Actor you hate until.....

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For me, there has always been an actor that gets on my nerves because he or she is the same character in every film he/she's in, but occasionally, they play some one different, and they amaze you with their performance.

I can only think of one really good example that i know of, and that was Jack Black in all of his movies. He was usually the stupid friend who acts TOO stupid and says ridiculous things to make 6 year olds laugh. But then, i saw the movie School of Rock. after that movie, i see that he doesn't ALWAYS have to be the stupid idiot that he used to be. And ever since then, he's been doing quite well in other movies (such as Shallow Hal or even Kung Fu Panda).

i have a new respect for jack black, after seeing what he is capable of, and hopefully he'll start different roles.

So, is there an actor that really pisses you off for being the same role in all of their movies? And does your view of them change after that perfomance? Give at least one example please.
Owen Wilson is the first that comes to mind for me.

My first recollection of seeing him was in those shitty Jackie Chan movies he did, and then of course came out Wedding Crashers, which for the most part I really dug, but at the same time... I thought his performance was absolutely terrible and it nearly ruined the whole movie for me to be quite honest. Past this I also saw Starsky & Hutch and You, Me and Dupree... and both of those ended up being gigantic pieces of shit.

One random day I expressed my disdain for Owen Wilson to my mother and she got sort of defensive, lol. She told me I should immediately check out The Minus Man. Of course I didn't, but fortunately enough, a month or so after that discussion The Minus Man came on Showtime (I think) and I decided fuck it, I'll check it out. And I'm glad I did because I found a new respect for Owen Wilson after watching that movie. The movie itself wasn't that great, but his performance in it was absolutely stellar. And after seeing this, I saw movies such as The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and The Darjeeling Limited (which both I put off for the longest time because A) Owen Wilson starred in them, and B) I did not like The Royal Tenenbaums at all). Zoolander and Marley & Me I also saw not too long after seeing The Minus Man and I thought he was good in those as well.

So that's basically it. I'm sure there are more but he's the only name that comes to mind for me right now. I'll probably post another reply if someone else comes to me.
Leonardo DiCaprio...hated him. Couldn't stand him. Then came Gangs of New York. Maybe it was just too much brilliance coming out of Daniel Day Lewis, and it overflowed onto Leo...but for some reason he became tolerable to me. And then there was The Departed. Loved every minute of it. Now, when I think of Leo, my first instinct isn't to call him DeCrapio anymore.
I used to never like anything Jason Statham was in or around. I don't really know why but for some reason I just hated the guy and I had no real reason for these feelings. Luckily one day I caught The Transporter and he was decent enough in. So I gave him another shot. I really began to like him when I watched Snatch and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. After watching those films I became a serious fan of his and am glad I did so.

Another actor I used to not like was George Clooney. He always came off as a smug, jackass, and I really just didn't like the films he was attached to. However, I always enjoyed him in From Dusk Till Dawn. When I saw Up In the Air last year he really impressed me and then when I saw The Fantastic Mr. Fox he sold me. I have been a fan since and absolutely love him in Fantastic Mr. Fox.
I'm torn with Jackie Chan because his acting is pretty terrible, but the man does his own stunts so I can't fault him there. If anyone has seen Rumble in the Bronx or Super Cop then they will know what I mean. Jackie had some good roles afterward in Rush Hour 1 and 2. Rush Hour 3, not so much. He hasn't had much praise recently in his Disney roles of The Spy Next Door or the Karate Kid remake. Overall though I don't hate Jackie Chan, I just hate the same goofy roles that he usually plays in. He is getting older now so I doubt we will see him in any intense action sequences.
Leonardo DiCaprio...hated him. Couldn't stand him. Then came Gangs of New York. Maybe it was just too much brilliance coming out of Daniel Day Lewis, and it overflowed onto Leo...but for some reason he became tolerable to me. And then there was The Departed. Loved every minute of it. Now, when I think of Leo, my first instinct isn't to call him DeCrapio anymore.

I was going to say this exact same thing. No lie. I will, however, add to it. I forget the name of the movie, but it's with Leo and Russell Crowe. One night there was absolutely nothing on, and I said "fuck it, I will watch this." Damn, I love that movie. I now see that the kid I knew from that God awful Titanic movie has some acting talent when he wants to. Catch Me If You Can was also pretty good, but I think that was just the story and not so much his acting, but he did a good enough job to keep me watching.

I can now call myself a Dicaprio fan, and I really want to see his new movie. I don't even care if that lesbian from Juno is in it too.
Kate Hudson.

At first, I thought she was simply Goldie-Lite, a poor imitation of her Mother with the giggling and the cutesy-pie demeanor. But I have to admit that, as she goes along, she carves her own niche and has started creating a persona that is strictly her own.

