Account Locked Out Information

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I don't know what is going on with all the lockouts. I'm long past annoyed with the situation. I've e-mailed our contact at Crave, so we just need to wait to see what happens.
My main account is locked out even my alternatives. This is my alt.
My main account is The Bliz
and these are my two alternatives:
the bliz (alternative)
and the main: The Bliz
can you please solve this problem?
Hulkamaniac. I was able to log in from outside of my house, but still not from my main computer. I haven't created an Alt.
The Game Rage, 2nd alt now, 1st alt and original still locked out.

here is the link to my profile or whatever it is. Forgot on the first one.

I am trying to stay on as long as possible with this one so it doesn't get locked out too and hopefully this gets resolved before that happens. I understand the constraints on this kind of thing though.

I've been lock out since Monday! I just tried using the internet browser on my phone and it worked. If you have decent internet coverage on your phone, give it a shot. So I could read the advice to "Delete Internet Browsing History".

It worked too...Thank you Hulkamaniac. It is good to be back
If do you still have problems do a hard refresh Ctrl+F5 to clear your cache before trying to log in.
Hi, unfortunately I cannot log into my main account:

username is "idioteque555", profile is:

I just created this acct (user name: robotsaresexy) as an alternate so I could figure out why I can't log into my main acct. Any info would be appreciated, thank you.
Finally working again, just needed to change the password. Wow, that simple.
(Hope you don't consider this spam)
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