Abyss' heel turn – has "American Made" finally died?

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You all just saw it – following the no-contest to finish the main event, "The Monster" Abyss finally fulfilled the inevitable heel turn he had coming and snapped on Mr. Anderson & Jeff Hardy.

Anderson ended up being Blackhole Slammed into broken glass in the center of the ring and Hardy was choke-slammed off the top of the entrance ramp through a table.

The whole segment came full circle when Hogan came out to confront Abyss about the carnage he just created, and Abyss ended the show by answer Hogan's question as to why with a proverbial "YOU!" (finger point and all).

We can only hope the ketchup & mustard days of the "American Made" Abyss are done and overwith, but the real question is where to go with Abyss from here?

We're all well aware that the TNA Top-10 Contenders system lacked top-end heels, but is Abyss a worthy candidate? As "The Monster", I say yes.

Your thoughts on the future of Abyss?
Well we've been asking for this for a while now. After the seemingly endless push of Abyss as the next Hulk Hogan (or TNA's John Cena) the fans turned against him. He was being built as an unstoppable babyface and getting booed out the Impact Zone. A heel turn was all but necessary in order to keep him as a main event player.

But like most people I thought TNA would manage to fuck up even a simple heel turn. Luckily I feel as though we were proven wrong since that attack on the Enigmatic Assholes (great name) was quite decent. Also this was practically mandatory since there are literally no main event heels to feud with RVD over the TNA Championship.

So what are your thoughts?
I don't Know if i want to see Abyss as number one contender but this heel turn in my opinion is much needed for him. Im glad they made him dump Chelsea as well(or so it seems). Hopefully he'll drop the ring, the outfit(just the yellow and red really) and maybe just maybe a cooler mask..but that last part probably wont happen.

I wonder the reason there going to put behind this turn. Is it possible that hes mad at hogan for befriending lethal...i dont know but im glad he's turned.

As for a contenders spot ill like to see him lurk around the top five for a few months destroying people and building up his monster reputation.
I see a plan with Sting here.

Sting has gotten to Abyss (yet again) and turned him against Hogan. Unleashing his psychotic side once again. That would explain the "Deception" angle. Abyss has been deceving us and Hogan these past few months. And Sting has been the man behind it. Now Sting will use Abyss to go after RVD's title.

Remember, Sting and Abyss have a history together. If I were TNA creative I'd definatly be going in this direction.
I see a plan with Sting here.

Sting has gotten to Abyss (yet again) and turned him against Hogan. Unleashing his psychotic side once again. That would explain the "Deception" angle. Abyss has been deceving us and Hogan these past few months. And Sting has been the man behind it. Now Sting will use Abyss to go after RVD's title.

Remember, Sting and Abyss have a history together. If I were TNA creative I'd definatly be going in this direction.

But how would that explain the deception of RVD owning the title? If anything, that type of a work would have to work in reverse, were Sting champion, and RVD seeking to expose the "deception" of Sting & Abyss all along. Who exactly have RVD, Hogan or Bischoff been deceiving if the real deceivers are/were Sting & Abyss?

I appreciate the Sting/Abyss connection from their history together, but I don't think that's the most logical answer to the angle at all – to me that's already been made evident a few times now. Sting hates Hogan & Bischoff for what they did to WCW and hates Jeff & Dixie for bringing them into the company he loved (prior to Hogan & Bischoff being there).

I like the fact Abyss finally turned since this is the only time his character makes any sense, but I just don't buy him being part of this larger conspiracy like you're suggesting. At least not in the vein of him being a part of the deception angle.
I see a plan with Sting here.

Sting has gotten to Abyss (yet again) and turned him against Hogan. Unleashing his psychotic side once again. That would explain the "Deception" angle. Abyss has been deceving us and Hogan these past few months. And Sting has been the man behind it. Now Sting will use Abyss to go after RVD's title.

Remember, Sting and Abyss have a history together. If I were TNA creative I'd definatly be going in this direction.

I really like this idea. It would be a great way to reintroduce this deception angle which seemed to be lost in this weeks impact. Why didn't sting speak at all during his jeff jarrett segment. I dont know but i digress.

