Abraham Washington


Championship Contender
over the last couple of weeks i have seen a lot of abraham washington on wwe shows. i have never like the guy that much but he has somehow started to grow on me. but my question to you is where do you see him ending up in the wwe. he has been doing a ok job at the moment but do you think he can go on to be a great manager like bobby heenan or jimmy hart or do you think he wont last and end up back in fcw or somewhere else. your thoughts
He will go kinda far i see All World Promotions adding a few more members he will eventually get the tag straps on PTP (Prime Time Playas) but he will not be a huge manger something like vickie maybe
As for how he'll turn out as a manager in the long run, only time will tell. AW reminded me of Jimmy Hart a bit when he was giving "tips" to the Prime Time Players during their match on the last Smackdown, but that's about it. Every manager wants to grow their stable and for their stable members to make "Millions of Dollars," so Washington doesn't really stand out there. His intro. for the Prime Time Players was decent though, but a bit too long. Having a manager on the mic during a match is a breath of fresh air, but I'm gonna wait a bit before I pass more judgement on Washington.
THe wireless mic gives a little bit of a 21st century Jimmy Hart feel. I think they'll need to give him a few more guys to work with and a feud with a bigger name after he picks up a singles competitor.
I think that they should give him a guy like miz, does miz need a mouthpiece no, but neither did Ric Flair and he had JJ Dillion. AW could be a big deal imo, and I think he could making managers cool again. I like him, he's good at what he does, and he could help 'revitalize' someone like Miz's career.
He'll be a fine manager. He's doing a terrific job getting heat on the PTP right now and they could really develop into a legitimate heel tag team. When Primo and Epico were heels, there was either a groan of "really, we have to watch these guys?" or no crowd reaction at all. At the MITB PPV, they had AW mic'd up to the live crowd for the whole match and he was getting tremendous heat whenever he'd start talking. I think this is a gimmick we'll see continue and could really go places.
When I first heard him ringside on the mic, it reminded me of Jimmy Hart. I agree with Booker B, he's going to add more people to his stable. I think the WWE will use him to get people over who doesn't have good mic skills. I think he was hilarious on the mic last night and added to his team and the match. With him having a sports agent gimmick of sorts, I would place Jack Swagger with him or maybe Mark Henry to add more heat to him. I think that would be a good fit. I think his tenure as a manager in the WWE has legs but it remains to be seen.
I feel the same way as most of the posters, he's definitely draws comparisons to Jimmy Hart. The guy can talk and entertain. Anyone who watched ECW's Abraham Washington show knows that.
My only worry is that he'll fall victim to the stop-and-go procedure that goes on in WWE. Once something gets interesting, they stop doing it and give no explanation as to why. I've been screaming for managers in WWE for years now. I'm glad to see AW. I would like to see All World Promotions get as big as the Heenan Family once was in WWE although I doubt it will happen. Think of how many guys would be over if they had a manager in their corner...
First, I want AW to stay more Jimmy Hart than Bobby Heenan. Jimmy, circa 80's and early 90's, started with the Hart Foundation. He then added the HTM. Keep AW with tag teams and mid card guys. He would be a way of making the tag and a mid-card title mean something. Hell, stick him on both shows with both midcard champs. The tweet thet he sent on SD was F'N magic. Saying that he when he heard that the tag title match was going to be on the pre-show, he turned it down for his guys was PERFECT. These are the little things that are missing these days.

I'm not one who is of the belief that Cody Rhodes is ready for the main event just yet. I'd link Cody to AW and have him win the IC belt back from Christian. Follow that up and link him to Jack Swagger and job out Santino to him for the US belt. No harm can come of him picking his guys opponents. Have him say that each guy is willing to sit out their 30 days between title defenses until they get money matches.
AW is easily a good enough talker to consistently get good heat for his clients, and could very well be a great manager.

The only thing is, I don't think he'll stay a manager for his full career. Sooner or later he'll start wrestling himself, but I hope thats a few years off, because as good as he can be on the mic, he needs a lot of improvement in ring!
I missed all of his FCW stuff...is he a wrestler, a wrestler who couldn't cut it, or just a manager plain and simple?

I like him, he is growing on me and this is what the majority of the community here has been asking for for a while in the Tag Division and singles. "MANAGERS".
The hands free Mic is a nice touch but he needs to get used to using it a bit more....him talking kinda silenced the crowd until he criticizes them and they react.
A little work and I think AW will be a good success in the WWE...his presence has certainly made the Tag division more interesting in my eyes so far anyway.
Abraham Washington reminds me of Armando Estrada. Great potential as a manager with good mic skills, but barely noticeable in-ring skills/experience. I can see AW having one or two "try-out" matches in the WWE against guys like either Kofi Kingston or R-Truth. That's it. He's primarily cut out to be a manager and/or a host of his own show as was the case when the ECW brand was still around. I wouldn't even mind him doing some commentary in the future either. To be honest, I found his wrestling in FCW annoying. Everything from his corny ear-ringing "Yea-aaahHHH!" at the beginning when he enters the ring to his cheap Rock knock-off theatric moves were blah. He does need polishing. But yeah, like I said, he'll probably have one or two matches. The rest is managerial.
I agree that AW is entertaining and I think All World Promotions could be a very key element to the mid card scene going forward. I think that adding a few more clients is a must, maybe Swagger, Reks & Hawkins, or possibly a repackaged Joe Hennig(a stretch I know). I could also see AW working his way to the commentary booth in the future.
Just checked his wiki page, and you've no idea how excited I got when i saw that (at least to wikipedia's knowledge), he only has 3 years experience in-ring. While I've said he needs polishing, he isn't really that bad if that's how long he's been wrestling.

And then, I saw he's just turned 35... by the time he's good enough, sadly he'll probably be considered too old. I'm kind-of gutted about that to be honest, he could have been a big part of the WWE roster with a few more years under his belt, guys who can talk as naturally as him don't come along every day.

Anyway, rather grudgingly I'd have to admit it seems likely that Trance Metaphor is right, most of his career will be managerial.

BUT, and this just popped into my head reading Trance's post, If AW sticks around long enough as a manager, could he be the guy to eventually replace Jerry Lawler behind the commentary desk? I do miss me a heel commentator with a sense of humor.

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