A WWE/Shawn Michaels mistake?


Pre-Show Stalwart
This week on Raw, we saw the return of the legendary "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels. But, he didn't say anything at all. He milked the crowd, then superkicked Alberto Del Rio in the face.

My question to you is: Did WWE play this wrong? Should they have gotten HBK to cut a promo? Was it the right week to bring HBK back, or should it have been after the Rumble?
It would've been nice to hear HBK talk on the mic. But, I thought him coming out and not saying a single word on the mic was a unique novelty. Just having him come out, basking in the glory of being a WWE Hall of Fame inductee, smiling and blow kisses to the fans, strutting around the ring and teaching a "young upstart" like Alberto Del Rio a little lesson worked for me.

The WWE doesn't usually do things that are surprising or shocking just for the same of doing them, so having HBK come out was a pleasant surprise that worked well. When the WWE treats wrestling heritage and legends with respect, then it's always something worth watching.
I agree with Jack Hammer.. Made it a unique appearance.. I mean sure, we expected him to talk, but then a cocky heel turns up and decides to make it his time only for a legend to shut him up witha boot the face.. It was good and I don't think the live crowd minded the fact that he never spoke.. They got to see him and I think that is all that matters..

Also, what was he supposed to say?? Now people are going to be thinking that therefore they will have to wait for the Hall of Fame Ceremony to ehar what he has to say.. Actually clever by the 'E'..
No, because it was perfect. There is nothing he could have said that he didn't say already, and anything else would have taken away from the absolute treat it is to see him on WWE programming again. It was perfect. Inducted into the HOF, appearing on WWE TV, and giving a newer guy a rub, all in the span of about two minutes.

It was the perfect promo, and I wouldn't change it at all.
I thought it was great. Like someone said in another post, He still brought the fan reaction without saying a word. That is how great he is. What did you expect to hear? "Thanks for inducting me into the HOF this year," (we will hear that at the actual HOF), or he thanks all the WWE, the fans for everything? He did that last year and will do that at the HOF.

It was not a wasted opportunity nor a mistake. It was a good segment that should be left as that.
The whole thing didn't make sense...the reason he went out there was to say something and nothing happened.

Yeah but in all fairness what did he need to say that he isn't going to say at HOF? Besides Alberto Del Rio can put getting sweet chin musiced on that bucket list of his, besides how often can you say someone kicking you in the fact helped you get a little bit more over?

I liked it, he didn't need to say anything really and having him there was a great unexpected suprise. I'm glad we didn't hear about it beforehand, and I wouldn't have changed the segment one bit.
It was a genius move by WWE and The Showstopper. The crowd went wild, the fans at home got one more glimpse of Shawn in the ring, and his actions said 1000s of words that Shawn didn't need to say (he already did in his farewell speech, and will finalize at the HOF in April).

He's still got it, and he's going out on top before he becomes a parody of himself (Flair, Hogan) by still working in the ring long after he should have hung up the tights. And I still believe Shawn could easily work another 5-10 years before he was even close to becoming THAT sad in the ring.
It would've been nice to hear HBK talk on the mic. But, I thought him coming out and not saying a single word on the mic was a unique novelty. Just having him come out, basking in the glory of being a WWE Hall of Fame inductee, smiling and blow kisses to the fans, strutting around the ring and teaching a "young upstart" like Alberto Del Rio a little lesson worked for me.

The WWE doesn't usually do things that are surprising or shocking just for the same of doing them, so having HBK come out was a pleasant surprise that worked well. When the WWE treats wrestling heritage and legends with respect, then it's always something worth watching.

I absolutely agree. I marked out like a 10 year old when HBK walked out. No one is more deserving of the Hall of Fame and the reality is, he needn't have said a word. His retirement speech said it all and it truly couldn't be topped with a thank you speech at THAT moment. I'll wait to hear him talk at the award ceremony. I got the fix I needed with the sweet Chin music...ALTHOUGH you could tell it was a setup as Alberto Del Rio practically stuck his chin out. I would have liked to see him get caught WAAAAY off guard but kick & pose afterward was amazing. HBK 4 LIFE.
Jack-Hammer hit it spot on for me. Would've been nice to see him cut a promo but in a way it was cool for him not to. It was good to see Del Rio get some air time on RAW so then he grasps at more of the WWE fans attention, also I don't think the timing really matters after all it being on RAW was a nice suprise. I think WWE Creative got this one right.
The whole idea was to just have Shawn soak that moment up. Let him absorb the applause and adulation, and for Del Rio to get a rub. While it was HBK's moment, it was also Del Rio's. WWE wants this guy to get over and it was the right time for him to capitalise. Any heel in that position is going to look good, and Del Rio came out of last night looking great because of it. Shawn got his moment and so did Alberto. WWE played that one perfectly.
I don't have a problem with the way WWE used HBK here. If HBK would have cut a promo, it would have been a lot similar contentwise to his retirement speech. That was itself an awesome promo and will possibly not be topped by even HBK again. Instead we got to see a young guy get a bit of heat insulting HBK and also the Sweet Chin Music after a span of 9 months. You cannot ask for more
Shawn Michaels not saying anything was... epic. It was amazing. It was, dare I say, perfect!

First off, Shawn didn't need to say anything. He came out to a thunderous pop and it didn't die down the entire time he was out there... that is until Del Rio came out for the interruption. But when the spotlight was back on Shawn, the cheers continued. Why kill the momentum by making the crowd quiet down so they can hear Shawn talk?

Then there's the fact that it was just flat out cool. The strong silent type is always a fun character, and lord knows keeping his mouth shut is not what Shawn Michaels will me remembered for. It was nice to see him work this character a little bit, and surprise surprise, he nailed it.

