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ACW X-Treme Week One

  • Thread starter TheMostElectrifyingMan
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ACW X-Treme
Week 1
Philadelphia, PA
Main Event: n/a

*Sparks shoot up from the ramp. Them Bones by Alice In Chains plays as the intro to the show.*

J.R.: Hello everyone and welcome to ACW X-Treme, the flagship of ACW. I am joined by my fellow commentator John Bradshaw Layfield.
J.B.L.: That's right, J.R., this IS the flagship of ACW and tonight we are gonna tear the roof off of here.
J.R.: Speaking of which, here comes our General Manager, Stephanie McMahon.

*Stephanie's theme plays*
Stephanie: Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight's card is full of non-stop action. But first, I have some business to attend to. Number 1. I call out to the ring the new ACW World Heavyweight Champion, the King of Kings Triple H!

*Triple H's King of Kings theme plays*
Stephanie: It gives me great honor to present you with the ACW World Heavyweight title. *crowd boos*
Triple H: You know Steph, these idiot fans don't think that I deserve the title. *crowd cheers* Shut Up! You people don't know anything! *crowd boos* I am the number 1 pick in the draft, I am the King of Kings, and I am that damn.....

*n.W.o Wolfpac theme plays*
*Sting comes to the ring*

JBL: What is Sting doing here? What right does he have here?
JR: He's here on behalf of our great fans.

Sting: Whoooooooo! *Crowd cheers* You know I was in the back and I happen to over hear our GM saw that she was giving the title to Triple H. Well, why don't you give me a shot at that title! *Crowd cheers*
Triple H: How about I give you an asswhooping instead.
Stephanie: Settle down. I am the GM here and I make the decisions around here.

*King Booker theme plays*

JBL: What the hell!
JR: It looks like he want a title shot too.

Booker: You know all my loyal subjects would like to see me be crowned World Heavyweight Champion once again. Then I will prove that I, King Booker rule the X-Treme kingdom. All Hail King.....

*HBK's theme plays*
HBK: Shut up! The people want one and only one champion, and that's the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels *crowd cheers*
Stephanie: You know what. You all ahve good points. So tonight, there will be a 4 man tournament to determine who gets the title shot. It will be HBK vs Kevin Nash *crowd cheers* and it will be Sting vs King Booker *crowd cheers*. The two winners will face off next week and the winner will face Triple H at the Last Rites pay-per-view. *crowd cheers* Now all of you go and get ready. Triple H, you have the night off.

*Everyone leaves except Stephanie*

Now. The other announcements are as followed. The US title will be on the line in a six man over the top rope battle royal. The Curserweight title will be defended in an 8 man tournament. The first 1st round match is tonight between Sabu and Paul London.
Also the tag titles will be defended. *crowd cheers* Let's get the show started.

JBL: What blockbuster announcements, JR!
JR: That's for sure. Here comes the first entrant in the US Title Battle Royal.Let's go to the legendary Howard Finkle.

*Monty Brown's theme plays*

Finkle: Introducing first, "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown!

*Shelton Benjamin's theme plays*

Finkle: Introducing, Shelton Benjamin!

*The Sandman's theme plays*

Finkle: Introducing, The Sandman!

*A.J. Styles's theme plays*

Finkle: Introducing, "The Phenomenal One" A.J. Styles!

*Rhyno's theme plays*

Finkle: Introducing, Rhyno!

*Carlito's theme plays*

Finkle: Introducing, Carlito!

Match 1: US Title 6 Man Over the Top Battle Royal
Monty Brown v. A.J. Styles v. Shelton Benjamin v.
The Sandman v. Rhyno v. Carlito

