Abdullah The Butcher/Hall of Fame Controversy


Getting Noticed By Management
I just watched this documentary called Don't Bleed On Me about this kid that goes by the ring name Hannibal who wound up contracting Hepatitis C supposedly from Abdullah The Butcher. Its interesting actually because you find out the Billy Graham has Hep C as well as Cowboy Bob Orton because back in 70's, 80's and hell even the 90' it was expected that big time matches would end up where one, if not both guys were bleeding from their faces, arms, etc. And when you have two guys bleeding on themselves and each other their bloods get into each other's blood streams and if you got something then he's got something. So naturally, it started going around.

Well, Abdullah the Butcher for those of you who may not have seen any of his matches, was pretty much known for bleeding and causing bleeding by any means necessary. It was his schtick and if you came to see a bloodbath you were usually treated to one in his matches. And everyone wound up "busted wide open" when they took him on due to his bevy of foreign objects such as his trademark fork hidden in his pants or the occasional drink straw for whatever reason. And as many of you know by now guys who bleed usually do so by cutting themselves with razor blades and commonly they'd been known to share these blades thus causing the spread of things like Hep C or otherwise.

Basically, the story goes that this kid was the hottest indy star around and was WWE bound after numerous tryouts and guys like Tommy Dreamer suggesting he get in. Anyways he blows everyone away at the tryout, gets a three year contract and during a rountine checkup finds out he has Hep C and comes to the conclusion that the only way he could have gotten it was from Abby. Abdullah and this guy had brutal matches before but in this one particular match, Abdullah has a blade taped to his pointer finger and after taking a hit, goes to one knee and slices himself deep causing heavy blood flow and then winds up repeatedly stabbing the kid with his own bloody blade thereby getting his blood into the kid's blood stream. Well WWE finds out and gets rid of the guy because its too big of a risk. Word spreads and no one wants to deal with the kid anymore or otherwise wrestle him.

So the kid tells WWE his side of the story and he with his lawyer try to come to some agreement with them but they still dont want to take the risk so he is relatively screwed. And for some reason WWE knows all about Abdullah but still decide they want him in their Hall of Fame despite the kid's story. But again the kid can't prove it was in any way his fault as Abdullah refuses to submit any type of blood test or otherwise.

The documentary is mostly Honky Tonk Man and Billy Graham talking about how big of a piece of crap Abdullah was and how its common knowledge he would do this sort of thing to numerous guys and even had been known to attack and cut people such as refs and announcers to get boos from the crowd. They even goes as far as to show him attack talk show hosts and the infamous deal where he smashed the guy with the coffee pot resulting in Hannibal getting 56 stitches.

I always thought Abdullah was a legend from when he and Cactus Jack brutalized each other back in WCW, and his years in Japan and WWC matches I've seen. Yeah he always did the gimmick where he would stab his opponent with forks and for some reason a drinking straw but he was what some considered one of the creators of the "hardcore" style which I guess is accurate. To me he was more of a sadistic type character who just set out to brutalize his opponent.

The question I have is do any of you think its wrong for a guy like Abdullah The Butcher to be immortalized in the Hall of Fame especially when its common knowledge that most of his matches were blood baths in the PG Era thats going on. Also knowing the fact that a talented kid who could have been someone huge loses his chance at being a big star possibly because Abby stabbed him with his bloody razor?

Abdullah refuses to submit any blood tests to this day so its not proven he has Hep C or even spread it to anyone but to me, even though I've always loved the guy I think it is rather shitty to induct a guy like him into the Hall of Fame when guys who were actual stars in the WWE or WCW like Savage, Bossman, Earthquake, Bam Bam Bigelow, Vader, etc are left out
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Abdullah refuses to submit any blood tests to this day so its not proven he has Hep C or even spread it to anyone

