A What if This Happened Scenario

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
One moment that may have impacted the future of the WWE in many ways the moment Shawn Michaels beating Kozlov to face Undertaker at Mania. The what if's if Kozlov won. Numerous. In the first time ever I will divulge into my first ever what if thread. And it is what if Kozlov faced Taker at Wrestlemania 25. Please enjoy and comment. I want to know if this was any good.

The moment.


Wrestlemania 25 and the Aftermath
Let's say that Kozlov ended up defeating Michaels inthis match to face Undertaker. The Undertaker would have most likely gone on to beat Undertaker and heceforth continue the streak. Micheals would most likely fall back onto his feud with JBL in order to allow him to get a match. If this happened then JBL would still have been in the WWE because he would not have faced Rey Mysterio and decided to quit after the match. If this also happened the Intertcontinental Title would still never have been defended at Wrestlemania unless they found a suitable opponent for Mysterio at that time, however most likely Rey Mysterio would probaly beat his opponent whoever it would have been. On the following episodes thta air the week after Wrestlemania most likely we would most liekly have a similiar Backlash however I feel Michaels would have been in it because he would still not be recovering from the epic match. The Kozlov and Undertaker match would probaly not be as well recieved and not be a canidate for the match of the year.

WWE Draft 2009 and ECW Landscape
I think the most changed thing that would have happened from the Draft is that Kozlov would have remained on Smackdown and sombody else would have been sent over to ECW possibly Matt Hardy. Now imagine how much ECW would have changed in general. The Ruthless Roundtable would have never happened without Vladmir Kozlov. If the Ruthless Roundtable would have never occured the last few months of ECW would not have featured William Ragal and Ezekial Jackson vieing for the title. If this never happened then Jackson would never be the last reigning ECW Champion and probaly would have made less a splash on Smackdown and Raw following his injury return. (more in that later.) Considering the fact that Christian would most likely remain ECW champion throughout there would be a good possibility that he would remain on Raw instead of ever going on Smackdown.

Raw and Smackdown Landscape (Taken Place same time as ECW)

How things would change on Raw and Smackdown if Kozlov faced the Undertaker. Firstly Kozlov would most likely still be a main eventer and he would never have stooped down to the ECW level of considering he was the moster heel at that time. He would have most likely become World Heavyweight Champion and if this had happened there may have been the possibility that Jeff Hardy would still be in the WWE because we may have seen Kozlov in the title picture instead of Hardy and that steel cage match would have never occured. If Kozlov was also champion he would have taken the place of many wrestlers during the PPV schedule. If Jeff Hardy was still in the business then most likely Matt Hardy would still be in the business and I believe would have made a tag team to face off for the titles.

Before and during Mania 26
The next time period that would have changed would have been the time period before Wrestlemania 26. The countless events that occured during this time period or endless but here is my view on how the before Mania time period would have occured. I'm going to start with the reformation of Degeneration X. I think possibly Michaels would still have taken time off and this would still occur. I believe that if done properly the tag division could bhave gotten back to the days of old because you had several credible teams at this moment in Rhodes and Dibiasi, MizShow, Straigt Edge Soceity, DX, Hart Dynasty, the Usos possibly if Jeff Hardy was still around the Hardy Boyz. I think there are several promising teams in there and you could have easily had some great tag matches. I believe that at the Royal Rumble you would have had none other than Sheamus win it and face the Undertaker at Mania instead of Edge. I would have Edge return the following Raw and attack Jericho thus creating the feud at Wrestlemania. As for Triple H I believe he would have teamed with Michaels and challenge MizShow to a match at Wrestlemania where DX would win. I think Kozlov would be given some sort of match against Kane who was and is still another monster and I think they would have had some class of a titans match.

After Mania

So this is going to cover all the way up until the arrival of Nexus. Miz is still the United States Championand Bret Hart is the General Manager. I strongly believe Miz would have remain United States Champion and MITB holder because no matter what he has had a strong work ethic. I feel Bret Hart would not be general manager because Michaels would not bury the hatchet. I feel they would have directly given it to Triple H because he was in store to the anonymous general manager anyway. I feel this would still have allowed him to be behind a desk and not wrestle and allow him to give Michaels some more title reigns. I also think Kozlov would be a dominating force on Smackdown and would still be main eventing. As for DX being tag champs they would vacate the title who would then be held by the Hardy Boyz.

After Nexus

How things would have changed if this all had happend. I feel that John Cena would not be Nexus's bitch and instead that role would go to Shawn Michaels. If Shawn Michaels was the guinea pig then all the same stipulations would occur except Michaels would be fired and then rehired by Triple following the Hell in a Cell mathc. Next, Cena would be free to feud with whomever was available and would be in the title match picture until Miz cashed in his MITB on Cena and got disqualifdies in the rematch. Santino and Kozlov would never have been a tag team together andwould have never met henceforth Tamina being a heel diva with the Uso brothers who would both be an active tag team. The anonymous Raw General Manager would never come into play and Edge would remain on Raw feuding with Christian and Cena. CM Punk would have stayed on Smackdown and that takes us to the next segment. Also I believe there would be a Nexus split up but it would be a mutiny cause by Otunga which would cause to sperate groups derived from the original Nexus with the addition of Mason Ryan to one of them.

