A WWE tournament


Pre-Show Stalwart
This is just an idea I have had floating around for some time, and I thought it best now to share it. I think that the wwe needs to have a major tournament. Besides the KotR, which has not been around for a long time(expect if you count that event a few years ago), the wwe has not had a real good tournament since survivor series 98 to crown a new champion. And while some of you may think that this was a terrible tourney, I don't think it was at all. A good 16 wrestler tourney on one show, where really unless you were psychic you had no idea that the Rock was going to win the tourney and as a result create alongside McMahon the Corporation. This was a compelling tournament that had many good matches on the card.

Anyways my idea for a tournament is a little bit different. You realistically cannot have a major tournament on one show like this in the wwe at this time, and this in large part due to injuries(which will definitely happen). So my idea is to have a 32 man tournament which will encompass all 3 brands, and it will pit all the top superstars against one another to find out who is the best in the wwe. The winner of this tournament as well will get a guaranteed title match against the champion of their choosing, and if it is a champion who wins the tournament, then they still get a shot at another title, add some old school wrestling where champions could hold more than one major title at a time(brands are almost like different promotions, so that would work). This is the perfect time for a tourney such as this because for the most part, every major wwe superstar is not on the injured list(well except for Mysterio). You have returns from Big Show, Jericho, JBL, to go along with superstars such as Taker, Batista, HBK, Cena, HHH, Jeff Hardy, MVP and so on. Never again I think will you have an opportunity such as this. Anyway my idea is that this tournament begins in June(when generally the ratings are lower, so its a chance to raise the ratings). The announcement for the tournament could be made after the June ppv(vengeance I believe). Anyway the tournament will begin after the June ppv and continue on until Summerslam, where the semi-finals and the finals will be held. So between these 2 ppv's, you would have the round of 32, 16, and the quarters, held on all 3 television shows(about 1-2 matches per show). I think this would be excellent because it would get the fans interested a lot(tournaments tend to do this) will create unpredictability(when you have the best fight against the best, going to be hard to see who will win. Ie. Cena vs HHH, HBK vs Taker ect.) It would be a chance for an up and coming superstar to add a lot of credibility(ie Hardy making it to at least the semi's would cement his status as a main eventer). It would also be a good chance to start up new feuds, maybe even create some sort of stable ala 98. Of course there would be some disputed finishes, but this only helps to create some feuds, in that their are screwjobs followed by worse screwjobs. At the summerslam ppv, you begin the show with the 2 semi final matches, and then the main event being the finals. And then of course the winner is crowned the best wrestler in the wwe and gets a title shot against whomever they want.

So what are your thoughts on this, would this work, would this not. Is it a completely insane idea that should be buried. Is there ways to tweak this idea to make it that much better, and so on.
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I agree a nice, unpredictable tournament would add a little something to WWE programing. Especially if it were to have major implications, such as eliminating the MitB match at Wrestlemania and rather having a tournament where the winner gets a guaranteed title shot whenever at any point in the next calendar year. This would help create a new star in many ways and also give the viewers the chance to see some new, interesting feuds we may otherwise never have seen.

Shame, though, that if this were to come to fruition, odds are we would see the same old crap as we do now, only in a tournament setting. I mean, do we really need to see HHH vs Snitsky AGAIN and have it mean something? Bleh. If they could shake things up, I am totally in favor (eg; Jericho versus 'Taker 'er something).
Your more than likely going to see dumb matches like Snitsky vs HHH, but for the most part that should only be in the first round. This would be because if there is going to be all the top superstars, there is enough so that 16 real good main eventers should be in the tourney. I wanted to be a 32 round tourney just so that some of the up and comers could have more credibility, say, finishing top 4 in a 32 man tourney as opposed to top 4 in a 16 man tourney.
I think its a great idea healyz84. Everything is in your idea to make it a great tourney, but the only thing I would say is that it really wouldnt have any suspense. This is only because there are going to be the odd few wrestlers who arent gonna wanna lose. for example, if HHH was to compete against say, Umaga, HHH wouldnt want to lose that match. He would do everything he can to get to the finals.
So if the pickings for who will fight who were totally random, then it would be a great thing, for example - Jericho against Undertaker, as someone said earlier. But there would be too much match fixing and I think the outcome of each match would be too predictable.
Maybe im thinking too deep on this one, but otherwise, great idea.
just a thought.
Hell, man, I'd be perfectly fine with another King of the Ring tournament lol.