I wasn't sure what to think at first until your last paragraph. I think the part that I quoted pretty much discredits the entire post. Why is Abdullah to blame when we don't even know if he has the disease? Sorry but without knowledge of whether Abduallah has the disease it's not fair to blame him for anything.
All you have to do is Google Devon Nicholson to find out he's put himself in so many "bloodbath" matches (literally over 30 bloody bouts) apart from his four matches with Abdullah. He's just trying to cash in on a big name and a big company.
Abdullah the Butcher rightfully deserves his spot in the WWE Hall of Fame. So what if he a tight fisted asshole who owed people money all over the place. Facr is he was a great legend of the sport and it is common knowledge Abdullah has Hep C and has had for years...why would this guy wrestle him in those sorts of matches knowing Abby is Hep C positive????? Agree this was easily a money grab situation.
The "superstar" in question put himself in several over-the-top, non-Abdullah bloodbath type matches. Since we don't know if Abby has the disease, and the kid was known for doing ridiculously bloody matches that DIDN'T involve Abby, sorry, he looks like a money grubber.
It's a controversial subject, but to me Abby can end this any time he wants by doing the test... That he doesn't makes it seem there is something to hide... Hep C is the ugly side of old school, it's there in a lot of guys and few will admit it cos they want to work. Remember when Orton didn't tell Taker? That's the mentality in the biz... hide it...

Hep C isn't a joke, its life altering stuff and Abby, whatever his "stroke" has a duty to those he works with to either dispel the myth or admit and allow people to prepare/choose to work with him...

The guy in question may come across as bitter, but for one second imagine it's true... I'd be mad as hell...
Are you people really trying to defend him? He used to cut everyone, without even asking for their permission.And why do you think he refuces to submit blood tests? Its because he has something to hide.
It seems like a lot of people are biased because Abby is a legend and the Hannibal is relatively unknown to a lot of people(I know of him because he grew up in my area).

If Abdullah doesn't have Hep C, then why refuse to take any blood tests? Surely if he doesn't have it he'd have no problem proving the kid wrong. Just like you're supposed to tell someone you're going to sleep with that you have an STI/STD, you should notify your working partners if you have any diseases too. Like a poster above said, Abdullah can end it all with just doing a blood test.

And to those saying Hannibal is a money grabber, why would he try to get money off of blaming Abdullah if he can be scientifically proven wrong?
I don't know enough about Hannibal as far as facts, matches and even this case go but even if Abdullah did have Hepatitis C, does not mean Hannibal got it from him? If he has wrestled lots of other matches involving blood he could have got Hep C from another wrestler or maybe they have all been proven not to have it. Perhaps saying he got Hep C from Abdullah who I am guessing is more well known than the other wrestlers could help bring more attention to an obviously dark side of pro wrestling. Abdullah has always interested me, I am a fan of hardcore wrestling and this huge Jabba The Hut looking guy going around stabbing people in the head with a fork was something I always felt uncomfortable about. Uncomfortable in a good way I guess... just seeing this guy with his larger than life look and softly spoken voice (in interviews) become a savage blood lusting monster in the ring with an urge to cut his foe to shreads was very intriguing.

I do feel he deserves to be in the Hall Of Fame for his work and time spent in the business and being one of the hardcore innovators. I really feel he should be tested for Hep C though, I think every pro wrestler should. I don't like or defend everything he does but I have no problem with him being a Hall Of Famer. Hannibal knew the risks he was taking if he chose to wrestle matches of that style... It's horrible but he must have realised beforehand that it was a possibility.
Are you people really trying to defend him? He used to cut everyone, without even asking for their permission.And why do you think he refuces to submit blood tests? Its because he has something to hide.

Typical silly American logic. Guilty until proven innocent. :disappointed:

Abdullah the Butcher might make today's fans uncomfortable, but during his prime he was bowed down before as a respected hardcore king. He made Tommy Dreamer and Mick Foley look like Kelly Kelly and Eve. He absolutely deserves his spot in the HOF.
Typical silly American logic. Guilty until proven innocent. :disappointed:

Abdullah the Butcher might make today's fans uncomfortable, but during his prime he was bowed down before as a respected hardcore king. He made Tommy Dreamer and Mick Foley look like Kelly Kelly and Eve. He absolutely deserves his spot in the HOF.

most definitely. when you watched abdullah, you actually thought this guy climbed out a cave from somewhere remote and was some sort of creature. you were supposed to feel uncomfortable watching him. that was the point. when i was much younger and had a chance to watch him, he scared the crap out of me.
Typical silly American logic. Guilty until proven innocent. :disappointed:

Abdullah the Butcher might make today's fans uncomfortable, but during his prime he was bowed down before as a respected hardcore king. He made Tommy Dreamer and Mick Foley look like Kelly Kelly and Eve. He absolutely deserves his spot in the HOF.