All six participants go after each other. Rhyno and Brown team up and start attacking The Sandman. Styles attacks Carlito. Benjamin watches in the corner making faces to the crowd. Styles attempts to throw Carlito over the top rope but Benjamin attacks Styles from behind saving Carlito. Meanwhile Rhyno throws Sandman to the ropes only for Sandman to be POUNCED by Brown. Rhyno picks up Sandman and throws him over the top rope. Sandman holds on and rolls under the bottom rope avoiding elimination. Brown then tells Rhyno that Sandman's back. Rhyno picks Sandman up but Sandman strikes first. Rights to Rhyno. Lefts to Brown. Double clothesling taking the both out. Meanwhile, Styles is being jumped by Carlito and Benjamin. Styles tries to fight out but is outnumbered by the two. Then, Rhyno misses his Gore attempts on Sandman and hits benjamin instead. Sandman then rushes Rhyno from behind and tosses him over the top rope.
Sandman then picks up Benjamin. He then ties Benjamin's arms into the ropes. Styles then attacks Carlito show that he can't help Benjamin. But Brown comes and attacks Sandman. Brown picks up Sandman onto his shoulders and hits a Death Valley Driver. Brown then unties Benjamin and throws him into Styles. Styles is staggered and Carlito takes advantage. He turns Styles towards Benjamin and hits a backcracker. He then sets Styles up for a leapfrog attack. However, as Benjamin leaps over Carlito's shoulders, Sandman runs a pushes Benjamin over the rope and out of the ring.
ELIMINATED: Shelton Benjamin
Brown then grabs Sandman and throws him into the ropes. Instead of coming back, Sandman rolls under the ropes. Carlito then tells Brown to pick up Styles. Brown picks Styles up and tells Carlito to run at Styles. Carlito runs full speed into a POUNCE by Monty Brown!. Brown then tries to pick Styles up but recieves a punch in the gut. As Brown hunches over, Styles hits the Styles Clash on him. Carlito tries to make his way to his feet but gets a Spinning Wheel Kick from Styles. Sandman rolls back into the ring but this time with his trademark singapore cane. He cracks Carlito over the back.
Then he cracks Brown over the back. He turns to Styles but recieves an Enziguri before he could swing. Styles picks up Sandman and sets him up in the corner. Brown is up as is Carlito. Styles goes for a monkey flip but is hit with the singapore cane by Carlito. Brown then picks Sandman up over his shoulders and tosses him into the turnbuckle. Then Brown clotheslines Sandman over the rope and onto the floor.
As Brown turns around he is cracked in the face with the cane by Carlito. Brown fall onto the apron so Carlito hits him again knocking him onto the floor.
ELIMINATED: "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown
Carlito turns around to see that no one is in the ring. Styles then pops onto the apron and springboard hurracanaranas Carlito onto the apron. Styles then hops off the ropes and dropkicks the cane right into Carlito's face forcing him onto the floor declaring A.J Styles the new ACW United States Champion.
Winner: A.J. Styles

JBL: What a match, JR. This is why X-Treme is the number one show in the ACW.
JR: You are right, partner. That was a hellacious contest. The first round of the #1 Contender's Tournament is next between HBK and Kevin Nash.
JBL: These two have a history, JR. This is sure to be a hell of a fight.

*nWo Wolfpac theme plays*
Finkle: Introducing, "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash!

*HBK's theme plays*
Finkle: Introducing, "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels

Match 2:
ACW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contender Tournament Match 1
Shawn Michaels v. Kevin Nash

Nash starts off by shaking hands with his former partner. Then the match is underway. Nash throws HBK into the ropes. HBK comes back with a flying elbow. Nash gets up quick and blocks HBK's hip toss attempt. Nash then slams HBK into ground and puts the nWo sign in the air. He then attempts a leg drop but HBK moves. HBK then dropkicks Nash in the face. Quick cover...1...2..shoulder up. HBK goes after Nash with stomps to the chest. HBK then climbs the turnbuckle. Nash recieves a missile dropkick when he gets up. HBK pumps up the crowd as Nash rolls out of the ring. HBK runs and leaps over the top ropes but lands into Nash's arms. Nash rams HBK into the ringpost. Then, he picks HBK up and drops him over the barricade. Nash then rolls into the ring and taunts. The ref's count is at 6....7....8....HBK rolls into the ring. Nash picks him up but HBK blocks a punch and lands a combination to the jaw of Nash. Nash is staggered so HBK runs and lands a fameasser. HBK is pumped. He climbs the turnbuckle and lands his elbow drop. HBK then goes to the corner and tunes up the band. Nash gets up and HBK goes for Sweet Chin Music. Nash grabs his leg and delivers a vicious clothesline! Nash picks up HBK and lands a huge Jacknife powerbomb! Cover 1...2....HBK kicks out! Nash is irate. Nash picks up HBK for another Jacknife but HBK reverses it into a hurracanarana. HBK goes up to the top turnbuckle. He jumps for a body press but Nash catches him and turns it into a powerbomb! The pin...1.....2...KICK OUT!!!!!! Nash argues with the ref. HBK is stirring. HBK gets up and recieves a big boot from Nash. Nash measures HBK for another boot. Nash rushes HBK but he ducks and hits the Sweet Chin Music from out of nowhere! The pin..1....2..KICKOUT!!!! HBK is irate. Nash gets up and goes for a clothesline. He hits HBK in the back who runs into the ref. Nash sees and goes outside and grabs a chair. Sting runs down the aisle and tries to talk to Nash. Nash then hits Sting with the chair! Nash then hits HBK as he gets up. *crowd boos* The ref gets up and sees the chair. He calls for the bell and declares HBK the winner.
Winner: Shawn Michaels

