ACW X-Treme Week Four

  • Thread starter TheMostElectrifyingMan
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ACW X-Treme
Week 4
Minneapolis, MN
Main Event: n/a

*"Them Bones" by Alice In Chains plays as the theme to ACW X-Treme. JR and JBL come out to commentate the show*

JR: Hello folks, Welcome to ACW X-Treme!
JBL: That's right, the flagship show of ACW is live tonight and Last Rites is two days away.
JR: The first PPV of the year is this Sunday and tonight the card will be finalized.
JBL: Tonight, The Hurricane and his partner will take on Triple H and Chris Benoit, Carlito will take on Samoa Joe for the last spot in the six pack challenge. Jeff Hardy will face Nunzio and Road Dogg in a triple threat match. Rey Mysterio will team up with Paul London to face Christopher Daniels and Petey WIlliams. Also, the newly named Calvin Lewis will be here tonight.
JR: Calvin Lewis was known as T.C. Thunder and was called out on ACW Warzone and OWN LampShade by The Rock and Luke Lightning. Tonight, Lewis will explain the name change and address these allegations.
JBL: Oh man, I can't wait for that. But it's time to start the show.
JR: Let's go to Howard Finkle.

Finkle: The following match is a Six Pack Qualifier. Introducing first..*Carlito's Theme plays*...Carlito! *crowd boos*
Finkle: And his opponent...*Samoa Joe's Theme plays* Samoa Joe! *crowd cheers*

Match 1: Six Pack Qualifer
Carlito v. Samoa Joe

The crowd is chanting Joe's name as the match starts. Carlito puts his hand out for a handshake. Joe sticks his hand out and recieves a kick to the gut. Carlito locks on a headlock but Joe immediately throws him into the ropes. Carlito comes back and hops over Joe's head. As soon as Carlito lands, Joe superkicks him right in the face. The cover 1...2..kickout by Carlito. Joe applies a sleeper hold on the mat. Carlito is fading. The ref lifts one of Carlito's arms but Carlito instantly pounds the mat and gets back on two feet. Joe tightens the hold but Carlito gives Joe a back suplex and both men are down. The ref counts 1.....2.....3.....4...Carlito uses the ropes to get up as does Joe on the opposite side. Carlito runs at Joe but Joe just back tosses Carlito onto the apron. Carlito then grabs the back of Joe's head and delievers the Backcracker through the ropes! Carlito falls to the outside from the impact. Carlito rolls back in the ring and covers Joe 1...2..KICKOUT by Joe! Carlito starts to stomp Joe. After the fourth stomp, Carlito heads to the top turnbuckle. Joe gets up and is hit with a double axe handle from the top turnbuckle. Carlito covers 1...2..another kickout by Joe! Carlito just tees off on Joe delivering left after left to Joe's head. Carlito then picks up Joe and tries a DDT. Joe blocks and hits a northernlights suplex. Joe then runs to the ropes and comes back and hits Carlito with a running jumping headbutt! Joe picks Carlito up and justs slams his head right back into the mat. Joe then heads up the turnbuckle but Carlito springs up and catches Joe. Carlito punches Joe and then gives Joe a superplex! Carlito gets an arm over Joe 1...2..kickout by Joe! Carlito gets up and kicks Joe right in the ribs. Joe rolls close to the ropes and Carlito gives him a baseball slide that knocks Joe out of the ring. Carlito then heads to the top turnbuckle and waits for Joe to get up. Joe does and Carlito tries a double axe handle. Joe sees him and punches Carlito in the gut. Joe then irish whips Carlito into the barricade. Joe then picks Carlito up and throws him onto the barricade. Carlito is stunned. Joe then throws Carlito back into the ring. Joe follows and kicks Carlito straight in the ribs. Joe then locks on the Rear Naked Choke! Carlito looks as if he was going to tap put he rolled Joe on his back with his shoulders on the mat 1...2...Joe breaks the hold in time to avoid the three! Joe then gives Carlito a jumping headbutt to the ribs. Joe picks up Carlito and kicks him in the gut. Joe runs to the ropes and attempts a clothesline but Carlito ducks and hits the Backcracker! Carlito pins 1...2..KICKOUT by Joe! Carlito pounds the mat in frustration. He then heads up the turnbuckle but Joe gets up and pulls Carlito's leg so that he hits the turnbuckle groin first! Joe then grabs Carlito and hits the Muscle Buster (A Mexican Stretch Buster from the top rope)! Joe then moves Carlito to the middle of the ring and locks on the Rear Naked Choke! Carlito can't reach the rope. Carlito refuses to tap out but he faints. The ref pulls his arm up once and it drops, he does it a second time and it drops again. The ref pulls Carlito's arm up for a third time and Carlito's arm drops! Carlito passed out making Joe the sixth man in the six pack qualifier!
WINNER: Samoa Joe