But yeah, the tournaments are much better than the quick "Beat the Clock" competitions when the outcomes are even more than the standard level of "predictable".

HartsyThaiFood has a good point, though. Snitsky and the other "write off"s would have to be in the first round. We know Hardy wouldn't lose to Super Crazy, Batista wouldn't lose to Chuck Palumbo, and CM Punk wouldn't lose to Steve Richards. It'd be interesting to see a full-roster tournament, though, so we can get some fun matches like HBK/MVP, Carlito/Punk, Umaga/Undertaker, etc.

I'm all for the idea, but I doubt they'd do it. They're much more concerned with "how can we make both Cena AND Triple H a god amongst men?" Lol
I could stand a good tournament, but what is the storyline? Why are we having it? Did someone get stripped of the title? I don't want to see a tournament just for the hell of it. I want there to be some logic behind having it. At least from a wrestling perspective.

I know you said the winner is #1 contender for the title of their choosing, but I think that takes away from the Royal Rumble concept. If you are going to have a tournament, have it mean something by being about something. Nobody watches the NFL playoffs to see the winner challenge last year's Super Bowl champ at the beginning of the following season. As a fan, if I am going to invest my time into watching a tournament, I want it to pay off with a winner. Not a winner who will go on to challenge and possibly lose to the champion at a date in the possibly distant future.

I also doubt WWE would do anything at this point in the realm of having one man hold more than one major title, and risk possibly diminishing a single brand's title. RVD being the last, but the idea behind that was to get him over as ECW champ and try to build it up.

A tournament can only be done every so often, and it has to be very well thought out as to what it will accomplish for not only the winner, but everyone involved. I am not against the idea, but it needs a stronger foundation to really work. If done properly though, WWE could generate a year's worth of storylines out of it and its aftermath.
I think the only way a 32-man tournament would be good if WWE was only one brand & not 3 brands like they have now because for example if Smackdown wants to do a tournament for the World Heavyweight Championship, who's going to compete in the 1st round of the tournament? Festus vs Undertaker? Moore vs Batista? It wouldn't be as exciting if WWE was only one brand because it would be too predictable. If WWE was only one brand, you could have more exciting matches & more unpredictable matches like MVP/Kennedy or HBK/Batista
I love the idea alot to be honest. A big tournament like that would be a hell of an idea. I think one week on RAW Vince comes out and says he has an announcement next week that is going to rock the foundation of the entire WWE. He then comes out the next week and announce a 32-man tournament that will determine the best superstar in the WWE with the winner getting a title shot at a ppv or a time of their choosing. And have the final four at Summerslam. Have the two semi finals matches open the show and then have the final close the show. To me i think right now the final four would have to be John Cena, HHH, Jeff Hardy, and Edge. I think screw people over in the tournament on a couoplel of occassions would be good cause it would be really hard to get down to a final four without a couple guys getting screwed out of matches such as Undertaker, HBK, and Batista. Hell these guys getting screwed out of matches could lead to some good feuds maybe down the road. All in all i see a Cena, HHH, Hardy, Edge final four and in the end i think John Cena wins becuase they are trying to build him not only as a great but one of the top guys of all time.
Yea I definately agree its a great idea. I think you could have 13 superstars from Raw, 11 from Smackdown! and 8 from ECW.

However I think in order for this to work, the first 2 rounds should be done like this: wrestlers must only face wrestlers from their own brand. That should get rid most of the midcarders.

Then when it gets to the quarter finals have the wrestlers face each other from different brands eg.. Batista vs CM Punk, Triple H vs Edge. Or in the final match there could be a triple threat match containing 1 participent from each brand.

I agree this has to happen in a few months when the WWE's ratings start to sink. Also I would have a few upsets in the round of 16 or quarter finals eg.. MVP beats Batista, Y2J beats HHH etc. I hope that if this tournament was to actually happen.. a world champion wouldnt win it since there will be no need.

