A-Ry can cut a pretty good promo.


the Frog
It was something fresh to hear someone different in the opening segment of Raw. A-Ry cut the promo on a pro status level in my opinion. It flowed really well and he was responsive to the crowd's reactions. I've seen people on this forum say that A-Ry should be pushed because he is a good wrestler and great on the mic, but i never realized his mic skills until tonight.

Am I wrong, or did you anyone else think it was pretty good too?

Thoughts or comments?
he did a damn good job carrying the convo for a while... it's the reason why even though he lost NXT (because he was the "heel") they brought him to the WWE... He's got the poise to stick around for a while, and his ability to use the crowd during his promo was damn good.. I see good things for him in the future
His mic skills have impressed me ever since I seen him on NXT. They are actually superb considering he's only been in the WWe for about a year. I want to see him in more matches against actual good wrestlers. Mic skills and charisma alone, he DEFINITELY belongs in the main event someday. But first, Let's see if he can create his own character and break off from Miz successfully. He's still very green.
I've liked him since NXT, and his character only improved since then.
He's actually better then most mid-carders today in the WWE.

But no matter how talented he is, any type of push for him is going to be slow, because of his DUI incident.
A-Ry cut a good promo, worlds better then anything that Randy Orton can cut, or what Rey Mysterio could cut. However, he doesn't fit what Vince likes (well built musclehead) which means that he'll never main event anything other then Superstars.
i agree, he did cut a damn good promo drawing a lot of heat from the crowd. now if they bring back the managers thing, have the miz drop him and pair a-ri with a manager that can really teach him instead of a "pro" who is making him his bitch. maybe matt strikercould fill the role of managing alex and bring back the whole varsity villian persona that he had in nxt
Alex Riley has been impressive on the microphone ever since he began his journey in NXT. I think we all got the chance to notice his engagement of the audience and the way that he channeled so much heel heat in such a short amount of time.

Now, take that natural skill for promos and add in any tips that the Miz is giving him on the road and you've got the recipe that we got a taste of last night. Not only did he use his existing skills to gain heat from the audience, but his jab at the San Antonio Spurs for the home crowd was nothing short of spectacular. His timing was impeccable and his follow-up was masterful.

Alex Riley very well might be the most impressive "other wrestler's lackey" that I've seen in quite some time. Normally, when an established superstar picks up a sidekick, they tend to overshadow them a bit. However, even with a strong and well-rounded superstar like the Miz, Riley has found more than enough ways to shine. I expect a lot more impressive things from him, in the future.
Alex Riley's promo last night was impressive and it showed that he can hold his own with the some of the best. I hate the fact that he is still with the Miz and not on SD! where he was drafted. I would love to see him break off and do it on his own. He seems to haev the goods and can only improve with more in-ring work.
He is only going to be great if he ever cuts the Miz umbilical cord and goes to where he was drafted in the first place. The guy has the build, mic skills, and the potential to get into the main event but needs to be on his own for once. I thought with recent storyline concerning him and The Miz that they would split but they seem to be fine again. Hopefully he splits from The Miz and strikes out on his own.
I thought it was commonly known that Riley was a solid mic worker. He could cut the best promo by far in NXT Season 2, and pairing him with the Miz has probably done nothing but assist him. We haven't been able to see him do too much with the mic due to being the Miz's lackey, but we all know just how good the Miz is and if any of Mr. Mizanin's talent has rubbed off on Riley, then that has to be a good thing. Riley I think showed some solid work last night and I've been generally entertained by him over the last few weeks. Should be interesting to see where he goes from here.
Last night I saw a guy that might finally start to get over in his own right, I got a feeling that the WWE gave him the mic time last night because they are going to give Alex Riley somewhat of a push in the upcoming months and they were using this to tread water & boy did he deliver. He's always been given opportunities on the mic before but this one he really did take charge and out shined both the 2 main eventers by a significant margin. He worked the crowd a treat, the local sports team thing has been done to death but the way he delivered it was brilliant and added some real meaning behind it as opposed to just 'drawing cheap heat' and the way he interrupted Cena was confident and assertive, I think we may finally see Alex Riley come out of his shell really soon.
I was really into his promo last night, he was good and he just crap on John Cenas face with that promo!!

That was like IWC speaking, just saying that he wins every time and does the same promos about the same things!

A-Ry needs to make a name for himself in the ring also, he is just TOO green...

