A Television Tag Team Championship?

Wrestling Mind 300

Dark Match Winner
We are most familiar with television championships defended in singles competition but could you imagine a first ever television tag Team Championship? If the wwe focused on installing more interest in the tag Team division and called up a few more teams from nxt then I say why not. I know defending every week could get stale and annoying but if booked properly then it could be successful. Because of their being two titles, one week it could be defended on raw, then the next on Smackdown.

Cesaro and Kidd( Tag Team champions)

Lucha Dragons(TV champions) - I'd have these guys as the champs as I've enjoyed their matches lately and seeing them defend every week would not only be exciting as a fan to see, but would make them look stronger and credible as a team.

The Usos (The swimming trunks wearing, John Cena Samoans, so boring, sons of Rikishi) - Despite me not being a fan of the John Cenas of the tag division, it doesn't change the fact that they're still able to put on great matches.

Los Matadores ( Epico and Primo with a bull who strangely doesn't get them disqualified everytime he interferes?) - Capable of putting on good matches but I don't want them on every week unless Carlito ever returns and put some sense into Los Mata - bore- res fools.

Prime Time Players ( I'd like to see these guys as television champs which would add to their million dollar gimmick as being champion does mean extra money money) - Entertaining team who have done a good job with the opportunity that they have been given promo wise with the mocking of Ascension and New day so far.

The New Day (Sucks) - having them defend every week could make them hated even more by the fans but it'll do them favours as heels.

Kane and Big Show. (Please Retire) - Having these two defend everyweek could be a complete train wreck so I'll have them win the titles one week then lose the next one and the rematch leading them to retirement.

Wade Barrett and Sheamus(The little people bullies) - A potential Tag Team that could run roughshod throughout the tag Team divison displaying their dominance which would revive Wade Barrett from yet another lackluster run as Intercontinental champion and save him from obscurity.

I don't think it's been done before so it could be a complete mistake but it's just a thought I guess.

What are your thoughts on the idea of there being a Not only a World Tag Team title, but also a TV championship in the tag Team division?
Oh, man. How many new title threads have been done now? I seriously lost count. Look, I personally wouldn't mind a new title, IF they unify the IC and US title and make ALL their current championships mean more than they do at this time. Until that happens, they're fine with what they have. As it stands, they're having a tough time making the belts they have seem important. No need for new ones yet.
Meh, I'd rather the IC and US title be unified at SummerSlam in a huge Cena vs Bryan Midcard title match up. It will help make all the Championship tiers clearer and the One Midcard title would be used as a true step up to the Main Event scene.
I really feel 2 Midcard titles are redundant given it requires the WWE to book around 2 titles which are practically portrayed as being the same level.

4 Tiers are enough:

The roster should be built around that and more attention should be given towards establishing more personal storyline feuds.
If booked properly, maybe it would work. But that's a huge if. WWE doesn't even know how to book one pair of titles in a tag division, let alone two. It'll take a lot of work for WWE to do tag team wrestling right again. And then, maybe a TV Tag title would be cool. But I don't think it would be necessary. Just make the current tag titles more valuable. Don't water everything down by adding more.
Oh, man. How many new title threads have been done now? I seriously lost count. Look, I personally wouldn't mind a new title, IF they unify the IC and US title and make ALL their current championships mean more than they do at this time. Until that happens, they're fine with what they have. As it stands, they're having a tough time making the belts they have seem important. No need for new ones yet.

I agree. WWE has too many titles. The lesser the better. I could only imagine how refreshing the WWE would be if the WWE WHC merged with the IC and US titles, everybody would step their game up.
Awful idea. They barely have enough tag teams for the division to begin with, so why bring in a second set of titles? What purpose would a Television Tag Team Championship serve when they can defend the titles they already have active on Raw each week instead? I can understand the desire some may have to bring back the European, Cruiserweight, or even the Hardcore Championship (not that WWE currently needs ANY of the above).... but there is no reason for them to create any brand new championships whatsoever whether it be for singles wrestlers or for tag teams. Just keep the tag team division's structure the way it is with one set of Tag Team Championship belts where one team defends them on PPV once per month. There's nothing wrong with that, they just need some better teams.

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