Nash hits the ref with the chair and hits HBK in the face busting him open! Stephanie McMahon comes out.

Stephanie: Stop it! Nash what is wrong with you?
*Nash hits the ref and HBK again*
That's it, Nash, YOU'RE FIRED!
Security, get this trash out of my ring!
*Nash takes out security and gives Stephanie the finger and leaves through the crowd*

JBL: That ungrateful s.o.b!
JR: What happened to Nash?
JBL: He doesn't work here. He's someone else's problem now.

Nunzio: You are looking at the next tag champs, The MAFIA! *crowd boos* You fans don't know sh**! You see DX thinks that they are the show but this is X-Treme and the Mafia rules! Next week our boss will be here. And I got word from our GM that we will face HBK, Mr. Ass, and Road Dogg in a six man tag. *crowd cheers*
Vito: Their asses are ours! As our saying goes...Don't F*** with The Mafia.
*New Age Outlaws arrive*
*crowd cheers*
Dogg: It's the D..O..double G and Mr.Ass here to tell you that it doesn't matter who your boss is. The future tag champs and the next ACW World Heavyweight champ HBK accept your match. We are gonna beat your asses all over that ring next week! As for tonight,
we are gonna beat the Hardy Boyz and become tag champs. And if you're not down with that, we got two words for ya..
Gunn: SUCK IT!!!!!!

JBL: The tag match is next but who is in it?
JR: It will be either the Hardy Boyz, New Age Outlaws, or The Mafia. We are about to find out.

*Stephanie's theme plays*
Stephanie: Our next match has changed. With so many teams wanting the titles, I have decided to give everyone a title shot...in a TAG TEAM TURMOIL match! *crowd cheers* The first team will the Hardy Boyz!

*Hardy Boyz theme plays as they enter the ring*

The next team will be the Brothers of Destruction!

*B.O.D.'s theme plays*

JBL: Oh my God! How can these two be stopped?! This isn't fair!
JR: The Hardys have a huge task ahead of them.

Match 3: ACW Tag Team Titles Tag Team Turmoil
The Hardy Boyz v. B.O.D v. ??? v. ???

Jeff Hardy starts in the ring with Kane. Jeff runs at Kane with a flying elbow to start with staggering Kane. Jeff then throws haymakers at Kane followed by a spinning wheel kick sending Kane to the canvas. Jeff hits a senton on Kane and drags him to the corner. Jeff tags Matt and they hit a double legdrop on Kane. Matt stomps Kane and runs and hits Taker. Taker tries to get in the ring but the ref stops him. Jeff and Matt throw Kane into their corner and Matt gets on all fours. Jeff jumps over Matt and hits a jumping calf kick. Kane is staggared but not down so Jeff runs up the turnbuckle and hits Whisper in the Wind! The pin...1....2..Kane muscles out of it. Kane sits up and goes after Jeff but Matt is the legal man. Matt dropkicks Kane from behind making Kane go out of the ring. Taker gets in the ring and starts to attack Matt. Jeff then jumps from the turnbuckle and missile dropkicks Taker. Kane gets back into the ring and big boots Matt. Then the same happens to Jeff, who rolls out of the ring afterwards. Kane and Taker then take turns beating Matt. Taker chokeslams him, then Kane chokeslams him. Taker picks Matt up and sets him up for old school. Jeff then jumps onto Taker's back on the turnbuckle forcing him to let Matt go. Jeff then flips over Taker's head to do a flipping neckbreaker from the turnbuckle! Kane tries to clothesline Matt but Matt ducks and Kane hits the ref. Kane turns around and recieves a Twist of Fate. Matt pins 1..2...3...but the ref is down so the count doesn't matter! Matt then goes outside the ring and gets a chair. Taker sits up as Jeff gets up. Kane gets up and he takes the chair from Matt. Kane then swings at Jeff but Jeff ducks and Kane hits Taker instead! Matt takes the chair and levels Kane. Jeff goes up and hits the Swanton Bomb on Taker. Matt covers and Jeff picks the ref up. 1...2....3! The Hardy Boyz defeat the Brothers of Destruction!