Actually I wouldnt be against an ECW superstar winning it because heyy.. that belt needs more credibility and having an ECW superstar winning it could possibly get their ratings up a bit and could push a guy lyk Shelton Benjamin or Elijah Burke to near main event status.
Obviously, a large scale tournament like that would need to have a really good reason for being around...that means at least one World belt would need to be vacated...(Like say a triple threat match at Wrestlemania having a no-contest type ending, with all three being unable to finish the match, or something like that. When they had the tournament in WMIV, it was because Andre won the belt, and gave it to Ted DiBiase, and then Jack Tunney (figurehead WWF President) declared that since Andre gave the belt up, he wasn't champion, but WWF rules prevent someone from being given a title, so DiBiase wasn't champion either, and the title was therefore vacated...It would take something like a vacated title to merit a tournament. I must say though, a tournament would be welcome viewing. I love them, because you end up getting surprise winners booked every now and then.

If we were to have a large scale tournament, company wide, I would want the 1st round matchups to be totally random. IE, draw ping pong balls out of a hopper to choose opponents. We might get a Mark Henry vs. Snitsky, which would be a great bathroom break match, or we could end up with Cena/Undertaker in round 1...that would be incentive to watch, wouldn't it? You simply can't seed wrestlers like you can in basketball, so you either have to be totally arbitrary, and plan every 1st round match ahead of time, or make it totally random. I like random, just for the surprise value.
yeah, making it random would be sooo cool. Something like HHH/Taker or HBK/Edge. Its a great idea, and if done with enough planning and storyline, it would be the best thing to come after a long time. But who knows when a next tourney of any sort would happen.

even a tag team tourney would be something different too. throw in a few gimmick matches here and there, same goes for the WWE title tourney - few gimmick matches would be cool.

just a thought.
Personally, if they have a tournament, they need to bring the King of the Ring back. It was always the setting up for a push for a superstar. Except for the 2006 King of the Ring, which was a load of crap. Just look at who won it: Bret Hart, Steve Austin, Triple H, Edge ect. They eventually became the top superstars of their company. That's why CM Punk should win it and get a shot for the World Heavyweight Championship at a future Pay-Per-View.

Of course that would never happen though, we are talking about the WWE.
have 32 guys start with qualifying matches. the 16 who win go on to a ppv where there would be a one night single elimination tournament. i love having big tournaments in one night. survivor series 98 and wm 4 are 2 of my favorite pay per views for reasons already stated: unpredictability, cool matches, etc. the ppv should be named after the ppv (ie tournament of torture) and i dont think the 3 champions should take part in it as there would have to be other matches on the card to seperate the rounds. the winner of the tournament could get a shot at what ever title at summesrlam. wwe could really make this an annual event with the top starts from all 3 brands taking part in it and plus it could serve as a prelude to summerslam by establishing the main event (similar to royal rumble/wrestlemania).
It's just too bad that we don't get things like tournaments, stables, good gimmicks, good heel/face turns. Any form of suspense or surprise is really gone for anyone who has been watching wrestling for more thn 3 years. I still watch it and find enjoyment, but I am rarely surprised by anything they throw at me.
Ok firstly, a tournament done at random and/or for nothing to gain by winning would be gay, and would never happen. LOL sorry if thats a tad flamey or whatever but its the truth. No one is going to pay to see a tournament done for nothing, or one whose finals ends up being Undertaker Vs Mike Knox becuase all the high profile stars got knocked out in the first round from your super cool random drawings.

Although I DO agree that a good ol tournament needs to come back. I have been saying for quite some time that I wish the KOR would come back, and be in the old school format of 8 man tournament in one night. And the PPV would be centered around the tournament, the only other matches would be the three brands title matches. And the winner of the tournament gets a shot at their respective brands title, at summerslam. I think it would be cool to do the rounds kinda like our WZ tournament, in that maybe the second round (of three) could be a "spin the wheel, make a deal" to set up a random gimmick for the second match. I mean if its "king of the ring" it should encompass any match right?? So therefore a roulette type thing should be put in for the semi finals, with all (or many) gimmicks on it. Put guys from all three brands in the tournament, would make it more prestigous. I think this kind of PPV would be amazing, and very entertaining, making a KOR tourney, at least two gimmick matches, and three title matches. Act like that wouldnt sell.
I like the idea of what would seem like a random match, but common guys, it's the WWE. Nothing will ever be that random. About 70% of ALL matches are predictable. Honestly, the only way I see a huge tournament with randomly drawn competitors work, is with TNA, because they actually know how to push an undercarder, if only for a short while. And as far as the KOTR ppv returning, I agree. 8 man tourny in one night, plus the other three Main event titles, with the shot at Summerslam. Great Idea. Which is why we won't see it.
I think they need to just bring the King of the Ring tournamnet back. Honestly, it was great, and most people loved it. I still struggle to see why they stopped it, as it generated interest, and some good matches which wouldn't have happened otherwise. New feuds could also be generated from this.