JR: The six pack challenge is set, Samoa Joe, Booker T, SuperNova, Shelton Benjamin, C.M. Punk, and the US Champion A.J. Styles are the participants. It is sure to be a helluva match!
JBL: I agree and I guarentee a new ACW United States Champion.
JR: We have news that says Calvin Lewis has just arrived at the arena!
JBL: Finkle is back there, JR...


*Lewis shows up in a rent-a-car. He looks as if he's all about business tonight as Finkle catches up to him*

Finkle: T.C. Thunder...I mean Calvin do you feel about these allegations of you being a copy of other stars?
Lewis: First of all, just because I changed my name, that doesn't mean that I am still electrifying. Later tonight, I will go into that ring and set the record straight. Until then Finkle, get the hell out of my face! *Pushes Finkle*

JR: I can't wait until later tonight, JBL.
JBL: I can't wait to see what he says either but it is time for the tag match between Mysterio, London, Williams, and Daniels!
JR: Mysterio and Williams are fighting over the Curserweight title and Daniels and London are fighting over who screwed who out of the title...

*Clips are shown of Daniels and London fighting two weeks ago; also, clips of the ACW Curserweight Title tournament showcasing Williams and Mysterio*

JR: Rest assured, this match will be awesome!

Finkle: The following match is a tag team match...*Petey Williams's Theme plays*..Introducing first...."The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams! *crowd boos* and his partner...*Christopher Daniels's Theme plays*..."The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels. And there opponents...*Paul London's Theme plays* making his way to the ring...Paul London! *crowd cheers* And his partner...*Booyaka 619 plays and the crowd goes wild*...Rey Mysterio!

Match 2: Tag Team Match
Petey Williams & Christopher Daniels v. Paul London & Rey Mysterio

Mysterio and London rush the ring. They slide in and Daniels goes straight for London. They are exchanging punches until Williams kicks Mysterio in the gut. Williams tosses Mysterio through the ropes and starts to attack London. Daniels then irish whips London to the corner. Williams runs and hits London with a jumping calf kick. Daniels then follows and hits London with a flying forearm. Williams goes to his corner as the ref orders and the match begins. Daniels has applied an armbar on London. Mysterio gets in a breaks it up. Williams then runs in a hits an elbow drop on London. Daniels then drags London to the corner and tags Williams. Williams climbs the turnbuckle and Daniels gives London a backbreaker. Daniels is holding London across his knee as Williams delivers a flying leg drop! Williams covers 1...2..kickout by London. Williams then gives London a stiff kick to the back. Willams then picks London up and sets him up for the Canadian Destroyer! London, however, counters into a back body drop! London starts crawling towards Mysterio. Daniels gets the tag from Williams and he runs and knocks Mysterio off the apron before he could get tagged. Daniels then picks London up but London starts to punch Daniels in the gut. London runs to the ropes but when he comes back he gets a flapjack from Daniels. Daniels quickly pins 1...2..kickout by London. Daniels picks up London and hits a quick suplex. Daniels then goes up to the top turnbuckle and sets up for the BME (Best Moonsault Ever). As soon as Daniels moonsaults, London rolls out of the way! Mysterio is begging for the tag. Daniels crawls over to his corner and makes the tag. Williams grabs London's leg but London hits an Enziguri! London makes the tag! Mysterio hops in and decks Daniels off of the apron. Mysterio ducks Williams's wild punch and hits a standing dropkick. Williams gets up and Mysterio hits a spinning wheel kick. London then gets in the ring. London runs and dives through the ropes onto Daniels! Mysterio picks up Williams. Mysterio throws Williams out of the ring. Mysterio then taunts to the crowd. Mysterio gets a running start and then he does a springboard seated senton onto Williams! Daniels and London roll into the ring. Daniels ducks a clothesline attempt from London and kicks him in the gut. Daniels then hits the Angel's Wings (A double underhook DDT with a spin to it)! Mysterio rolls into the ring and hits Daniels with a headscissors takedown. Daniels rolls onto the apron. Williams is in the ring now. Daniels gets up and blind tags Williams. Mysterio then hits a running Williams with a drop toe hold that sends Williams into the ropes.....619!!!!!!!!! Mysterio is on the apron and he Drops the Dime on Williams. Daniels then runs it the ring and kicks Mysterio across the back. Daniels goes up and sets up for the BME. Out of nowhere, London pushes Daniels off of the tunbuckle. London then climbs and hits Daniels with the London Calling! Mysterio crawls over and pins Daniels 1....2....3! Rey Mysterio and Paul London are victorious!
Winner(s): Rey Mysterio and Paul London

