A Sad End


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
I just read the news...

Matt Cappotelli was released today by the WWE.

For those of you unfamiliar with the story, Matt was the co-winner of Tough Enough 3 with John Hennigan - the man you now know as John Morrison. Matt was just about as athletic as Hennigan, but was a bit more advanced in terms of charisma and mic skills.

Matt developed a brain tumor early on in his OVW career. He was good friends with Al Snow, who kept in touch with him regularly. When NorCal and I were at FanSlam a few months back, I had occassion to meet Al and asked how Matt was doing. Al smiled and talked about what great spirits he was in.

Now, my first reaction to this story was anger. They released the kid. But on the other hand, Cappotelli won Tough Enough back in 2002, and had the chance to win the OVW World Title from Johnny Jeter in late 2005. The tumor was discovered in February of 2006, which means WWE continues to pay the kid and keep him employed for nearly three years as he went through chemo and a few surgeries, the most recent of which successfully removed the tumor.

I don't know how I feel. I really became a fan of his from Tough Enough, as did my fiancee, and his whole story has been a sad one as well as an inspiration at the same time.
As someone that got to watch Cappotelli in OVW, believe me when I tell you he was every bit as good as Morrison and at the time of his OVW title reign, he was miles ahead of him. He got a decent set of matches out of Mark Henry just before he got sick and their blowoff match was coming. He had amazing charisma and the crowd reacted to him in a way that not many people receive. The kid had everything needed to be a big star. He was suppsoed to be brought up more than once but WWE would sign a veteran or the plans would change. If he ever gets back in the ring, I for one will want to see it. Not just because of what happened to him, but because the kid was great. I wish he was still with the company, but even if he gets back in a ring in Ogallala, Nebraska in from of 4 people and some chickens, it's amazing.
As much as I would loved to have seen Cappotelli make it into the WWE ring at least once, just so he can say he made it to his dream, because I think he deserved it. A lot is said about who 'deserves' what, but Matt deserved one shot.

That being said, Matt was given two to three years of pay whenever he could generate no income for the company in the ring and I respect them for doing it. I can understand releasing the guy to cut the wage bill and I think Cappotelli expected it given he was probably unlikely to make it to the big time following two major brain tumours.

Matt Cappotelli is an inspiration and his time with WWE showed that.
Thats really dissappointing, as I really wanted to see him get called up to the main roster before his tumor. And even after his tumor, it wouldve been great for him to make a full time return to the ring, but medically it couldnt happen.

Its a shame too, cuz I actually voted for him during the Tough Enough finals for him to win.

Oh well, everything happens for a reason. And he should be financially ok for awhile now, since he's been on the WWE payroll since he won in Tough Enough in 2002.
Without a doubt, Matt & John's Tough Enough was the best of the entire series. I even wanted Matt to win, over everyone else and was glad he did. When I heard the news of the tumor, it was definately that of sadness and heart-break.

I wished and hoped that he could fight through it, and do something far more important than succeed in the Wrestling industry, but instead succeed in a better life. I did lose touch with everything that'd been happening, and if what Irish said is true, then I'm happy, thrilled and very relived to hear that the latest surgery has cured him of this tumor.

As far as his release goes, I'm going to say simply put.. if Matt Cappotelli is still going to attempt a wrestling career.. (if he even can) then I wouldn't expect him to be "released" from the W.W.E. long. Look at everything he's fought to overcome, I would personally guarantee that it's in him to continue a similar, less fatal fight, in winning back the right to be a W.W.E. Superstar.
I never had the pleasure of watching Matt Cappotelli in the ring, but I will say this. He and John Hennigan(aka Morrison) proved that Tough Enough could work as they were the only successful duo ever chosen from the entire field and their passion for the ring shined above the lure of just milking instant fame. I mean look at the field.