I think it would work better if the brands weren't split though, it would mean even better matches, especially ones we hadn't seen before, without the worry of brands, and only being able to wrestle at certain times. Also, most people now agree the brand split should be ended, and a King of the Ring tournament could be there to do it, and make things even better.

The only thing I don't want to happen, is to see something so predictable, such as Cena or HHH winning it. Cena would no doubt win it if we had one soon, I mean, he's just won the Rumble, and isn't WWE champion. HHH could also win it if he doesn't win the championship, as he is still seen as one of the best. However we will all expect it, and that's a main reason people get bored so easily nowadays.
How about when was the last time the WWE Title or the World Heavywieght title was vacated as a result of a controversial finish, leading up to a large scale tournament to crown a new champion (WWE title or World Heavywight title)?

Also, it would involve stars from all 3 brands with the newly crowned champion having to defend his title on all 3 shows.

6 men from each brand....a whole show dedicated to crowning a new champ...when it is time for the semi-finals, whatever brand holds the most victories in the tournament, gets to nominate a superstar from their brand who either 1. lost earlier in the tournament or 2. did not compete in the tournament at all , to hold a bye spot and be the competitor to be faced for the title in the final crowning match of the tournament

i could book that tournament right now..with all the matches and everything
I like this idea only on the grounds that the tournament could start/end fueds etc. I dont think it would be used well, and it would mostly be a squash, because they couldn't have that many matches in one night.

The general idea would be a good one though, and lead to all sorts of things. Though it would be pretty predictable who won, not to mention the brand problem.
Great thread idea!

It could really work if they did it post draft. Jeff Hardy would also be back by then I think.

In my opinion if they drafted HBK, Umaga and The Highlanders will get drafted in exchange for Mysterio (I don’t think they will bring back the C/W title), Miz, Morrison then this could be an idea to get the new #1 contender on one of the shows. Also If we assume Kennedy is Mr. MITB and that HHH and Undertaker and Kane walk out of Wrestlemania as brand champs.

So you take out HHH and Kennedy because they are feuding over the belt – same with Taker/Edge and Kane/Chavo until the tournament is finished.
If we were to assume they did it and they had these as matches:

1. CM Punk* v The Great Khali
2. MVP* v Rey Mysterio
3. Big Daddy V v Big Show*
4. Shelton* v Super Crazy
5. Orton* v Charlie Haas
6. Elijah Burke* v Snitsky
7. HBK* v Cody Rhodes
8. Hardcore Holly v Jeff*
9. Cody Rhodes v Carlito*
10. Tommy Dreamer* v Miz
11. Umaga* v Festus
12. Kofi Kingston v Batista*
13. Finlay* v Mark Henry
14. Matt Hardy* v Santino
15. John Cena* v JBL
16. Chris Jericho* v “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan

Next Round:

1. Jericho v MVP*
2. Umaga* v Big Show
3. Finlay v Carlito*
4. CM Punk* Batista
5. Shelton* v Matt Hardy
6. HBK* v Elijah
7. Orton* v Dreamer
8. Cena v Jeff*

Quarter Finals

1. MVP* v Umaga
2. Shelton v CM Punk*
3. Carlito v Jeff*
4. Orton v HBK*

Semi Finals

1. CM Punk* v Jeff
2. HBK v MVP*


1. CM Punk* v MVP
There has been some really good ideas in this thread, some not so good but basically heres my idea (influenced in parts by other posters ideas) of how they should do a tournament at this moment in time.

Vince McMahon or the GMs agree that the titles lack the meaning they once had, they agree that the problem comes from the fact that there is just to many titles. They come up with an idea of unifying the tag titles and World Heaveyweight championships at an event such as Vengence - night of champions or indeed summerslam - the wrestlemania of summer.

