ACW X-Treme Week Three

  • Thread starter TheMostElectrifyingMan
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ACW X-Treme
Week 3
Columbus, OH
Main Event: The Hardyz v. Triple H

JR: Oh My God, Let's get a camera back there!
JBL: What the hell is going on around here?


*Sting is laying in a pool of blood, barely moving. The trainers are back there putting Sting in the ambulance. Sting is trying to get up but he gives in and rides away in the ambulance*

JR: Who could've done this!
JBL: I think Triple H had something to do with this!

*Stephanie's theme plays*

JR: Here comes are General Manager now.

Stephanie: I know you fans just saw what I saw. Sting was assualted by someone in the back. You know who you are some come on out!

*Benoit's theme plays*

JR: Oh my God!
JBL: It can't be!

*The crowd is astonished as Benoit enters the ring and takes a mic from the ring announcer Howard Finkle*

Benoit: I know, I know. And yes, I did it! And you know why? I'm tired of losing to second class wrestlers! Sting isn't in my league! So I took him out for you fans! *Crowd boos* You fans loved seeing Chris Benoit and Triple H in the same ring! We went through hell and I think you deserve a rematch at ACW Last Rites...

*Triple H's King of Kings theme plays as he enters the ring with Stephanie and Benoit.*

HHH: I agree Benoit! That was a great match last week and the fans deserve a rematch. Hell I was gonna kick Sting's ass in the cell anyway. I might as well have a quality match with one of the greatest techical wrestlers of all time. *crowd boos and chants we want Sting*
Stephanie: Since Sting won't be competing for a while thanks to Benoit...I have no choice but to name Benoit as Sting's replacement at Last Rites!

JR: You have got to be kidding me! How can she reward cowardice with a World Heavyweight Title match!
JBL: Relax JR, Benoit's right, we get a better match out of it!

Stephanie: As for tonight, I think the fans deserve to see Benoit and HHH inn the same ring tonight! *crowd cheers* So it will be The Hardyz versus Benoit and HHH instead of the handicap match.

*The Owner Thomas Boswell appears on the screen to a huge pop from the crowd*

Boswell: Did you think it would be that easy to screw Sting.....YOU OUT YOUR MIND, BITCH! *crowd goes wild* Now at Last Rites it will be HHH versus Sting in Hell in a Cell! However I just got off the phone with Sting and he has requested that the match be changed. So the main event at ACW Last Rites will be HHH defending the World Heavyweight Title against Sting and Chris Benoit in a triple threat mystery match! *crowd goes wild* As for that road to hell Trips, forget about it. Sting told me that he'll handle you his way...Good Luck!

JR: That's what I call justice! I hope Sting kicks both HHH and Benoit's asses!
JBL: What a match at Last Rites! But tonight we have a helleva card!
JR: That's right, we have A.J Styles defending his U.S. Title against C.M. Punk and Shelton Benjamin. Also, The ACW Curserweight title tournament semi-finals are tonight and it will be a 4 way elimination match with the final two going on to ACW Last Rites and have a singles match for the Curserweight title! The tag match just annouced moments ago the huge six man tag between the Mafia and DX! Also, the debut of the newest superstar in ACW, T.C. Thunder! Here's what he had to say earlier this evening.


*T.C. Thunder is a short chubby guy wearing black jean shorts with thunderbolts on the thighs. He has a crewcut with a chin strap and light mustache. He's wearing a black leather jacket, black sunglasses, and a black baseball cap turned backwards with the Philadelphia Phillies logo. He is standing outside of a abandoned house in a urban neighborhood. Children can be heard playing*

Thunder: This is my neighborhood, nothing fancy but it's home. For 16 years I have been waiting for my chance to leave here and make something of myself. Tonight is the night. I am gonna prove myself against anyone in that ring. I will beat the hell out of anyone in that ring. *Tone gets hype* You know I do so many things in that ring that I even amaze myself! *calms down* I am 250 pounds *pats his gut* and I am still the most agile, most atlethic superstar in the ACW! I am truly the most electrifying man in the ACW! You like that? Mr. Boswell let me use that. But one thing is for sure, when I get in that ring tonight, you will be realizin' that i'm never lyin', death-defyin', and most of all....ELECTRIFYING!

JR: If this guy can do what he says he can do, then I can't wait to see him tonight. He will be going one on one with the man beast Rhyno!
JBL: If he wants to get to the top, He'll have to go through Rhyno.
JR: Let's head to ring for our first match of the night.
JBL: That's right, 4 man elimination top two face each other at Last Rites for the ACW Curserweight Title.

Finkle: Introducing first.....*Sabu's theme plays* ....Sabu! and his opponents.....*Christopher Daniels's theme plays* "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels!, *Petey Williams's theme plays* "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams....and....* Booyaka 619 plays as the crowd goes wild* Rey Mysterio!

