AF 25: The Angel vs. Dustin Hunter

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the Frog
Opening up the 25th Anniversary of Aftershock features a tag team fall-out from the previous show as the recently returning Angel will be taking on what appears to be the solo act of Dustin Hunter following the end of the team known as the Carnival of Carnage. Although Hunter was the one to end the team, he'll be looking to extract revenge after the Angel's team made short work of his whilst Angel will want to begin a winning streak in WZCW.

Deadline is Wednesday, June 26th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone) Soft Extensions Only.
A New Beginning:
June 9th, 2013 Greensburg, Indiana 7:15 PM

The WZCW cameras are now inside the trailer of the evil carnival Ringmaster as Carnival of Carnage, Dustin Hunter and Brent Blaze follow the Ringmaster inside. As they enter the door slams shut behind them without either of them touching it which sends a chill down the spine of both men. Surprisingly, the smell of death has gone away now that they are inside the trailer.

Ringmaster: I'm glad you gentleman decided to follow me. This could be the best decision of your lives.

The Ringmaster sits down in a chair behind his desk and points to the two open chairs on the other side of the desk, encouraging the C.o.C. to have a seat, which they do.

Dustin: Yeah yeah. Look we haven't got all day we have a tag match to prepare for and hot chicks waiting for us in the truck. So get down to this offer or whatever you have for us already.

Ringmaster: In due time dear boy, in due time! First let me explain what exactly our mission is. You see those filthy bipeds come in here and exploit my people, stealing pictures and guffawing at my people. But soon....soon they will be the ones who are guffawed at.

Dustin and Brent look at each other with a fearful look on their faces, Brent seeming more freaked out than Dustin is.

Brent: W-Wh-What do you mean....revenge?

Ringmaster: When one brainless simpleton angers us, We capture them and make them realize what it's like to live their life as a "freak" so to speak.

The Ringmaster has a grin on his face as Brent shudders with fear. Dustin however seems unphased, having seen and heard much worse from growing up in downtown Detroit.

Ringmaster: Anyway! Onto the matter of business at hand shall we? You see my boss pointed out to me that you two would be the perfect people to carry out our master plan.

Dustin: Master plan? What master plan?

Brent: And who's your boss?

The Ringmaster puts his gloved hand up to tell both of them to shut up so he can explain.

Ringmaster: Our master plan is simple, we want to turn the whole world into sideshow freaks! We are sick and tired of people treating us like second class citizens . That's where you two come into play, we want you to turn the WZCW roster into sideshow freaks like they are!

Dustin and Brent exchange looks, Brent looks very worried while Dustin seems to get a sick smile on his face, perhaps getting ideas.

Brent: But why us?

Ringmaster: Because you two are perfect for the job! Dustin, you are a psychopath who goes crazy at the sight of his own blood in a match! Brent, you are The Addiction! Those addicts in the audience secretly know you are their savior!

The Ringmaster opens a drawer of the desk and pulls out two contracts and places them down on the table. He slides them over in front of Dustin and Brent then hands them each a ball point pen. Dustin and Brent each look through the contracts as The Ringmaster leans back in his chair and taps his spiked cane waiting.

Dustin: So you said if we did this for you, you'd promise us the love and affection of the girls, how are you gonna make that happen? I haven't heard anything about that.

Brent: Yeah me either.

Ringmaster: In due time I shall explain it all to you. Just sign the contracts first.

Dustin picks up the pen and goes to sign on the dotted line, but the pen won't write. Meanwhile Brent is still looking over his contract.

Dustin: Uh dude, this pen doesn't work. Got another?

Ringmaster: it works just fine. But it doesn't write with ink...

Dustin: What does it write with then?

Ringmaster: Blood. The blood of the person signing the contract.

Dustin gives the Ringmaster a weird look, but ends up jamming the pen into his finger as hard as possible! Dustin pulls the pen out of his finger and blood is dripping off the tip of the pen and slowly trickling down his finger as he signs the contract in his own blood.

Ringmaster: Excellent.

The Ringmaster takes the contract and the pen back, putting the contract in the drawer then he puts the pen back into the pen jar on his desk.