Next Team: The Mafia

The Mafia rushes the ring. Vito goes right for Jeff. Nunzio pulls Matt out of the ring. Jeff fights back Vito. They punch each other constantly until Vito knocks Jeff down with a knee. Then, DX's theme music plays. The New Age Outlaws come and distract the ref. Vito tries to see what is happening but someone taps him on the back. Vito turns around to reveal that it was a bandaged HBK! HBK ducks Vito's clothesline and hits Sweet Chin Music! HBK rolls out of the ring and leaves through the crowd.! He puts up the DX symbol as Jeff pins Vito..1....2....3! The Hardy Boyz defeat The Mafia as Nunzio,who was still fighting Matt, wonders what happened.

Next Team: The New Age Outlaws

Mr. Ass runs in the ring and attacks Jeff. Road Dogg is attacking Matt on the outside. Jeff attempts an Enziguri but Mr. Ass ducks and hits an Atomic Drop. Mr. Ass then puts his finger in the air and hits the Fameasser! Road Dogg holds Matt so that he can't get into the ring. Mr. Ass pins Jeff 1...2...KICKOUT! The crowd goes wild as Mr. Ass can't believe what just happened. Jeff Hardy then gets up and schoolboys Mr. Ass as he argues with the ref. Matt returns the favor on Road Dogg by holding him to prevent interference. The count 1...2....3! The Hardy Boyz are the new ACW Tag Team Champions!
Winners: The Hardy Boyz


The Mafia runs back out and attack the New Age Outlaws. Security comes out and break them up.

JR: The Hardys defied the odds and became the Tag champs.
JBL: That was a great showing, JR but the Hardys have a lot of challengers for those titles.
JR: That's true, JBL but now the Curserweight Tournament begins. Before the match, however, Let us introduce the newest free agent signee to X-Treme, "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels...

Daniels: The Master of the Moonsault.........The Greatest Curserweight In The ACW...........I am the Fallen Angel. In two weeks, I will take place in the Curserweight Title Tournament. I don't care if i have to go through Sabu, Rey Mysterio, or even Samoa Joe.....The next ACW Curserweight champion will be "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels!

JR: Those are strong words from Daniels but he has to win 3 matches just like the other participants in the tournament.
JBL: But JR, there is something about that man. Mark my words, Christopher Daniels will be the next Curserweight Champion.
JR: Our next competitors may have something to say about that, let's go to Howard Finkle.

*Sabu's theme plays*
Finkle: Introducing first, "The Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal" Sabu!

*Paul London's theme plays*
Finkle: and his opponent...Paul London!