How theyd get there... There will be two simulataneous tournaments running that will engulf the whole of the wwe and ecw... one for tag teams and one for singles wrestlers. The champions (so at this moment in time: Edge, Randy Orton and Chavo) and tag champions (so at this moment in time: The miz and john morrison and cody and hardcore) are not eligible to fight in the tournament, heres where the tournament go one of two ways, the winner gets to choose the title he wants to wrestle for and the other titles are simply deleted (sad really- considering the history) however the holders who where stripped get a contract they can trade in at anytime against the winner of the tournament vs champion match. OR at the end of the tournament theres a fatal four way elimination for the Undisputed Champion/ triple threat elimination for the Undispited tag Champions.

Anyway the tournament will incorporate all the shows and can be done in a number of ways, there could be leagues, say 8 leagues with 4 men in each league ( 36 men) each man must face each person in his league getting a point for a victory, nothing for a loss, any the top two men from the league will go through. Anyone tied on points will have to face each other again, or will go through based on how quickly they beat there opponents. Either way you get two men from each league who goes through to the nock out stages.
The final 18. The winner will be crowned at Vengence with the promise of a shot at the undisputed championship at the next ppv, the championship will then have to be defended on all shows with the champion having to show his talent on all shows and with people having to earn the right at championship matches by facing each other or qualifying some how.
There doesn't need to be a build-up. Vince could walk out and say the brand split is stupid. Put the top 32 in a tournament, champ or not. End the brand-split, fight for one belt.

At the end, a new belt could be unveiled. It would take four weeks of television. Run a tag title tourney concurrently with 16 teams. That is 46 matches, 44 of which would be one free tv, over 12 shows in four weeks.

It gives everyone tv time, fixes the title situation, ends the brand split, starts new feuds, and eliminates that stupid spinner belt, which was a tribute to fitty cent and his terrible rap and terrible everything that represents what is wrong with the WWE. Neither are creative, both are formulaic.

Just whatever happens, don't have CM Punk win. He's sloppy and he refuses to sell. Whereas I think Cena is booked as Superman, Punk just makes himself Superman-like, but it doesn't work. I would have Kofi Kingston make a quarter-final run. Talk up his undefeated streak, say he's making a run, and then boom, he loses to HHH. Now a line where the midcard starts is drawn.

Give the runner up the IC or US title. Run another concurrent tourney for the cruisers, maybe 8-man. Even do one for the women.

Now at a PPV you have the WWE title/IC match, tag match, cruiser match, women's match, something involving McMahons, gimmicky celebretard match, Umaga in a cage, and Kane jobbing out to an up and comer.
I say just bring back the King of the Ring. I mean you have all this talent and is a better tool to push stars than the Money in the Bank. I mean really, Edge & RVD were stars before the Money in the Bank and well Kennedy didn't get in higher with the breifcase or after he lost it.

While the King of the Ring hva had some misses, look who back greatfrom or had great storylines with it:
Bret Hart
Owen Hart
Triple H
Steve Austin
Kurt Angle
King Edge The Awesome
Brock Leasnar
King Booka

I think the King of the Ring should replace either One Night Stand or Vengence and put all the talent from Raw and Smackdown togther and have the entire KOR in one night. They don't have to do the whole royal gimmick, but it would be fun to the bring the corwn back as it work perfect some and yes others Billy gunned it, it still great and something people would want to see.
They could run a tournament for the Cruiserweight Title. In terms of storyline do it really simple Mysterio makes his return wins his come back and says he wants to "get back to becoming the biggest little guy in the WWE," Vince says he's fed up of Rey saying this and not having anything to show for it so says he really wants to find out who is the biggest lttle guy and says there will be a tournament for anybody under 230lbs to enter and the winner will be awarded the WWE Cruiserweight Title (or as I'd rename it The WWE Light HeavyWeight Title).

All eligible candidates (weights taken from Wikipedia etc):

-Chris Jericho
-Brian Kendrick
-Paul London
-Santino Marella
-Super Crazy
-Shawn Michaels
-Jeff Hardy
-Matt Hardy
-Chavo Guerrero
-Curt Hawkins
-Zack Ryder
-Shannon Moore
-Jimmy Wang Yang
-Jamie Noble
-Rey Mysterio
-Elijah Burke
-CM Punk
-Colin Delaney
-Kofi Kingston
-The Miz
-John Morrison
-Stevie Richards

Not saying you have to use all these guys but you could make a tournament out of them all the same!

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