noise on the phone, saying that Bowa finished up their most recent phone call, and Marquel puts his phone back down on the phone holder. Marquel sits back on the couch, and lets out a smile.

Marquel: Armando Paradyse, you know? Armando is someone who really does like to talk. He's talking about me a lot backstage, and Armando, I'm just going to send out this message. No matter how wrong your facts and your opinions on me are, I know that trash talking won't win you a title. Pinning me to the mat, 1, 2, 3, is what will win you my Mayhem Title. Stop talking trash, and just wrestle, c'mon, you know? You should know because, if you don't know, than I'm going to be going in to Kingdom Come IV as the WZCW Mayhem Champion. I know you want this, I know, trust me. Actions do speak louder than words though, and there's going to be a lot of action in our match on Aftershock 9. Armando, c'mon brotha', you're a veteran, and a former Mayhem Champion, you should know this. You should know that when you're wrestling for a title, you have to focus on that title. You know, you can't focus on the trash talking battle, when you have to win the actual wrestling battle, brotha'. It's a title match, something you're pretty used to, I think. Bring your best, and I will match you. Bring anything less than your best, and I will go through you. You're a guy about intensity Armando, so bring it. You're the challenger, and I'm the champion, as of now.

Marquel goes in to the kitchen, and opens up his fridge. He takes out a full water bottle, and brings it back to the couch. He opens up the bottle, takes a couple of sips of it, closes up the bottle, and puts it on the table with the phone and the lamp. Marquel is sitting up on his couch.

Marquel: Armando, I honestly don't think that you understand how much I need this match. I don't toss around the word need too often, you know, but I really do need this match. I need to win this match and retain the Mayhem Title more than you need this match. My friend is getting released from prison very soon, and it would mean so much to me and to him if I go in to Kingdom Come IV as the Mayhem Champion. I talk about making changes a lot, and what a change that would be. A former criminal sitting in the front row at the grandest stage of them all, Kingdom Come IV, watching his friend, and as well a former criminal defend a title. Armando, what can match that? I really don't think that you could top that, Armando. Talk as much as you want man, you're just like Ace Stevens, your talk can't and won't beat me.

Marquel starts to play a beat on his couch. He suddenly stops playing the beat, and sits back on the couch. Marquel picks up the TV remote, but doesn't turn on the TV, and gently places the remote on the couch.

Marquel: Speaking of Ace Stevens, he's still talking. The quote that you took from Tupac was good, and it was smart. I'm glad you did your research. The thing is though Ace, say what you want, say that we will find out who's better when we go face to face, one on one in the ring, look at me, Ace. I got the belt, and I earned this belt. Ace, I do think that we won't find out who's truly better until we face off against each other, one on one. Just focus, and win your match, Ace. Just to repeat it, just win your match Ace.

Marquel takes the water bottle, and takes another sip of water. Marquel then leans back on the couch, and takes a deep breath, and stares at the camera.

Marquel: Last round, I won another triple threat match. Armstrong and Greaves did put up a great challenge. I hope Armando puts up a good fight. I want to be a fighting champion if I'm not considered one already. Of course, title defenses are hard, and I have to work very hard to win them. I can assure to the whole WZCW roster though, I am the Mayhem Champion. Just come challenge me. I'm going to put up a fight, which is something that I'm used to. I have gone through enough challenges already, and I'm ready to take on more challenges in WZCW. Armando can go through as much pain as he wants, that little assault he planned while getting interviewed by my very close friend, Leon Kensworth. Armando can say that he can rap, Armando can say anything about me that he wants, but when we get in the ring, in front of the WZCW fans. When I punch you, I hope that you punch me back.

Marquel then quickly gets off of the couch, and goes in to his bed room. Marquel sits on his bed, and right next to him is the WZCW Mayhem Championship. Marquel picks up the title next to him, and goes back to the couch, sits down, and places the title next to him on the couch. He starts to gently rub the belt with his right hand, but then suddenly takes his hand off of the belt, and puts it on the couch. Marquel then stares at the camera.

Marquel: This is what the WZCW Mayhem Division is all about. Stevens, Paradyse, Phoenix, and Armstrong, I hope that all four of you are watching this, and I hope that all four of you are watching this closely. This is what the WZCW Mayhem Division is all about, it is. Neither of you want or need this Mayhem Title more than me. I need to win this match against Paradyse, and go on to Kingdom Come IV as the WZCW Mayhem Champion. Jack and myself are going to rock Kingdom Come IV. I'm just one match against a former Mayhem Champion in Armando Paradyse away from going to Kingdom Come IV as the Mayhem Champion. Armando, get ready because, I really do plan on going to Kingdom Come IV, with my friend, Jack Bowa, as the WZCW Mayhem Champion.

Wrestling and rap, they're both just a game,
You play them, in hope of feeling the fame,
Guys like Armando and Ace,
Are trying to push me off of the tracks in this race,
To Kingdom Come IV as the Mayhem Title holder,
During Aftershock 9, Ace and Armando, if you look over your shoulder,
I might be there,
Ready to attack you, like a bear,
Just like most games, someone should come out on top,
Armando, once you get in the ring, I won't stop,
Until I pin you to the mat, one, two, three,
The Mayhem Title is meant to be,
Around my waist, on my shoulder, or in my hand,
Jack Cohen, tune up the band,
When I kick Armando in the face,
Don't worry, after I beat Armando, you're next, Ace.

Marquel puts the WZCW Mayhem Championship on his right shoulder, and stands up. The camera then zooms out, focusing on the WZCW Mayhem Title, resting on Stevenson Marquel's right shoulder.
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