Match 4: ACW Curserweight Title Tournament
Sabu v. Paul London

Sabu and London start off with a test of strength in the middle of the ring. London wins and locks on a headlock. Sabu pushes him to the ropes and catches him with a hip toss. London quickly gets up and the two stare each other down as the the crowd cheers at the display. London runs to Sabu and slides under his legs. London then hits a backslide pin 1...2..kickout. London then runs and hits an enziguri on Sabu. Spinning Legdrop by London. London puts Sabu in a Ministrol Cradle 1..2...another kickout. Sabu rolls out of the ring as London pumps up the crowd. London then dives through the ropes and takes out Sabu! London hops onto the apron and moonsault onto Sabu's body outside. London rolls into the ring and pumps the crowd up again. Sabu gets in the ring and London continues the onslaught. London ddts Sabu and pins 1..2...Sabu gets his leg on the rope. London then heads for the turnbuckle. He attempts the London Calling 450 splash but misses as Sabu rolls out of the way. Sabu then goes onto the apron and springboard legdrops London. Sabu then goes for the pin1...2....London gets the shoulder up. Sabu then goes for a chair outside. The ref takes the chair from Sabu and puts it back outside. London dropkicks Sabu into the ref by accident. Sabu falls out of the ring. Sabu grabs the same chair and rolls back into the ring. London doesn't see the chair. He walks up near Sabu and gets hit with a steel chair in the gut followed by an Arabian Facebuster. Sabu then sets the chair near London's body. Sabu hops over London's body onto the chair and completes his Triple Jump Moonsault! Sabu pushes the chair out of the ring as the ref revives. Sabu covers Paul London 1......2.......3! Sabu advances to the Semi-Finals.
Winner: Sabu

JBL: That should not count! Sabu used a chair!
JR: A win is a win, partner, you should know that.
JBL: What are you saying?!
JR: Nothing partner, except for the fact that our GM is in the ring.

Stephanie: I just got off the phone with an agent and I would like to announce that ACW X-Treme has signed C.M. Punk to a contract! *crowd cheers* Next week, It will be a US Title match between "The Phenomenal" A.J. Styles and C.M. Punk!*crowd cheers*

*Shelton Benjamin's Theme plays*

Shelton: Wait a minute! I deserve a title shot! I am the most gifted superstar in the ACW! *crowd boos*
Stephanie: Okay, but Shelton if you lose...YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!
Shelton: I won't lose!
Stephanie: You better not lose.
*Shelton leaves*
That match will take place as a Triple Threat Match for the US Title!

JBL: Benjamin's career is on the line, next week!
JR: For his sakes, I hope he knows what he's in for. However, it is time for the main event! The Icon Sting takes on King Booker with a chance at the #1 contender's match against HBK next week. Who will win the right to face Triple H?
JBL: It doesn't matter, the King of Kings will beat whoever wins this tournament. Here comes Finkle.

Finkle: Ladies and Gentlemen, It is time for the main event! Introducing first, King Booker!

*King Booker's theme plays enters the ring and hands Finkle a card*
Finkle: Oh......All Hail King Booker!

*Sting's new music (His old WCW Crow) plays and the crowd goes wild*

Finkle: And his opponent...the Icon......the One...the Only.......Sting!
*crowd cheers wildly*

Main Event:
ACW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contender Tournament Match 2
King Booker v. Sting

Sting stares at Booker. Booker asks for a test of strength but Sting keeps staring. Booker knee lifts Sting and the match is underway. Sting drops to his knees and Booker starts clubing him across the back. Booker then stomps Sting to the ground. Booker taunts to the fans who boo him in return. Booker picks Sting up but Sting explodes on him. Right from Sting, left from Sting, right, left, kick to the gut and a toss out of the ring! Sting is on fire! Sting goes after Booker and slams him into the barricade. Sting stomps him repeatedly like a man possessed. Sting rolls back into the ring and rolls back out to break the ref's count that was at 5. Sting seems to want to beat Booker bad. Sting picks Booker up but Booker rams him into the apron then lays out Sting with a jumping sidekick. Booker rolls into the ring and lets the ref count 1.......2.......3.....4......5.....6.....Sting rolls back into the ring. Booker then picks up Sting and sets him up for a Bookend. Sting elbows out of it and hits an atomic drop. Sting runs for a clothesline but Booker ducks and hits the Bookend as a counter! The cover 1.....2....kick out by Sting. Booker argues with the ref. Sting gets up and stands behind Booker. Booker turns around to see Sting staring at him. Sting chops him down. Booker gets up only to get dropped again. Sting picks him up and delivers a huge sidewalk slam. Sting then starts stomping on Booker's legs. Then, Sting picks Booker up and kicks his legs right from under him. Sting stomps the legs some more and attempts a Scorpion Death Lock. Booker grabs the ropes immediately and Sting breaks the hold. Booker then rolls out of the ring. Sting goes after him but Booker hits him as soon as he gets outside the ring. Booker rolls him back into the ring and starts to stomp him. Booker picks Sting up and kicks him in the gut and gingerly runs to the ropes...SCISSORS KICK! Sting is down, Booker covers 1...2..KICKOUT!!! Booker is irate. He picks Sting up and kicks him in the gut again! He runs to the ropes. He attempts the scissors kick but Sting grabs his leg this time. Dragon Screw by Sting. Sting picks up Booker and throws him into the corner. Sting runs at him...STINGER SPLASH!!!! Sting goes behind a staggared Booker and hits the Scorpion Death Drop! Sting drags Booker to the middle of the ring. Sting locks on the Scorpion Death Lock! Booker crawls to the rope but is pulled back by Sting. Booker has no choice but to tap out. Sting wins by submission!
Winner: Sting

