A Spy in TNA

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I have been reading a lot about TNA since Angle's arrival. And I have come up with a conclusion. Vince McMahon has sent Kurt Angle to TNA to sabotage it. He loves controversy and has created a fool proof plan. It seems a little far fetched, but it could be true.

Think about it. Decline in ratings, Russo coming about the same time as Angle. Talent becoming unhappy. It could be a possibility
I really can't see that, angle would botch up moves, and he has told close friends he is happy. However, you're obviously someone with some imagination so...

I still can't see it happening.
Decline in ratings? Ratings have been at a steady 1.1 and plus rating. Angle has been working hard and if Vince even has that plan its an obvious failure because Angle has been working at 100%. This is a far fetched idea and I disagree with it. I just dont think Vince will even try to send one of their wrestlers to TNA because you never know what can happen when that wrestler is there.

Vince Russo has been booking badly because well he is trying to get fueds over in any way possible. Once they get 2 hours the wrestling will be better. You can take that to the bank.

Talent unhappy in TNA? There just mad because of Hotels being cut because TNA management is trying to cut some cost to bring in more talent and etc. When TNA get's 2 hours and more money that problem is going to be solved. Also the talent probally got over that.

The young talent are actually happy with Angle giving advice. It's the older talent that's getting mad. They think they've been in the buisness longer than Angle and is getting mad because they think he's insulting them. He's just rubbing people the wrong way. I think someone needs to sit him down and talk to him because he probally doesn't realize what he's doing.
And adding to this, talent aren't unhappy in TNA really, as Wizard stated they are very happy with angle and the others giving advice, so to be honest, it is not a spy plot.

One more thing, they wouldn't send over such a high profile superstar such as angle to sabotage, because that will only get them ratings. They would send someone low key like lance cade or someone like that.
that has to be the most ridiculous idea i have ever seen. why in the hell would kurt waste his time to take down tna, even if he did he would have tried to screw up his matches by now, its obvious that people in the wwe are getting pissed wit asshole mcmahon so they need another place to go
Decline in ratings? Ratings have been at a steady 1.1 and plus rating. Angle has been working hard and if Vince even has that plan its an obvious failure because Angle has been working at 100%. This is a far fetched idea and I disagree with it. I just dont think Vince will even try to send one of their wrestlers to TNA because you never know what can happen when that wrestler is there.

Vince Russo has been booking badly because well he is trying to get fueds over in any way possible. Once they get 2 hours the wrestling will be better. You can take that to the bank.

Talent unhappy in TNA? There just mad because of Hotels being cut because TNA management is trying to cut some cost to bring in more talent and etc. When TNA get's 2 hours and more money that problem is going to be solved. Also the talent probally got over that.

The young talent are actually happy with Angle giving advice. It's the older talent that's getting mad. They think they've been in the buisness longer than Angle and is getting mad because they think he's insulting them. He's just rubbing people the wrong way. I think someone needs to sit him down and talk to him because he probally doesn't realize what he's doing.

I am not a fan of Russo in any way at all but you can't slam his booking quite yet...yes some has been bad but as Kasey has pointed out, he has to tie up prior bookers storylines and then lay a foundation for his own. You also say that TNA has had a steady 1.1 plus. It is in the 0.9 to 1.1 range...nothing over. You can credit the move to the time slot and day and not the booking or Angle's arrival.

They said the same about Hart, Hall and Nash when they went to WCW.

two words....Brian Pillman
I am not a fan of Russo in any way at all but you can't slam his booking quite yet...yes some has been bad but as Kasey has pointed out, he has to tie up prior bookers storylines and then lay a foundation for his own. You also say that TNA has had a steady 1.1 plus. It is in the 0.9 to 1.1 range...nothing over. You can credit the move to the time slot and day and not the booking or Angle's arrival.

two words....Brian Pillman

I'll Credit everyone in TNA for the ratings. Russo played a part as well as Angle. All the talent have worked hard 4 years for this. When I said I credit Russo and Angle's arrival, I did not mean I give them full credit. It's just everyone in TNA played a part.

As for this idea about Angle being a spy .It's way far fetch'd. Hall, Nash, Pillman weren't spies in WCW. They went there because they were offered enough money and a good push which is what they recieved. The Outsiders were put into the NWO and were given a big push. Angle went to TNA and got a big push and ended Joe's winning streak. But in return Joe did not loose credibility because he beat Angle and in the last match he made Angle tap one secound after time was up.
For the record, I didn't say it was the truth. It was an idea that briefly crossed my mind and I wondered what others though about it. I even said it was farfetched myself in the first post.
I wouldn't see it as a spy plot of any sorts. Angle has wrestled his ass off in every encounter he's been in and went an extra 22 minutes with a concussion. His heat with WWE is legit and I definitely don't see this as a spy plot of any sort. I think Angle is rejuvenated and has found a place where he actually fits in during the current climate of the wrestling business. My only problem is that some solid performers weren't allowed to go the distance in matches with him like Joe was allowed to. It pisses me off when A.J. and Abyss are meant to look like wimps when they can work neck and neck with Angle (and A.J. can outdo him athletically) any day of the week. It also looks stupid to have guys like A.J. do a fast job to Angle when he'd gone for twenty plus minutes with Joe and probably could've beat him convincingly if the scripting was geared strictly around keeping Joe's streak intact. I'm praying that Kurt's recent interview was a joke and that some of that crap doesn't come to pass. I hope he was taking a roundabout jab at the internet smarks like me by spouting off some crap to mess with our heads. Either that or hopefully Joe kicked him in the head so hard that he's gone a little loopy. Whatever the case, I don't really see Angle as doing anything more than wanting to help TNA. He's just misguided on how to do it.
And adding to this, talent aren't unhappy in TNA really, as Wizard stated they are very happy with angle and the others giving advice, so to be honest, it is not a spy plot.

