A Triple H Theory...


Many people think that the reason Triple H is where he is in the business is because he's actually the best. Others think he's there because he's married to the bosses daughter. They actually think that he married a McMahon and is now invincable backstage, and using it to his advantage. So here is a theory for some people...

Back when Triple H and Steph first started dating... Maybe it wasn't Triple H that wanted to be married to the bosses daughter, but maybe the Bosses daughter wanted to be married to the best guy her daddy had employed! I mean, think about it. Would you be any happier if Steph married a regular, maybe even bad wrestler? Where would the wrestling world be right now had Steph married someone like, oh I don't know, Val Venis. Do you honestly think Val Venis would be a 12 time World Champion because of marrying he bosses daughter? I don't think that man could have pulled it off.

But Triple H can. Which makes me think this. Triple H married the bosses daughter, and recieved power. The Bosses daughter married the best in the business, because in her position, anyone would wanna marry her. So it was easy pickings for her to choose her man. Just pick the best, and that was Triple H!

(I don't actuall believe this, but lets get some talk going on again.)
I agree, Triple H is where he is today because of himself, he paid his dues, he worked his way to the top, and it was inevitable that he was going to be a mainstay in the WWE. Some people might not like to say it, but the fact is, Triple H is one of the best of all time, he solidified his legacy in the WWE, and in 20 years time, he will be talked about like Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan is today.
if Triple H was anything like Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan in 20 years, does that mean he'd still be wrestling very slow matches, and have wrestling fans beg for his retirement? on a side note...

Val Venis>Triple H
if Triple H was anything like Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan in 20 years, does that mean he'd still be wrestling very slow matches, and have wrestling fans beg for his retirement? on a side note...

Val Venis>Triple H

:rolleyes: This coming from a Shitino fan, i guess there really is no accounting for taste huh
No one got the poin I was making. Look at it from the other side of the tracks. Don't think of Triple H having an advantage of marrying the bosses daughter. Think of Stephanie pleasing her dad by marrying the best in the business.
if Triple H was anything like Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan in 20 years, does that mean he'd still be wrestling very slow matches, and have wrestling fans beg for his retirement? on a side note...

Val Venis>Triple H

I said he would be talked about like Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan in 20 years, I never said he was going to be like Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan.
Anyone that excludes the fact that Triple H was a talented wrestler or that he has political stroke when wondering why he's held so many world titles is mad, although I feel the latter is much more important than the former.
fine, back to the point for Derf. I think I read something like this in the HArt family. Ellie Hart marrying Jim Niedhart, because he was one of the best in the company, Diane marrying Davey. Maybe you are on to something Detective Derf.
No one got the poin I was making. Look at it from the other side of the tracks. Don't think of Triple H having an advantage of marrying the bosses daughter. Think of Stephanie pleasing her dad by marrying the best in the business.

So, you are saying that the marriage worked in both of their favours?

Triple H gets more power within the company, and Steph is married to the top star in the the company. Yes, it does seem like a win-win situation, but if that is the only reason she married Triple H, than she should have married Cena 3 years ago lol.
Why would being married to the top star in the company be particularly good? It's not like she needed the money.
If Steph wanted to marry the best guy in the biz, HHH would not have been her choice. She married him because she fell in love with the guy. I don't know why, you don't know why, but she did and it has benefited HHH's career. That said, I would give HHH kissing HBK's ass and HHH's feuds with Foley, Austin and Rock as to why his career is where it's at. I do think his marriage to Steph played into him having so many title reigns since his return in 2002, but if he had never married Steph, I do think he would still be employed and still have a major role in the company regardless. Sort of like HBK and 'Taker's current roles in the company. But he sure as hell would've never gotten, like, seven title reigns since coming back from his injury because the fact of the matter is that he wasn't deserving of them and they didn't benefit WWE in a way that most of their long term champs do.

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