Match 1: ACW Curserweight Title Tournament Semi-Finals
4 Way Elimination Match (No DQ)
Sabu v. Christopher Daniels v. Petey Williams v. Rey Mysterio

The match starts as all 4 men are in 4 different corners. Daniels runs at Sabu and Williams runs at Mysterio. Sabu ducks Daniels lariat attempt and gives him a standing headscissors forcing both me over the top rope. Williams and Mysterio are brawling as Williams get the advantage. Williams had Mysterio in a headlock. Mysterio hits Williams with some elbows to the gut and forces him into the ropes. Mysterio whips him into the corner. Mysterio runs up Williams and does a backflip off of him. As Williams comes out of the corner, Mysterio hits him with a jump spinning back kick to the head! Mysterio then slingshots off of the top ropes and hits a high flying body press on both Daniels and Sabu! Mysterio then starts punching Daniels in the face. Sabu begins to get up until Williams hits a flying senton over the top rope onto him. Mysterio rolls Daniels in the ring. Mysterio rolls under the ropes but Daniels was already up. Mysterio gets up and is kicked in the gut by Daniels. Underhook suplex by Daniels on Mysterio. Quick cover 1..2..kickout by Mysterio. Williams and Sabu are back in the ring. Sabu turns Daniels around and hits a standing dropkick. Williams picks up Mysterio and irish whips him into the corner. Williams tells Sabu to hop over his back. Williams gets on all fours and Sabu runs and hops in the air. However, Williams gets up and catches Sabu in midair with an inverted atomic drop! Daniels comes from behind Sabu and gives him a german suplex. Mysterio hops up onto the top turnbuckle of the corner he was in. Mysterio jumps and hits Williams with a flying facecrusher! Williams rolls out of the ring. Daniels tries to run at Mysterio but he falls into the ropes from a drop toehold from Mysterio. Mysterio taunts to the crowd and runs to the opposite ropes....619!!!! Sabu sees Daniels on the ground so he hops off of the top rope and hits a springboard moonsault. Mysterio follows by Dropping the Dime (springboard legdrop)! The cover 1...2....3! Daniels is eliminated from the semi-finals!
ELIMINATED: Christopher Daniels

Daniels rolls out of the ring and from the crowd comes Paul London! London attacks Daniels as retribution from last week! Daniels tries to escape but London keeps following him all the way to the backstage area. Back in the ring, Mysterio and Sabu are talking about teaming up on Williams. Mysterio nods his head in agreement but as soon as he turns his back, Sabu clotheslines him over the top rope. Williams sneaks up behind Sabu and dropkicks him over the same top rope Mysterio fell over! Williams then tells the crowd that it's over as he climbs the turnbuckle and corkscrews onto Sabu and Mysterio! Williams is on fire! He picks up Sabu and tosses him face first onto the apron. Williams then picks up Mysterio and throws him into the steel steps! Sabu is under the ring and has a steel chair! Sabu rolls into the ring. Williams is stomping Mysterio on the outside. Sabu heads up to the top turnbuckle, steel chair in hand. Sabu puts the chair under him and sentons to the outside! Williams and Mysterio see him and both quickly roll out of the way! Williams and Mysterio roll into the ring at the same time. Williams goes behind Mysterio and locks on a sleeper hold. Mysterio is fading until the crowd chants "619, 619, 619" Mysterio then fights his way to his feet and gives Williams a devestating back suplex that leaves both men motionless! Sabu begins to stir. Sabu picks up the chair and rolls into the ring! Sabu puts the chair on Mysterio's face. Sabu then springboard moonsaults onto the chair and Mysterio! Williams gets up. Williams takes the chair and lays it flat on the mat. Williams turns Sabu around as he is getting up. Williams kicks Sabu in the gut and hits the Canadian Destroyer right onto the chair! He pins Sabu 1....2..kickout by Sabu! Williams is arguing with the ref as Mysterio gets up and grabs the chair. Williams turns around and id leveled with the chair! Mysterio then sees Sabu start to get up. Mysterio hits Sabu with the chair in the gut. Mysterio then hits Sabu with his own special, the Arabian Facebuster(fameasser with a chair on the victim's head)! Cover by Mysterio 1...2...3! Rey Mysterio and Petey Williams advance to face each other at ACW Last Rites for the ACW Curserweight Title!
Winner(s): Rey Mysterio and Petey Williams

JR: What a match! Sabu couldn't get up twice so Rey Mysterio and Petey Williams are going to the finals!
JBL:What a match that'll be JR! But next is the Mafia and DX. What a rivalry these groups have with each other...

*Clips of MVP beating HBK with a steel pipe are shown as well as footage from week one with the Mafia talking about their boss.*

JR: This is an intense rivalry and man this match is gonna be a slobberknocker! And it's next...
*DX theme plays*
JBL: Here we go JR!

Finkle: Introducing.....the team of the Road Dogg, Mr. Ass, and "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels....D-Generation X! *crowd goes wild*

*As soon as DX starts to do their chants, A huge round of pyro sounding like machine guns hits the stage and the Mafia Scarface theme plays*

JBL: Whoa, did u see that JR?

Finkle: And their opponents.....the team of Vito, Nunzio, and Montel Vontavious Porter..The Mafia! *crowd boos loudly*

*The Mafia rushes the ring and DX comes out of the ring and meets them*

Match 2: 6 Man Hardcore Tornado Tag
DX( Road Dogg, Mr. Ass, Shawn Michaels) v.The Mafia (Nunzio, Vito, M.V.P.)