One more thing, they wouldn't send over such a high profile superstar such as angle to sabotage, because that will only get them ratings. They would send someone low key like lance cade or someone like that.

now i really don't agree with this topic, but i have to say that they wouldn't send cade because he couldn't get the job done as good as angle. angle understands something like sabotaging a business more than cade. and angle could make it look realistic at the same time where he's really there to help when he's not.
Regardless of this thread. Competition between companies is just like a business. I'm sure if someone sent an employee to sabotage another company there would be multimillions in fines and possibly jail time. Good idea for an angle but 100% unrealistic.
Kurt Angle told Bubba the Love Sponge that he was actually making more in TNA than he did in WWE. i guess thats because TNA is willing to pay alot for someone they can use as a big time player and drawer. WWE didnt really use him like they should have
I'm just wondering how TNA can afford to pay Angle more in TNA, when WWE is a multi-billion dollar corportation, with Angle being one of their biggest stars when he was there. That just boggles my mind.

Now, as for Angle and sabotage, I don't think Angle would be the kind of person to do something like that. Now it wouldn't suprise me if someone like Triple H did something like that, but not Angle.
I know, but if he's in it or the wrestling, then it shouldn't matter about money, its the same with christian etc. He is rich enough.
dude, WWE did a storyline just like this during the Invasion storyline, Angle turned on Vince and the rest of WWE to join the Allience, then at Survivor Series during the winner take all match Angle turn out to be a spy for Vince, this was just a storyline and would never work in real life, so no it's not even a possability
Kurt Angle told Bubba the Love Sponge that he was actually making more in TNA than he did in WWE. i guess thats because TNA is willing to pay alot for someone they can use as a big time player and drawer.
I'm just wondering how TNA can afford to pay Angle more in TNA, when WWE is a multi-billion dollar corportation, with Angle being one of their biggest stars when he was there. That just boggles my mind.

I've posted this before and I'll do it again. In regards to Angle, TNA DID NOT put up all his money, Spike also put up quite a bit. Just like Spike (not TNA) has Goldberg signed to an appearance contract, but I believe this could lead to Goldberg making an appearance or 2 in TNA.
LMAO! That would be extremely funny if it were true, but I strongly doubt that would be a very good business plan, especially sending one of the most respected faces in professional wrestling to your greatest competition. Doesn't make sense to me!
They said the same about Hart, Hall and Nash when they went to WCW.

With Scott Hall and Kevin Nash it was implied by WCW that the person behind them being on WCW was Vince McMahon and Titan Entertainment(WWF/E) This led to a law suit by WWE and that set up for if WCW was ever sold it would be offered to WWE first. SO you see what happens if stuff like that is even implied by Smarks or Marks or Fan's of Wrestling in General. Just letting you Know that this sort of stuff has been implied before for the benefit of another company.
If you really think about it, the influx of wwe stars to wcw was really their undoing. it started with hall and nash, as well as hogan: the nwp! they brought in savage and dibiase and vincent. brian adams and ron and don harris. curt henning and jeff jarrett, and then.... Bret Hart. Who just came off the biggest "screwjob" in wrestling history. Or was it a screwjob? Did Vince and Hart and DX set this all up so Bret could go to WCW and sabotage it? It could possibly be the same in TNA. Everyone says RVD is unhappy, and is about to sign with TNA cuz Vince has him in the doghouse. But if you really think about it. Hasnt Vince given EVERYONE a second chance. Jake The Snake, Ultimate Warrior, Bret Hart, Hawk, Chris Masters, Randy Orton, Eddie Guerrero. These were all stars who at one time, Vince let go, or fired. I think that yes, RVD and possibly Sabu could go to TNA. And just like Angle, and Christian, they could be going to sabotage TNA. Christian had an interview on a WWE dvd that was him saying he was leaving WWE. He was on a rise on Smackdown. He was gaining more and more pops each time he came out. Same thing with Angle. Maybe Vince set this all up with Kurt Angle to put him in ECW, the company that really doesnt have much goin, so he could get some on t.v. time and rest, and then release him to go to TNA. Since he's been there, plenty of wrestlers have complained about him. I just see this as WCW all over!
I also thought this way for a while. Howeever lately I'm starting to drift off into a new theory. While I dont believe in the "Spy" theory, I due believe Vince is letting TNA sign his let go talent with the mind set that eventaully 2 things will happen: 1)Original talent will eventualy get fed up with being looked over that they will leave TNA and sign with WWE (Monty Brown). 2)Eventually with all the $$$ TNA is using to sign all this talent that eventually TNA will have finiancial problems. With that said, news arose this weekend that sponsors and advertisers are pulling off TNA's web site due to not being paid in months. So while I dont think there is a SPY, I do think Vince knows what he's doing.
How can advertisers and sponsors not be paid when they are the ones paying for their product to be advertised. The people that aren't being paid by TNA are a couple guys that work on the site itself.
How can advertisers and sponsors not be paid when they are the ones paying for their product to be advertised. The people that aren't being paid by TNA are a couple guys that work on the site itself.
Exactly. Thank you for being the only one who actually gets the way it works. Advertisers don't get paid for displaying their products...they do the paying. The fact that people still don't get this amazes me beyond belief. Chances are that it's a pay dispute that we'll never know the full information behind unless someone comes out and announces their position. Otherwise, it's not really an indicator of anything.
this thread should be locked there is no spy in tna from wwe . if the ratings decline and things go wrong it there falt
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