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Ace Cannon and Bishop

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Getting Noticed By Management
Real Name: Avery Cannon
Wrestlers Name: Ace Cannon
Wrestlers Nickname (see below):"Primetime"
Height: 6'5
Weight: 240lbs
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Billed From : Beverly Hill, Cailifornia

-----------Hair color/length: short brown hair
-----------Eye color: Green
-----------Facial Hair: Clean shaven
-----------Ring Attire: Short black tights and on the back in silver it says "Primtime". He wears black boots with kickpads. The right kickpad says "Prime" the left says "Time".
-----------Backstage Attire: Is always wearing a designer suit.
-----------Physical Features: Tall, well built and tan
-----------Tattoos: Has a tattoo across his stomach that says "Primetime"

Gimmick: Ace is a rich and athletic. All the ladies love him and the men hate him.
Alignment: HEEL
Trained By: Chris Hero and Kenji Mutoh

Stregth/Weakness: Stregths: great ring psychologist, brawler, and mat technican, Weakness..women, right knee, short fuse

Sample Pic of Wrestler

Brief History: Grew up in a rich neighbrohood was born to rich parents who spoiled him. Was an all-american in high school in football and wrestling. Went on to play football at the University Of Southern California. Was a three year starter at defensive end, and was eventually drafted to the New Orleans Saints. During trainning camp he blew out his knee and had to retire. After heeling from his knee injury he decided he wanted to be a pro wrestler. He sought out the trainning of indy superstar Chris Hero. As trainning progressed it was apparent Ace was a quick learner and a hell of an athlete. Ace began to take bookings and made a name for himself on the indy circuit. Around this time he got an invite to go over to Japan to wrestle. While he was there he impressed Japanesse great Kenji Mutoh aka Great Muta. Muta advanced his trainning showing him new moves and holds. Ace quickly became a superstar in Japan known for his great wrestling ability but also his cockiness. Ace soon cambe back to America and started wrestling for WZCW, during his short stint there he captured the Primetime Championship, he was the last holder of the belt until the federation closed down. After it closed Ace went back to Japan where he once again accomplished many things. Now here we sit in present day and Ace is coming back to America and WZCW to make himself a household name here like he is in Japan.

Title History: -
Entrance Music: "Money In The Bank" - Lil Scrappy
Entrance description :The arena goes dark and white sparks began to fall at the entrance was as green sparks shoot up from the ramp. As the sparks stop Ace Cannon is standing atop the entrance ramp with a cocky smirk on his face as the lights come back on. He makes a slow strut to the ring taunting fans and little kids. He enters the ring and sits down on the top turnbuckle as he awaits for the match to start.

Finishers: Money, Power, Respect. (Pyramid Power Bomb)
High Society. (Shooting star press)

15 Most used moves :

German suplex
Chickenwing suplex
Dragon screw leg whip
Top rope leg drop
Michinoku driver
Inverted DDT
Boston crab
Fisherman suplex
Yakuza kick
Bridging cobra clutch
T-bone suplex
Cradle brainbuster

Sample RP:

:: The camera angle opens up on a well kept yard with a big mansion in the background. The camera pans around and sees a H2 Hummer stretch limo pull up. The driver gets out and opens the back door for the passengers to exit. First a beautiful blonde exits, then a beautiful burnetter gets out, followed by her is a man who is wearing a black suit and sun-glasses. He stands between the beautiful women and takes his glasses off and puts them in his suit pocket, he then puts his arms across each womens back and cracks a sly smile as he begins to talk.::

AC: Well, well, well.. If it isn't WZCW camera at the Cannon Estate... Last time I saw you goons I was turning in my Primetime title so the former dead beat owners could pawn it off to pay there outstanding debts. Since that time Ace Cannon has been back in Japan solidfying myself as an international icon. I have been over there the last six months kick ass, winning titles and gaining praise from legends over the such as The Great Muta, Antonio Inoki, Masahiro Chono, and the list goes on and on. So while I'm in Japan I happen to be surfing the internet one day and I come across WZCW.com and I see this place is back in business. Once I noticed this Ace began to get alittle angry. For one, no one called the fastest rising icon in the business to comeback, and the second reason I was pissed is becasue when this sh**hole closed down I was the only bonafide superstar this place had! Now, I'm back here in the States, I'm here to make myself a household name here like I did in Japan and I came back to the place where I can do that, and that is here in WZCW. So now that Ace Cannon is back be on the look-out becasue I'm here to make all the money I can, get all the ladies I can, and win all the gold I can, and become the single biggest icon this business has ever seen.

::Ace pulls his sunglasses out winks at the camera and puts them back on. He pushes the camera-man out of his way and him and his ladies make there way inside the house as the screen fades to black::

Real Name: Jackson Bishop
Wrestlers Name: Bishop
Wrestlers Nickname: Bishop

Height: 6'10
Weight: 325 lbs
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Billed From: Hollywood, California
-----------Hair color/length: Long, blonde curly hair
-----------Eye color: Blue
-----------Facial Hair: None
-----------Ring Attire: Black jeans, black cowboy boots with a chrome tip, black driving gloves, and a white tank top.
-----------Backstage Attire: Black suit jacket, black suit pants, black t-shirt, black cowboy boots, black driving gloves, and mirrored black famed sunglasses
-----------Physical Features: Tall, very well built, longish hair.. Scars on abdoman from being stabbed three times in a bar fight.
-----------Tattoos: none

Gimmick: Ex-Bouncer and Ace Cannon's bodguard. Doesn't say alot. Very intense and a badass
Strength, Toughness, Brawling.

Kinda slow, bad shoulder from bar fight, lack of intelligence.

Alignment: Heel
Trained By:Ace Cannon

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History: Bishop and Ace have been friends for quite awhile. They met at bar where Bishop was a bouncer. Bishop soon began watching Ace's back at the bar making sure no one messed who was jealous messed with a star player. When Ace began to blow up in Japan it was only natural for Ace to hire Bishop as his bouncer. Ace then gave Bishop alittle formal wrestling training so if he ever got in the ring he would know what to expect.

Title History: None
Entrance Music: Limp Bizkit "Break Stuff"
Entrance description : His music hits and he walks straight to the ring with a scowl on his face. He hops in the ring and stand in his corner ready to take care of business.

Club Banger (Chokeslam)
Club Toss (Border Toss)

15 Most used moves:
1. DDT
2. Gorillia press slam
3. Power slam
4. Pile driver
5. Fall away slam
6. Release german suplex
7. Torture rack
8. Clothesline off the middle rope
9. Brainbuster
10. Death valley driver
11. Powerbomb
12. Tree of woe
13. Bear hug
14. Spear
15. Big Thing Coming (Top rope splash)

Sample RP:

(The camera angle opens up with Bishop and Ace Cannon standing inside of a ring. They're not in their usual street clothes but each are wearing t-shirts, basketball shorts and tennis shoes. Ace begins to talk)

Cannon: Bishop, you think your ready for some of the wrestling you might have to do?

Bishop: Oh I am! I'm going to make people pay, just like I used to in the bars when I was kickin their asses out!

Cannon: Settle down big guy... No need to yell. I mean just look at you, you're scary as hell.

Bishop: Yeah I know, I will try not to yell. But I'm ready to fuc* some people up and show them that Bishop and most importantly Ace Cannon are not to be messed with.

Cannon: Thats what I'm talking about Bishop. Now go kick that camera man out of Ace Cannon's gym!

(Bishop hops out the ring and comes striaght for the camera man. We see the camera angle towards the floor then it drops and the screen goes fuzzy. The screen then goes black)
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