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AF 26: Isabel Stone vs. The Angel

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the Frog

Stone will get a chance to relax as she sims through the first round of the tournament. However, The Angel will hope to make a statement as he tries to knock off one of the favorites for the Gold Rush Tournament.

Deadline is Tuesday (August 20, 2013) at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time). Extensions are allowed via request.
Chapter 11: Demon Rising

I'm bench pressing with Justin when Sam walks in with a note. We both look up at her and I realize that the spidery, pretty handwriting on the paper is none other than Becky Serra's handwriting. Oh Lorsch.

Becky just left this.

Sam has the same "I want to strangle that woman" look on her face as I do. We both hate Becky but for some reason, she hangs around. What does she think we are? Friends?

What does the note say Sam?

Sam unfolds the paper and beins reading, her accent adding a ton of sarcasm.


This week on Aftershcok, I have scheduled you to face The Angel.

I did it so you won't get cocky in the tournament.

Make a promo and then get your ass into shape.

- Becky

P.S. Chuck thought your last promo was great, it really seemed to help you."

I groan. The last time I had to face Angel, he pulled a no show and I had to face some shmuck who beat me. Barely. Knowing this guy, I should be preparing fight a ghost. Justin grunts, reminding me that I'm spotting him and he needs a hand getting the press back into its cradle. I help him lift it all the way up and into the cradle. He sits up and rubs his neck.

Izzy can do it, right Sam?

... She's going to need salt for this match.

There is a slightest bit of silence. Then it occurs to me that I once commented to Sam that the Angel was so bad at showing for matches that he might as well be a ghost.

Ghost. Salt. Sam has just made a terrible Supernatural joke.

I groan again and shake my head.

Sam, I like Supernatural too, but that was terrible.

Oh come on! That was funny!

... I'm confused.

Sam and I roll our eyes. Sam and I love the show Supernatural, and every now and then we make a salt reference. This year for Halloween we've already decided to be Dean and Sam Winchester for Halloween. Wig shop, car rental and a lot of Ebay. But Justin has never watched the show with us so he is about as clueless as Catiel in a porno.

And if you didn't understand that reference and you watch Supernatural, you can go join Adam in Hell.

To protect one's self from a ghost, one makes a salt ring around them. Ghosts, demon and hell hounds cannot cross over a salt barrier for whatever reason.

Why? Salt is so meaningless, so ordinary, so-

I don't know, just go with it!

I shake my head then go to set up my punching bag. I think this time I'll fit it with angel wings. Speaking of angels, I could throw in a good Supernatural quote in my promo. Somehow, letting out the frustration for my last match helped me win. I mean, everyone else in the Tournament is facing someone in the Tournament. I don't have to, at least, not this round. If only the triple threat match could have been for a one way ticket to the semi-finals, that would have been perfect.

(for those who were expecting me to say "finals" how dumb to you think I am to wish for such a childish dream?)

I finish setting up the punching bag and Justin goes to get the camera. I pull out my recorder, go on my phone and record the ending of the triple threat match. Once I'm finished recording I hook it onto the computer so Sam can edit the sound quality later when we edit the actual video. Maybe we can do some really could jump cuts like the Watts Family used to do back in the old beginner's Fed.

The jump cuts always seemed to add a spark of creepiness to the promos that weird-ass family used to put out. They were like a cult, always trying to gather more followers, trying to convince everyone that their path was the right path. Hell, they even tried to get me in there once, but I decked Bo Watts in the face.

Ready to film.

Justin breaks me out of my thoughts and I start this promo the same way I did the last one. I sit down against the punching bag and close my eyes as the recording plays.

As it comes to the end where I am announced as the victor, I start to smirk.

Do you undertsnad what this means? Can you even fathom this symbolism? This win has allowed me to take a giant leap in front of every other despicable partisipant in this tournament. Everyone else will have to fight for the second round, but me? Oh no, I am sitting right in the middle of it.

You would think that would make me a champ. I would have no reason to fight this week, right? Wrong.

I stand up and look at the camera. This is all word play, meanless and childish bantor waiting to begin. I'm not a child, I can do better than this.

Not that it's some sort of challenge. In fact, it's more like a game. See this week I have been placed against The Angel. Me, I'm not much of a believer in angels. So I have the option here of going on a rant about how Angel is obviously a faker who is using a loose term to create an atmosphere for his fans to follow in, blah, blah BLAH.

For you so-called fans that listen to my rants, you should know better by now. See the thing is, Angel isn't much of a cometitor. He's a bit of a coward, at least when it comes to facing me. Which is very pathetic, no matter how justified.

Every man should be afraid of women, we're a lot smarter and take a lot more shit, which makes us a lot stronger. But to be afraid to physically face a female is down right dumb.

So yes, that makes this match a game to me. A game that I will conquer in. Because Angel is flying very low it seems to me. And as we all know, the angels have fallen to the Earth.

I grab the the wings on the punching bag and grip them so tight that they bend and get ready to rip.

And I will tear the wings right off of his back.

I rip off the wings and shove away the bag, laughing maniacally. Because it's true. This match will be like a game to me. I know I can beat Angel. He is nothing but a fool and there is no reason for me to fear him. Justin stops recording and we edit the video before burning it onto a disc.

As much as I hate contacting her, I text Becky and tell her to come get the promo. So I don't have any reason to deal with her, I go to our gym and begin to set up the bench press. Justin comes down as I lay down and stands by to spot me.

You really think The Angel will be no problem?

He might be a small problem, but nothing I can't handle. I'm in the Tournament to become number one contender for the World Heavyweight Title, aren't I? There is no stopping me this time Justin. I wil plow thru anyone and everyone to get this.

I begin doing the reps with the press wihile Justin watches, ready to catch the bar if it falls. Like me. As I lift it up his kisses my forehead.

Just don't destroy yourself in the process.

Who me? Nah.
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