Well maybe so, but this time and this time only I think I agree with this "typical silly American logic."

Abby can easily clear his name by submitting a blood test. If you watch the film which I did a while ago it does make you a little biased on the grounds of feeling sorry for Hannibal. It's not the best logic in the world but that's truly the way I felt after the film. I would love for Abby to be able to clear his name but I don't think that will ever happen.

I also find it slightly strange that he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame being (as far as I can tell) the only living person inducted that has never performed for WWWF/WWF/WWE. The Hall of Fame really does have some controversial inclusions, but that's for another thread!
I know people want to blame Devon but if Abdullah trully has nothing to hide then a blood test shouldnt be anything to him. A couple of seconds could put a rest to a huge rumor going around.
If holding younger talent from ever reaching their potential was a reason to stop a hall of fame bid, you may as well clear the entire HOF of people. Unless he's court ordered to, Abdul doesn't need to submit blood tests, and I can totally respect his privacy, just being famous doesn't mean due process and rights are thrown out.
I was never a big fan but I do back the Butcher here. As the OP himself mentioned, he has made a career of bloodbaths and yet only this 'prospect' has come forward with these allegations. Then add onto this that the accuser was fond of hardcore matches and AtB was far from the only guy that he has bled with.

Why should Abdullah go for a blood test or the WWe exclude him from the HoF when the facts indicate that this guy has a bog roll paper thin case?
Although a test might prove that Abby HAS Hep C, it still doesn't prove that HE GAVE Hannibal the disease.

I say that because in a court you'd have to prove that Abby gave it to the guy. Unless you can test every other opponent this man had bloody matches with AND test everyone in his sexual history AND anyone he possibly had blood to blood contact with...you have no case.
I just don't believe this guy and here's why:

1. Abby has had thousands upon thousands of bloody soaked matches over his career with VERY big name guys and NONE of them have come out and said "Abby gave me Hep C." This Hannibal character could have contracted that disease from ANYONE in the ring OR in bed.

2. the fact that he's suing the WWE makes him look like a gold digger; how the fuck are THEY responsible at all? What do THEY owe this guy? You can't sue the company for not hiring you bc you have a disease; they've gotta think of the well-being of THEIR PERFORMERS. I'm sure Hannibal himself wishes the promoters he worked for didn't let folks with Hep C wrestle; that's the flaw in his case. You're suing one guy for giving you a disease and suing a company for protecting their employees from said disease? What a fucking idiot!
Abdullah is a legend that was a big draw back in the day. There's no proof he gave this kid Hep C. So yes he deserves a spot. If it wasn't for Abdullah hardore matches wouldn't have been what they were. I think the guys just trying to get money out of it.
Typical silly American logic. Guilty until proven innocent. :disappointed:

Abdullah the Butcher might make today's fans uncomfortable, but during his prime he was bowed down before as a respected hardcore king. He made Tommy Dreamer and Mick Foley look like Kelly Kelly and Eve. He absolutely deserves his spot in the HOF.

That's hilarious, it really is... because we all know that it's a wrestler's in ring abilities that contribute to their Hall of Fame worth right? Because Chris Benoit is totally deserving of a HoF spot right? I should slap you for even thinking yes to that last question.

Abdullah is known for making people force a blade incident and a lot of workers have all bashed the guy plenty of times. He's got a knack for being unsafe in the ring, and there really aren't too many veterans that do care for him. So what if he's an Ultra-Violent legend? For one, that style of wrestling is pure garbage and the ones who "do it the best" don't even deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, Bret Hart, or even Shawn Michaels (yes they've had gimmick matches, but they were warranted). Second, Hannibal for years was cleared without Hep. C until after his encounter with Abdullah. In case you people forget, Hep. C isn't like aids... it doesn't take forever to sink into your blood stream. Therefore, it either came from Abdullah or a match after Abdullah...