JR: That was a great match there, JBL.
JBL: That was a good match but we have to go backstage.


*Chris Benoit and Triple H have confronted the Hurricane*

HHH: It was pretty funny what you did last week, huh?
Hurricane: It was wasn't it? You two dastardly villians cannot defeat my hurri-powers. Oh and by the way...Benoit, I saw you cower like a baby when Sting spoke last week...*speaky voice* What's up wit dat? *crowd bursts out with laughter.*
Benoit: I did no such thing! You know what I am not gonna wait until later tonight for our tag match..*Decks Hurricane*
HHH: Let's take his ass to the ring!

*HHH and Benoit drag The Hurricane to the ring*

JR: Let the kid go, damnit!
JBL: It looks like the tag match is starting early but where's Sting.

*The Hurricane's theme plays and The Great Khali runs to the ring in green spandex tights and a green face paint on. He also has a green cape!*

JBL: Oh my God! Is that...
JR: It's the Great Khali!!!!

Match 3: Tag Team Match (If Hurricane and Khali win they are the 4th team in the Ladder match at Last Rites)
Triple H & Chris Benoit v. The Hurricane & The Great Khali

Khali hits the ring and chops Benoit across the head. The same happens to HHH. Benoit gets up and is hit with a big boot. HHH gets up and just gets tossed over the top rope. Hurricane gets up and hits Benoit with a standing moonsault. Khali then picks up Benoit and military presses him high in the air. Benoit is then tossed over the top rope onto HHH! Hurricane and Khali are celebrating in the ring. The ref then gets control of the match and sends Khali onto apron. HHH then gets in the ring. Hurricane runs at HHH and hits a running neckbreaker. Hurricane then hits a legdrop on HHH. Hurricane pins 1..2...HHH tosses Hurricane off of him. HHH gets up. Hurricane runs at him again but this time Hurricane gets hit with a spinebuster by HHH. HHH tags in Benoit. Benoit then runs and hits Khali with a forearm. Khali tries to get in the ring but the ref stops him. While the ref is distracted, Benoit kicks Hurricane right in the groin. HHH gets in and does the same thing. HHH gets back out of the ring and Benoit locks on the sharpshooter. Hurricane reaches for the ropes but Benoit pulls him farther and farther away. Khali gets in and hits Benoit with a big boot. The ref gets Khali out again and HHH comes in and drags Benoit closer to the corner. The ref turns back around and sees HHH tagging himself in. Hurricane tries to get back on his feet using the ropes but HHH kicks his leg right from under him. HHH then starts to stomp the left leg of Hurricane. HHH then tries to apply a figure four leglock but Hurricane kicks HHH off of him. Hurricane gets close to tagging Khali but HHH grabs his leg. HHH then elbow drops Hurricane and drags him back to Benoit and makes the tag. Benoit goes right for the leg. Benoit puts Hurricane's leg on the bottom rope and then jumps on it repeatedly. The crowd chants Hurricane's name but Benoit keeps stomping until the ref starts to count. At four, Benoit stops. Benoit then picks up Hurricane and hits three german suplexes. Benoit then gives his cut throat taunt and heads up the turnbuckle. HHH blind tags in the match. He tells Benoit to jump and he does and hits the Diving Headbutt! HHH then picks up Hurricane and sets up for the Pedigree. All of a sudden, Sting's theme plays! HHH and Benoit look at the ramp but then realize that its a fake. However, while HHH and Benoit were distracted, Hurricane was crawling over to his corner! By the time HHH notices, Hurricane makes the tag to Khali! Khali gets in and chops HHH over the head. Benoit then runs right into a two-handed chokeslam! Khali then picks up HHH. HHH, however, pushes Khali into the ref knocking him out. HHH then low blows Khali and hits the Pedigree! Hurricane runs in a gets a Pedigree too. Then, Sting's theme plays again! HHH doesn't fall for it but this time Sting appears from the crowds! The crowd goes wild! Sting comes over the barricade and takes out Benoit with his baseball bat. HHH still doesn't notice. Sting rolls in the ring and HHH turns around. Sting then kicks him in the gut and throws him into the corner....STINGER SPLASH!!!!!!!!! Sting follows up and hits the Scorpion Death Drop! Sting revives the ref and heads up the ramp! Khali and Hurricane are up. Khali drags HHH into the middle of the ring and Hurricane climbs the turnbuckle. Khali comes over and Hurricane climbs on Khali's shoulders! Hurricane leaps and connects with a huge body splash onto HHH. Khali then puts his foot onto HHH's chest and the ref counts 1....2....3! The Great Khali and The Hurricane are the fourth team in the ladder match at Last Rites!
Winner(s): The Hurricane and The Great Khali

