Abyss is the *NEW* X Division Champion

It's not a bad idea in theory but we will have to see how this gets executed. The beauty of the X-Division belt is that while it is mainly held by the smaller wrestlers there is no weight limit as such. With the X-Division guys looking to rebel against Bischoff and Co., maybe Abyss will be the one who will try to nip the rebellion in the bud with the help of Bischoff. Matches aren't going to be a worry as there are plenty of great wrestlers in the X-Division.

I really hope that Brian Kendrick takes him down. He has always been a good wrestler but now he seems to have found a good character for himself as well.
The only time the x division title is MEANT for cruiserweights and what not is when they do that X in the center ropes match.
I guess this could be good news for Immortal. Their Monster finally has a gold belt, so this could give Immortal a slight boost, because I think that stable needs all the help it can get. Abyss could be the wrecking machine who tears through the entire X-Division, and I could see him losing the title somewhere down the line in some sort of fluke situation.

As far as the X-Division goes, I don't think the glory days will return anytime soon.The Knockouts Division isn't anywhere near as great as it used to be, and the X-Division has been phased out for quite some time, and it's not as prominent as it once was. There is some talent in the X-Division, but I don't think those wrestlers are going to see any spotlight in the near future.
I really don't have a problem with Abyss. People always say he isn't a good wrestler but I can't see why. He's perfectly competent in the ring and I really like his style as it remind(ed)s me of Kane when he still had the mask. In fact, they screwed up Abyss when they took off half his mask, made him talk more, and turned him into Hulk Hogan's All American Made Bitch.
I can see it going like this:

You got all the X-Div guys going for the title (Kendrick and Co), and Abyss will smash them all.

Then Joe will come back to the X-Div, and beat Abyss to once again become the champ and restore some pride in to the division.

That's my guess.

I don't think anyone is expecting this angle to save the X Division or to help it return to its former glory, because that just isn't going to happen. What this angle can do is shine some light on the current X Division and help give these guys a platform for future promos and feuds. Just look at last weeks opening segment: Whens the last time you can remember the X Division guys coming out and cutting a half way decent promo?

I like this angle because whoever goes over Abyss will get a big rub from that, and most likely it will be Kendrick, which I am perfectly fine with.

Mainly though I think this is to set up Destination X, which will probably be an all X Division PPV with returning stars for a one night only type deal, ala Hardcore Justice last year.
I think they should have X-division title matches often on iMPACT Wrestling to make the division seem more competitive. Adding stipulations from time to time would also help.
This makes no sense at all. Why would they give the X Division Championship, which is SUPPOSED to be geared towards the no-limit style of the high flying lightweights, to ABYSS who sucks in all matches but the hardcore variety? The only thing I can think of (like someone else pointed out) is for him to drop it to Crimson, but if they were doing that then why didn't they just have Crimson defeat Kazarian for it? That would have made more sense because someone like Abyss should be far away from this title, it makes no sense for him to be X Division Champion.
While I may not personally like the fact that Abyss is the X Division champ, I see the reasoning behind it. He will most likely dominate the division for a good time, and then a normal X Division guy with a ton of momentum will defeat him for the belt in the ultimate feel-good moment.

However, there are of course risks for this type of storyline. One, we've seen it all before and the outcome is pretty much written-it's only a matter of who the guy will be to beat Abyss. Plus, in the meantime, the amount of guys he massacres will add to the overall assumption that the X Division is essentially a joke compared to the heavyweights (the 'big' guys). That's a stigma you don't want to bring to light as a promoter, because after the fact no matter what you do with the division it will still be a joke to those who remember when a heavyweight all but destroyed all of its performers.

Then again, I happen to like Abyss and his hardcore, brutal style. And tossing around smaller men and smashing them through tables and stuff will help highlight that style, and hopefully lead to some entertaining matches in the process. And while Abyss may not be as good as a wrestler as Samoa Joe, he's not a far cry from him in terms of size and dominating ability. So the claims that "he doesn't fit" are unfounded because a 280 pound-plus monster has terrorized the division before.
This makes no sense at all. Why would they give the X Division Championship, which is SUPPOSED to be geared towards the no-limit style of the high flying lightweights, to ABYSS who sucks in all matches but the hardcore variety? The only thing I can think of (like someone else pointed out) is for him to drop it to Crimson, but if they were doing that then why didn't they just have Crimson defeat Kazarian for it? That would have made more sense because someone like Abyss should be far away from this title, it makes no sense for him to be X Division Champion.

