A turn would have made sense #1: Triple H

Hulk Hogan's Brother

Stop asking me what I'm gonna do!!!
I'm starting a new series of threads and since I am a pretty stubborn individual I telling you now that I'll probably post a few even if you think they are shit.

Many a time you might have thought "Man, this guy is so over. He'll make an awesome face" or " This guy's a jerk. If WWE had any sense they would have turned him heel by now." Yes it is that type of fantasy booking thread that you all hate. I am basically asking you when you thought that a turn would be best suited for a supestar but that turn never materialized.

I'll start with one of the big boys. He's the man of many nicknames, some great some redundant, but is primarily known as The Game.


Triple H started out as a cocky upperclass heel who would go about teaching others the correct ettiquette. Then in 1997 he aligned himself with HBK and they formed a heel stable in DX. After HBK retired HHH along with DX turned face. He started metamorphosing into The Game in 1999 and turned heel. He remained this way until he got injured in 2001. He then returned as a face in January 2002 and remained that way till the weeks leading upto Summerslam after turning on his one time best friend HBK. He remained a heel until 2006. In 2006 he came out to save HBK and reformed DX, leading to a face turn. He has been a face ever since.

The question I am asking all of you is:

When in Triple H's career do you think he should have turned but WWE missed the gun? It could be that you wanted him to turn face but WWE ensured that he remained a heel. Or it could be that you wanted him to turn heel but WWE kept him face.

I personally thought that Triple H should have turned face in 2000 when Stephanie started managing Kurt Angle. They teased it but never went through with it. I remember a match with Chris Benoit at No Mercy in 2000 where Triple H got a very good pop when he entered and the crowd was very hot for his comebacks. And he was a heel at this point. I think the crowd hated Steph more than Hunter because she was Vince's daughter as well as annoying and would have marked out had HHH turned on Stephanie.

This is just my opinion though. You can either agree with me or come up with your own instance but please do tell me when a turn would have made sense for Triple H.
I think that right now when he returns is the perfect time to turn him heel. My idea is and this is just a thought that he returned at the Rumble and threw out Sheamus early without entering into the RUmble, so he would get a huge pop from the Boston crowd. Then the Rumble should come down to Cena and the whole group of Nexus but number 30 hasn't entered yet. It's time for number 30 and Triple H runs out with his sledgehammer. The Nexus flees, all going under the bottom rope. He then picks Cena up, since he got beat down by Nexus. As soon as he picks Cena up he hits him with a pedigree and throws him over the top rope. The Nexus gets back into the ring and they all jump over the top rope. Everybody thinks Triple H was behind Nexus all along so he gets heat but then they reveal the next night on Raw that Stephanie was behind Nexus because she wanted to kill her fathers creation. The whole Sheamus program would be blown off but this would definately throw a swerve and WWE needs more unpredictable outcomes so with this noone would expect.
I think that right now when he returns is the perfect time to turn him heel. My idea is and this is just a thought that he returned at the Rumble and threw out Sheamus early without entering into the RUmble, so he would get a huge pop from the Boston crowd. Then the Rumble should come down to Cena and the whole group of Nexus but number 30 hasn't entered yet. It's time for number 30 and Triple H runs out with his sledgehammer. The Nexus flees, all going under the bottom rope. He then picks Cena up, since he got beat down by Nexus. As soon as he picks Cena up he hits him with a pedigree and throws him over the top rope. The Nexus gets back into the ring and they all jump over the top rope. Everybody thinks Triple H was behind Nexus all along so he gets heat but then they reveal the next night on Raw that Stephanie was behind Nexus because she wanted to kill her fathers creation. The whole Sheamus program would be blown off but this would definately throw a swerve and WWE needs more unpredictable outcomes so with this noone would expect.

One problem with this is the same thing thats happened in TNA for the last few years; a swerve for the sake of a swerve. No one would benefit from it, least of all Triple H or Nexus, and it would just be labelled as Invasion 2.0.

Onto the topic, I think HHH has been due a heel turn since he returned at Summerslam 2007. I think after Wrestlemania 25 would have been a good time to make the switch; his feud with Orton should have ended at Mania, and at that point I would have liked to have seen some kind of feud with HBK, instead of yet another DX re-run.
The Royal Rumble match is not the time to turn anyone face/heel. It's been well documented that it's every man for themselves, so one action could mean nothing.

EX: Hardy Boyz eliminating each other, Farooq/Bradshaw fighting, Rikishi throwing Too Cool over, etc.
i think it would have been smart to bring him back as a heel and made him the leader of nexus it would have made more since then him joining nexus then cm punk
I'm also on the "2011 HHH heel bandwagon", he's a phenomenal heel and i think he could do wonders for establishing young talent (like Morrison who's waiting for his defining moment) into the main event. Orton's putting over the young heels and HHH can come back and put over the young faces.