JR: Sting wins! Sting, HBK what a match next week!
JBL: Holy Cow, what a match! That's match of the year material!
JR: What the--

*Triple H's King of Kings theme plays*

JR:--I thought he had the night off.
JBL: Where is he?

*Triple H rolls into the ring from the crowds with a sledgehammer*


King Booker rolls out of the ring. Sting celebrates his win but turns around and his hit in the face by Triple H's sledgehammer. Sting is busted open. Triple H takes a microphone.

HHH: You may be the Icon...but I'm the King of Kings! *Crowd boos*. Read my lips...you will never be champion! *drops the mic*

*Triple H's King of Kings theme plays as he taunts over a bloodied Sting*

JR: We'll see you next week on ACW X-Treme!
JBL: What a card next week, make sure you tune in.


A.J Styles def. The Sandman, Rhyno, "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown, Shelton Benjamin, and Carlito in a 6 man Battle Royal to become ACW United States Champion.

"The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels def. Kevin Nash to advance to the finals of the ACW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contenders Tournament.

The Hardy Boyz def. Brothers of Destruction, The Mafia, and The New Age Outlaws in tag team turmoil to become ACW Tag Team Champions.

Sabu def. Paul London to advance to the finals of the ACW Curserweight Title Tournament.

Sting def. King Booker to advance to the finals of the ACW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contenders Tournament.


Sting takes on HBK to find out who the number one contender for
Triple H's World Heavyweight Title will be.

Triple Threat Match for the US Title.

The Debut of C.M. Punk

DX (HBK and the New Age Outlaws) take on The Mafia(Vito and Nunzio) and their 'boss' in a 6 man tag match.


Overall i review this show 4 out of 5 stars. I like the matches and storylines, especially the ACW Title turdament....but the termoil storyline was for my show.....kinda upset about that but w/e... I love the match detail....very good....very good...and the main event! wow! nice, u better keep it up, can't wait till next weeks show, hate to cut this short of a review, but i'm kinda in a hurry. sorry bout that
First I just want to say thanks for reviewing my show now i'll return the favor as promised.

A.J Styles def. The Sandman, Rhyno, "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown, Shelton Benjamin, and Carlito in a 6 man Battle Royal to become ACW United States Champion: This was a pretty good match I was a little disapointed that Benjamin got eliminated so eariler(where's the love)lol, but overall I thought it was a great openning match.

"The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels def. Kevin Nash to advance to the finals of the ACW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contenders Tournament: Not a big Nash fan so glad HBK got the win but it was still a pretty good match, I wish your matches were just a little longer.

The Hardy Boyz def. Brothers of Destruction, The Mafia, and The New Age Outlaws in tag team turmoil to become ACW Tag Team Champions: I thought that BOD or the HArdyz would win was hoping for an upset with the Mafia getting the win, still a good tag match.

Sabu def. Paul London to advance to the finals of the ACW Curserweight Title Tournament: I was really hoping London would win as none of the Bookthis! shows I have read(inclueding mine) have even thought about turnning London into a singles superstar I hope you have some big plans for him.

Sting def. King Booker to advance to the finals of the ACW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contenders Tournament: This was my least favorite match of the night but only because I hate Sting, I don't think he should hyave won your WHC because he's way past his prime but maybe theirs a plan in the works.

Backstage and promo segments: I thought they were okay, could use a little polish but overall good, on a side note please don't tell me your getting rid of Shelton this soon?

Overall I thought it was a promiseing first show can't wait for the next keep up the good work.
This is the first time I've ever read one of these card's and I was pleasently surprised. I really enjoyed it, I'll make an effort to read more of them from now on. The show was certainly better than WWE have done recently.