JR: What a match! Sting finally showed up after all the mind games.
JBL: Sting'll get his this Sunday, mark my words!
JR: We have word that DX is backstage.


*DX in full all have mics as they prepare to speak about The Mafia and Last Rites*

Dogg: Ladies and Gentlemen, the most dominant group in all of ACW is here in Minneapolis! *crowd goes wild* We are headed to the PPV on a good note because we are gonna kick the Mafia's ass and become ACW Tag Team Champions all in one night! *crowd cheers* And if you're not down with that we got two words for ya..
Gunn: SUCK IT! *crowd goes wild*
HBK: You see, MVP is a dead man walking. In our street fight, you fail to realize that I am the showstopper for a reason. I'm gonna beat your ass all over the arena. You see I am....*The crowd boos as Calvin Lewis comes in the screen*
HBK: What the hell do you want! Are you here to copy my phrases too?
Lewis: If I were you, I'd shut the hell up! I don't give a damn about you or these fans *crowd boos* Tonight in the middle of the ring I'm gonna clear the air. As for you, I came to tell you to watch out.
HBK:Watch out for what...

*The Mafia attack DX from behind. HBK, Mr. Ass, Vito and MVP are fighting towards the parking lot and Nunzio and Road Dogg are headed towards the ring. Jeff Hardy comes to the ring and the triple threat match begins*

Match 4: Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy v. Road Dogg v. Nunzio

Nunzio and Dogg are beating the hell out of each other. Jeff is watching. Nunzio starts to gain the advantage. Nunzio then clotheslines Dogg over the top rope. Jeff sneaks from behind Nunzio and schoolboys him 1...2...3! Jeff Hardy won the triple threat match in record time!
Winner: Jeff Hardy


*Nunzio is irate and starts to attack Jeff Hardy. Road Dogg gets back into the ring and starts to attack both men. Matt Hardy from out of nowhere runs into the ring and attacks Road Dogg. Vito comes from the crowds and enters the ring and attacks Jeff Hardy. Mr. Ass also comes from the crowds and attacks Vito. All six men are brawling in the ring until....STAND BACK, THERE'S A HURRICANE COMING THROUGH!!! The Hurricane and The Great Khali rush the ring. The Hurricane and The Great Khali clear the ring. The Great Khali stands tall and The Hurricane well....he just stands! Security finally comes and gets everything under control*

JR: My god what a brawl!
JBL: The brawl lasted longer than the match!
JR: That ladder match is going to be awesome!
JBL: ACW Last Rites is gonna be awesome!

*Tupac's Hit 'Em Up plays*

JR: What the he---
JBL: It's Calvin Lewis!