That's just it, Dagger — the point is because Abyss "sucks in all matches but the hardcore variety". He's a monster. It's the same effect you saw with Kong and the Knockouts title. All the little girls failed to usurp her until Taylor Wilde came along and beat the giant a la David v. Goliath.

Textbook booking, really. Abyss runs rampant over the whole division until a savior comes back to beat him for it.
Textbook booking, really. Abyss runs rampant over the whole division until a savior comes back to beat him for it.

It does make some sense. However this is the X Division. It's not your average midcard title. Abyss would never be able to do an Ultimate X match or even keep up with the high flyers. It's not a hardcore title, and that being his only specialty. We have Destination X coming in July. I really hope that Abyss has been defeated by then, so that someone capable of Ultimate X matches is able to defend the belt in one at that show. Until then, they better build up someone properly to defeat Abyss because he shouldn't be anywhere near this title. They can still have him put someone over without the title being part of the mix. That's how I see it anyhow. We'll just have to see where TNA/Impact Wrestling decide to go with this.
I had hope for this angle when it started. I had no problem with Abyss winning the title because it seemed clear as day that they were building up Brian Kendrick to take the title from him at some point to avenge the X-Division. I figured "Hey X, give TNA a chance this time, they might actually be onto something here".

And then Abyss beat Kendrick clean in less than 5 minutes tonight, completely burying him as a threat to him and in the process burying pretty much the entire division. Un-fucking-believable. Sure, you could still have someone like Kaz take the title from Abyss at some point...but what the fuck does that accomplish? Kaz has done as much as he can with that title, and him returning to beat Abyss isn't going to avenge the X-Division since he has no affiliation with the other X-Division wrestlers and spends all of his time feuding with heavyweights with Fortune. And you know god damn well Red or the Bucks aren't going to be taking the title from Abyss. Here they had this perfect opportunity to take a guy who's already remained over through-out a year of being buried (Kendrick) and make him super-over by giving him a rub from beating Abyss. And instead they say "Fuck that, let's just job him out to Abyss for free on TV in 5 minutes, cleanly".

Like, come on you couldn't have some Immortal member come to the ring to interfere or something? Couldn't have Abyss use a weapon? Nope, that would be too easy and would still keep Kendrick's credibility intact, can't have that, we should just bury him instead. I feel like I'm watching WCW all over again.

I had high hopes for this angle, and they are all officially dashed. Fuck this angle, and fuck this booking committee with a flaming hot poker right up Hogan and Bischoff's assholes.
I had hope for this angle when it started. I had no problem with Abyss winning the title because it seemed clear as day that they were building up Brian Kendrick to take the title from him at some point to avenge the X-Division. I figured "Hey X, give TNA a chance this time, they might actually be onto something here".

And then Abyss beat Kendrick clean in less than 5 minutes tonight, completely burying him as a threat to him and in the process burying pretty much the entire division. Un-fucking-believable. Sure, you could still have someone like Kaz take the title from Abyss at some point...but what the fuck does that accomplish? Kaz has done as much as he can with that title, and him returning to beat Abyss isn't going to avenge the X-Division since he has no affiliation with the other X-Division wrestlers and spends all of his time feuding with heavyweights with Fortune. And you know god damn well Red or the Bucks aren't going to be taking the title from Abyss. Here they had this perfect opportunity to take a guy who's already remained over through-out a year of being buried (Kendrick) and make him super-over by giving him a rub from beating Abyss. And instead they say "Fuck that, let's just job him out to Abyss for free on TV in 5 minutes, cleanly".

Like, come on you couldn't have some Immortal member come to the ring to interfere or something? Couldn't have Abyss use a weapon? Nope, that would be too easy and would still keep Kendrick's credibility intact, can't have that, we should just bury him instead. I feel like I'm watching WCW all over again.
Two weeks with the angle barely starting and it's you who's complaining. Kendrick got on Hogan's face. Sure, it may be the Impact Zone and they'll cheer for anyone. But he did get the loudest pop of the night. He's gotten a huge chunk of the spotlight. Is it really so wrong to lose now and come back later for the win? Didn't Randy Orton lose to Triple H clean 98 times before he finally got one over him? Oddly enough they seemed to be on equal scale despite H flattening Orton every single time. Odd comparison, I know. But the point is just because Kendrick lost once doesn't mean he's being discredited.