The first movie that started to sway me to her side was "How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days," in which she shone in a role that was completely different from anything her Mother had ever done.

As Kate goes along, she creates more depth and individual style in her characters.....and I really like to watch her efforts now.
I would say the actor/actress I hate so much gosh, its I have to say Kristen Stewart. I think the Twilight fame has gotten to her. I don't remember her being so EMO all the time and hating the fame bug. Is it me or does she seem to hate fame the more famous she gets? There's a simple solution to this, quit being in movies...pure and simple. I bet it is so hard being adored and loved, can't be appreciative for what you have, that you have to look so pissed off all the time. I have seen her in a few movies when she was way younger and she seemed quite happy. I mean, why can't you enjoy success once in a while?? At least act like you are happy to be winning an award for everything Twilight is doing. Don't start getting all Megan Fox and getting al ungrateful, next thing you know, you can get written out of the movies. That is what annoys me about those starlets in big movies like that. Gosh...Megan Fox is another I'll get off my soapbox. :p
Will Ferrell comes to mind for me. Im sure I'll get some flack for this one.....

Dont get me wrong, he was hilarious in Old School, and is pretty damn funny with Mark Wahlberg in "The Other Guys". But he virtually plays the same character in almost every movie he's in. Talladega Nights? check. Semi-Pro? check. Anchorman? check. Blades of Glory? check. Each moive is virtually the same, with Ferrell playing the bumbling idiot/legendary figure. At least to me, none of these movies were very funny.

Then I saw his performance in "Stranger Then Fiction", where he plays an IRS auditor who feels as if his life is just wasting away. Then one day, he begins to hear a woman's voice inside his head narrating the events of his life, including the simple "resetting" of his watch leading to his apparent imminent death. His believing he has schizophrenia, and subsequently finding the author whose "writing the story of his life" is a believable, semi-serious role for Farrell, and one I appreciated. It still was quite humurous, but the subject manner was much more serious. I feel he earned the nomination for an Academy Award for Best Actor that year, even though he didnt win it. I like the fact that he tried something different then the usual bathroom humor movies he usually plays in. It also showed he can go to "another level" as an actor if he desires.
Brad Pitt.

I disliked him because I assumed he was one of the those hollywood pretty boys that was only there because of his looks, he didn't particularly impress me in Troy so I stuck to my assumtion.

Then I saw Fight Club, fuck me that was some of the best acting I have ever seen, him playing Edward Norton's other personality was great and it was so well done you didn't assume until they said near the end. I also saw Interview With A Vampire and that was brilliant as well, it showed the guy can act and act well.
Jack Black in all of his movies. He was usually the stupid friend who acts TOO stupid and says ridiculous things to make 6 year olds laugh. But then, i saw the movie School of Rock.

When you mentioned Jack Black, I thought you were gonna choose The Holiday as the movie that changed your mind. I was at my Mom's house a few months back and she was watching it, I thought holy shit, Black is in something other than a comedy.

My first recollection of seeing him was in those shitty Jackie Chan movies he did, and then of course came out Wedding Crashers

C'mon JMT I thought you were better than that, Wilson was doing cheesier movies that you should remember before the Shanghai movies. You got Anaconda, and The Haunting. Plus he was in Armageddon and Meet the Parents even those movies weren't cheesy. He also was in Behind Enemy Lines which was definitely out of usual comedy films.

For my pick I'm gonna say Jeremy Piven. I never liked him in anything he did, even though he had smaller roles in most of the movies he was in, I just never cared for the guy. Then came Ari Gold his character from Entourage. To me he steals the show. Hell he won three straight Emmy's for the role, followed by a Golden Globe. He portrays the Ari so well that I forget that he is an actual actor. Much like how people don't see James Gandolfini, they see Tony Soprano.
C'mon JMT I thought you were better than that, Wilson was doing cheesier movies that you should remember before the Shanghai movies. You got Anaconda, and The Haunting. Plus he was in Armageddon and Meet the Parents even those movies weren't cheesy. He also was in Behind Enemy Lines which was definitely out of usually comedy films.

But he didn't stand out in those films. I saw both Armageddon and Anaconda when they were first released... but I didn't remember him being in them by the time I saw the Shanghai movies (keep in mind that Armageddon and Anaconda were released when I was 12/13, and I only bothered to watch either of them just once). I saw Behind Enemy of Lines, but again.. I have no recollection of him being in that movie. Sure, I can look it up now and see that he was, but he didn't stand out in the film. Same for Meet the Parents... sure, someone could have pointed out to me that the guy in the Shanghai movies was the same dude in Meet the Parents who was Stiller's girlfriend's ex, and I would have been, "Oh, that's right." But it's still nothing I could remember on my own, because until Wilson started getting lead roles, he didn't stand out in any of his movies.
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