And the fact remains that if Abdullah knows he's innocent, then why not take a blood test? Although if the kid was smart, he'd take it to the courts because Hep. C is very dangerous to those who have it and can be quite cancerous... which would mean Abdullah knew he had Hep. C and still risked giving it to others. But that's just me... because I wouldn't want to die because of someone else's negligence.
Are you people really trying to defend him? He used to cut everyone, without even asking for their permission.And why do you think he refuces to submit blood tests? Its because he has something to hide.

I won't defend him for his spontaneous cutting. That stuff is ridiculous and it's a shame that he was able to get away with it for all those years.

As for the blood test, I have no idea whether he is hiding anything, but the fact that he won't get blood tested doesn't prove anything. I wouldn't let you test my blood just because you wanted to. If promoters want to stop bringing him unless he gets a blood test that would be there right, but he has every right to refuse to get his blood taken if he doesn't want it.
Well maybe so, but this time and this time only I think I agree with this "typical silly American logic."

Abby can easily clear his name by submitting a blood test. If you watch the film which I did a while ago it does make you a little biased on the grounds of feeling sorry for Hannibal. It's not the best logic in the world but that's truly the way I felt after the film. I would love for Abby to be able to clear his name but I don't think that will ever happen.

I also find it slightly strange that he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame being (as far as I can tell) the only living person inducted that has never performed for WWWF/WWF/WWE. The Hall of Fame really does have some controversial inclusions, but that's for another thread!

Did Verne Gagne or Nick Nock ever perform for WWWF? I'm thinking there is a chance Bock did, but I don't think Gagne did?

Gordon Solie never worked for The E did he? Bob Armstrong ever make a trip up north? How about Watts? Did he travel up north when he was active or end up backstage at some point? Lastly, Jack Brisco? He retired when they sold their shares and never went to work for the E unlike Jerry.
Did Verne Gagne or Nick Nock ever perform for WWWF? I'm thinking there is a chance Bock did, but I don't think Gagne did?

Gordon Solie never worked for The E did he? Bob Armstrong ever make a trip up north? How about Watts? Did he travel up north when he was active or end up backstage at some point? Lastly, Jack Brisco? He retired when they sold their shares and never went to work for the E unlike Jerry.

Bill Watts performed in WWWF and was tag team champion with Gorilla Monsoon. Jack Brisco didn't but was inducted alongside Gerry. Nick Bockwinkel was a road agent for WWF. Solie was a posthumous induction.

You got me on Verne and Bob Armstrong though!
I remember reading about this several months ago and used it to start a thread as to why the WWE's no blood policy is a good idea. I don't know if Abdullah has Hep C or not, though it wouldn't suprise me if he does. Another poster said something to the effect of Hep C being the ugly side of an old school mentality and there's legit truth in that.

There are tons of wrestlers on the indy circuit or who've worked on the indy circuit who have gone on to work for the bigger companies or wrestlers that are big names already that go around doing things in their private lives. Some do or have done drugs and shared needles, some have had unprotected sex with complete strangers and continue to do so and many go without having tests run on them and continue to do what they do in their private lives. Even though WWE has the Wellness Policy in effect, there's the possibility that it might not reveal that a wrestler has a disease that can be transmitted through blood until it's too late and someone has already been exposed to it via a match. That's why WWE doesn't purposely allow wrestlers to cut themselves in their matches anymore.

As far as Abdullah himself goes, I dunno. I'm sure some people have legit gripes against the guy. It's virtually impossible to go through wrestling and not make enemies. You always hear some article or story or interview pop up now and again in which an old veteran blasts someone for whatever reason. If he does have Hep C, he should stop wrestling. It's just that simple. That, however, doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a spot in the WWE Hall of Fame. He was a memorable character with a memorable gimmick that's known by generations of fans. The fact that he might be a malignant turd in real life doesn't automatically take away from that.

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