Brent: I-I don't think I can do it...I'll just get Alexis to love me the old-fashioned way.

The Ringmaster stands up at this statement, which causes Brent and Dustin to both stand up and take a battle stance.

Ringmaster: Relax gentleman, let your guard down. That's perfectly fine Brent. Your free to go gentleman, I'll get back in touch with you when the time comes.

Dustin and Brent reach the trailer door and Dustin opens the door and walks out, however before Brent can walk out of the trailer the door slams shut by itself and locks! Dustin runs up the trailer steps and bangs on the door but no use as The Ringmaster strikes Brent across the back with the cane!

Brent falls to the ground as The Ringmaster raises the spike end of the cane over his head, but doesn't drive the spike into Brent's back and instead throws the cane down and helps Brent to his feet and calmly opens the door, almost sending Dustin flying as he was still pounding on the door.

Ringmaster: Sorry about that, the wind blew the door closed and Brent here just tripped. Isn't that right Brent?

Brent looks at the Ringmaster who gives him a death glare with the cane in hand, ready to strike again.

Brent: Yeah, tripped over the chair I was sitting in.

Dustin: Oh....okay then.

Dustin is still suspicious considering this is a clear sign of abuse, as he knows best from when his teachers in school would ask him about bruises and cuts. Though he decides to drop the subject, possibly out of fear of what might happen next.

Ringmaster: Here Dustin, I want you to have this.

The Ringmaster hands Dustin his ringmasters cane with a spike on the end of it.

Dustin: Why? What am I gonna do with this?

Ringmaster: It's your tool to mutilate the faces of the WZCW roster. They all have access to the normal weapons, however now you have an advantage because you have your own weapon. Keep it with you at all times, never know when you might need it.

Dustin takes the cane and twirls it around, which causes Brent to flinch a little bit. The Ringmaster slams the door shut as Dustin and Brent walk away towards the exit, Brent holding his lower back in pain as the scene fades out.

June 24th, 2013 Pepsi Center, Denver, Colorado.

The WZCW cameras catch up with Dustin Hunter as he sits in a dark corner of the arena by himself with his hoodie covering his face. He has his new weapon, the ringmasters cane with a metal spike on the end of it resting against the wall next to him when Leon Kensworth walks over with a mic.

Leon: Dustin! Can I get a quick interview for

Dustin Hunter looks up to see who's asking before pulling himself to his feet, using his cane for support. Dustin nods to give the okay for the interview to begin as he stands next to Leon with the handle of the cane clenched in his right hand.

Leon: Last week after Carnival of Carnage lost to Amber Warren and The Angel you attacked your partner and friend Brent Blaze, When I asked you about it your response was that you had wasted time on Blaze and that the show has just begun. Care to clear that up?

Dustin: Let me spell it out for you, the Carnival of Carnage is no more. I realized that i'm far too good for Brent Blaze and that he was holding me back. So I drove my elbow right into his skull before dropping him with a Dream Crusher Piledriver on the stage! From now on the words "Carnival of Carnage" will never come out of your mouth. Understand Kensworth?

Leon quickly nods out of fear for what might happen if he does't agree. Dustin is giving Leon a death glare at this point but in true professionalism, he carries on with the interview.

Leon: This week you take on The Angel in singles action where you will be looking for your first win in your young career here. What's your strategy gonna be to defeat Angel?

Dustin: Strategy? My strategy is simple, I am going to go out there and maul Angel, I plan to cut his wings off and turn his dreams into his worst nightmares. I'm gonna rip his mask off and eviscerate his face beyond the point of possible repair, and you know what i'm gonna do that with? My new toy.

Dustin gets a sick and disturbing smile on his face as he proudly raises his new cane up just high enough so the metal spike on the end can be seen by the camera. At the sight of this, Leon and the camera man both feel a chill run down their spine from the sheer thought of that spike being driven into someones face.

Leon: Dustin...where did you even get that?

Dustin: Where I got it does not matter. What matters is what i'm doing to do with it.

Leon fidgets with the microphone as he takes a step back nervously as Dustin very slowly edges the spike of the cane closer to Leon's side.

Leon: Dustin, do you have any final words for The Angel this week?

