Abyss is the *NEW* X Division Champion

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
They always said it's not about weight limits, it's about no limits, eh? What could be more no limit than the 6'6 350lb "Monster" Abyss being champion?

On top of it, he's now the second ever Grand Slam Champion in TN—err Impact Wrestling history.

All discussion here.
I'm willing to wait and see where they go with this, hopefully they go with the "normal" x-division guys taking him down, and taking their title back.
Isn't Kurt the second grand slam champ? he held all the belts at one time.

Anyway, I don't like it, but they are trying to get fans behind the whole division instead of one guy. So in that sense its kinda smart. Its a good way to get fans interested in the whole division. I think whoever wins the belt from him will be the new face of the division.

I hope its Kendrick, Daniels, or Kaz, but lets see where this goes.
this is one of the things i dont like about the IWC you want wrestling...you get wrestling...then y'all bitch about it... yes its abyss isn't you typical xdiv...but god dammit enjoy the fuckin match, you know the angle is leading to something
I was looking on wiki after Abyss won the X Division champion and this is what i saw on wiki
Robbie E-heel
Amaxing Red-face
Shannon Moore-face
Brian Kendrick-face
Chris Sabin-face
Alex Shelly-face
Jeremy Buck-face
Max Buck-face
Douglas Williams- Heel

This is probably why kazarian hadn't defend the title that much, as for Abyss being the X Division Champion we have to wait and see how far this is going to go. This probably explain why they gave him the title so the babyfaces can chase after the title to make the division stronger
Angle never held the Legends/Global/Television. The most worthless belt in wrestling.

It could be good. I too see it going along the lines of Bischoff trying to "stick it" to the X-Division and eventually have them go over Abyss. I just hope Abyss doesn't squash too many guys before we get to that point.
I like it. I'm tired of the stereotypical cruiserweight fast paced guy being the only ones limited to the X-div title. When guys that aren't X-div stature like Doug Williams or Samoa Joe have the title, it makes the division much more interesting. The div should not be limited. Part of the reason the X-div was big and in prominence is because all weight classes and wrestling styles were able to come together, clash, compete and fend for the title in the division. The X-div should not be a cruiserweight title and with Abyss winning it, kind of kills that cruiserweight title stigma imo. So good job to TNA on making a shakeup to the X-div.
this is one of the things i dont like about the IWC you want wrestling...you get wrestling...then y'all bitch about it... yes its abyss isn't you typical xdiv...but god dammit enjoy the fuckin match, you know the angle is leading to something

No one has bitched about Abyss winning yet in this thread so I dont know what your bitching about right now.
I like it. I'm tired of the stereotypical cruiserweight fast paced guy being the only ones limited to the X-div title. When guys that aren't X-div stature like Doug Williams or Samoa Joe have the title, it makes the division much more interesting. The div should not be limited. Part of the reason the X-div was big and in prominence is because all weight classes and wrestling styles were able to compete and fend for the title in the division. The X-div should not be a cruiserweight title and with Abyss winning it, it kind of kills that cruiserweight title stigma imo. So good job to TNA on making a shakeup to the X-div.

But doesn't Abyss holding the belt just turn it into a secondary title? Early on the x-division title was almost on par, if not above, the world title. It wasn't simply a weight class. It was a style. The fast pace, hard hitting style. Not exactly high flying, but a different style than simply brawling, power, or even technical. Doug Williams and Somoa Joe fit that certain style. As much as I like Abyss and his wrestling ablity, he doesn't fit that style. If this isn't an angle to get the x-division back to what it was, then the x-division title simply becomes a secondary title. It used to be different from the heavyweight title. Not necessarly better or worse but different. I don't think this is an attempt to shake up the division, but an early attempt to bring it back what it is once was. And hopefully the re-birth of Samoa Joe.
I dont particularly like Abyss, but I can see that it is an attempt to put over the X-Division as a whole so Im ok with him winning. Maybe they can make the belt mean something again.
A lot of people might bitch about this, but hey, this is a storyline, and so far, I'm into it. Eric Bischoff truly knows how to piss people off when he tries, and if his intentions are like this, the storyline is working.

It could turn out to be an excellent angle, and I'm hoping he gets a feud with somebody besides Kazarian. Though I love Kazarian, I want him in another picture besides the X-Division title. Hopefully Samoa Joe.
I honestly think they gave the title to Abyss so he can drop the title to Crimson sometime during their fued, hopefully at the next ppv.
Im glade he won the belt, and to the dude above me who said the idea of him dropping it to Crimson... great idea, I'm all for it. I like Abyss as the monster, and I hope they keep going with this. I also hope this revamps and makes the x-division the thing to watch again. I know this is insane and they're both in Immortal, but who wouldn't want to see a title vs title match with Abyss and Gunner... I mean honestly?
Am I the only one that think that was a pretty damn good match? For the time they had I think they put on a helluva match. I definitely wouldn't mind Kazarian and Abyss feuding a bit longer. For the past couple of months or so Immortal has made it their priority to try to take every belt in TNA(something I think should be a goal of most stables) and it just so happens that Abyss is the man to take the X-Division title. I mean it definitely brings up the question more as to why didn't they just keep the tv title on Abyss when he had it but so far I'm enjoying the fact that Abyss actually is the X Division champion. It actually keeps everybody on their toes wondering what will happen next and that's key to a good wrestling program.

