AAA vs LLL (Mexican wrestling)

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Morris The Grey

Dark Match Jobber
A long time ago when I was a kid i went to Mexico and went shopping with my family in these outdoor markets located in the downtown of a city. A vendor was watching wrestling and so I just stood there and watched.

Must've been late 90's and I saw what was a cool storyline about a AAA vs LLL.
Years later I found out that AAA was a promotion that worked with and is still working with TNA. But I never found out what LLL was.

Can anyone explained what the angle and LLL was about or point me somewhere where I could learn more about it. (preferably in English)
LLL was pretty much AAA's form of the NWO. As LLL tried to take over AAA like NWO tried the same with WCW. The only difference is that it always wasnt the make focus of AAA as the NWO was.
I see. So LLL was a faction within the promotion AAA. I always thought that it might have been another promotion. Thanks a lot, when I tried to google the storyline I always got LLC or limited liability companies.
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