Finally, it wasn't too long ago Shawn gave his farewell speech, and soon we'll be hearing his HOF acceptance speech. The WWE is right to make us wait for Shawn's speech. Let him save the good stuff for the HOF ceremony, don't let him waste any on a random RAW he wasn't even advertised for.

Shawn not talking was a great decision by the WWE. I thoroughly enjoyed his time out there, and I'm definitely looking forward to his HOF speech. For the WWE, I think that's mission accomplished.
I was kinda surprised that HBK came back and didnt say anything however, i feel like having him there was a great surprise in itself, and it was a smart move having Del Rio come out to interrupt him as it will only give Del Rio more credibility as a heel. Personally i would have preferred just a couple of words after the superkick but it was good enough to see him without a promo.
I think it was the perfect way for him to be announced. As most people have said, everything HBK said in his retirement speech and will say in his HoF speech would have been about all he had to say anyway. On a side note, does anybody else think that sweet chin music to del rio was a possible set-up for 'mania? And I'm not talking about HBK wrestling, but possibly special referee for del rios match? (whoever thats with)
I haven't seen Raw this week, but I look forward to seeing the crowd reaction for him. The thing about "promos of silence" are that they are very effective when used sparingly. We all know HBK can deliver a solid promo, whether as a heel or as a face, in an optimistic or negative context, so him saying nothing is a refreshing change.
Batista also had a pretty good "promo of silence" on SmackDown last year, where for 7-8 minutes he had the spotlight on him, mic in the hand, and without a word had the audience eating out of his hand. It is an effective weapon when used correctly
I think that was perfect for Shawn and the fans. If they're going to induct him this quickly after his retirement, we didn't need anymore speeches from him just yet. Let this one sit and simmer a little, enjoy the "one last sweet chin music" and let him put together a really GOOD speech for the induction ceremony.
I thought the Promo was fine, but the timing of it was way off. The OP suggested having HBK introduced after the Rumble; I thought it would be better if they had waited a couple of years, after people had put him in the back of their minds. I thought it would have been better had people not been expecting HBK and kinda forgot about him.
You wanted HBK to cut a promo? A promo for what exactly? He's retired. HBK will not be wrestling again in a WWE ring. He said so himself.

He's not coming back. So why give a promo? Do you even know what "promo" means in the wrestling business? I'm guessing no.

He'll say what he's got to say when he is at the podium accepting his induction into the WWE HOF.

We all got a surprise HBK appearance after almost an entire year and still a critique of how it was "handled".

The idiots on here are becoming too numerous.
Also, what was he supposed to say?? Now people are going to be thinking that therefore they will have to wait for the Hall of Fame Ceremony to ehar what he has to say.. Actually clever by the 'E'..

YES. Great point dude, I am now anticipating HBK at the WM HOF ceremony just that little bit more, I think it will be one of the best inductions yet, I am really looking forward to some of the stories Shawn will reveal, hopefully some thoughts that arent already in his book.

It was a great idea by the WWE, why waste a speech on Raw when people will be dying to hear what HBK is gonna say at WM?? It would be a stupid idea to waste
I'm not exactly sure you could call it a mistake, or a missed opportunity for that sake. Shawn simply making an appearance, not speaking or anything, just the superkick. It all made for a rather special feeling, and a special situation, considering the majority of Hall of Fame guys that comes out on screen usually gets there to cut a promo or something.

Sure Shawn isn't in there yet, but he's still going in there, and the very fact that he was simply out there for the pop and the kick to Alberto made for a much better experience than simply Shawn cutting a simple thank you promo, which is all there would've been to it - And let's not forget, he gets to do that at the actual induction ceremony, so why let him have two?
I thought it was perfect. We heard his retirement speech already and now we can wait and hear him at the Hall of Fame. It was exciting enough to see him make an appearance.

The only thing I thought was a mistake was Alberto Del Rio being the one to interrupt him. Shouldn't it have been Sheamus??? He could have ripped on Shawn about taking out his best friend. Would have been a better decision.

But that kick by Michaels was spot on, he decked Rio.
Shawn had good reason not to speak. The second he came into the ring all you head was "one more match" from the fans. If Shawn had tried to talk and say that he wasn't going to wrestle anymore, people probably would have booed him, ruining the moment. Instead, he gave a great rub to a young heel and got a huge pop. Great plaining by the WWE.
I think that is probably the best thing they could have done. He doesn't need to speak to be effective, he's motherfucking Shawn Micheals! We have heard enough HBK promo's in our lives that words don't need to be said. Besides, I think this sums it up perfectly:

in all fairness what did he need to say that he isn't going to say at HOF?

All he could have done when he came out would be to thank people, and that will all take place at the induction ceremony.

It gave Del Rio a rub without making him look weak and didn't take away from Shawn's moment. Pretty much a home run all-around.
I don't think It was a mistake at all.In fact I really loved it.they can go 2 ways from bringing HBK in that way.

A)They just wanted fans to have a good time , which we did for sure.Him not talking was great in sense of that he really didn't have much to say.The last picture we had from him in our minds was him giving us an emotional farewell speech , so another speech would be nothing special or different.

B)They're starting a WM plan for him.It kinda makes sense because they never brought the inductees to TV this soon and ADR also talked about being Mr.Wrestlemania so one could guess that HBK is returning for something at WM.In this case having him doing no taking makes sense too , because It seems to be only the beginning.
Shawn Michaels said everything he needed to say in 2 seconds by superkicking Alberto Del Rio in the face. He will say everything he needs to say at HOF and the fans will be waiting to hear what he has to say. WWE were teasing the audience by making it look as if he was going to talk but instead you will have to watch HOF.

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