Vito and Mr. Ass are fighting in the aisle. Nunzio and Dogg are fighting in the crowds. HBK and MVP are in the ring exchanging punches. Vito tries to get on the turnbuckle but HBK gives him a superkick off of the apron. Mr. Ass tries to do the same thing Vito did but MVP gave him a springboard dropkick back to the outside. MVP turns around and is hit with a running elbow by HBK. Nunzio and Dogg have made it all the way to the second level of the arena! This is just an all out brawl! Nunzio has Dogg leaning over the railing do to some knife edge chops.Mr. Ass and Vito make their way through the crowd and are followed by HBK and MVP! Dogg meanwhile kicks Nunzio in the balls and heads back down to the first level. MVP and HBK are both at the same time throwing Mr. Ass and Vito (respectively) into the guard rails. MVP picks up a steel chair at the same time HBK picks up a trash can. HBK turns around and MVP throws the chair at at the trash can knocking it out of HBK's hand. Then from out of nowhere, Dogg runs in and hits MVP with a steel chair! Dogg and HBK start to stomp MVP until Vito gets up and levels HBK with a big boot to the back of the head! Mr. Ass sneaks up behind Vito and hits him with a low blow. Then, Dogg hits a pumphandle slam on Vito. HBK is up and all three stand side by side and start doing the suck it taunt. Meanwhile, Nunzio is up still on the second level! He then stands on the railing and hits all three DX members with a flying body press from the second level as the fans chant holy shit! MVP and Vito are up. They pick up Nunzio and drag HBK back to the ring. MVP tells Vito to get a ladder! MVP and Nunzio are stomping HBK. MVP then gets a steel chair from outside the ring. Nunzio picks up HBK and HBK is leveled with the steel chair! HBK is busted wide open! MVP sets up the chair on the mat and tells Vito to do it! Vito then hits HBK with the Italian Grinder powerbomb on the chair! Nunzio sets up the ladder and begins to climb! MVP sets HBK up to get hit with Nunzio's Mafia Plunge frog splash from 12 ft in the air! MVP then picks up HBK's lifeless body and hits him with the Kiss of Death suplex DDT! The cover by MVP 1...2....3! The Mafia defeat DX!
Winners: The Mafia


*The Mafia continue to stomp HBK until Road Dogg and Mr. Ass finally come to and rush the ring. The Mafia leaves through the crowd. All of a sudden, HBK hops up and the crowd goes wild! HBK grabs a mic*

HBK: Hey MVP, it's gonna take more then you three sons of bit**es to keep me down! Next Sunday, your ass is mine! *DX's theme plays as Road Dogg and Mr. Ass help HBK to the back*

JBL: How the hell did he get up?
JR: I don't know but if that match was any indication, then the street fight at Last Rites will be a helleva match.


*Booker T is talking to Gregory Helms*

Booker: 'Sup dogg, I just wanna tell you that was a good match last week and win I win the US Title, you'll be first in line. But Helms, You gotta have some fun out there man otherwise it ain't worth it.
Helms: I don't have to listen to you but you do make sense. I haven't been having fun lately. You know what, that changes tonight! I am gonna have fun and prove that I deserve to be here. Tonight, I am going into Stephanie's office and making an impact. Thanks dogg! *crowd laughs*
Booker: Tell me he didn't just that!

JR: What is Helms talking about? What does he mean by making an impact?
JBL: I don't know, but it sure as hell is gonna be fun to watch.
JR: Our next match is gonna be fun, it's the debut of T.C. Thunder!


*T.C. Thunder has a mic*

Thunder: This is for all the people who didn't think I'd make it here...FUCK YOU! It's time for the people to be simply electrified!!!

*Boom by P.O.D plays...A huge explosion happens on the stage and afterwards T.C. Thunder appears nodding his head and waving his arms up and down*

Finkle: Introducing first.."The Most Electrifying Man" T.C. Thunder! *crowd has mixed reactions*

JR: He got that name from the owner himself! He has to be good partner.
JBL: He talks the talk but lets see him walk the walk.

Finkle: And his opponent.....Rhyno! *crowd cheers*

Match 3: Singles Match
T.C. Thunder v. Rhyno

Rhyno starts by getting in Thunder's face. Thunder responds with a slap right to the face. Rhyno snaps and starts to hit Thunder with hard right hands. Rhyno yells to the crowd as Thunder rolls out of the ring. Rhyno gives chase but Thunder rolls back into the ring. Rhyno follows but catches a baseball slide right back outside the ring. Thunder runs and leaps over the top rope and hits Rhyno with a crossbody! Thunder starts pummeling Rhyno until the ref's count reaches 6. Thunder rolls back into the ring and rolls back out to break the count. However, Rhyno was ready and as Thunder rolls back out Rhyno hits him with a punch to the gut. Rhyno throws Thunder back into the ring. Rhyno irish whips him to the ropes. Thunder ducks a clothesline attempt and springboards off the middle rope and hit Rhyno with a back elbow. Thunder then runs to the ropes and hits the rolling thunder made famous by RVD. Quick cover 1...2.. shoulder up at two. Thunder stomps Rhyno once and heads to the top turnbuckle. Rhyno starts to get up but when he turns around he recieves a missile dropkick from Thunder. Thunder stands right over Rhyno and hits a standing moonsault into the cover 1...2..kickout by Rhyno. Thunder then stomps Rhyno again and heads back up the turnbuckle. This time Rhyno catches him and climbs up with him. Thunder tries to hold on but Rhyno punches him in the ribcage and delivers a superplex! Rhyno rolls over for the cover 1..2..kickout by Thunder. Rhyno gets up and goes to the corner. Thunder gets up and goes to the other corner. Rhyno runs at Thunder and attempts a Gore but Thunder hops over him and Rhyno goes shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Thunder then turns Rhyno around and hits chop after chop until Rhyno staggers out of the corner. He then turns Rhyno around and hits a standing hurracanarana! He then gets up and waves his arms up and down as the crowd boos. Thunder then goes to the corner and waits for Rhyno to get up. Rhyno gets up turn around and Thunder runs at him. Rhyno then uses Thunder's momentum to toss him in the air and catch him with a mid-air powerslam! The pin 1...2...shoulder up by Thunder. Thunder is being dragged by Rhyno. Rhyno puts him close to the corner and then climbs the turnbuckle. Thunder hops up and hits the ropes causing Rhyno to hit groin first on the top turnbuckle. Thunder then hops up on the top rope and punches Rhyno in the head. Thunder then stands Rhyno up and hops on his shoulders! However, their momentum forces them to fall over with Rhyno hitting a huge powerbomb from the top ropes! Both men are down so the ref counts 1....2...3...4...5..6...7...8...Rhyno rolls his shoulder over Thunder and pins 1...2..KICKOUT! *The crowd goes wild* Rhyno gets up and picks Thunder up. Rhyno tries to punch Thunder but Thunder ducks and hits a back suplex. Thunder picks Rhyno up and hits a DDT. Thunder goes up the top turnbuckle, he tries a frog splash but Rhyno moves out of the way! Rhyno gets into the corner and sizes Thunder up. Thunder gets up and turns around...GORE!!!!!! The count 1....2..KICKOUT again! Rhyno is furious! Rhyno picks Thunder up and slams him to the mat. Rhyno slowly climbs to the top turnbuckle. Thunder gets up quickly and runs to the corner and hits a jumping Yakuza Kick! He then climbs up with Rhyno again, he stands him up again and he hits his move the Thunderbolt(a back body drop except he holds the legs turning it into a slam from the top rope)! Thunder points to the crowd and heads back up the turnbuckle. He then yells the name of the move (Thunderstorm) and hits a shooting star press that turns into a legdrop! The cover 1....2....3! T.C. Thunder wins his ACW X-Treme debut!
Winner: T.C. Thunder

