Abyss and Matt Morgan

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MCMG: 1-696-696-6969
I like what TNA is doing with Abyss and Matt Morgan. Although I see a falling out between Abyss and Matt Morgan over the whole Matt Morgan against Abyss wrestling with a burn injury and Abyss wrestling anyway.

If they do then it was good while it lasted if it they are going to become a lasting thing then one of them needs to change their image.

What are your thoughts?
I hate it. I think it's really a wasted storyline. I was under the impression TNA was trying to build Matt Morgan into this unstoppable force who will be main eventing sows for years to come (a waste of time, as well)- then they go and put him into a "tag team" with Abyss. I think it's sloppy and boring. Both Abyss and Morgan are billed as super heavyweight monsters and all they do week to week is talk about how they're "best friends". It's all way too sappy for the characters they are supposed to portray.
TNA at its finest. Morgan is put into the main event scene as a monster face. Ok, cool. Not the best decision to me, but if that's where TNA wants to go, fine. It's a direction at least. Abyss returns. They act as if people have forgotten him and he needs someone to help him get over. He's a unique character, a former World Champion, has a kick ass finisher, and is over. What's left to need? What help do he and Morgan give each other? None. Both are big, strong guys. They have the look, they had the push, now why do they need each other? Ask TNA. I certainly don't get it.
Two of TNA's best stars. I love these two and wrestling together makes my damn day. I think they will have one more feud as a tag team where they lose and Matt gets pissed and attacks Abyss for losing the match. That gets Abyss pissed and they fight, which leads them to a feud which I am looking forward to very much. Two of my favorite TNA wrestlers in a feud is just awesome.
I like it. It's a way to get morgan some much needed in ring time. He's built up a good game on the stick and he has both the height and the speed to make a huge impact in the heavyweight division. The only problem is that his wrestling skills are shit. he is sloppy, moves too fast, and often doesn't take the time to make sure that he is correctly executing a move before he tries to pull it off. He reminds me of Gary Buyse on Celebrity Rehab withhis compulsions. He has alot to learn and frankly Abysss is the man who can teach him.

Abyss is great at selling. He has an established gimick and can always fall back on being a monster so that the two can feud later on, thusly helping build Morgan up as a face. This can also help Abyss work off some ring rust, and hopefully the 40 pounds of stray fat that seems tohave latched itself onto his ass during his hiatus.

They say that the mark of a good team is how much they can coexist and what they can offer each other. Abyss can offer skill and patience to Morgan and Morgan can help him out in the gym to become the true monster of a man that he was on the verge of being before they built that donut shop next to his house. Either way, it's a win win situation as Abyss can put over Morgan later on to help solidify him as a legit big man threat. I would also suggest that Morgan get some time hanging around with Kevin Nash and learn some of his move before trying to rip off Undetaker's moves in the ring as well. I mean Undertaker did steal much of his moveset from Nash anyways. All in all, this team should be good for both, ven if they never win the gold.
I think it's shite. Absolute shite.

First, let's address Morgan. Everyone seems to love Morgan, I don't get it. If we're talking big guys, Tomko's better. Morgan's completely out of his depth - he doesn't have any initiative, something you have to be a good wrestler. Angle starts pounding him from behind and Morgan's now getting double teamed. He doesn't seem to notice though, just carrying on like normal. It takes Nash coming in for him to notice anything. Can't sell for shit.

And Abyss. Dear God. The fuck are they doing with him? "I'm super, thanks for asking!". They let him talk too much. I've discussed this at length (well, sort of) in the iMPACT! review thread. I laughed my ass off at him waddling down to the ring to help Morgan out in his nice new shirt - he looked absolutely pitiful.

Overall, it makes no sense to me. Morgan's appalling acting makes their "fwendship" even worse.
I don't like this storyline one bit. Abyss really is only interesting when he's a deranged monster heel, not a sappy buddy buddy. The only thing I can see coming out of this is obviously one of them are gonna turn on the other. I just think they watered down Abyss so much that it's a waste. I like how they are slowly building up Morgan and not shotgunning him straight to the top but I think they maybe should try and do more with him than a tag team.
I cant stand Matt Morgan and Abyss, Morgan is sposed to be getting a push so they put the poor guy ina tag team? Abyss doesnt need Morgan and Morgan doesnt need Abyss, they both are solid stars on thier own, together they work nothing better than a standard tag team and to be honest its boring. Obviously im geussing that Morgans break through storyline is when Abyss turns heel again and attacks Morgan but until that time im going to be skipping any segment/match these two are involved in!
For those who have not figured it out yet. This modern tag team world is about putting the belts on either future main eventers on in TNA's case (mid-carders)
Tomko, AJ, Daniels.. they have all had tt gold because they dont wan to put the world title on them.
I seriously believe the only reason these two are together as a tag team is simply because both have no other interesting storylines at present. Abyss can't be on the "new guys" team but his isn't seen as much of a veteran either. Matt Morgan is fairly new to TNA, but he's been wrestling for years now. The tag team division is lacking, so why not join these two so they can challenge for the tag titles? Yeah sure, they might not be the best nor the most entertaining tag team in history, and I'm not an Abyss fan at all. But since they have nothing else to do, they might as well stick together as a tag team.

I think Morgan is truly underrated and with improvement he could one day be a main eventer in TNA. But guys like James Storm and Robert Roode deserve a main event push before him. I'm a fan of his wrestling ability, but even I must admit he isn't the greatest on the mic and he is a fairly poor actor. I just don't like Abyss' wrestling style, he be better off being a heel in my opinion. His whole gimmick is pretty bad in my opinion. As a tag team they haven't wrestled a real lot, but I can see them defeating Beer Money for the tag titles soon.

I think they should remain as a tag team for at least another 4 months before having a feud with one another. Abyss needs to be the one to turn heel since Morgan hasn't been a babyface for long at all. Lets face it, both men have nothing else better to do at the moment than to tag with each other. I believe this is largely due to the Main Event Mafia vs 'New Guys' storyline that is basically involving a majority of the TNA roster and it taking up a lot of air time at the moment. Hell, Matt Morgan and Abyss could learn something from one another while their at it, as well.
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