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A successful WWE gimmick change?

Charismatic Enigma

Grand Slam Champion
So I was just watching the latest episode of FCW where Husky Harris is now portraying a new character called Bray Wyatt (there is another discussion about that running currently) but this isn't really about him specifically. It got me to thinking though, has there ever really been a successful gimmick change in WWE history?

Now before you fly off with a huge list of names, hear me out because there is a perimeter I want to set to this discussion. See in the case of Husky Harris, even though he was literally Husky Harris just one week before, FCW is treating him like a COMPLETELY different person, even William Regal who was commentating just the week before said he "needs to learn more about this Bray Wyatt" like he has no idea who he is. I found this kind of strange though because, it's clear as day that it's still Husky Harris, and he was Husky literally only one week before he became Bray Wyatt.

Over the course of WWE history there have been many successful gimmick changes, but the thing they all seem to have in common is a significant difference in appearance. To list some examples:

-Kane is more successful than Issac Yankem, however for many years Kane wrestled under a mask, so it was easier to conceal his identity.

-The Godfather was more successful than Papa Shango, but again Shango wore face paint.

-Lord Tensai...remains to be seen, but clearly the crowd can't seem to stop chanting Albert, and while it's early to tell I wouldn't exactly say he's getting over with the crowd.

But here's what I want to know: In WWE History, has there ever been a gimmick change, that was successful where the wrestler was referred to by a different name, but was obviously the same person, and was NOT under some kind of mask or face paint?

Just to be real specific a personality change is not a gimmick change, so John Cena wearing local team colors and then becoming a rapper doesn't count...he was always John Cena.

You have to name someone who started as one character, and became a completely different character with a different name, without heavily altering their appearance that went on to greater success. The only one that sort of comes to mind for me at the moment is Spirit Squad Nicky who later became Dolph Ziggler. Anyone else have any?
rikishi used to be fatu, a member of the headshrikers and then changed later on

(skip sheffield is ryback now - but his success is yet to be seen
damien sandow who is coming back used to be idol stevens for a short period)
Not sure how you mean........you are referencing Husky Harris in FCW getting a gimmick change, so does that count? Being in a different promotion as one character and coming to WWE as a different character? If so, that list is long........TOO long to put here. And if you are saying a gimmick change while still part of WWE, you really can't count Tensai because he has been gone for 8 plus years.
Triple H started as "Connecticut Blueblood" Hunter Hearst Helmsley. I know Trips still uses the name as a shortened version, but he adopted a much different gimmick. Ryback from Skip Sheffield. Diesel to Kevin Nash. The three faces of Foley, Mankind/Dude Love/Cactus Jack. Razor Ramon to Scott Hall. I guess Hall and Nash de-gimmicked though. Does that count?


Barry Darsow was both Smash from Demolition and Repo Man. Road Dogg was once a Roadie character for Jeff Jarrett. Bradshaw went from a member of the Blackjacks to Bradshaw of the APA to "Wrestling God" JBL.

I know there are more examples. I have faith the rest of you will be able to come up with them :p
Hulk Hogan became Hollywood Hogan for a while...

Sid Vicious was known as Sid Justice...

There are always changes going on, if it fits the character, then go with it...
Festus into Luke Gallows I guess. IDK why ppl keep mentioning SKIP to Ryback when nobody even remembers him too much. As soon as nexus took off he was injured and nobody got to invest in his character
when you guys mention half of these guys, your forgetting that they were recognized by the one before. Like stone cold and the ringmaster. Nobody ever denied that he was the ringmaster. But when you look at say kane or the god father, there former incarnations were not recognized.
We have Johnny Nitro that went to John Morrison on live television. Cant forget that one. I can't remember any others much as the ones i know people have mentioned.

Would Undertaker count when he went to his deadman gimmick?

wasn't even Rocky Maivia eventually The Rock?
Jamal -> Umaga
Ken Anderson wrestled in WWE a few times on one of those syndicated shows then joined the main roster as Ken Anderson after being signed to a developmental deal.
Brett Majors -> Zack Ryder
Nick Mitchell on Tough Enough -> Mitch Spirit Squad
Ryan Reeves on Tough Enough -> Ryback
John Hennigan on Tough Enough -> John Morrison
Milena Roucka on Diva Search -> Rosa Mendes

The problem with your argument is that they had physical makeovers on top of it. Kama and GodFather don't look at all the same, Kane and Yankem. Once a wrestler is established a gimmick change is difficult to put over.

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