JR: My god! What a match!
JBL: JR, I'm sold. This man is the real deal!
JR: That was a slobberknocker! Thunder was right, I am electrfied!


*HHH and Stephanie are making out in her office when all of a sudden THE HURRICANE pops in as the crowd goes wild*

Hurricane: Holy makeout! Do my eyes decieve me or is our boss making out with this evildoer Triple H!
Stephanie: What the hell are you doing here!
Hurricane: With evildoers like Triple H around, A hero was needed for ACW X-Treme! You see I heard on Warzone that you were making out with Kurt Angle...*squeaky voice* what's 'sup wit dat?! *crowd goes wild*
Stephanie: That was not true! The Rock is a liar! I am a married woman! Now what do you want!
Hurricane: You see the PPV is coming up soon and it seems a fourth team is needed for the ladder match. Me and my hurri-powers want to be in it!
Stephanie: You have to have a partner, but since you barged in here, next week it will be you and your partner against my husband Triple H and Chris Benoit! If you win, you can be in the 4 way ladder match at Last Rites!
Hurricane: Thank you, citizen McMahon you will not regret it! My super side kick and I will fight Triple H, Chris Benoit and their evil ways!
HHH: *bursting out laughing* Are you serious?
Hurricane: I sure am and next week your evil ways will do you in. Oh and Stephanie I heard about your problem on Warzone so I got you a present. I must be off now...*Hurricane gives Stephanie a box and then "flies off screen" *
HHH: What the hell is it?
Stephanie: I don't know *opens box* Oh my God! *pulls out a pair of clean panties as the crowd bursts out in laughter*
HHH: That son of a Bi***! Next week, his ass is mine!

JR: *laughing* Oh my God! It was panties!
JBL: How dare you laugh at our GM, the Hurricane's ass will be kicked next week.
JR: I hope not, I don't think his powers can save him. I just glad he's having fun again.
JBL: Fun my ass! He deserves to be in a looney bin!
JR: That being said it is time for the US Title match we have been waiting for. A.J. Styles defends against Shelton Benjamin and C.M. Punk! Who will go in to Last Rites as champion?

Finkle: This match is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall and is for the ACW United States Championship! Introducing first...
*Shelton Benjamin's theme plays as he enters the ring to boos*
Shelton Benjamin! The next superstar is.....
*C.M. Punk's theme plays as he enters the ring*
C.M. Punk!
and entering next is the ACW United States Champion...."The Phenomenal" A.J. Styles!
*A.J. Styles theme plays as he enters the ring.*

Match 4: ACW United States Title Match
No DQ Triple Threat Match
A.J. Styles v. Shelton Benjamin v. C.M. Punk