I just hope that this deception storyline continues and isnt buried just because sting lost at slammaversary..and this seems like a good way to go about that
I think Abyss, Joe, and Sting all have something to do with these ECW guys showing up. Also I find it funny how Abyss gets booked like Heyman would book a monster and before the Impact taping Dixie and Paul had a phone convo. I don't think he should have the title, but he should definitely run through the faces in the company. Instead of winning matches he should get him self DQ'd and try to actually hurt people.
I'm very glad he's turning, and I'll be even happier if they bring James Mitchell back. Abyss without James Mitchell just doesn't work for me. He needs an outside influence to guide him, and he always has during his runs. (Mitchell, Goldilocks at one point?, Sting, Dr. Stevie, Hogan..)

If Abyss manages to revert to the way he was at his original TNA debut, I'll be very happy. (Especially if he manages to get into better shape like he was back then) I doubt he'll ever get rid of the "Patchwork Puppy" mask tho. :p
I'm glad he turned, but I'm worried about where they go from here with him. There wasn't any real reason for his heel turn in terms of kayfabe (at least not on the surface.) This was very sudden and I think it may have been better for TNA to build to this moment. I say may have been better, because who knows I might be wrong. TNA might be able to write up a very interesting reason for the heel-turn.

Maybe Sting and Abyss are working together. That would make some sense, in the fact that they have a history together. Whatever the reason for his turn, it's interesting to note that Abyss pre-meditated this whole attack. We know this, because he told Chelsea that she wouldn't like him after tonight. So it wasn't just a case of Abyss snapping or something like that. I'm interested to see where they take this.

In any case I'm extremely thankful that Abyss-a-mania is now dead. That whole gimmick and storyline was stupid and didn't go over at all. Now Abyss will return to the role he plays best and the role his character and characters like him were made to play and that's the role of a monster heel. Plus this gives RVD a viable challenger as well.
Here is how you save Abyss' character... 3 words... Father James Mitchell! Abyss should cease talking, become as brutal as when i started watching TNA just a few years ago, and run through the roster with Mitchell controlling it all. VOILA!
-but this is just one mans opinion- T Dub
But how would that explain the deception of RVD owning the title? If anything, that type of a work would have to work in reverse, were Sting champion, and RVD seeking to expose the "deception" of Sting & Abyss all along. Who exactly have RVD, Hogan or Bischoff been deceiving if the real deceivers are/were Sting & Abyss?

I appreciate the Sting/Abyss connection from their history together, but I don't think that's the most logical answer to the angle at all – to me that's already been made evident a few times now. Sting hates Hogan & Bischoff for what they did to WCW and hates Jeff & Dixie for bringing them into the company he loved (prior to Hogan & Bischoff being there).

I like the fact Abyss finally turned since this is the only time his character makes any sense, but I just don't buy him being part of this larger conspiracy like you're suggesting. At least not in the vein of him being a part of the deception angle.
Well if TNA wanted to get REALLY DEEP they could use the Deception angle to set up Sting using mind games to turn TNA against Hogan. Maybe telling Abyss that Hogan was using him and turning him into a silly cartoon character instead of the monster he is. And maybe RVD is deceving himself by pretending to be "Hogan's Champion" instead of being the loner he's always been.

I mean, there's a lot of potential with all of this.

But I'm guessing they'll use the Monster's Ball match at Slammiversary to explain the heel turn. Like... When Abyss got the taste of blood again it reminded him that this is what he loves and that he's a monster and not "Hogan's Puppet".