Lead Up to and Wrestlemania 27
I believe Wrestlemania 27 wouldn't be all too different if these scenarios played out. I still think Alberto Del Rio would win the Royal Rumble and face non other than CM Punk at mania. I think we would see a Miz and Edge feud for the WWE title come into play instead of Cena because Cena would not have been the one to be targeted by Nexus. Cena would end up having a match against the Rock at Wrestlemania which would boost Cena to a all new level of stardom. Undertaker would not only find a way to face Triple H but also face Michaels in a triple threat match with the losers retiring. The losers of this match would be DX and they would end up retiring. I think Edge would face Ziggler at Mania at Sheamus would still face Daniel Bryan. I believe there would be a Nexus VS Nexus match and the rest of the card would remain the same. DX would both get get into the hall of fame the following year.

AND that about wraps it up.
dude. never post this kind of scenario again. You cannot look back to who faced Taker at 25 and the decide how somebody like Del Rio and Nexus who weren't even around would be used. :banghead:
i like the idea and all but almost everything and i meant everything changes
also why would taker face triple h and shawn michaels? no story there and taker=smackdown dx=raw i like the idea and all but its flawed thts it
So Kozlov becomes Champion at some point and then is never heard from again? What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this site is now dumber for having to read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
This post is utter BS. I guess I will have to take it upon myself to change the subject. If we are gonna dream, why don't we dream big.

What IF....AJ Styles "injuries" were actually TNA's way of letting him go or him quitting. What if....AJ Styles actually signed with the WWE and is going to debut after Wrestlemania. Or, What if Beer Money signed with WWE and added some credability to the tag team division? These are better What If's in my mind......
I don't usually post on what if threads, I think it's pointless and a little lame. No offense Macios but you have way too much time on your hands lol. I can appreciate your imagination you put a lot of thought into it. However none of that would have ever happened. WWE plans out storylines especially the major ones way ahead of time. There's already been talks about who will headline next years Wrestlemania according to reports I have read.

Koslov would never have wrestled Undertaker at Wrestlemania for one he's not on his level. WWE has tried to push him as a main event level superstar before. He had a few title shots on PPV, and it didn't work well. HBK was always the choice to face Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25. I'm sure it was well planed out to set up his retirement. It worked out well he lost at 25 so in storyline he was determined to beat him at 26 or he'd retire.

He had his mind set that he wanted to retire after Wrestlemania 26 so there's no way he would be at Wrestlemania 27 wrestling. Regardless of who he faced prior to his last match. If it wasn't Undertaker it would have been someone else that retired him. In WWE everything is planned and happens for a reason. Nothing would have changed especially to guys like Barrett and others who weren't around yet.
I don't usually post on what if threads, I think it's pointless and a little lame. No offense Macios but you have way too much time on your hands lol. I can appreciate your imagination you put a lot of thought into it. However none of that would have ever happened.

I wrote this during my tenure in prison and I attempted to see if it was any good and nobody really replied although I did get some green from Natural for it being an interesting read. I more or less posted it on here to get feedback because if it was any good i would have made another however it is not so that is that for my what if scenarios. However I did put a lot of thought into things like who would be in what events and who would be doing what. I know it may not be realistic but it is an interesting i would say I would say even if most of it wouldn't be true.
So Kozlov becomes Champion at some point and then is never heard from again? What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this site is now dumber for having to read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Before you bash another user for just trying to talk about something he loves, why don't you clean your own mess up? "incoherent response" What was he responding to MIKEY? He started the thread, it was your response that was incoherent. If you didn't like the thread, then DON'T RESPOND TO IT. Secondly, you didn't "hear" anything, you SAW it with your EYES. You want God to have mercy on someones soul for attempting to have fun with wrestling? When you have countries getting crushed by tsunami's. You should be ashamed of yourself for even coming at the kid like that.

Now the thread was just too long for me dude, I started losing interest half way through because of it..The triple threat match with Taker and DX is too far fetched because at this point Taker is only going to have one on one matches against strong competitors.
The best thing about this thread was the Billy Madison reference. Nicely done.

I was wondering how long I was going to have to scroll down the page to find someone point this out. I had a laugh out loud moment when I read that line. That movie is a classic in my book.
Man... oh man. I was actually surprised to see negative comments. I personally loved it. Sure it could have been shorter, yeah but oh well I thought it was interesting to read. I like to come up with some of these "what if" topics. I think you should do another... regardless of what others say. lol. :)

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