About CM Punk

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dont call me a stupid no nothing mark or anything like that, but can you tell me a little about cm punk. I honestly know nothing about the guy.
and i dont mean that you should answer "CM PUNK is fucking balls dude"
actually tell me a little about him
CM Punk is a wrestler who is straight edge, he was a main star in ROH with the Second City Saints, and his amazing fued with Samoa Joe. During the end of his ROH run he was against everything ROH and eventually signed a WWE contract on the ROH belt.
Punk is one of WWEs best development superstars. he is a former OVW Champion and Paul Heyman is very high on him. His finisher is called the Pepsi Plunge. It is a modified pedigree off the top ropes. By modfied I mean he doesn't land on his knees he lands on his ass. Expect him to get a big push in ECW.
his gimmick is that he's straight edge punk (if you hadn't guessed already). he's pretty good in the ring. his finisher is cool, top rope "pedigree". i can't remember if he was in ECW in it's final days or the offshoot promotion that alot of the ECW guys were in, including Joey Styles (i forget the name). he was in TNA for awhile too.
Is he a little guy, a high flyer?
How old is the guy
Go to Youtube, and type in his name. You'll find sme clips. There is one clip with him fighting guerrerro and mysterio in a 3 way dance
Lashley-NextBigThing said:
Punk is one of WWEs best development superstars. he is a former OVW Champion and Paul Heyman is very high on him. His finisher is called the Pepsi Plunge. It is a modified pedigree off the top ropes. By modfied I mean he doesn't land on his knees he lands on his ass. Expect him to get a big push in ECW.

Just curious - do you think that Vinnie Mac is going to allow CM Punk to use this finisher? It seems pretty dangerous by WWE wrestling standards, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if when he arrives, he is given a much safer finisher. Which would be a shame, but Vinnie Mac is not going to allow high-risk wrestling unless TNA or another company starts to build up more of a following.
I saw CM Punk in a TNA PPV before Impact! came around and he was in a crazy match. I can't remember if he was on the giving or receiving end of this one move but he got on top of a steel cage and got slamme down through 3 table stacked up, it was pretty awesome. I knew the guy in an indy circuit (IWC [Pennsylvania-based]) before he even went to ROH or TNA. Pretty nice guy in person if you ask me.
isnt CM punk shannon Moore because now they really have to start using him in the WWE since he was good back when he was on Smackdown but they misused him and made him jobber
CM Punk, isn't Shannon Moore, and Punk HATES TNA with a passion.

@Soul Crusher
Hes using the anaconda vice.
sXe_LunchBoX said:
CM Punk, isn't Shannon Moore, and Punk HATES TNA with a passion.

@Soul Crusher
Hes using the anaconda vice.

Well, it figures that we get a safer finisher. This is WWE after all. Isn't that the submission move that The Undertaker uses from time to time?

And why does Punk hate TNA? It seems that most people that worked there have had nothing but good things to say about it. It was a sloppy operation initially, but I've heard that they've ironed out the rough edges behind the scenes lately. I can say this - he won't get anything close to the freedom (both in the ring and out) that he had with TNA in WWE. I just hope his style isn't too compromised to fit in with WWE standards.
punk hates TNA dating back to the ROH/RF fiasco; punk did a noble, yet very risky, thing sticking w/ ROH and ditching TNA while TNA was on the verge of a deal w/ Fox Sports. i think he's the most promising athlete that ECW will have to offer.
Soul Crusher said:
Well, it figures that we get a safer finisher. This is WWE after all. Isn't that the submission move that The Undertaker uses from time to time?

And why does Punk hate TNA? It seems that most people that worked there have had nothing but good things to say about it. It was a sloppy operation initially, but I've heard that they've ironed out the rough edges behind the scenes lately. I can say this - he won't get anything close to the freedom (both in the ring and out) that he had with TNA in WWE. I just hope his style isn't too compromised to fit in with WWE standards.

Nope, the Anaconda Vice is a variation of a side head and arm choke with the opponent laying on their back and Punk wrenching on their neck with their arm trapped. Not the triangle choke that Undertaker uses occassionally.

Punk's version of the Anaconda Vice isn't quite the actual Anaconda Vice that Hiroshi Tenzan popularized in New Japan Pro Wrestling which also involves a top wrist lock sort of arm lock in the hold.

Either way, Punk's vice is awesome and about on par with the Crippler Crossface in terms of great submissions.
I think its a wise decision to put C.M. Punk in ECW, but if ECW fails; then he better get a spot on Raw or Smackdown! C.M. Punk is a future world champion on one of the brands.
I know I had read the reports that Heyman wanted Punk in ECW, but does anyone else think it is weird or a little too coincidental that he started doing promos pushing his straight edge (no drugs, alcohol, etc.) persona on the first ECW after RVD and Sabu were busted? Just something I have been thinking off. Maybe they are trying to use his Straight Edge lifestyle to offset various rumors and some feelings that people may have of ECW wrestlers using drugs and such.
Just a thought.

flndergco28 said:
I know I had read the reports that Heyman wanted Punk in ECW, but does anyone else think it is weird or a little too coincidental that he started doing promos pushing his straight edge (no drugs, alcohol, etc.) persona on the first ECW after RVD and Sabu were busted? Just something I have been thinking off. Maybe they are trying to use his Straight Edge lifestyle to offset various rumors and some feelings that people may have of ECW wrestlers using drugs and such.
Just a thought.


No, not really.

C.M. Punk's straight edge persona has ALWAYS been his persona mainly cause well... he really IS straight edge.

Since day one, the straight edge persona is what's got C.M. Punk over in the independant scene. All of the Punker's classic promos all involved Straight Edge. So, it just makes sense that he portrays that in ECW. I see him feuding the same way with The Sandman that he did with Raven in Ring Of Honor.
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