*Calvin Lewis hits the ring with a mic and is wearing a black wifebeater tee and some black jeaned shorts. He still has the black Phillies cap and sunglasses. The crowd is booing loudly*


*The crowd chants "You're a copy" at Lewis as he prepares to speak*

Lewis: You people don't know shit! I am not a copy! I am the greatest athlete in the history of ACW! *crowd boos* I changed my name because...because I felt like it! I am a fuckin' thug! And I do not take shit from punk ass rejects and I don't need your fans approval! *crowd boos* Now I know you people saw Warzone and OWN LampShade....on second thought you probably didn't! You see the Rock called me a wannabe and Luke Lightning said I was a copy. First of all, who the hell is Luke Lightning! *crowd laughs* This son of a bitch blew up my car so you know I'm coming to get you! As for the Rock, he's on a second rate show. The last time I saw the Rock he was a coach for some punk ass football movie. Before that, he was a gay gangster! The Rock is the copy! As for Luke Lightning, He wishes he could do half the stuff that I can in that ring. The Thunderstorm no no no the West Philly Style is the most electrifying move in the business today! The people's elbow is nothing more then an elbow drop that takes too long. But you know what, enough talk, Rock, Luke Lightning I am begging, no I'm telling you two bitch-ass rejects to show up at ACW Last Rites and watch the REAL most electrifying man in action. That's right, I am the last man in the battle royal and I am gonna win and become the next ACW United States Champion! I don't care who the US Champion is but their days will be numbered. Now I did not come here just to talk. I am calling out any superstar in the back who think they can beat me. I will prove that I am still the most electrifying superstar in the business.

JR: What a speech, JBL!
JBL: I'm liking this guy more and more each week, JR!
JR: He just called out The Rock and Luke Lightning!
JBL: Not only that, he just challenged any superstar in the back!
JR: Who's going to step up and take on this arrogant young man?

*A.J. Styles Theme plays as the crowd goes wild*

Styles: You know what Lewis, you have some balls. I am the best superstar in the ACW! And when I win the Six Pack Challenge, I'll be waiting for you! But right now, I gonna show you why I'm the Phenomenal One!