Dustin: Angel, you should be scared to step into that ring with me on Aftershock. After I mangle your body, I will rip off your mask and remind the world that you are one of the biggest jokes this fed ever had, Armando Paradyse. The fact you can put on a mask and become a hero to these fans is the biggest joke I have ever heard. Armando, this week on Aftershock I remind the world just how big of a freak you really are.

Leon: Right, Thanks for your time Dustin.

Leon signals for the camera man to turn off the camera which he does and then both quickly flee away from Dustin who sits back down and lays his cane across his lap, running his hand across the metal spike as the scene fades out.
A few nights after his Aftershock win against Carnival of Carnage, The Angel is sound asleep in his bed. Ronney is in the next room over, also sleeping. It's about midnight, and nothing is on inside the house. Suddenly, Angel pops up, gasping for air. His mask is off, but the darkness hides his face. He begins to calm down and glances at the clock next to his bed. 12:33. He sighs and begins to calm down. He goes to lay back down and then shoots up again. His dead brother, Adan, is standing at the foot of his bed.

Angel-What are you doing here, Adan?

Adan-Wondering what the hell you are doing? Why would you take that kid? You have no experience with them!

Angel-It's what the Lord would want. That child is a blessing and is practically part of my family.

Adan-No I'm your family. He is just some ophan who you picked up. The kid is a disaster too.

Adan sounds as if to be angry with Angel.

Angel-We were orphans too, Adan. And even if he is a mess, there is hope for him. I am trying to help him.

Adan-And why help him, what about your WZCW career?

Angel-What about it? I just beat Carnival of Carnage in my return match.

Adan-Did you see what Dustin did to Brent after the match? They split. You got lucky you had someone like Amber on your side. She is the one who won the match with you in the first place.

Angel's voice softens.

Angel-It was a team effort. I did my part in the match.

Adan-Did you also hear that Dustin Hunter is your opponent this week?

Angel reaches over and puts his mask on and turns a lamp on beside his bed. He stands up, walks to the closet, and puts a shirt on.

Angel-How do you know that?

Adan-I'm dead. I see pretty much everything. Conisder me you're guardian Angel.

Adan smirks.

Adan-Now, Dustin Hunter is looking for revenge against you for the defeat last week. He is also looking for his first win. My advice is to try and win by DQ. Get him pissed off....

Angel-Adan?! What has gotten into you? A DQ win? Why? I can beat him because of my talent? I don't need cheap wins like that?

Adan-Look, I know you are playing the nice guy but they finish last. You need to look out for yourself and you only! Besides, What has being a good guy got you so far? You been Mayhem Champ? Challenged for a title? Only thing in your career so far is the fact that you were mentored by Titus. And look where he is now. After getting his ass kicked by Chris K.O he leaves. He came back and tried to play the crowd. We all know at Kingdom Come he will lose again. Because he is a good guy.

Angel-"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." Mathew 5:16. Be a good person. That's what I'm supposed to do. That's how I live my life Adan! And you are trying to corrupt what I believe in.

Adan-I'm just trying to help you, little brother.

Angel sits on his bed and puts his head in his hands.

Angel-I know you are. But this is how God wants my life to be. I will win a Championship later. I just have to folow that God laid for me. Everything happens for a reason. When you died, God had plans for me to go to Catholic school and then to wrestling school. When I graduated, He had me train in Mexico for years, then God allowed me to come to WZCW and compete with the best. I may not have a title under my belt but I do have a successful career.

Adan-I just want the best for you. I hope that Dustin Hunter don't tear you to peices. He is strong Angel. I wish you would let me help you.

Adan sits next to Angel and puts his arm over his brother.

Angel-He may be stronger, but I have faith on my side. Nothing is stronger than my fate brother.

And with that, Adan is disapears, as he shakes his head in disaproval. Angel gets up and heads to the bathroom. He lifts his mask up as he turns the water faucet on and splashes his face with water. He looks up and stares at himself in the mirror. What if Adan is right? Maybe he should cheat to win. His career is pathetic and he knows it. He don't want to be known as a man who never accomplished anything or a one hit wonder. He wants to be a star and to be remembered.
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