Abyss' interview with Karen

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Dark Match Winner
I tuned into Impact this week just in time to see Karen's Angle. I have to say that I like Karen as a backstage interviewer more than Tenay. This format is better than the typical interview segment. I don't miss Mike Tenay and his lemon sucking, sour Skittle expressions as the performers speak. Karen is more believable and easier on the viewer's eyes.
Anyhow, this week's guest was Abyss. I can't stand the new gimmick for Abyss' character. The new Abyss is god awful. Anyhow, what rehab hospital or mental institution did Abyss enter that has such a great speech therapy program? They need some accolades for their speech therapy work with Abyss. I remember Abyss could not speak at all. He just groaned and grunted for the longest time. Then, he went to a word here and there. Then, he went to incomplete sentences and a word here and there. Now, he can speak proficently in complete sentences and write poetry too. Did he learn to speak and write poetry while hospitalized for pain addiction? Whoever is in charge of Abyss' new gimmick and character is making a mess out of this assignment. I will wait and see what will happen next with Abyss by checking on Wrestlezone (and other sites) for information when I don't feel like tuning into Impact. I just think this interview segment on Impact was suicide for Abyss's new character and gimmick. It totally sucked. It was painful to watch and was awful to hear. Whoever in the creative department came up with this crap for Abyss needs a new assignment or a new job. Please - no more poetry from Abyss. Bring back some mystery to this character. Make viewers care and want to see what happens to him - without poetry, rambling speeches and poetry.
This was another example of what I've said in other threads; TNA writers do very poorly at developing their characters because very few come across as strong personalities at all but instead come across very poorly. Abyss's interview was god awful, the drastic change in his character wasn't explained and just tossed at us and it wasn't done in a good way at all. I'll agree with mstaken that this week's entire segment was really bad (but I personally haven't seen any Karen's Angles that I would call "good".)
...the only way this will pay off is if Mick Foley debuts and is associated with Abyss.

That Abyss promo with Karen was like WWF Mankind 1996.

From the sitting down and bobbing back and forth to poetry and the hair pulling at the end...this was done 12 years with Mankind and that's all I could say while watching it.

Hopefully there's a good reason why they did this...otherwise, just another example of TNAs lazy and disjointed booking.
Im undecied if I liked that promo he made, frankly I dont think it matters that fact he was on Karens Angles sucks. But thats a different thread! I liked Abyss at the moment torn between the "good" Abyss and the "bad" Abyss, it reminds me of a young Mankind, which what I think TNA are trying to do, I think they are taking pages outa Foleys book to create a pyschotic character. I hope they do it well though. The mystery about this character may have gone but the long for him to do something with gore and blood is still there.
Take away the damn poem and that was some pretty entertaining stuff.

Have you ever stopped to think that Abyss could talk the entire time, but that he was so emotionally damaged by his previous stints in solitary confinement, and the beratings of his father Jim Mitchell, that he refused to speak, and that he believed he truly was a "monster". Expand your mind for a little bit, and quite acting like the booking team needs to spell out EVERY LITTLE DETAIL for you. Its not lazy disjointed booking, its simply character development. God, Vince Mcmahon has spoon fed some of you for far too long.

All the creative team has ever done for the Abyss character is give it a longer shelf life, and prevent it from being completely stale. Get realistic, the fans loved his wrestling, but he wasnt getting any pop for a while. That is until Sting came into the fold and they added DEPTH. When Raven and Abyss were chained together by dog collars back in 05, did you ever think people were gonna seriously consider Abyss a babyface? Well, it happened, and they do. Thanks to gutsy booking, and lengthy story telling.

Mick Foley and Abyss have a great storyline perculating. With Mick's mic work, we could see a definite money match at BFG. Mick has to challenge Abyss in the Monsters Ball. He has to bring out the monster in Chris.
Well I haven't watched TNA in forever but I happened to come across this thread. Personally from what I have read about Abyss' new character it isn't very good. They should have saved that whole Sting bringing Abyss from the dark side storyline for Foley imho. He would have done a better job of it. They could have made him Abyss' manager and kept Mitchell with Mesias. Then they could have had Mesias bring in some of his boys from AAA too to help out. Oh well that didn't happen. Now we are stuck with this.

And by the way WTF is up with the poetry?
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