*crowd goes wild as Styles rushes the ring and the fight is on.*

Main Event: Non-Title Singles Match
Calvin Lewis v. A.J. Styles

Lewis and Styles start exchanging punches immediately. Styles wins the exchange and then hits Lewis with a clothesline sending him over the top rope. Styles poses for the crowd and then hits a reviving Lewis with a baseball slide. Styles then follows it up with a vaulting body press! Styles is pumped. He picks up Lewis and rolls him in the ring. Styles then climps the turnbuckle. Lewis is getting up. Styles leaps for a diving crossbody but Lewis dropkicks him in the gut mid-air! Lewis goes for the pin 1...2..kickout by Styles. Lewis stomps Styles and then runs to the opposite ropes and hits the rolling thunder. Lewis doesn't go for the pin but insteads picks up Styles. He then grabs Styles's face and slaps him! Styles is irate and he knocks Lewis down with a clothesline. Lewis gets up and is clotheslined again! Lewis gets up and is hip tossed by Styles. Lewis gets up again and is kicked in the gut. Styles straightens Lewis and delivers a calf kick to the back of Lewis's head. Styles pins 1...2...kickout by Lewis. Styles picks Lewis up and applies a headlock. Lewis immediately reverses it into an irish whip. Styles comes back and is hit with a standing hurracanarana from Lewis. Lewis does his arms folded taunt as the crowd boos. Lewis then attempts a standing moonsault but Styles moves out of the way! Styles then gets up and kicks Lewis in the gut and hits the Styles Clash!!!!! The cover 1...2..shoulder up right before the ref counts the three. Styles then picks up Lewis and hits a quick snap suplex. Styles hops up onto the turnbuckle and hits a corkscrew body splash. He pins again 1...2..kickout by Lewis again. Styles in frustrated. He picks Lewis up and Lewis explodes! He hits a left jab and then a right. He then hits an enziguri. Lewis is pumped. He picks Styles up and puts him on his shoulders. Lewis then hits a Death Valley Driver. He then calls for the West Philly Style formerly known as the Thunderstorm. He heads up the turnbuckle....he does the shooting star part..and then...STYLES ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY!!! Both men are down. The ref begins the count 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...Lewis and Styles get up at the same time. Lewis then charges Styles and knocks him out of the ring. Lewis shrugs to the crowd. He then gets a running start and hits a swanton over the top rope onto Styles! Lewis then gets up and leans Styles over the barricade. Lewis then hops onto the apron and springboard moonsaults onto Styles and the barricade! Once again, both men are down. The ref's count gets to 7 before Lewis rolls in and out of the ring. He breaks the count and then picks up Styles. Then, from out of nowhere, Styles lifts Lewis up and drops him facefirst onto the barricade. Styles then gets into the ring. He taunts to the crowd until Lewis rolls into the ring. Lewis gets up and Styles knocks him right back down with a kick to the ribs. Styles then picks up Lewis and throws him into the corner. Styles then runs to Lewis and hits a monkey flip. Styles then hops onto the top turnbuckle. Lewis springs up and hits the ropes causing Styles to hit groin first on the turnbuckle. Lewis then hops up onto the turnbuckle with Styles. Styles starts to punch Lewis in the face. Then, Styles slams Lewis's head into the turnbuckle. He puts him in powerbomb position....STYLES CLASH FROM THE TOP ROPE!!!!!!!!! Styles, however, is hurt also and cannot make the cover. Both men are down and the ref begins the count 1...2...3...4...5...6...Styles rolls his arm onto Lewis 1...2..Lewis gets his foot on the rope! Styles then uses the ropes to make it to his feet. Styles goes to the corner and waits for Lewis to get up. Lewis does and then he turns around. Styles charges but Lewis sidesteps and Styles goes shoulder first into the ring post! Lewis turns him around and throws him to the ground. Lewis puts him in position and heads up the turnbuckle. He sets up for the West Philly Style but Styles gets up and hits the ropes! Styles then climbs the turnbuckle that Lewis is on. Styles then tries a frankensteiner but Lewis holds on to the top rope ans Styles falls. Lewis then leaps and hits the West Philly Style!!!! The pin 1...2...3! Calvin Lewis has just pinned the ACW United States Champion!
Winner: Calvin Lewis


*Calvin Lewis grabs a mic*

Lewis: *still getting his breath* Rock.....Lightning...THAT was electrifying! If you call the balls....I'll see you two at Last Rites this Sunday! You will realize that I am the most electrifying man in all of wrestling!

JR:My God, what a match! If that was any indication, The Rock and Luke Lightning better watch out.
JBL: This guy has just made me a fan. This guy is the future of ACW!
JR:We'll see you this Sunday at ACW Last Rites!


Samoa Joe def. Carlito to qualify for the Six Pack Challenge.

Rey Mysterio and Paul London
def. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams by pinfall.

The Hurricane and The Great Khali def. Triple H and Chris Benoit to advance to the 4 Way Ladder Match at ACW Last Rites.

Jeff Hardy def. Road Dogg and Nunzio in a triple threat match.

Calvin Lewis def. "The Phenomenal" A.J. Styles by pinfall.

Samoa Joe def. Carlito to qualify for the Six Pack Challenge.

Very long match, but thats a good thing. It was a great match.

Rey Mysterio and Paul London def. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams by pinfall.

I was hoping Petey and Daniels would win, Oh well good match in all.

The Hurricane and The Great Khali def. Triple H and Chris Benoit to advance to the 4 Way Ladder Match at ACW Last Rites.

Hurricane and great Khali, what a funny pair up. Alright match.

Jeff Hardy def. Road Dogg and Nunzio in a triple threat match.

Very short put sweet.

Calvin Lewis def. "The Phenomenal" A.J. Styles by pinfall.

:D Calvin Lewis I have a feeling that this sunday Luke Lightning will be at Last Rites. Good match best of the night.

Overall 4.5/5 very good show!
Well you havent disappointed again another really good show...

Samoa Joe vs Carlito wow what a match to kick start the show... that is certainly a way to get the viewers/readers interest straight away.. great match glad Joe won and I am looking forward to the six pack challenege at Last Rites....