I had high hopes for this angle, and they are all officially dashed. Fuck this angle, and fuck this booking committee with a flaming hot poker right up Hogan and Bischoff's assholes.
Hey Cornette. How about chilling for a sec? Or clean your mouth with soap?
The guy loses and you act like they burned him and packaged him to OVW. In my eyes, the angle is playing well. Why? Because your card carrying villains, Hogan and Bischoff took the X Division title and want the wrestlers gone. But unlike 5 months ago when you had no clue who was in the division, half of them rose up and fought back. So they lost the first round. That's kinda what a babyface does in professional wrestling. End result, I cared about Brian Kendrick after the program more than I did when it started. I also saw Abyss is gonna be a very hard champion to dethrown. The basis for the X Division vs Hogan/Bischoff is being laid out. It's just started. There is still more to come. In the end of things I cared about the X Division and Abyss. Therefor mission accomplished in my eyes.
I have no problem with Abyss as X-Division champion at all, Because he has really impressed me lately his match with Crimson was pretty good and much better then I expected it to be and his promos are much and hes longer spitting all over the place and the mic also this new "Smart Monster" character he has is the most interesting thing Abyss has done in along time. This also makes sense with current Hogan/Bischoff vs X-Division storyline with Bisch and Hogan wanting to get rid of the the X-Division. I also like this cause one of my favorite wrestlers in TNA Brian Kendrick is getting a Good Push and hes already getting over and getting some of the loudest reaction on the show. To me putting the belt on Abyss was a very smart move because now the X-Division title is getting more focus then it has in a long time and its made me care about Abyss and the X-Division more then I have in awhile
Two weeks with the angle barely starting and it's you who's complaining. Kendrick got on Hogan's face. Sure, it may be the Impact Zone and they'll cheer for anyone. But he did get the loudest pop of the night. He's gotten a huge chunk of the spotlight. Is it really so wrong to lose now and come back later for the win? Didn't Randy Orton lose to Triple H clean 98 times before he finally got one over him? Oddly enough they seemed to be on equal scale despite H flattening Orton every single time. Odd comparison, I know. But the point is just because Kendrick lost once doesn't mean he's being discredited.

Not a fan of the Orton/Triple H comparison, but since you made it no actually Orton beat Triple H clean two months after dropping the title to him. So he only lost to Triple H once before beating him clean at Survivor Series. He then also beat him clean two months later in the main event of the 1/3 RAW. So actually, Orton was 2-1 against Triple H during their first feud in terms of clean pins. Now I agree Trips still buried him pretty badly, but that's a discussion for a different day.

Hey Cornette. How about chilling for a sec? Or clean your mouth with soap?
The guy loses and you act like they burned him and packaged him to OVW. In my eyes, the angle is playing well. Why? Because your card carrying villains, Hogan and Bischoff took the X Division title and want the wrestlers gone. But unlike 5 months ago when you had no clue who was in the division, half of them rose up and fought back. So they lost the first round. That's kinda what a babyface does in professional wrestling. End result, I cared about Brian Kendrick after the program more than I did when it started. I also saw Abyss is gonna be a very hard champion to dethrown. The basis for the X Division vs Hogan/Bischoff is being laid out. It's just started. There is still more to come. In the end of things I cared about the X Division and Abyss. Therefor mission accomplished in my eyes.

You might care about Kendrick more now, but your casual fan isn't. It's fine for a babyface to lose the first round in a feud if he's already established, but Kendrick isn't. He's spent 99% of his TNA run in dark matches and doing jobbing duties. Beating Robbie E on PPV was nice, but Robbie E's a nobody. The first time they put him up against an actual threat in Abyss, he loses immediately in decisive fashion. He didn't have a good showing, what did he have like 30 seconds of offense before Abyss beat him down and gave him the Black Hole Slam? It's not even that he lost like I said, it's how he lost. That only hurts Kendrick, and the win does nothing for Abyss.

Now, I don't know, maybe they're building up somebody else to be the one to take down Abyss, but it seemed clear that Kendrick was/is that guy since they've been giving him all the promo time and making him the de facto leader of the X-Division wrestlers.
I like the angle and understand what impact wrestling is trying to accomplish, but i do not think abyss is the right guy for the job. i know it makes sense because he is in immortal and shit, but i think the better choice would have been to use samoa joe.

with joe you get the same effect of an unbeatable monster destroying the x - division with abyss. however, because joe's wrestling ability is so much better then abyss it would also allow the x division title to get over in amazing matches, which is really what the x-division about. some people claim the x-division needs an angle to get back to prominence, while others argue that you should just let the x-division go out there and do their thing. this kills both birds with one stone. it also provides samoa joe with something to do, because this feud with crimson is fucking garbage

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