The crowd is pumped for this much anticipated matchup. Punk and Styles are arguing over who the champ is. All of a sudden, Benjamin hits both men with a double jumping clothesline. Benjamin hits Punk with a legdrop. Benjamin then hits Styles with a legdrop. Benjamin heads up to the top turnbuckle. Punk is up and Punk hits the ropes causing Benjamin to hit his groin. Punk goes up with Benjamin and attempts a superplex. Styles gets up and stands under Punk. Styles grabs Punk's legs and hits a powerbomb. Benjamin avoids falling by holding on to the ropes. Benjamin then hits Styles with a flying bulldog from the top rope! Benjamin covers 1...2..Styles gets his foot on the rope. Benjamin quickly covers Punk 1..2...shoulder up by Punk. Benjamin gets up and argues with the ref. When he turns around, Punk and Styles are standing behind him. Both men grab him and irish whip him into the corner. Punk runs and hits Benjamin with a running knee lift. Benjamin staggers out of the corner but is hit with a running calf kick from A.J. Styles! Punk quickly covers but doesn't get a count because Styles pulls him off. Punk and Styles are arguing. Benjamin rolls out of the ring. Styles kicks Punk in the gut and then throws him into the corner. Styles goes up and hits 10 punches. Then, he hops down and hits Punk in the back of the head with an Enziguri as he comes out of the corner! Styles goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits Punk with a corkscrew body splash! Styles goes for the pin 1...2..Punk kicks out! Benjamin rolls back into the ring. Benjamin picks Styles up and tosses him over the top rope. Benjamin then picks up Punk and tries to throw him over too but Punk blocks and kicks Benjamin in the gut. Punk kicks him in the gut two times more and then runs to the rope. Benjamin sees him coming so he uses his momentum to throw Punk in the air. Punk lands directly on the top rope annd jumps outside and body presses Styles as he's getting up! Benjamin looks at the crowd and sighs. Benjamin then heads up to the top turnbuckle. Styles and Punk start to get up until Benjamin jumps and hits both men with flying clotheslines! Benjamin is pumped. He picks up Punk and clotheslines him into the crowd. Benjamin then picks Styles up and throws him into the ring. Benjamin follows and picks Styles up again. This time he kicks him in the gut. He tries again but Styles grabs his leg. Benjamin then tries his Dragon Whip but Styles ducks and hits Benjamin with a german suplex! Punk starts to come across the guardrail but Styles sees him. Styles hops on the top rope and hits Punk with a legdrop across the rail! Crowd is chanting Holy Sh**! Benjamin rolls out of the ring and starts to stomp Punk. All of a sudden, Simon Dean with blue face paint on and a blue jumpsuit runs from the crowds and jumps off the guardrail and hits Benjamin with a missile dropkick to the side of the face!

JBL: What the hell is Simon Dean doing here?
JR: That's not Simon Dean, That's SuperNova!
JBL: This isn't ECW!
JR: Yeah, but this is X-Treme!

Dean then throws Benjamin over the guard rail and starts attacking him all the way to the back. Dean (now refered to as SuperNova) then picks up Benjamin and throws him headfirst into the exit doors! Nova then sets up a table. He then puts Benjamin on the table. He gets up there with him and yells "X-Treme!" as the crowd goes wild. Benjamin drops to his knees and low blows Nova! Then he gives him an Exploder Suplex through the table! Meanwhile, Styles and Punk are fighting in the ring. Styles then kicks Punk in the lower leg. Punk drops on one knee and Styles runs and dropkicks him in the face. Styles then goes up to the top turnbuckle but Punk hops up punches him in the gut. Punk gets up on the top rope and hits Styles with a top rope hurracanaranna! Punk doesn't go for the cover but instead locks on his Anaconda Vice! Styles is too far from the ropes to grab them. Styles then all of a sudden picks up Punk with the Vice still locked on. Then, out of nowhere, Benjamin springboards off the top rope and dropkicks Punk in the face forcing him to break the hold. Styles rolls out of the ring. Benjamin goes after Punk but Nova returns to the ring but with a steel chair in hand. He swings for Benjamin but he ducks and Nova hits Punk by accident as he was just getting up. Benjamin then kicks Nova in the balls from behind. Benjamin grabs the chair and hits Nova right across the back! Nova rolls out of the ring as Styles rolls back in. Benjamin sees Styles and swings the chair. Styles ducks and kicks Benjamin in the gut. Styles then gets in powerbomb position and lifts him in the air. He hangs Benjamin over and puts his legs over his arms....STYLES CLASH!!!!!!!! Styles pins 1...2...Punk breaks the pin! Punk picks up Styles but Styles strikes first with an uppercut. Styles picks up the chair and throws it to Punk. Benjamin is up and he runs to the back of Styles. Styles sidesteps and Benjamin runs right into a chair shot from Punk! Styles then turns Punk around and puts him powerbomb position and lifts him in the air. But Punk punches Styles in the face and grabs his arms and turns the Styles Clash into an ANACONDA VICE!!!!!! Styles is too far from the ropes and Benjamin is laid out. Styles tries to reach but he can't. All of a sudden, Styles flips over Punk! Punk's shoulders are down 1....2....3!! A.J. Styles retains the ACW United States Title!
Winner: A.J. Styles

JR: What a match!
JBL: That was a helleva fight. The six pack challenge is getting interesting now.
JR: How did Styles flip over like that! What athleticism!
JBL: I agree, it is goning to be hard to take that title from him.
JR: I have a word from the back that says Howard Finkle has SuperNova in the back for an interview.
JBL: Well shut up and cut to backstage!

*Finkle is interviewing SuperNova about his actions*

Finkle: Simon Dean, what business did you have in that match!
Nova: First off, I am SuperNova *crowd cheers* I am a superior athlete and I am the next ACW United States Champion. You see, when I signed my contract to compete on ACW X-Treme, I was granted a free pass into the six pack challenge! As far as Benjamin goes, That cocky son of a bi**h called me a washed up hasbeen earlier tonight in the locker room. I tried to give that punk some advice and he had the nerve to call me a hasbeen?! Well, now he has to face this hasbeen the SuperNova baby! I am gonna make Benjamin pay until he apologizes to.....

*Benjamin attacks Nova with a steel chair yelling that he caused him the title. Security rushes in to break them up*

JR: What carnage! These two are gonna kill each other!
JBL:Let 'em go damnit I wanna see a brawl!
JR: This is mayhem!