1. Maven and Nydia- Lame and lamer. Both never fit into the WWE mold, even though Maven amazingly found about 30 pounds of muscle mass somewhere when he made his return. But alas he lacked the actual passion to hon his skills into something more than a few muscle poses and he now can be found hocking merchandise on HSN, during rare appearances. Nydia? Well let's just say that she was popular during a time when all you needed was a rack to be a diva. And boy did she have one. Good look? Wrestling skills? She had neither. And just to show how much she even gets mentioned in the wrestling world, the most mention her name has gotten was when TNA was seeking out a hispanic valet for LAX. All she got was a mention.

2. Jackie Haas and Linda Miles- Jackie took a nice push from the WWE as a valet for the ubber metrosexual duo of Rico and her husband Charlie. Since then, she took her WWE career and a stint in TNA as Jeff Jarrett's lackey into a fine career as a baby making machine. Linda Miles? Well she was the complete opposite of Cappotelli and Morrison. She had no talent and her head, as with her size, was bigger than her britches. She had a bad attitude from the start, when she was the manager of The Basham Brothers, and thusly was released and has never been heard of again.

3. Daniel Puder- Should we even talk about how poor attitude and a lack of talent lead to this would be Kurt Angle wannabe going off to get his ass kicked in MMA? At least his one claim to fame is almost choking out Angle in what was supposed to be a worked exhibition. And WWE didn't hold on to this professional after that? Go figure.

Now sure people can bring up Miz and Morgan, but you won't find two bigger commodities than Cappotelli and Morrison. And you won't find a bigger class act than Cappotelli. I'm just sad that WWE couldn't AT LEAST find SOMETHING for him to do like manage or interview or anything to reward him for his hard work other than his one stint on Velocity. Hopefully Matt Cappotelli will fulfill his promise to one day return to the ring. And hopefully, on that day, the WWE will see what they missed by letting him go.
Matt Cappotelli. Never knew much about the lad, but when it came out that he had brain cancer, I think a lot of people got behind him to support him. Now I cannot tell you much about him, and I am sure what has been said is accurate enough. I only ever watched a few episodes of Tough Enough, but I do remember bits of his time there.

If the WWE wanted to do something with this boy, there was a lot of possibilities. I had heard he was on tour doing reports about brain injuries. WWE gained a spokesmen. It is good that the WWE was able to help him out, giving him a check while he was able to get healthy. But is WWE in such a poor state that they had to fire him? If he was getting healthy, why did they not keep him around, give him some time to return to wrestling? If the cancer is gone, and Matt wants to become a wrestler again, isn't it better being in WWE, then in the indies somewhere. This all said, if he does not want to keep wrestling, then the WWE made the partially right choice.
I for one, had the pleasure of watching him on a few occasions, and I truly believed that he would go on to be a huge WWE Superstar. He had great mic skills, and was very athletic in the ring. He is just as good as Morrison, and could be miles better in my opinion. He just has that something special about him. When he did get diagnosed with a tumor, I really did feel sad. A fantastic wrestler had to stop doing what he loved for a very long period of time, and it did somewhat; halt his progress. But, being released by the WWE did anger me as I really did believe that he could go far. I fully expect him to return to the WWE and become a huge superstar.
Business wise I can almost understand WWE releasing him. Almost because to me, were I in charge and already kept the guy for so many years, I would want to at least try to see if I could get a return on my investment. By releasing him w/o ever debuting him and trying to get him over, they basically paid him for a number of years and got nothing back in return (financially speaking of course).
THat said, I hope he does whatever he wants and whatever makes him happy wether thats wrestling or otherwise. Once you beat cancer the day to day stuff tends to matter less because you're just happy to have a new day.
WWE isn't a charity. If he's never going to wrestle for them they should dump him. Brain tumour or no brain tumour, it's not likely he was ever going to contribute. If Jim Duggan get's cancer again they shouldn't keep him, they should dispose of him. If he's not part of the future then he's dead weight.

Anyway, WWE are already doing their charity bit by giving Vickie Guerrero a job.

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