Petey Williams & Christopher Daniels v. Paul London & Rey Mysterio Another really good match this... some good action... was also hoping that Daniels and Petey would pick up the W... but the match was good enough to make sure in the end i didnt care who won too much... looking forward to seeing their one on one matches.....

Triple H & Chris Benoit v. The Hurricane & The Great Khali
The Great Khali? Hahahh i didnt pick that one at all... had to laugh with the thought of Khali coming to the ring dressed like the Hurricane.. good stuff... another good long match... good to see ur using Khali.. i mean i dont like him and he is crap in the ring.. but at least you using fresh ideas.. great stuff! I knew Sting would somehow get involved but another good match....

DX promo and brawl with the Mafia not overly exciting just adding fuel to the fire of what hopefully are 2 good matches at Last Rites....

Jeff Hardy v. Road Dogg v. Nunzio
Match was very short and Iwasnt a fan of that after the great matches that had come before it... but I can see why now... the aftermath was great!!

Calvin Lewis promo.... i really really dont like this guy at all... and sprouting off that he is better than The Rock just makes me hate him worse.. but he is a heelso i guess he is doing his job..... not overly keen on the angle to include Luke Lighting as he isnt part of your promotion.. but will see how it pans out...if Rock does show up at Last Rites and doesnt whip Lewis's candy ass its a travesty!!

Calvin Lewis v. A.J. Styles Great match.. MOTN... even if it did include one guy i cant stand...... stil think that maybe u should not of pushed Lewis so hard straight out of the gate... and i wasnt too ken about him getting the win ovre ur US Champion either.. but it was a great match and a great show


Samoa Joe def. Carlito to qualify for the Six Pack Challenge.

Longest match i've ever read, too me 7 hours, jk um great detail and loved the match, very very good.

Rey Mysterio and Paul London def. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams by pinfall.

nice way to use crusierweights, i love these types of matches

The Hurricane and The Great Khali def. Triple H and Chris Benoit to advance to the 4 Way Ladder Match at ACW Last Rites.

hahaha i have to say ne thing else, nice match, and nice way for khali hahah.

Jeff Hardy def. Road Dogg and Nunzio in a triple threat match.

short...short....short...but aftermath was good.

Calvin Lewis def. "The Phenomenal" A.J. Styles by pinfall.

ok finish, not really a fan of either, but The Rock is gonna have something speical for him, or so i've heard...

Overall i would say a 3.99999999999999999999999/5, but i'll give u the 4
Well week after week your shows get better and better this is quickly becoming one of my favorite shows that I read on all the wrestling forums i've joined, this was a great week here's my review.....

Samoa Joe def. Carlito to qualify for the Six Pack Challenge:

Damn good match one of the best of the night, glad Joe won and Carlito gave him a run for his money, can't wait for the SPC I know it's going to be great but I do have a question is it going to be a onefall or elimination style match?

Rey Mysterio and Paul London def. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams by pinfall:

Another great match glad your pushing Paul London I see he's starting to pick up alot of wins lately and i'm glad he has, and it was a nice and competitive match that didn't make either team look very weak so great job.

The Hurricane and The Great Khali def. Triple H and Chris Benoit to advance to the 4 Way Ladder Match at ACW Last Rites:

First I can't believe Hurricane and Khali are teaming up, just wondering is he the new S.H.I.T (super hero in training), it was a suprising and good way to use Khali for some odd reason pretty okay match not my favorite but still passable also can't believe HHH and Benoit lost to Hurricane and Khali a weird and interesting mix the somehow entertained me alot.

Jeff Hardy def. Road Dogg and Nunzio in a triple threat match:

Short and straight to the point Jeff quickly got the win, although I wish this was a full match, but the aftermath was a nice lead in to the ladder match at the PPV can't wait.

Calvin Lewis def. "The Phenomenal" A.J. Styles by pinfall:

You know what last week I hated KC Thunder but this week Calvin Lewis is showing me maybe just maybe he has what it take's to be a top heel on your show but I notice he has very impressive wins over two top talent level guys be sure not to push him too fast, also lived the promo he's the guy you love to hate, the match was incredible the best of the night both wrestlers showed what they could do but in the end Calvin got the hard fought and much deserved win (although they both deserved to win) Great match.

Overall: This was your best week yet and I can't wait for the PPV to be up.
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