He is like The Miz 2.0, he needs to be A-Ry, not The Miz
WWE gave Alex Riley a HUGE opportunity - interrupt John Cena (before he said a word!) and open Monday Night RAW with a long promo. And he knocked it out of the park. He held the crowd's interest for several minutes and drew enough heat for a 'You Suck!' chant. That was DAMN impressive. Riley may be on a faster track than we think, they don't let just anybody open RAW.
From watching this on RAW, can I just say. How did Kaval win NXT! This guy is oozing charisma and hopefully he will end up in a feud with the Miz and begin his escalation to the top of WWE. A definite future World Champion.
I've been a fan of Alex Riley's mic work ever since his stint on NXT 2. The guy was easily the best talker of that season. In fact, I do think that had it not been for the fan's vote it would've been Riley who would've won the competition instead of Kaval. Riley's promo on RAW was very solid and he was a total heat magnet. His shot at the heels was brilliant and every word his spoke seemed to come naturally to him. I'm glad he didn't get cut off by Miz and was allowed to showcase his mic skills. I do think that the only thing holding him back is the fact that he is still with the Miz. I was hoping that by getting drafted to Smackdown, he'd be able to step out of Miz's shadow and break out on his own. I dunno when WWE plans to end his association with Miz but I do expect bright things in the man's future as a top singles competitor.
Alex Riley's mic skills aren't the best, but he is a head above most of the roster. Being on T.V every week is really good practice for him. He's learning through experience right now, until he's ready to branch off on his own. He still needs some work, but his mic skills are getting better and better. His promo's don't impress me that much, but he's still young, and still growing. He's got a natural charisma, and I think it'll carry him into the future.
Alex Riley is great on the mic and in the ring, i jus wish they would let him win a match for once, it's gettin rediculous, that's the reason i think fans don't always take him seriously, but he did impress with his performance on RAW
If you didn't know, prior to Monday, that Alex Riley can talk and has an abundance of charisma, you didn't watch NXT season #2. He was, hands down, the best wrestler/entertainer on that show. Low Ki can flip around and moves quickly...then what? Obviously, Riley didn't need to win that competition, and I'm sure that's what it came down to.

Personally, I enjoy Riley more than I do Miz, but that's a different discussion. If Riley doesn't become a big deal in pro wrestling, something is wrong with those who decide pushes and releases. His charisma is off the charts, and his ring work is right about where it should be. Some say he's too sloppy in the ring, and those people may have a point. But, he's fairly new to the major leagues, and has major, major talent. Needs practice, plain and simple.

WWE seems high on the guy. They put him with Miz while Miz shot to the top of WWE. I'm hoping his push comes sooner as opposed to later, seeing he's 30 years old, but I think it's inevitable.
If you didn't know, prior to Monday, that Alex Riley can talk and has an abundance of charisma, you didn't watch NXT season #2. He was, hands down, the best wrestler/entertainer on that show. Low Ki can flip around and moves quickly...then what? Obviously, Riley didn't need to win that competition, and I'm sure that's what it came down to.

Personally, I enjoy Riley more than I do Miz, but that's a different discussion. If Riley doesn't become a big deal in pro wrestling, something is wrong with those who decide pushes and releases. His charisma is off the charts, and his ring work is right about where it should be. Some say he's too sloppy in the ring, and those people may have a point. But, he's fairly new to the major leagues, and has major, major talent. Needs practice, plain and simple.

WWE seems high on the guy. They put him with Miz while Miz shot to the top of WWE. I'm hoping his push comes sooner as opposed to later, seeing he's 30 years old, but I think it's inevitable.

Ya, i missed NXT Season 1 & 2 because i was away from wrestling at the time, but it's refreshing to see someone other than Wade Barret being able to control the stick so well from NXT. They have talked about big things in the future with the Miz on the front page, i hope that consists of a feud with Alex Riley that has one of them turning face, but both of them looking good.
He still sucks. I watch that goofball every week and still forget his name.

I click the thread and see "A-ry"(whats with you people and dumb acronyms?). Then i tried to remember his name and im like.... "A-rod"? Then im like oh that "really" guy. "something reilly"...."Aaron Reilly"? No no....scrolls through thread....ohhhh yeah "Alex Reilly".

This is bad....very bad when i cant remember the guys freaking name and i tune in every week. He does deserve a bigger push....like his own entrance music and video with his name on it. If i cant remember the stupid guys name, what makes you think the millions of wwe little kids fans can remember it?
A-Ry cut a good promo, worlds better then anything that Randy Orton can cut, or what Rey Mysterio could cut. However, he doesn't fit what Vince likes (well built musclehead) which means that he'll never main event anything other then Superstars.

Did you just write he is not well built? lol the guys is a legit 230 and in shape. far more believable looking than lots of guys and yes he is very well built... Just for comparison sake, chody rhodes is a good 15 lbs lighter and looks as thin as a potato chip when standing next to riley in person.
alex riley is very talented i would say more than miz and he is ok in ring too so what he needs is just a new feud for himself and the promo was pretty good it made him look good against john cena and i am becoming a fan of A-ri

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