*Triple H and Chris Benoit are in Stephanie's office*

Stephanie: ...Yeah there is gonna be a grudge match next week between the teams of Shelton Benjamin and Christopher Daniels against SuperNova and Paul London! *Crowd goes wild* London thinks he got screwed out of the tournament so at Last Rites, there is gonna be a 6 man over the top battle royal and the winner gets a shot at any title except the ACW World Heavyweight Title.
HHH: Sounds good to me, but about tonight I don't trust Benoit to have my back.
Benoit: And I don't trust you but we got the Hardyz next and the Hurricane and his partner next week.
HHH: Oh...the Hurricane....he thinks his partner is a secret? Everyone knows it's Sting *Crowd goes wild*
Benoit: No way, I took him out myself. Even if he is the partner, he won't be 100% so I'll finish him off and claim my ACW World Heavyweight Title at Last Rites in the cell.
HHH: That's what you think huh? Well at Last Rites I am gonna beat your ass because I am that....damn...good!
Benoit: Oh we'll see about that.
Stephanie: Focus, You guys are facing the tag team champions and you can't afford not trusting each other.
HHH: She's right lets go take care of business.
Benoit: I'm with you but if any thing happens out there I won't hesitate to beat your ass again!
HHH: Hell in a Cell Benoit, Hell in a Cell.
*They both head to the ring for the main event all of a sudden Stephanie's phone rings and a cryptic message plays on the speaker*
???: *Sting's Voice* Riddle me this, riddle me that. Who's afraid of the big black bat. HAHAHAHAHA...It's showtime folks! *dial tone*

JBL: Was that Sting? Is he here?
JR: I don't know JBL but our main event is gonna be a helluva lot more interesting. Let's go to the ring.

Finkle: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for the main event. Introducing first...*Chris Benoit's theme plays* Chris Benoit! *crowd boos*

JR: Here comes that no good s.o.b. now.
JBL: Hey he just wanted a title shot and did whatever it took to get one.
JR: But he beat his once close friend's ass JBL!
JBL:It's a tough business but here come's the best in the business right now...

*Triple H's King of Kings theme plays*

Finkle: And his tag team partner..."The King of Kings" and the reigning ACW World Heavyweight Champion...Triple H *crowd boos loudly*

*The Hardyz theme plays to a huge pop from the crowd*

Finkle: And their opponents..the ACW Tag Team champions...Matt and Jeff.....the Hardyz!

Main Event: Tag Team Match
Triple H and Chris Benoit v. The Hardyz

Matt and Benoit start off in the ring together. Matt attempts a test of strength with Benoit but he just gets kicked in the gut. Benoit then levels Matt with a knee lift right to the face. Benoit then locks on an armbar. Jeff runs in immediately to break it up bringing in HHH. HHH hits Jeff with a clothesline sending him right over the top rope. Benoit then tells HHH to watch what he does to Matt. German suplex by Benoit. HHH smirks and then picks up Matt. HHH irish whips him to the rope and bends for a back body drop. Matt comes back and kicks HHH straight in the jaw! Kick to the gut of Benoit, dropkick to HHH, neckbreaker to Benoit! Matt is pumped! He pins Benoit 1...2..kickout by Benoit. Matt stomps HHH out of the ring. Matt then drags Benoit to his corner and tags Jeff. Matt spreads Benoit's legs and delivers a legdrop to the groin as Jeff delivers a slingshot legdrop to the head at the same time! Jeff then hits Benoit with a standing moonsault. The cover 1...2..kickout. Jeff then applies a side headlock to Benoit. Benoit rolls into the ropes breaking the hold. Jeff tags Matt and then Jeff picks up Benoit. Jeff gives Benoit an inverted atomic drop. Matt hits Benoit with a running spinning wheel kick. Matt then goes up to the top turnbuckle and does his taunt. He then attempts a diving elbow but Benoit rolls out of the way. Benoit crawls over and tags HHH. HHH gets in and hits Matt with a strong right hand. Jeff gets in and gets the same treatment. HHH then sees Matt running at him so he turns Matt's momentum into a vicious spinebuster! HHH then picks up Jeff and tosses him over the top rope. HHH then picks up Matt and does the same thing to him. HHH is taunting in the ring telling Benoit "that's how its done." Matt and Jeff are up and they look at each other and rush the ring at the same time. Jeff ducks a clothesline from HHH and hits a sweep as Matt hits a jumping sidekick! Benoit gets in and runs to Matt but Matt just sidesteps and tosses Benoit over the top rope. Matt and Jeff pick up HHH and together, toss him over the top rope. Matt then runs to the ropes and leaps over them and body splashes both HHH and Benoit! Jeff is hyping up the crowd. Jeff goes up to the top turnbuckle. All three men on the outside are getting up. Jeff leaps into the air and hits all three men with the Whisper in the Wind! All four men are down! The ref is counting 1.....2.......3.......4......5.....6...Benoit rolls into the ring followed by Matt. Benoit and Matt start to exchange punches but Benoit wins the exchange and starts to land knife edge chops so hard the crowd feels Matt's pain. Benoit then ducks a wild punch from Matt and follows it up with three German suplexes! Benoit gives his cut throat taunt and heads up to the top turnbuckle. Jeff hops up onto the apron and grabs Benoit's leg. HHH hits Jeff from behind freeing Benoit but Matt is up and he hits Benoit in the face. Matt then grabs Benoit's head and hits the Twist of Fate from the top turnbuckle! HHH gets in the ring and stops Matt from trying to pin. Jeff gets in and kicks HHH right in the lower leg. Jeff then runs to the ropes in front of HHH. HHH kicks Jeff in the gut before he can do a move. HHH then grabs Jeff and tries for a Pedigree! Matt, however, clotheslines HHH before he can hit the move. Matt then picks up Benoit and tries to hit the Twist of Fate but Benoit reverses it into a Crippler Crossface! Matt can't reach the ropes. Luckily, Jeff kicks Benoit in the face breaking the hold at the right time. HHH gets up and hits Jeff in the back. HHH then gets in his corner and tells Benoit to tag him. Benoit does and HHH becomes the legal man along with Matt. HHH hits Jeff with a jumping knee lift knocking him out of the ring. Then, HHH picks Matt up and throws him into the corner. HHH then relentlessly punches Matt in the head over and over again as the crowd chants "We Want Sting!" HHH then throws Matt into the ropes and Jeff blinds tags him. Matt runs right into another spinebuster. HHH picks him up and lands a Pedigree! Benoit asks for the tag and HHH does it. HHH drags Matt into position as Benoit goes up the turnbuckle. All of a sudden.....*Sting's Crow Theme plays!!!!!* Benoit and HHH look as if they seen a ghost but Sting never appears! Jeff sneaks in and dropkicks HHH over the top rope also causing Benoit to hit his groin on the turnbuckle. Jeff then throws Benoit back into the ring as he goes up the turnbuckle! Matt is up and he rolls out of the ring. Jeff leaps and hits Benoit with the SWANTON BOMB!!!!!!! Matt is holding HHH's legs so that he can't get in the ring as Jeff pins 1.....2....3! The Hardyz have defeated Triple H and Chris Benoit!!!!
Winners: The Hardyz