Anyways, I'm very interested.
I agree with many other tna lacks top heels, but as of late I think the past face/heels turns are a problem in tna. The turns lack credibility, I'm ok with how Abyss took out hardy and anderson. but after being forced fed the american made abyss for months, he finally snaps?
in my opinion this ruined the chelsea/wolfe/abyss angle, (which i was first against but saw potential with chelsea seeing something in abyss)

maybe this isnt a problem with others but again tna's sudden turns lack credibility and leave storylines unfinished. i do enjoy turns sudden or anticipated when done right. i believe they are huge to a characters persona and needs proper details.
other sudden turns where some worked out better than others include anderson, aj, eric young, samoa joe, and i dont know how many turns team 3D have had in the past year.
Well if TNA wanted to get REALLY DEEP they could use the Deception angle to set up Sting using mind games to turn TNA against Hogan. Maybe telling Abyss that Hogan was using him and turning him into a silly cartoon character instead of the monster he is. And maybe RVD is deceving himself by pretending to be "Hogan's Champion" instead of being the loner he's always been.

I mean, there's a lot of potential with all of this.

But I'm guessing they'll use the Monster's Ball match at Slammiversary to explain the heel turn. Like... When Abyss got the taste of blood again it reminded him that this is what he loves and that he's a monster and not "Hogan's Puppet".

Anyways, I'm very interested.

I actually like the sound of that first explanation, to be honest. I'm not inherently against the idea of Sting being behind this so long as the reason he's behind it makes sense to the whole deception angle as a whole. We have to keep in mind that this is all presumably predicated on the fact that Sting is upset with the additions of Bischoff & Hogan – the two men he blames or destroying the WCW who are now seemingly set to destroy TNA as well.

Playing the mastermind behind taking the control of TNA away from Hogan & Bischoff by using their very projects against them is certainly an interesting concept, diabolically deceptive, and one that would work logically, but I'm not really sure that's the underlying story here, though I wouldn't rule it out either.
I think Abyss hasn't been the "monster" we all knew years ago for quite some time now. Abyss' character has been so watered down over the past few years that I really don't care what he does at this point. I am glad we don't have to hear that God awful Hogan WCW music and see the magic ring of power. Also hopefully Abyss burns those ketchup and mustard tights.

Maybe he could align with Sting or be a hardcore wrestler fighting Jeff Hardy again like he did 5 years ago. Maybe they can throw Tommy Dreamer and the other former ECW wrestlers in a hardcore stable. Either way I'm glad that Abyss isn't Hogan's buddy anymore.
That was the first episode of Impact I watched in a long time and all I have to say is that it’s about damn time. I’ve said it countless times and I’ll say it once again, Abyss best work is when he was a heel. Abyss as a face cannot be taken serious.

I’m glad they finally turned him and I'm interested to see what they have planned. The only thing that I hope they do now is bring back James Mitchell and make him his manager.

I really hope they don’t fuck this up because Abyss (the heel) was one of the main reasons why I even started watching TNA and it would be a shame for them to mess this up.
Part of me wonders if this was Hogan's intention all along. What better way to get someone over as a monster heel then make him a more hated babyface than Rocky Maivia, and then laying out one of the most over wrestlers in TNA? (Anderson) (Anderson)

Regardless of how you view TNA, I know IDR agrees with me that the Red and Yellow Lantern was a shit gimmick; in a company like TNA, it's almost to be expected that something so ridiculously cartoony would have a bit of trouble getting over with the hardcore attendants of the !MPACT! zone. Combine this with his previous gimmick that was just incredibly annoying, and an almost forced push; with all this in play, you're bound to garner some animosity. One could argue that Jay Lethal is getting the same style of push, but he's been around TNA for years, and can be seen as one of the homegrown talents that said TNA hardcore fans pine for.

An interesting, yet far-fetched way to view this entire angle is that it might have been the best way to get Abyss hated. Some heels in TNA really have a hard time getting boos from the crowd (Again, Anderson for one) and giving them a cross between Hogan and Eugene could just be one of the most brilliant, elaborate plans TNA has concocted since I can remember.

