Absolute is a sick fuck that needs to die painfully

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Ok, i'm not sure where to put this, but i figured the bar room would be
the the most effective place in spreading awareness of some terrible
news that has befallen the wz legend, Dysturbed.

There are a few vets here i'm sure that remember him, but to all the
new faces here who don't know him, please allow me to briefly tell you
who he is. Dysturbed, started posting at Wzforums back in 2001, and
quickly became known and looked up to as one of the best debators on
the forum... this trait soon after earned him a place among the staff
of wz forums as a wrestling moderator... and a short time later, he
eventually was adminned after wonderboy/protoman stepped down back in
2003/04... despite not much help from the owner, dysturbed led this
forum with sincere passion and endless commitment to improving WZ.
Unlike many moderators and admins, he didn't just sitback behind the
scenes locking threads, fixing problems, and bs'ing in the bar room...
He read and was involved in almost every single thread in the wrestling
forums... It was commented by many that he seemed to be on almost 24/7
as many forum issues brought to his attention were taken care of
swiftly... He helped make this place the best wrestling forum out there
at the time... with help of fellow staff members like advocate, aloe,
acrobat, etc., WZ was free of garbage threads, spam, and troublemakers
during his reign here. WZ was truly a great place to spend your time
online... He also was the founder of the forum prison concept... After
the forum crash in late 2005, and all the member were forced to leave
for a new home started by the forum community that use to reside
here... when the problems were resolved, he unselfishly returned to
help out ealry last year until just recently when he was inexplicably

in any event, i guess i'll get to the point, i've known him for a few
years now, he's the one who made me a supermod here long ago
afterall... I have had many conversations with him, and last fall even
spent some time with the man when i met him last fall in chicago...
Well it's with great sorrow that i gotta tell all of you that recently
he shared with me news that he is beginning to lose his battle with
bone cancer... at no time did i even notice a clue he was dealing with
this, though i knew of some of his relatives have dealt with other
forms of this disease. I guess almost all avenues of treatment have
been pursued and failed. And a few weeks ago, all he was told was to
live life to his fullest... but now he is stuck at home much, the pain
has become worst every day.

Now he did not ask me to post this, this is something i felt needed to
be done. You see, after so many years of being at WZ, i'm sure some of
you view this place as a second home in some respects. Well, this
place is one of the few places he has left anymore. Now i don't know
why Jonny decided he needed to be deadminned, but i'm asking that the
powers that be, please reinstate dysturbed to his previous position
here... it's the least that you could do for a man who's devoted so
much of his fragile life here...

please do this...

also, anyone wishing to send a message to dysturbed, though i don't
want to give out his personal contact information, please feel free to
and do so in this thread or PM.

thank you for your time
woah, not one reply yet... i'm gonna assume alot of you arr at work or sleeping last night...

this is serious though guys, show some compassion please
He will be in my prayers and he should be put into his previous posistion here at wz.

Well I'd say Dysturbed would be in my prayers, but I dont pray, so I'll just say he'll be in my thoughts.

As far as the Admin thing goes, he was de-admined not for no reason, but because he hadn't been on in a month, without so much as a word to me or anyone else, and I'd heard second hand that he was done with the place, and not being able to contact him I recommended to Brian that Jake be given Admin abilities.

When I speak to Brian I'll point him here, and see what he says, but if Dysturbed wanted his position back, then he should have come to me about it, or gone to Brian and we could of sorted something out.
While I've not had a bad illness myself. I lost my parent's to cancer so I know what his family must be going through.
Please send my best to him. He never really knew me at all, but for the time he was active here, he was a great.

I will pray for him.
Cancer, in any form or stage really sucks. I can't sympathize with Dysturbed because I've never gone through something as serious as this and i've never felt the pain and suffering that he must be going through. My heart goes out to Dysturbed and his family, I hope that he gets better soon so that he can return.

Dysturbed was always really kind to me and always treated me with respect so I always showed him the same common curtosity that he showed me.
I really didn't get a chance to talk to him or get to know him or how he was. The only time I have done anything involving him is I wrote a match between me and him and hopefully I presented him in a way that was to his liking. But on my behalf I would like to extend my best to him and wish him well in his life. Hopefully sometime he will come back to WZ and maybe I can chat with him a bit.

*toasts Dysturbed*
I wish him the best of luck dealing with bone cancer and i hope he can beat it. I lost an uncle and cousin to cancer and it is a terrible thing for families to cope with.
Yo, this isn't true right? Like it can't be..

Funny how this isn't on BQ tho..If this another one of those ******ed BQ jokes.. Not funny at all..

If not, what really can I say? Good luck man, stay strong, and thanks for everything you've done for me, and this forum.
hey everyone...

it's been some time since my last post here and i guess it's time for an update, just not sure how i should go about this... first though i want to thank everyone who posted, and sent Dysturbed PM's... it really boosted his spirits.which is why this makes this so hard to do... but i should just get to it... you see... Dysturbed passed away 3 days ago... from what i understand he went rather quickly so there wasn't that much suffering... last i spoke to him though he did want me to relay something to his friends, which was...


Dysturbed isn't dead you fucking morons!

god, people at BustedQuad would have never fallen for such obvious bullshit... you even stickied this, LMAO, what a joke of a staff here... have a nice day and fuck off everyone!

c-ya cocksmooches!
- Absolute, the newest banned member :)
You sick sick bastard, what the fuck, and what's with the gay orgy picture, is that what you do on your days off?, seriously though, your a sick fuck
your a sick and sad dirty mother fucker you will rot in hell when you die and people will dance on your grave.

the gay orgy was really your family when they have the day off
I have a sick sense of humor, but thats low, very low. I would never joke about this. It's up to Y2 Jake or Jonny if you should be punished for this. Even if this is the bar room...This is to tacky even for here.
WZ isnt just a place where people can act like assholes so why is it when people post pics and shit like that and knowing full well they are going to get banned for it, they still do it what was the use of them signing up then
I dont know. Who care's? Will anybody miss Absolute's input? I doubt it.

This thread's got more post's latley than it did when Dysturbed was ''dying'' of cancer.
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