I always wanted to see HHH and Orton re-align some time after 2005 instead of battling for the title multiple times in 08 & 09. I don't know exactly how it could happen and if theyd be face or heel but I think its ridiculous that every 2-man combination of Evolution has since reconciled at one point or another besides Randy Orton and HHH (and orton and battista, but this makes sense cause they were the 2 'new guys' at the time of the group). Maybe this year they can team up for a little before HHH turns on him again to turn heel
I was waiting/hoping for Triple H to go back to Heel mode in 2007/2008 when Jeff Hardy kept challenging for the belt. It seemed like they wanted to, but perhaps weren't sure if Hardy was indeed ready for the push, and Triple H would have added to the list of great heels at the moment.

Perhaps 2011, after his retribution with Sheamus, The Game will once again be heel.
He can't return it 2000 if he's injured can he.

Best time for him to return now is at The Royal Rumble just in time for Wrestlemania 27 main event as a heel. That would be brilliant. Its not too late for The Game to return as his original self just in time to retire.
Easy, april 2nd 2001, the night after WrestleMania X-Seven, when he aligned himself with Austin, it felt like a swerve for the sake of a swerve, they could've easily turned him face to compensate for the loss of the Rock and Austin turning heel. After the trauma of losing Austin, fans needed an anti hero to cheer for.

He could've taken Austins place as the number one Anti-Hero babyface and carried the company whilst Rock was away. No need for a change in character, he could be bad ass HHH and get cheered for it, i'm not suggesting it would've stopped the drop in viewership in 01, but it would've given people .someone. to cheer for against Austin, Steve played an incredible heel no doubt, but there were no real top good guys for him to bounce off of or feud with. And with a heel turn like that you need to get it 100% spot on from the get go, they didn't and that's why it only lasted all of 8 months

Keep this all in mind Vinnie if you ever decide to send Cena to the dark side one day. ;)
I think he should've been a face when he came back at the Raw Homecoming in 2005. He returned as a face teaming with Flair, but turned on him after the match and proceeded to beat the shit out of him for what seemed like enough time to watch the director's cut of Titanic. I seriously think the beatdown lasted through 3 or 4 commercial breaks. I may be exaggerating a bit, but I do remember putting a pizza in the oven around 3/4 of the way through the match and when it was done, Flair was still getting his ass handed to him
I think HHH should make a heel turn after 'Mania if he to face Sheamus at that time to close their rivalry. Then again if HHH was to be heel by 'Mania then he could injure Sheamus & enter a rivalry with Cena. Plus as portrayed in multiple ways (plus not to drag on the idea 4ever but.....) have him become the leader of Nexus since they have issues with Cena over the last half of 2010.
HHH should definitely turn heel when he comes back. WWE is running low on credible heels. the best they have now are miz, sheamus, wade barrett, cm punk and alberto del rio. john cena, edge, orton, are all faces. could anyone believe any of those heels could actually beat cena? hhh is one of only a few people in the wwe now that can actually beat him
Definitely the night after WM X-Seven. They had this amazing blood-feud between Austin and Hunter during the winter of 00 and an epic match to end it. Now when Austin turned the big bad heel at 'Mania, they could have easily just switched roles, made HHH a tweener/reluctant face and had this feud grow into something legendary.

The Two-Man PowerTrip was ok but really there was a severe lacking of Top Face stars to combat these two. Taker could do it, but Kane wasn't upto the mark sadly.
I would have liked to have seen heel Triple H after WrestleMania 25. I don't know how they would turn him heel, but I would have liked to see it. The last major title reign we saw Triple H with as a heel was, to my knowledge, 2004? And that was always on Raw, we hardly ever saw Triple H as a heel on Smackdown after the WWF/WWE switch and the death of the Attitude Era.

Like I say, I don't know how they would have turned him heel. When he was feuding with Jeff Hardy maybe? He looked quite heel when he was feuding with him anyway, but that might have been the contrast in fan favourites in terms of championship reigns though. i.e: everybody wanted Jeff Hardy to win the big one.

That aside, any Triple H turn now would be great. No matter how it's executed. Triple H has always been one of my favourite guys, heel or face, though preferably heel. He's a great worker, has an intense knowledge of the business and can put a guy over, including himself. He's a veteran, that's for sure, but the last time we saw Triple H...well, since 2008 in my opinion, he's been very very stale. That's just my opinion though.

Good thread nonetheless. I was wrong about you rattlesnake, WZ needs more people like you.

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