*The Hardyz run backstage as Triple H and Chris Benoit are arguing in the ring.*

JR: The Hardyz did it! By God they did it!
JBL: Yeah but it was tainted. Sting's theme played that's cheating!
JR: It looks like Benoit and Triple H are gonna explode before their tag match next week against the Hurricane and his "Mystery" partner!
JBL: Look at the screen, JR...

*Sting appears on the screen and HHH and Benoit are pissed.*

Sting:*on the screen* Riddle me this, Riddle me that, who's afraid of the big black bat! *Crowd goes wild* You see Trips, I hold all the cards. And Benoit, your ass is mine! *Crowd goes wild* Did you think that you could try to take me out and get away with it? But you see Benoit, you didn't finish the job! *Crowd goes wild* At ACW Last Rites...forget the Hell in a Cell! *crowd is confused* You see I don't want to be confined in a cell with you two, that's not punishment enough. At ACW Last Rites, the ACW World Heavyweight Title will be for the first time ever a triple threat I Quit match! *Crowd goes wild* You see Trips, Benoit, Why beat you both in a cell when I can beat your asses all over the arena! *Crowd goes wild* But I'm not waiting until next Sunday! I'll see you guys next week! *psycho laugh* It's Showtime folks! *Crowd goes wild*

JR: My god! The main event at Last Rites is now a triple threat I Quit match!
JBL: I've been in several of those matches and I can say that that's why I'm here and not in that ring! This is gonna be brutal!
JR: And Sting will be here next week! Is he the partner?
JBL: Of course he is!
JR: We'll find out next week on ACW X-Treme! The road to ACW Last Rites is coming to a close!


Rey Mysterio and "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams advance to the ACW Curserweight Title Tournament finals eliminating "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and Sabu.

The Mafia def. DX by pinfall in a six man No DQ tag match.

"The Most Electrifying Man" T.C. Thunder def. Rhyno by pinfall in a singles match.

A.J. Styles retained the ACW United States Championship def. Shelton Benjamin and C.M. Punk in a triple threat match.

The Hardyz def. Triple H and Chris Benoit by pinfall in a tag match.

Ok time to start off....

the opening was kinda different, although i knew sting would be back later, that was a given.

T.C. Thunder: well kinda reminds me of Muhamad Hassan, idk why, but anyways, theres only one man in ACW that is ELECTRIFYING....THE ROCK, and i hear he might have a special message for T.C. Thunder....

Match 1: ACW Curserweight Title Tournament Semi-Finals
4 Way Elimination Match (No DQ)
Sabu v. Christopher Daniels v. Petey Williams v. Rey Mysterio

good descripions on this match, and i like rey mysterio in this tourdament.

Match 2: 6 Man Hardcore Tornado Tag
DX( Road Dogg, Mr. Ass, Shawn Michaels) v.The Mafia (Nunzio, Vito, M.V.P.)

i just don't see "The Mafia" as that good of a tag team, with nunzio and vito....but M.V.P. M.V.P. (By himself)

Match 3: Singles Match
T.C. Thunder v. Rhyno

Very long match, which is good, but this "Un-Electrifying" T.C. Thunder is not workin for me, i just can't see him (no not like John Cena) but i can't see him as a great wrestler, maybe just an U.S. Title guy.

Hurricane Segment: Thank you hurricane, the rock has a special message 4 u on monday too....

and btw, that was a GREAT ending to that segment

Match 4: ACW United States Title Match
No DQ Triple Threat Match
A.J. Styles v. Shelton Benjamin v. C.M. Punk

ECW!!!! ACW!!! ECW!!!! i loved this match, mixed a lil bit of ECW in it, nice

Main Event: Tag Team Match
Triple H and Chris Benoit v. The Hardyz

Nice tag team match overall, love the hardyz pulling out the victory, and the sting thing, was REALLY predictable....really predictable....

overall i give this a 3.5/5, better than last weeks, but not as good as Warzone! lol
Ok ive read all the shows so thought Id review one.

Didnt really like how the show just opened up to show Sting in a pool of blood... feel it would of been better to throw a promo or a match in before that just my two cents..

Also not liking how Benoit can muscle his way into the title match at Last Rites....