A.J Styles def. The Sandman, Rhyno, "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown, Shelton Benjamin, and Carlito in a 6 man Battle Royal to become ACW United States Champion.

I was also dissapointed that Shleton got eliminated early. But in the end the better competitor won. Nobody can argue that Styles doesnt deserve to win every match he compete's in.

"The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels def. Kevin Nash to advance to the finals of the ACW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contenders Tournament.

This was better than any match Nash could hope to have in real life.

The Hardy Boyz def. Brothers of Destruction, The Mafia, and The New Age Outlaws in tag team turmoil to become ACW Tag Team Champions.

I like how the smallest was made to look competative agains larger oppenent's like the New Age Outlaws and B.O.D.

Sabu def. Paul London to advance to the finals of the ACW Curserweight Title Tournament.

I'm a huge Paul London mark so I'm dissapointed that he did'nt win. This would be a dream match in real life.

Sting def. King Booker to advance to the finals of the ACW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contenders Tournament.

Booker possibly should have won but still an entertaining match. Not as good as the rest but main event's usually let down show's anyway. So it gave the show some authenticity.

I'm looking forward to Punk's debut next week. And I'm curious as to who's the boss of The Mafia.
A.J Styles def. The Sandman, Rhyno, "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown, Shelton Benjamin, and Carlito in a 6 man Battle Royal to become ACW United States Champion.

AJ is one of my favorite wrestlers. If he hadn't won, I think Brown could be it. A good match.

"The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels def. Kevin Nash to advance to the finals of the ACW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contenders Tournament.

Kevin Nash has to be one of my least favorite wrestlers of all time. Glad to see that he got fired, yet alone get his ass kicked by HBK.

The Hardy Boyz def. Brothers of Destruction, The Mafia, and The New Age Outlaws in tag team turmoil to become ACW Tag Team Champions.

The Hardyz are my tag champs also and are well deserving. I am a fan of tag team turmoil matches, and this one did not disappoint me.

Sabu def. Paul London to advance to the finals of the ACW Curserweight Title Tournament.

Not a huge Sabu fan, would have prefered London, but Sabu still is a good wrestler.

Sting def. King Booker to advance to the finals of the ACW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contenders Tournament.

The King gimmick just doesn't seem like a main eventer, nonetheless, it was a decent match. I am predicting that Triple H causes a DQ next week, and sets up a triple threat for the title between, HBK, Sting, and HHH.

Match of the night had to be US championship

Good luck with the rest of your shows.
Good job. I like how you included both TNA and WWE guys. The only question from me is why you put Kevin Nash in there. I mean, lol, it's almost like he came out of nowhere. I like how Triple H abuses the power and gets the night off and i hope HBK beats Sting so it can setup a HHH-Sting match at the PPV. It's a good card for the first week and i hope you continue.
A.J Styles def. The Sandman, Rhyno, "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown, Shelton Benjamin, and Carlito in a 6 man Battle Royal to become ACW United States Champion.

In my opinion Brown should have won this one. But AJ still deserves it. I could tell he would win anyway. Rhyno shouldnt ahve beent he first eliminated. I was hoping hed make it to the final 3. This was a really good match.

"The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels def. Kevin Nash to advance to the finals of the ACW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contenders Tournament.

This was a really good match. I really like nash so I was dissapointed when he was fired. Ah well the Sting vs HBK match next week should be good.

The Hardy Boyz def. Brothers of Destruction, The Mafia, and The New Age Outlaws in tag team turmoil to become ACW Tag Team Champions.

This was a really good match the hardys deserved the win. I was really hoping for the new age outlaws to get a victory. Good ending to the match by the way.

Sabu def. Paul London to advance to the finals of the ACW Curserweight Title Tournament.

Great match up. Ive always wanted to see these two in a match. I hope sabu wins the title.

Sting def. King Booker to advance to the finals of the ACW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contenders Tournament.

Best match ont he card. A Sting/HHH rivalry seems to be building up. Im not a real big sting fan. I was hoping Booker would win but the whole king gimmick just doesnt suit the main event.

Really good show! 4/5! I cant wait till next week. This is a really good show.
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