I'm sure some are glad to see Abyss back as "The Monster," or some version of, but I'm probably not going to enjoy it due to this previous gimmick.
im glad that abyss turned heel. for three reasons, the first i missed the old hardcore abyss. the american made gimmick didnt fit abyss i tought it would be better on jay lethal, second there wasnt any big time heels in the main event. yes u have wolfe and sting but thats only 2 heels in the top ten. third he should always be forever rememberd as the monster. the fact that hogan made him the tna version of tna. that just doesnt fit. now i also have a question what do u guys think of what abyss will do to hogan hall of fame ring?
you know even though abyss is a wannabe kane the one thing they dont have in common is kane is better heel than face but fans still really like him either way. i wish i could like abyss good but he is better heel i just dont like the sudden turns the only thing i regret about the heel turn is that it basically ended his story with chelsea i wanted to see more happen between the two i hope it somehow will but i doubt it.

i think we might be seeing the hulkster go bad soon i mean its bound to happen sooner or later. i liked the hollywood hogan alot i bet if eric bischoff didnt keep the same people month after month in the main even and never brought new people in i think wcw could still been around i liked wcw better than wwe but tna needs to use the great talent they had rather than take wwe scraps if the keep on doing that then i bet the same thing will happen to tna that happened to wcw. last thing jeff jarret i hope you replace dixie carter she dosent know anything about the wrestling industry you suck
Since Hogan's debut they've been pushing Abyss to get his strength back. Case in point, he knocked out Lashley, had the rings storyline and had Hogan's backing for ages. But similarly, since Hogan debuted there were reports of plans to get Abyss back to the heel monster. I think this turn has been calculated and planned from the begining it just got a tad drawn out with the Wolfe/Chelsea/Abyss deal. This seems to be a case of playing to the smarks, it's no secret TNA caters itself to a niche market of attitude-era fans who are dissillusioned with the WWE. So what better way then to push a character in a WWE-like manner, he came out to american made, he cut promos like a 5 year old and he had a magic ring. No one would enjoy that, but it did one useful thing, it got people to stop caring about Abyss. Which made it easier for him to turn heel, think about it when over the last few years of Abyss' face run who could he have logically turned against? He wasn't involved with AJ and in 08-09 the MEM feud wouldn't have allowed it. Instead they bring in the most popular man in wrestling Hulk Hogan, have him put his faith in Abyss and give the illusion that Abyss is the face of TNA, then turn him against Hogan and suddenly you have a heel Abyss who'll actually get booed. Due to the iMPACT zone it's the only effective way to do it because they'll cheer anyone for anything. Getting them to boo you is near impossible.

So where to go? Well simple, American Made is out the door, have him dominate people. Book him in a few squashes then have him take on one of the more established guys like Anderson, in fact best to make it Anderson due to their unresolved issue from Genesis(And please do not let him speak) . Once heel Abyss is credible again have him challenge for a title, preferrably the World, he doesn't have to win it he just has to fuck up whoever he's fighting, get disqualified using weapons, whatever. Just emphasize that he's a monster again. Perhaps change his theme from that crappy theremin thing.

Whatever they choose to do the one thing that's certain is that they need to keep up his violent streak. Only have him loose by DQ's or no contests, etc. Because if someone pins or submits him it immediately ruins the monster effect. Nonetheless I'm happy to see this turn come about as it gives TNA a much more credible heel to face off against the over-stacked faces of the roster.
Everybody has been asking "What does Hogan see in Abyss?". Well, Abyss is the type of "monster" Hogan always feuded with but he's better in the ring than all of them. I thought the plan all along was for Abyss to eventually refuse the Hogan rub and turn on him making him an instant hot heel. I don't think an extended face run was ever in the cards.

That being said from here on out I see Abyss being a dominant heel for a long time to come. He'll be their sadistic/psychotic character and I think this is where Abyss could make money. That's what he's best at. Abyss is almost too good at acting unstable.
We can only hope the ketchup & mustard days of the "American Made" Abyss are done and overwith, but the real question is where to go with Abyss from here?

More on that second part later but right now, a good question to ask is if Abyss's booking as a ******ed child, then a semi-******ed face, then a competent face, then a deranged heel (now), has damaged his ability to get over as a monster heel and make people care about him again (started off quite well though).

We're all well aware that the TNA Top-10 Contenders system lacked top-end heels, but is Abyss a worthy candidate? As "The Monster", I say yes.