TC Thunder promo... I just think it will take more than one promo to get this guy rolling in anyway... so I hope you have more promos for him up your sleeve.. But calling him Electrifying... thats just Blasphemy.. there is one one Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment and thats The Rock!! So im hoping you can find something else for TC Thunder to say!

Sabu vs Petey Williams vs Chris Daniels vs Rey Mysterio This was an extremely good match for the opening in the show... but perhaps should of been thrown in before the TC Thunder Promo to have it a little earlier for the fans. Was hoping that Daniles would be one of the last two left so was disappointed that he was eliminated so early... but setting up a Daniels and London feud was a great idea those two can really tear it up... Mysterio vs Williams should be good to... a really good match..

DX vs The Mafia I really liked this match and love the concept of The Mafia seeing as they are so brutal and then having a leader that no one would of picked... just gold.. another good match and I liked the Mafia getting the win... perhaps you could bring in another Mafia member.. like a Hitman/Problem Solver like Palumbo?

Rhyno vs TC Thunder This was an ok match... but I think you could of chosen someone a bit better that Rhyno for TC Thunder to beat first up.... a former ECW champion getting beaten... think a jobber would of been better.. cos i hope Rhyno is more than a jobber on your show...

Yeah The Hurricane is back!!!! Great stuff I like the Hurricane a lot better than just Helms as himself... but that of course is just me... great promo!!

A.J Styles vs C.M Punk vs Shelton Benjamin For me this was your best match... 3 great wrestlers going at it to have a great match.... didnt see Nova coming into the equation agaisnt Benjamin was good to.. just a great back and forth match and I loved the finish and i am glad Styles retained...

The Hardyz vs Triple H & Benoit Another good match just barely pipped as the match of the nite... but the ending was just way too predictable for me always knew Sting would be screwing with them somehow...

Triple Threat I quit match... wow that will be brutal.... So im guessing thta 2 of the 3 need to quit until one is left standing??

Also forgot to add I like the way you have got Triple H doing anything to keep the title and not in DX....

3.5/5 good show keep it up
Hey man you reviewed me so ill reveiw you also im gonna call you T.C. now.
First off im sorry but i couldnt get through the whole card, the matchs were too long and hard to folow for me and you shouldnt change on one guys opion but you might want to switch to just finishs there also easier for you to write.
Anyways on to reveiwing:

Battle royal match: cool match with cools moves but dude you called my Battle royal impossible, im not saying yours is but yours was more crazy than mine( espically sabu kicking out after the cadian destroyer on a chair)

6-man tag:
cool match espicially the finish but i thought the teams were uneven, course than again ive never seen that much of vito and nunzio. Shawn hopping up after that move off the ladder was a little far fetched but hey then again its your promotion and your world.

T.C. thunders debut:
it was nice but during the match is where i gave up tring to follow your writing, this guy is why im calling you T.C., i read the fish and thats a sick finisher.

from what i read a 3/5
Rey Mysterio and "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams advance to the ACW Curserweight Title Tournament finals eliminating "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and Sabu.

Good match. I hope Petey wins the title.

The Mafia def. DX by pinfall in a six man No DQ tag match.

Very good match. This rivalry is looking good!

"The Most Electrifying Man" T.C. Thunder def. Rhyno by pinfall in a singles match.

*cough* Luke *cough* Lightning *cough* Nuffsaid. Good match however.

A.J. Styles retained the ACW United States Championship def. Shelton Benjamin and C.M. Punk in a triple threat match.

Very good match my favourite of the night. AJ is awesome!

The Hardyz def. Triple H and Chris Benoit by pinfall in a tag match.|

My least favourite match. I dont know why, it was a good match but it seemed like it was just a bit pointless.
Promo's and Segments: Pretty good, except for that rip-off KC-Thunder his whole "Rock lite" thing isn't working for me, other then that I thought the segments were pretty good.

Rey Mysterio and "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams advance to the ACW Curserweight Title Tournament finals eliminating "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and Sabu:Damn good opening match you get better and better every show, and your matches are getting WAY more intertresting very good match.

The Mafia def. DX by pinfall in a six man No DQ tag match.
I don't like the whole MVP teamed with the former FBI (didn't know MVP was Italian(lol) this was my least favorite match of the night but it was still good but one thing you should have done is explained the moves like you put Kiss of Death suplex DDT(what the hell is that anyway) you should have explained what this move was as a Kiss of death is the unprettier that Christian does.

"The Most Electrifying Man" T.C. Thunder def. Rhyno by pinfall in a singles match: I may not like "Rock lite's" character but the boy can wrestle this was a damn good match and i'm loving thr finisher the Shooting star legdrop made famous years ago by Jason Cross just now being seen by the normal wrestling fan that has givin WSX a chance and seen Matt Cross aka Mad Dogg 20 do the move I just like the move loved the match good job.

A.J. Styles retained the ACW United States Championship def. Shelton Benjamin and C.M. Punk in a triple threat match:MOTN!!!! loved this match the best of the night wish Shelton would have won but....., Aj retain was the best choice, also loved how you turned Simon Dean back into SuperNova (wonder who you got that idea from (lol)see my RAW show if you didn't get that but great match.

The Hardyz def. Triple H and Chris Benoit by pinfall in a tag match:Another good match and I was shocked to see the Hardyz pick up the win but I knew Sting wound interfere somehow, but another nice match.

Overall: This was byfar your best show yet I enjoyed it from top to bottom this was a great card and your writting was on point this week, keep it up.
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