Also I didn't mind Abyss's little speech into the camera after the match and this is coming from somebody who always has a hard time enjoying Abyss. Either I lowered my expectations or he is actually showing something that interests me. Either way I'm interested in what will happen next.

P.S. Can somebody told me when Abyss ever held the Tag Team Title. I saw somebody mention on here that he is now a Grandslam champion but I can't find anything on when he was tag champ and I'm hoping somebody can put me in the right direction.
I don't even watch TNA, but I remember he held those tag titles with Matt Morgan. That's how much I pay attention to the results posted here. Seriously, I think I can answer a TNA Trivia challenge and it's all thanks to sites like WrestleZone because I hardly ever watch TNA.
I don't even watch TNA, but I remember he held those tag titles with Matt Morgan. That's how much I pay attention to the results posted here. Seriously, I think I can answer a TNA Trivia challenge and it's all thanks to sites like WrestleZone because I hardly ever watch TNA.

Clearly you don't watch it or use Google either. He never won the Tag Team titles with Morgan. He won the NWA belts with AJ Styles in 2004.

As anti-climactic as the coronation of the second ever TNA Grand Slam Champion was (AJ had a huge parade, Abyss didn't even a get mention), it's a pretty interesting move. If the idea is for him to have matches like the one had with Kaz this week, then I'm gamed for it. Abyss has been the synonym of crap since turning into a neurotic man-child in 2007 and has barely been able to recover since. This week, in my eyes was probably his best non-hardcore match in ages. Simply put, he has it in him. So pull it out and show it, dammit. Have the guy look like a threat. He's 300+ pounds but hasn't been a challenge to anyone since 2006. This can be the reconstruction of Abyss.

And putting that old mask that covers his mouth wouldn't hurt either because he looks more like a hobo than a monster just by breathing.
Hope it doesn't end up like his TV reign and just end out of nowhere.

I thought Kaz was a great choice for X champ, Abyss... ever since they put the strap on Douglas Williams, I've seen the belt going away from what I think of as being X-division.

Hoping he surprises me, Abyss has needed something to facelift him ever since they turned him hobo
i think it was just ******ed giving him the x belt. kaz was doing great as champ. doesnt matter how big you are you can hold the x title but come on the x title was built around the smaller crazy jumping and flying guys and the x title will always be based around them. but since they gave him the x title atleast give him 2 months with the belt
Id like to see this as a way for the X Division to fight back against Immortal. To get their belt back.

Weve already seen the X Division angry at Bischoff and Hogan, Ill hold back my rage at the utter failure Abyss holding it untill I see where the story goes.
I dont mind him winning now he will get to have more matches. However if they get rid of the X division that will be another story. If there going to get rid of a title it needs to be the tv title or whatever its called I don't even know who has it to be honest.
I liked Abyss winning the match and the X-title. The X-Division is all about the fact that there is no limit. I didn't mind Kaz as champ, but him being face with a division that is mostly comprised of faces explains why he didn't defend the title that much and why the x-division seemed to be lacking exposure. With Abyss as champ (and heel) this solves that problem because all the face x-division wrestlers will want to take title off him.
As anti-climactic as the coronation of the second ever TNA Grand Slam Champion was (AJ had a huge parade, Abyss didn't even a get mention)

C'mon, since when does anyone make a big deal out of the second person to do anything? Remember how buzz aldrin was treated compared to Neil Armstrong? (buzz? Armstrong? Sounds like wrestlers to me)

Either way, I think giving abyss the belt might be a good thing, if they use it to elevate awareness of the title, and the x-division in general.
But I fear that they will use it to turn the belt into just another mid card title, so they can consolidate it and the TV title. We shall see.
This can be seen in two differant lights by two differant kinds of fans. Let's compare them. We will call our first group of fans Fan A and our second group of fans Fan B.

Fan A sees this a major way to undermine the X-Division. Their views are to get rid of the X-Division title. Better yet, why don't they get rid of The KO Tag Titles as well? Also, get rid of the Legends/Globa/Television Title. It's obvious that no matter how much TNA says the X-Division matters, it doesn't. The X-Division does not matter in TNA! At this point in time, the X-Division is nothing more than a mid card title that keeps mid carders semi busy. Hell, the X-Division is no where near the size that it used to be. On it's own, the title made sense early on in TNA's history, as the indy guys they brought in helped distinguish them from WWE, but now it shoehorns people into a certain style, and it's time has passed. Fan A doesn't like Abyss, Fan A likes cool spots and Fan A is very unhappy.

Fan B sees this as a good idea by TNA. Fan B isn't taking the pessimistic view and sees that Abyss will add some much needed attention to the X-Division with his mass domination and people will want to see the small puny X-Division stars eventualy take him down like how they took down Team 3D all those years ago. This X-Division thing has really shown talent in some stars we never really saw e.g Brian Kendricks excellent promo skills.

I'm more Fan B.
Well congrats to Abyss for being in the select few of Grand Slam champions in TNA. Angle has held every title and more except the TV Title. I guess he doesn't qualify, but he really should considering how ridiculous the TV title is. Anyway, I guess Abyss and AJ Styles have something in common now with all their title wins. I don't think TNA will make a big deal about it though.

As far as the X division is concerned, I hope it dies a slow painful death. There isn't anyone in the X division that is mildly entertaining. They should either get rid of the title or just make the title the mid card title to defend instead of the TV Title. After what I read about the TV title on the next Impact, TNA should just throw the title in the trash next to the Jeff Hardy title, and the old TNA Heavyweight championship.

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