As far as desperate moves to put a heel with some credibility into title contention goes, it wasn't that terrible. I still don't like the fact that Abyss is in the hunt (due to personal bias), but so long as he can appear to be a threat for the title until they can actively build a good heel into the role, I guess I don't have too much to complain about.

Your thoughts on the future of Abyss?

A match with Hogan for sure, hopefully he hasn't gone over too many young faces before that though. I'd hate to imagine the backlash of Abyss beating Anderson, Hardy, and RVD then losing to Hogan.

I see Abyss taking on a few faces than taking on Hogan, he did point at him at the end of the show.

Part of me wonders if this was Hogan's intention all along. What better way to get someone over as a monster heel then make him a more hated babyface than Rocky Maivia, and then laying out one of the most over wrestlers in TNA? (Anderson) (Anderson)

:lmao: One of the most creative and complex ways to get people to start hating someone I've ever seen if true. Too bad that for me at least, they damaged him so much that I actively still don't want to see him on my screen.
But how would that explain the deception of RVD owning the title? If anything, that type of a work would have to work in reverse, were Sting champion, and RVD seeking to expose the "deception" of Sting & Abyss all along. Who exactly have RVD, Hogan or Bischoff been deceiving if the real deceivers are/were Sting & Abyss?

I appreciate the Sting/Abyss connection from their history together, but I don't think that's the most logical answer to the angle at all – to me that's already been made evident a few times now. Sting hates Hogan & Bischoff for what they did to WCW and hates Jeff & Dixie for bringing them into the company he loved (prior to Hogan & Bischoff being there).

I like the fact Abyss finally turned since this is the only time his character makes any sense, but I just don't buy him being part of this larger conspiracy like you're suggesting. At least not in the vein of him being a part of the deception angle.

Well, it seems RVD wasnt there tonight. Jeff Jarret claimed to have a rematch with Sting next week. i think that TNA used Sting to make RVD look better. Like a normal jobber this wont go anywhere. I think Jarret and RVD or a face should deal with Abyss and Sting IF this were to happen.
Well, he came out to his old music, he threw off Hogan's "colors" and fed Hogan his own HOF ring in the process...

I'm happy for Abyss. I really am. I still loathe his character, and I've never particularly cared for him otheriwse – especially as a main eventer – but if I'm to tolerate any version of him, I'm glad it's the "Monster" version who's no longer cowering to guys half his size screaming at him or turtling when being slapped around by Stevie Richards.

He may not be the greatest talent on the roster, but considering the utter lack of top-level heels, he's a necessary evil in this case.

Safe to say this heel turn has come full-circle, or at least developed to the point that it will over the next few weeks?
A few things intrigued me about tonight's Impact and recent TNA news.
1. Abyss completed his heel turn saying "they" told him to do what he did and the locker room, fans, and hogan would find out who "they" are soon enough.
2. According to Wrestlezone, Mick Foley is set to return to TNA tv in the next month or two.
3. There has long been talk of the ECW faction in TNA. Dreamer returned to the Impact zone tonight this time with Raven and Richards in tow. Oh, and they arrived right as the Abyss/Anderson match started.

So, where am I going here? If you recall before the Abyss/Hogan deal there was the Abyss/Foley angle. Foley is a former ECW superstar. And Abyss is the most "extreme" wrestler TNA has. Had a multitude of Monster's Ball matches and other hardcore matches against people like Raven and Rhino. So, with "they" soon to be revealed are "they" the ECW faction who decided that with Abyss's hardcore attributes and relationship with Foley he would be a great fit as well? Or is it just Abyss being the insane Abyss again?
All I can say about Abyss saying They will be coming soon is nothing that will help TNA with the ratings. As a matter of fact, I see this ECW Invasion as a nail in the coffin as WWE already did this angle years ago and now TNA wants to revive the angle again. When WWE did this angle it was not well scripted and WWE was the top company back when they did this storyline. Now just imagine TNA doing this storyline with the writers they have now. TNA is hardly getting a 1.0 in the ratings and I see this potential disaster as the Nail that will indeed bury TNA...........but I could be wrong however I doubt it

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